예제 #1
 // ---- Add Objects -----
 public void AddObjectToSceneAtPos(PlaceableObject newObj, float x, float y, float phi, Color color)
     newObj.objectID           = totalObjects++;
     newObj.transform.position = new Vector3(x / Eyesim.Scale, newObj.defaultVerticalOffset, y / Eyesim.Scale);
     newObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(0f, Eyesim.UnityToEyeSimAngle(phi), 0f));
     newObj.isInit             = true;
     if (newObj is Robot)
         SimManager.instance.AddRobotToScene(newObj as Robot);
     else if (newObj is WorldObject)
         SimManager.instance.AddWorldObjectToScene(newObj as WorldObject);
     else if (newObj is Marker)
         SimManager.instance.AddMarkerToScene(newObj as Marker);
         newObj.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(new Vector3(90f, 0f, 0f));
         (newObj as Marker).SetColor(color);
         Debug.Log("Error adding objects: Unknown type");
예제 #2
 // Save a State
 public void SaveState()
     defaultState = new List <ObjectState>();
     worldChanged = false;
     stateID      = 0;
     foreach (Robot robot in allRobots)
         ObjectState state = new ObjectState();
         state.id   = robot.objectID;
         state.type = robot.type;
         state.pos  = Eyesim.GeneratePositionStringFromTransform(robot.transform);
         stateID    = robot.objectID > stateID ? robot.objectID : stateID;
     foreach (WorldObject wObj in allWorldObjects)
         ObjectState state = new ObjectState();
         state.id   = wObj.objectID;
         state.type = wObj.type;
         state.pos  = Eyesim.GeneratePositionStringFromTransform(wObj.transform);
         stateID    = wObj.objectID > stateID ? wObj.objectID : stateID;
     foreach (Marker mark in allMarkers)
         ObjectState state = new ObjectState();
         state.type = "marker";
         state.pos  = Eyesim.GeneratePositionString(mark.transform.position.x, mark.transform.position.z, mark.mColor.r) +
                      ":" + mark.mColor.g +
                      ":" + mark.mColor.b +
                      ":" + mark.mColor.a;
         state.color = mark.mColor;
    // Set the speed of a single motor
    public void SetMotorSpeed(int motor, int speed)
        int   factor = Eyesim.ClampInt(speed, -100, 100);
        float vSpeed = factor / 100f * maxMotorTorque;

        if (motor > driveWheels.Count || motor < 0)
            Debug.Log("SetMotorSpeed: Bad motor input");
 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update()
     if (robot is IPSDSensors)
         psdLeftValue.text  = psdController.GetPSDValue(0).ToString();
         psdFrontValue.text = psdController.GetPSDValue(1).ToString();
         psdRightValue.text = psdController.GetPSDValue(2).ToString();
     if (!SimManager.instance.isPaused)
         robotXValue.text   = (Eyesim.Scale * robot.transform.position.x).ToString("N2");
         robotZValue.text   = (Eyesim.Scale * robot.transform.position.z).ToString("N2");
         robotPhiValue.text = Eyesim.UnityToEyeSimAngle(robot.transform.rotation.eulerAngles.y).ToString("N2");
     if (robot is IVWDrive)
         Int16[] pos = (robot as IVWDrive).GetPose();
         vwXtext.text   = pos[0].ToString("N2");
         vwYtext.text   = pos[1].ToString("N2");
         vwPhiText.text = pos[2].ToString("N2");
예제 #5
    // Write scene to a Sim file
    public void SaveSim(string filepath)
        string worldPath;

        if (worldFilepath == null)
            worldPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filepath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filepath) + "_world.wld");
            worldPath = worldFilepath;
        FileStream fs = File.Open(filepath, FileMode.Create);

        using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(fs, System.Text.Encoding.ASCII))
            // Save world, and link to default save location
            writer.WriteLine("# Sim file created " + DateTime.Now.ToString(@"MM\/dd\/yyyy h\:mm tt") + Environment.NewLine);
            writer.WriteLine("# World File " + Environment.NewLine + "world " + "\"" + worldPath + "\"");
            writer.Write(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine);

            // Save robot locations
            writer.WriteLine("# Robots");
            foreach (Robot rob in allRobots)
                writer.WriteLine(rob.type + " " + (int)Math.Floor(rob.transform.position.x * Eyesim.Scale) + " " + (int)Math.Floor(rob.transform.position.z * Eyesim.Scale) + " " + (int)Math.Floor(Eyesim.UnityToEyeSimAngle(rob.transform.eulerAngles.y)));

            // Save object locations
            writer.WriteLine("# Objects");
            foreach (WorldObject wObj in allWorldObjects)
                writer.WriteLine(wObj.type + " " + (int)Math.Floor(wObj.transform.position.x * Eyesim.Scale) + " " + (int)Math.Floor(wObj.transform.position.z * Eyesim.Scale) + " " + (int)Math.Floor(Eyesim.UnityToEyeSimAngle(wObj.transform.eulerAngles.y)));

            // Save markers
            writer.WriteLine("# Markers");
            foreach (Marker mark in allMarkers)
                writer.WriteLine("marker " + (int)Math.Floor(mark.transform.position.x * Eyesim.Scale) + " " + (int)Math.Floor(mark.transform.position.z * Eyesim.Scale) + " " +
                                 (int)Math.Round(mark.mColor.r * 255) + " " +
                                 (int)Math.Round(mark.mColor.g * 255) + " " +
                                 (int)Math.Round(mark.mColor.b * 255) + " " +
                                 (int)Math.Round(mark.mColor.a * 255));
        EyesimLogger.instance.Log("Saved sim to file " + filepath);