예제 #1
        private static ExtractorSettings GenerateConfigSettings( )
            var settings = new ExtractorSettings();

            settings.AbsoluteSiteName     = Prompt.GetString($"Fully qualified target website URL:", promptColor: ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);
            settings.AllNodesFilename     = Prompt.GetString($"\"All Nodes\" Xml Filename?", settings.AllNodesFilename, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);
            settings.AllRedirectsFilename = Prompt.GetString($"\"IIS Redirects\" Xml Filename:", settings.AllRedirectsFilename, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);
            settings.ConnectionString     = Prompt.GetString("Connection String:", promptColor: ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);
            settings.HashStringSalt       = Prompt.GetString("Hash String Salt:", promptColor: ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);
            settings.ObjectDirectory      = Prompt.GetString($"Object (export) directory:", settings.ObjectDirectory, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);
            settings.RootNodeAliasPath    = Prompt.GetString($"Root \"NodeAliasPath\":", settings.RootNodeAliasPath, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);

            var defaultOrderByColumns = string.Join(", ", settings.OrderByColumns);

            settings.OrderByColumns = Prompt.GetString($"OrderBy Columns (comma-delimited):", defaultOrderByColumns, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta)
                                      .Select(s => s.Trim())

            var pageType = Prompt.GetString("PageType:", promptColor: ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);

            settings.PageType        = pageType;
            settings.PageTypeColumns = (Prompt.GetString("PageType Columns (comma-delimited):", promptColor: ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta) ?? string.Empty)
                                       .Select(s => s.Trim())

            settings.TopN          = Prompt.GetInt($"Count:", settings.TopN, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);
            settings.XperienceUser = Prompt.GetString($"Xperience User name:", settings.XperienceUser, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta);

예제 #2
 public Extractor(ITokenizer tokenizer,
                  IMorphAnalizer morphAnalizer,
                  IChartParser parser,
                  ExtractorSettings settings,
                  ILogger <IExtractor> logger)
     _tokenizer     = tokenizer;
     _morphAnalizer = morphAnalizer;
     _parser        = parser;
     _settings      = settings;
     _logger        = logger;
        public void AddParserSettings(ExtractorSettings parserSettings)
            if (PriceTags == null)
                PriceTags = new List <string>();

            if (UseParserSettings)
                foreach (var priceHtmlPath in parserSettings.PriceHtmlPath)

        private void PrepareObjectDirectory(ExtractorSettings settings)
            if (Clean && Directory.Exists(settings.ObjectDirectory))
                Directory.Delete(settings.ObjectDirectory, true);

            if (!Directory.Exists(settings.ObjectDirectory))

            var pageTypePath = Path.Combine(settings.ObjectDirectory, settings.PageType);

            if (!Directory.Exists(pageTypePath))
예제 #5
파일: Checker.cs 프로젝트: lepeap/TxTraktor
        public static void Check(string text,
                                 string rules,
                                 IEnumerable <ExtractionDic> etalon,
                                 ExtractorSettings settings          = null,
                                 IEnumerable <IExtension> extensions = null,
                                 IMorphAnalizer morph = null,
                                 params string[] rulesToExtract)
            if (settings == null)
                settings = new ExtractorSettings();

            var extractor = ExtractorFactory.Create(rules,
                                                    extensions: extensions,
                                                    morph: morph);
            var result = extractor.Parse(text, rulesToExtract);

            _check(etalon.ToArray(), result.ToArray());
예제 #6
        private void _SaveSfxStub(string exeToGenerate, SelfExtractorSaveOptions options)
            string nameOfIconFile      = null;
            string stubExe             = null;
            string unpackedResourceDir = null;
            string tmpDir = null;

                if (File.Exists(exeToGenerate))
                    if (Verbose)
                        StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("The existing file ({0}) will be overwritten.", exeToGenerate);
                if (!exeToGenerate.EndsWith(".exe"))
                    if (Verbose)
                        StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Warning: The generated self-extracting file will not have an .exe extension.");

                // workitem 10553
                tmpDir  = TempFileFolder ?? Path.GetDirectoryName(exeToGenerate);
                stubExe = GenerateTempPathname(tmpDir, "exe");

                // get the Ionic.Zip assembly
                Assembly a1 = typeof(ZipFile).Assembly;

                using (var csharp = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider
                                        (new Dictionary <string, string>()
                    { "CompilerVersion", "v2.0" }
                })) {
                    // The following is a perfect opportunity for a linq query, but
                    // I cannot use it.  DotNetZip needs to run on .NET 2.0,
                    // and using LINQ would break that. Here's what it would look
                    // like:
                    //   var settings = (from x in SettingsList
                    //                   where x.Flavor == flavor
                    //                   select x).First();

                    ExtractorSettings settings = null;
                    foreach (var x in SettingsList)
                        if (x.Flavor == options.Flavor)
                            settings = x;

                    // sanity check; should never happen
                    if (settings == null)
                        throw new BadStateException(String.Format("While saving a Self-Extracting Zip, Cannot find that flavor ({0})?", options.Flavor));

                    // This is the list of referenced assemblies.  Ionic.Zip is
                    // needed here.  Also if it is the winforms (gui) extractor, we
                    // need other referenced assemblies, like
                    // System.Windows.Forms.dll, etc.
                    var cp = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
                    if (settings.ReferencedAssemblies != null)
                        foreach (string ra in settings.ReferencedAssemblies)

                    cp.GenerateInMemory        = false;
                    cp.GenerateExecutable      = true;
                    cp.IncludeDebugInformation = false;
                    cp.CompilerOptions         = "";

                    Assembly a2 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                    // Use this to concatenate all the source code resources into a
                    // single module.
                    var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                    // In case there are compiler errors later, we allocate a source
                    // file name now. If errors are detected, we'll spool the source
                    // code as well as the errors (in comments) into that filename,
                    // and throw an exception with the filename.  Makes it easier to
                    // diagnose.  This should be rare; most errors happen only
                    // during devlpmt of DotNetZip itself, but there are rare
                    // occasions when they occur in other cases.
                    string sourceFile = GenerateTempPathname(tmpDir, "cs");

                    // // debugging: enumerate the resources in this assembly
                    // Console.WriteLine("Resources in this assembly:");
                    // foreach (string rsrc in a2.GetManifestResourceNames())
                    //   {
                    //     Console.WriteLine(rsrc);
                    //   }
                    // Console.WriteLine();

                    // all the source code is embedded in the DLL as a zip file.
                    using (ZipFile zip = ZipFile.Read(a2.GetManifestResourceStream("Ionic.Zip.Resources.ZippedResources.zip")))
                        // // debugging: enumerate the files in the embedded zip
                        // Console.WriteLine("Entries in the embbedded zip:");
                        // foreach (ZipEntry entry in zip)
                        //   {
                        //     Console.WriteLine(entry.FileName);
                        //   }
                        // Console.WriteLine();

                        unpackedResourceDir = GenerateTempPathname(tmpDir, "tmp");

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.IconFile))
                            // Use the ico file that is embedded into the Ionic.Zip
                            // DLL itself.  To do this we must unpack the icon to
                            // the filesystem, in order to specify it on the cmdline
                            // of csc.exe.  This method will remove the unpacked
                            // file later.
                            ZipEntry e = zip["zippedFile.ico"];
                            // Must not extract a readonly file - it will be impossible to
                            // delete later.
                            if ((e.Attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
                                e.Attributes ^= FileAttributes.ReadOnly;
                            nameOfIconFile      = Path.Combine(unpackedResourceDir, "zippedFile.ico");
                            cp.CompilerOptions += String.Format("/win32icon:\"{0}\"", nameOfIconFile);
                            cp.CompilerOptions += String.Format("/win32icon:\"{0}\"", options.IconFile);

                        cp.OutputAssembly = stubExe;

                        if (options.Flavor == SelfExtractorFlavor.WinFormsApplication)
                            cp.CompilerOptions += " /target:winexe";

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.AdditionalCompilerSwitches))
                            cp.CompilerOptions += " " + options.AdditionalCompilerSwitches;

                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(cp.CompilerOptions))
                            cp.CompilerOptions = null;

                        if ((settings.CopyThroughResources != null) && (settings.CopyThroughResources.Count != 0))
                            if (!Directory.Exists(unpackedResourceDir))
                            foreach (string re in settings.CopyThroughResources)
                                string filename = Path.Combine(unpackedResourceDir, re);

                                ExtractResourceToFile(a2, re, filename);
                                // add the file into the target assembly as an embedded resource

                        // add the Ionic.Utils.Zip DLL as an embedded resource

                        // file header
                        sb.Append("// " + Path.GetFileName(sourceFile) + "\n")
                        .Append("// --------------------------------------------\n//\n")
                        .Append("// This SFX source file was generated by DotNetZip ")
                        .Append("\n//         at ")
                        .Append(System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy MMMM dd  HH:mm:ss"))
                        .Append("\n//\n// --------------------------------------------\n\n\n");

                        // assembly attributes
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.Description))
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitle(\""
                                      + options.Description.Replace("\"", "")
                                      + "\")]\n");
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitle(\"DotNetZip SFX Archive\")]\n");

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ProductVersion))
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyInformationalVersion(\""
                                      + options.ProductVersion.Replace("\"", "")
                                      + "\")]\n");

                        // workitem
                        string copyright =
                            ? "Extractor: Copyright � Dino Chiesa 2008-2011"
                            : options.Copyright.Replace("\"", "");

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.ProductName))
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProduct(\"")
                            .Append(options.ProductName.Replace("\"", ""))
                            sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProduct(\"DotNetZip\")]\n");

                        sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyright(\"" + copyright + "\")]\n")
                        .Append(String.Format("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion(\"{0}\")]\n", ZipFile.LibraryVersion.ToString()));
                        if (options.FileVersion != null)
                            sb.Append(String.Format("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyFileVersion(\"{0}\")]\n",


                        // Set the default extract location if it is available
                        string extractLoc = options.DefaultExtractDirectory;
                        if (extractLoc != null)
                            // remove double-quotes and replace slash with double-slash.
                            // This, because the value is going to be embedded into a
                            // cs file as a quoted string, and it needs to be escaped.
                            extractLoc = extractLoc.Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\", "\\\\");

                        string postExCmdLine = options.PostExtractCommandLine;
                        if (postExCmdLine != null)
                            postExCmdLine = postExCmdLine.Replace("\\", "\\\\");
                            postExCmdLine = postExCmdLine.Replace("\"", "\\\"");

                        foreach (string rc in settings.ResourcesToCompile)
                            using (Stream s = zip[rc].OpenReader())
                                if (s == null)
                                    throw new ZipException(String.Format("missing resource '{0}'", rc));
                                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
                                    while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                                        string line = sr.ReadLine();
                                        if (extractLoc != null)
                                            line = line.Replace("@@EXTRACTLOCATION", extractLoc);

                                        line = line.Replace("@@REMOVE_AFTER_EXECUTE", options.RemoveUnpackedFilesAfterExecute.ToString());
                                        line = line.Replace("@@QUIET", options.Quiet.ToString());
                                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(options.SfxExeWindowTitle))
                                            line = line.Replace("@@SFX_EXE_WINDOW_TITLE", options.SfxExeWindowTitle);

                                        line = line.Replace("@@EXTRACT_EXISTING_FILE", ((int)options.ExtractExistingFile).ToString());

                                        if (postExCmdLine != null)
                                            line = line.Replace("@@POST_UNPACK_CMD_LINE", postExCmdLine);


                    string LiteralSource = sb.ToString();

                    // for debugging only
                    string sourceModule = GenerateTempPathname(tmpDir, "cs");
                    using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(sourceModule))
                    Console.WriteLine("source: {0}", sourceModule);

                    var cr = csharp.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, LiteralSource);

                    if (cr == null)
                        throw new SfxGenerationException("Cannot compile the extraction logic!");

                    if (Verbose)
                        foreach (string output in cr.Output)

                    if (cr.Errors.Count != 0)
                        using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(sourceFile))
                            // first, the source we compiled

                            // now, append the compile errors
                            tw.Write("\n\n\n// ------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
                            tw.Write("// Errors during compilation: \n//\n");
                            string p = Path.GetFileName(sourceFile);

                            foreach (System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError error in cr.Errors)
                                tw.Write(String.Format("//   {0}({1},{2}): {3} {4}: {5}\n//\n",
                                                       p,                                     // 0
                                                       error.Line,                            // 1
                                                       error.Column,                          // 2
                                                       error.IsWarning ? "Warning" : "error", // 3
                                                       error.ErrorNumber,                     // 4
                                                       error.ErrorText));                     // 5
                        throw new SfxGenerationException(String.Format("Errors compiling the extraction logic!  {0}", sourceFile));


                    // Now, copy the resulting EXE image to the _writestream.
                    // Because this stub exe is being saved first, the effect will be to
                    // concatenate the exe and the zip data together.
                    using (System.IO.Stream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead(stubExe))
                        byte[] buffer = new byte[4000];
                        int    n      = 1;
                        while (n != 0)
                            n = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                            if (n != 0)
                                WriteStream.Write(buffer, 0, n);

                    if (Directory.Exists(unpackedResourceDir))
                        try { Directory.Delete(unpackedResourceDir, true); }
                        catch (System.IO.IOException exc1)
                            StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Warning: Exception: {0}", exc1);
                    if (File.Exists(stubExe))
                        try { File.Delete(stubExe); }
                        catch (System.IO.IOException exc1)
                            StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Warning: Exception: {0}", exc1);
                catch (System.IO.IOException) { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Saves the ZipFile instance to a self-extracting zip archive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>
        /// The generated exe image will execute on any machine that has the .NET Framework 2.0
        /// installed on it.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// There are two "flavors" of self-extracting archive.  The <c>WinFormsApplication</c>
        /// version will pop up a GUI and allow the user to select a target directory into which
        /// to extract. There's also a checkbox allowing the user to specify to overwrite
        /// existing files, and another checkbox to allow the user to request that Explorer be
        /// opened to see the extracted files after extraction.  The other flavor is
        /// <c>ConsoleApplication</c>.  A self-extractor generated with that flavor setting will
        /// run from the command line. It accepts command-line options to set the overwrite
        /// behavior, and to specify the target extraction directory.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// There are a few temporary files created during the saving to a self-extracting zip.
        /// These files are created in the directory pointed to by
        /// <see cref="ZipFile.TempFileFolder"/>, which defaults to  <see cref="System.IO.Path.GetTempPath"/>.
        /// These temporary files are removed upon successful completion of this method.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// When a user runs the SFX, the user's personal directory
        /// (<see cref="Environment.SpecialFolder.Personal"/>)
        /// will be used as the default extract location.
        /// The user who runs the SFX will have the opportunity to change the extract
        /// directory before extracting.
        /// </para>
        /// <para>
        /// NB: This method is not available in the version of DotNetZip
        /// build for the .NET Compact Framework, nor in the "Reduced" DotNEtZip library.
        /// </para>
        /// </remarks>
        /// <example>
        /// <code>
        /// string DirectoryPath = "c:\\Documents\\Project7";
        /// using (ZipFile zip = new ZipFile())
        /// {
        ///     zip.AddDirectory(DirectoryPath, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(DirectoryPath));
        ///     zip.Comment = "This will be embedded into a self-extracting console-based exe";
        ///     zip.SaveSelfExtractor("archive.exe", SelfExtractorFlavor.ConsoleApplication);
        /// }
        /// </code>
        /// <code lang="VB">
        /// Dim DirectoryPath As String = "c:\Documents\Project7"
        /// Using zip As New ZipFile()
        ///     zip.AddDirectory(DirectoryPath, System.IO.Path.GetFileName(DirectoryPath))
        ///     zip.Comment = "This will be embedded into a self-extracting console-based exe"
        ///     zip.SaveSelfExtractor("archive.exe", SelfExtractorFlavor.ConsoleApplication)
        /// End Using
        /// </code>
        /// </example>
        /// <param name="exeToGenerate">a pathname, possibly fully qualified, to be created. Typically it will end in an .exe extension.</param>
        /// <param name="flavor">Indicates whether a Winforms or Console self-extractor is desired.</param>
        public void SaveSelfExtractor(string exeToGenerate, SelfExtractorFlavor flavor)
            if (File.Exists(exeToGenerate))
                if (Verbose)
                    StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("The existing file ({0}) will be overwritten.", exeToGenerate);
            if (!exeToGenerate.EndsWith(".exe"))
                if (Verbose)
                    StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Warning: The generated self-extracting file will not have an .exe extension.");

            string TempZipFile = SfxSaveTemporary();


            if (TempZipFile == null)
                return; // cancelled
            // look for myself (ZipFile will be present in the Ionic.Utils.Zip assembly)
            Assembly a1 = typeof(ZipFile).Assembly;

            //Console.WriteLine("DotNetZip assembly loc: {0}", a1.Location);

            Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider csharp = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();

            // Perfect opportunity for a linq query, but I cannot use it.
            // The DotNetZip library can compile into 2.0, but needs to run on .NET 2.0.
            // Using LINQ would break that. Here's what it would look like:
            //  var settings = (from x in SettingsList
            //          where x.Flavor == flavor
            //          select x).First();

            ExtractorSettings settings = null;

            foreach (var x in SettingsList)
                if (x.Flavor == flavor)
                    settings = x;

            if (settings == null)
                throw new BadStateException(String.Format("While saving a Self-Extracting Zip, Cannot find that flavor ({0})?", flavor));

            // This is the list of referenced assemblies.  Ionic.Utils.Zip is needed here.
            // Also if it is the winforms (gui) extractor, we need other referenced assemblies.
            System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters cp = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
            if (settings.ReferencedAssemblies != null)
                foreach (string ra in settings.ReferencedAssemblies)

            cp.GenerateInMemory        = false;
            cp.GenerateExecutable      = true;
            cp.IncludeDebugInformation = false;
            cp.OutputAssembly          = exeToGenerate;

            Assembly a2 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

            string TempDir = GenerateUniquePathname("tmp", null);

            if ((settings.CopyThroughResources != null) && (settings.CopyThroughResources.Count != 0))
                int    n     = 0;
                byte[] bytes = new byte[1024];
                foreach (string re in settings.CopyThroughResources)
                    string filename = Path.Combine(TempDir, re);
                    using (Stream instream = a2.GetManifestResourceStream(re))
                        using (FileStream outstream = File.OpenWrite(filename))
                                n = instream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length);
                                outstream.Write(bytes, 0, n);
                            } while (n > 0);
                    // add the embedded resource in our own assembly into the target assembly as an embedded resource

            // add the zip file as an embedded resource

            // add the Ionic.Utils.Zip DLL as an embedded resource

            //Console.WriteLine("Resources in this assembly:");
            //foreach (string rsrc in a2.GetManifestResourceNames())
            //    Console.WriteLine(rsrc);

            //Console.WriteLine("reading source code resources:");

            // concatenate all the source code resources into a single module
            var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

            // set the default extract location if it is available
            bool wantCodeReplace = (flavor == SelfExtractorFlavor.WinFormsApplication && _defaultExtractLocation != null);

            if (wantCodeReplace)
                _defaultExtractLocation = _defaultExtractLocation.Replace("\"", "");

            foreach (string rc in settings.ResourcesToCompile)
                //Console.WriteLine("  trying to read stream: ({0})", rc);
                Stream s = a2.GetManifestResourceStream(rc);
                using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
                    while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                        string line = sr.ReadLine();
                        if (wantCodeReplace)
                            line = line.Replace("@@VALUE", _defaultExtractLocation);

            string LiteralSource = sb.ToString();

            System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults cr = csharp.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, LiteralSource);
            if (cr == null)
                throw new SfxGenerationException("Cannot compile the extraction logic!");

            if (Verbose)
                foreach (string output in cr.Output)

            if (cr.Errors.Count != 0)
                throw new SfxGenerationException("Errors compiling the extraction logic!");


                if (Directory.Exists(TempDir))
                    try { Directory.Delete(TempDir, true); }
                    catch { }

                if (File.Exists(TempZipFile))
                    try { File.Delete(TempZipFile); }
                    catch { }
            catch { }


            if (Verbose)
                StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Created self-extracting zip file {0}.", cr.PathToAssembly);

            //       catch (Exception e1)
            //       {
            //  StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("****Exception: " + e1);
            //  throw;
            //       }
            //       return;
        private void Extract(IConsole console, ExtractorSettings settings)
            var redirects = new List <(string, string)>();

            // Create the output directories if needed
            if (!DryRun)

            //Doc to save the actual content as xml
            var xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
            var parentElem  = xmlDocument.CreateNode("element", settings.PageType.Replace(".", "-") + "s", "");

            //Fire up our Kentico Xperience instance
            ConnectionHelper.ConnectionString = settings.ConnectionString;
            ValidationHelper.HashStringSalt   = settings.HashStringSalt;

            // Gets an object representing a specific Kentico user
            UserInfo user = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(settings.XperienceUser);

            // Sets the context of the user
            using (new CMSActionContext(user))
                var wc = new WebClient();

                //Get me all published pages of the specified page type on the site
                var posts = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(settings.PageType)
                            .Path(settings.RootNodeAliasPath, PathTypeEnum.Children)

                console.WriteLine($"{posts.Count} nodes found.");
                console.WriteLine("Exporting node data...");

                int nodeOrder = 1;
                foreach (TreeNode post in posts)
                    //Create a new AgilityPack doc for working with the page
                    HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();
                    doc.OptionOutputAsXml = false; //if true adds a weird span tag

                    doc.DocumentNode.AppendChild(HtmlNode.CreateNode("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>"));

                    string nodeAliasPath = post.NodeAliasPath;

                    nodeAliasPath = nodeAliasPath.Split('/').Last();   //clean it up to just the slug

                    // Add redirect to the list
                    redirects.Add((post.NodeAliasPath, nodeAliasPath));

                    // TODO: use FormInfo to determine "DocumentName" field
                    string nodeTitle = post.DocumentName;

                    //Create a parent folder path in the data directory to store all xml about this node in a structured way on the file system
                    string nodeDirPath = Path.Combine(settings.ObjectDirectory, settings.PageType, nodeAliasPath.Replace("/", "-"));
                    if (!Directory.Exists(nodeDirPath))

                    //Create root xml Element of the pageTypeName ex. <cms-blogpost>
                    // and start saving fields as attributes and child elements in this xml structure
                    var rootNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<{settings.PageType.Replace( ".", "-" )} />");
                    rootNode.SetAttributeValue("originalAliasPath", post.NodeAliasPath);

                    var aliasNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<newaliaspath/>");
                    aliasNode.InnerHtml = nodeAliasPath;

                    var orderNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<newnodeorder/>");
                    orderNode.InnerHtml = nodeOrder.ToString();

                    //Kentico dynamic properties or "With the Coupled Columns of the page type"
                    //Iterate through all of the fields of a document in order to serialize them to xml
                    foreach (var dprop in post.Properties)
                        if (Array.IndexOf(settings.PageTypeColumns, dprop) > 0)
                            //Create xml Element that represents each field ex. <blogpostsummary>data</blogpostsummary>
                            var node = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<{dprop} />");
                            var data = post.GetValue(dprop, "");

                            //Special stuff for Mcbeev Blog Post Summary (can be ignored for others)
                            if (dprop.ToLower().Contains("summary"))
                                //Remove wrapped p tag on Mcbeev Blog Post Summary
                                HtmlDocument docSummary = new HtmlDocument();
                                var newSummaryNode = HtmlNode.CreateNode($"<newblogpostsummary/>");
                                    if (docSummary.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//p") != null)
                                        newSummaryNode.InnerHtml = docSummary.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//p").InnerText;
                                        newSummaryNode.InnerHtml = docSummary.DocumentNode.InnerText;
                                catch (Exception ex)


                            //This is WYSIWYG content field most likely so try to resolve things as Kentico would
                            if (dprop.ToLower().Contains("title") || dprop.ToLower().Contains("body") || dprop.ToLower().Contains("content") || dprop.ToLower().Contains("summary"))
                                //Macro resolve inside of the content (handle K# macros in the text)
                                data = MacroResolver.Resolve(data);

                                //Url resolve inside of the content (handle relative urls into absolute urls) important!

                                data = HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls(data, settings.AbsoluteSiteName, true);

                                //Widget identifier (try to save a list of all Portal Inline Widgets that no longer work in MVC)
                                if (data.Contains("CMSInlineControl"))
                                    console.WriteLine("Found a widget in this content.");
                                    // TODO Make this a real log
                                    // //Render the value as html to HP NodedataRootDirectoryName
                                    // HtmlDocument docWidget = new HtmlDocument();
                                    // docWidget.LoadHtml(data);
                                    // var widgets = docWidget.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//object[contains(@type, 'Widget')]");

                                    // foreach (var w in widgets)
                                    // {
                                    //     console.WriteLine(w.OuterHtml);
                                    // }

                                //Media library identifier
                                if (data.Contains("<img "))
                                    HtmlDocument docImg = new HtmlDocument();
                                    var ImageURLs = docImg.DocumentNode.Descendants("img")
                                                    .Select(e => e.GetAttributeValue("src", null))
                                                    .Where(s => !String.IsNullOrEmpty(s));

                                    foreach (var oldImageURL in ImageURLs)
                                        //Skip mp3s for now
                                        if (oldImageURL.EndsWith(".mp3") || oldImageURL.Contains(".mp3?"))

                                        console.WriteLine($"trying to save {oldImageURL} ...");
                                        var safeName = oldImageURL.Split(new char[] { '?' })[0];
                                        safeName = safeName.Replace(".aspx", "");

                                        //Save the images locally if we can download from the "real" running site
                                            wc.DownloadFile(oldImageURL, Path.Combine(nodeDirPath, Path.GetFileName(safeName)));
                                        catch (Exception ex)

                                        //rewrite the image path back in the data node
                                        // TODO - make this a config parameter and not hard coded to Mcbeev.com
                                        data = data.Replace(oldImageURL, "/MBV/media/blog/" + nodeAliasPath.Replace("/", "-") + "/" + oldImageURL.Split(new char[] { '/' }).Last());

                                        //replace the odd .png.aspx thing
                                        data = data.Replace(".png.aspx", ".png");

                                //Use HTMLAgility Pack to fix non closed image tags
                                HtmlNode.ElementsFlags["img"] = HtmlElementFlag.Closed;
                                HtmlDocument docContent = new HtmlDocument();

                                data = $"<![CDATA[{docContent.DocumentNode.OuterHtml}]]>";

                            //Most likely image only field and not a WYSIWYG field
                            // TODO - is there a better way to check for this?
                            if ((data.Length > 2) && (data.StartsWith("~/")))
                                data = data.Replace("~/", settings.AbsoluteSiteName);

                                console.WriteLine($"trying to save {data} ...");
                                var safeName = data.Split(new char[] { '?' })[0];
                                safeName = safeName.Replace(".aspx", "");
                                wc.DownloadFile(data, Path.Combine(nodeDirPath, Path.GetFileName(safeName)));

                                //rewrite the image path back in the data node
                                safeName = "/MBV/media/blog/" + nodeAliasPath.Replace("/", "-") + "/" + safeName.Split(new char[] { '/' }).Last();

                                data = $"<![CDATA[{safeName}]]>";


                    //Save the single node to its own XML document in its directory
                    doc.Save($@"{nodeDirPath}\{nodeAliasPath.Replace( "/", "-" )}.xml");

                    //Chop off the header to prepare for bundling

                    //add this node to all nodes in main XML doc
                    parentElem.InnerXml += doc.DocumentNode.OuterHtml;

                if (!DryRun)
                    WriteRedirects(redirects, settings);
                    xmlDocument.Save(Path.Combine(settings.ObjectDirectory, settings.PageType, settings.AllNodesFilename));

                    console.WriteLine($"Extraction to {settings.ObjectDirectory} succeeded");
                    console.WriteLine("Dry run succeeded");
예제 #9
        private void _SaveSfxStub(string exeToGenerate, SelfExtractorFlavor flavor, string defaultExtractLocation, string postExtractCmdLine, string nameOfIconFile)
            bool   removeIconFile = false;
            string StubExe        = null;
            string TempDir        = null;

                if (File.Exists(exeToGenerate))
                    if (Verbose)
                        StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("The existing file ({0}) will be overwritten.", exeToGenerate);
                if (!exeToGenerate.EndsWith(".exe"))
                    if (Verbose)
                        StatusMessageTextWriter.WriteLine("Warning: The generated self-extracting file will not have an .exe extension.");

                StubExe = GenerateTempPathname("exe", null);

                // get the Ionic.Zip assembly
                Assembly a1 = typeof(ZipFile).Assembly;

                Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider csharp = new Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider();

                // Perfect opportunity for a linq query, but I cannot use it.
                // The DotNetZip library can compile into 2.0, but needs to run on .NET 2.0.
                // Using LINQ would break that. Here's what it would look like:
                //      var settings = (from x in SettingsList
                //                      where x.Flavor == flavor
                //                      select x).First();

                ExtractorSettings settings = null;
                foreach (var x in SettingsList)
                    if (x.Flavor == flavor)
                        settings = x;

                if (settings == null)
                    throw new BadStateException(String.Format("While saving a Self-Extracting Zip, Cannot find that flavor ({0})?", flavor));

                // This is the list of referenced assemblies.  Ionic.Zip is needed here.
                // Also if it is the winforms (gui) extractor, we need other referenced assemblies,
                // like System.Windows.Forms.dll, etc.
                System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters cp = new System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters();
                if (settings.ReferencedAssemblies != null)
                    foreach (string ra in settings.ReferencedAssemblies)

                cp.GenerateInMemory        = false;
                cp.GenerateExecutable      = true;
                cp.IncludeDebugInformation = false;
                cp.CompilerOptions         = "";

                Assembly a2 = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();

                if (nameOfIconFile == null)
                    removeIconFile = true;
                    nameOfIconFile = GenerateTempPathname("ico", null);
                    ExtractResourceToFile(a2, "Ionic.Zip.Resources.zippedFile.ico", nameOfIconFile);
                    cp.CompilerOptions += String.Format("/win32icon:\"{0}\"", nameOfIconFile);
                else if (nameOfIconFile != "")
                    cp.CompilerOptions += String.Format("/win32icon:\"{0}\"", nameOfIconFile);

                //cp.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
                cp.OutputAssembly = StubExe;
                if (flavor == SelfExtractorFlavor.WinFormsApplication)
                    cp.CompilerOptions += " /target:winexe";

                if (cp.CompilerOptions == "")
                    cp.CompilerOptions = null;

                TempDir = GenerateTempPathname("tmp", null);
                if ((settings.CopyThroughResources != null) && (settings.CopyThroughResources.Count != 0))
                    foreach (string re in settings.CopyThroughResources)
                        string filename = Path.Combine(TempDir, re);

                        ExtractResourceToFile(a2, re, filename);
                        // add the file into the target assembly as an embedded resource

                // add the Ionic.Utils.Zip DLL as an embedded resource

                //Console.WriteLine("Resources in this assembly:");
                //foreach (string rsrc in a2.GetManifestResourceNames())
                //    Console.WriteLine(rsrc);

                //Console.WriteLine("reading source code resources:");

                // concatenate all the source code resources into a single module
                var sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

                // assembly attributes
                sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyTitle(\"DotNetZip SFX Archive\")]\n");
                sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyProduct(\"ZipLibrary\")]\n");
                sb.Append("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyCopyright(\"Copyright © Dino Chiesa 2008, 2009\")]\n");
                sb.Append(String.Format("[assembly: System.Reflection.AssemblyVersion(\"{0}\")]\n\n", ZipFile.LibraryVersion.ToString()));

                // Set the default extract location if it is available, and if supported.

                bool haveLocation = (defaultExtractLocation != null);
                if (haveLocation)
                    defaultExtractLocation = defaultExtractLocation.Replace("\"", "").Replace("\\", "\\\\");

                foreach (string rc in settings.ResourcesToCompile)
                    //Console.WriteLine("  trying to read stream: ({0})", rc);
                    Stream s = a2.GetManifestResourceStream(rc);
                    if (s == null)
                        throw new ZipException(String.Format("missing resource '{0}'", rc));
                    using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(s))
                        while (sr.Peek() >= 0)
                            string line = sr.ReadLine();
                            if (haveLocation)
                                line = line.Replace("@@EXTRACTLOCATION", defaultExtractLocation);

                            if (postExtractCmdLine != null)
                                line = line.Replace("@@POST_UNPACK_CMD_LINE", postExtractCmdLine.Replace("\\", "\\\\"));


                string LiteralSource = sb.ToString();

                #if DEBUGSFX
                // for debugging only
                string sourceModule = GenerateTempPathname("cs", null);
                using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(sourceModule))
                Console.WriteLine("source: {0}", sourceModule);

                System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults cr = csharp.CompileAssemblyFromSource(cp, LiteralSource);

                if (cr == null)
                    throw new SfxGenerationException("Cannot compile the extraction logic!");

                if (Verbose)
                    foreach (string output in cr.Output)

                if (cr.Errors.Count != 0)
                    string sourcefile = GenerateTempPathname("cs", null);
                    using (TextWriter tw = new StreamWriter(sourcefile))
                    throw new SfxGenerationException(String.Format("Errors compiling the extraction logic!  {0}", sourcefile));


                // Now, copy the resulting EXE image to the _writestream.
                // Because this stub exe is being saved first, the effect will be to
                // concatenate the exe and the zip data together.
                using (System.IO.Stream input = System.IO.File.OpenRead(StubExe))
                    byte[] buffer = new byte[4000];
                    int    n      = 1;
                    while (n != 0)
                        n = input.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
                        if (n != 0)
                            WriteStream.Write(buffer, 0, n);

                    if (Directory.Exists(TempDir))
                        try { Directory.Delete(TempDir, true); }
                        catch { }
                    if (File.Exists(StubExe))
                        try { File.Delete(StubExe); }
                        catch { }
                    if (removeIconFile && File.Exists(nameOfIconFile))
                        try { File.Delete(nameOfIconFile); }
                        catch { }
                catch { }

예제 #10
 private async Task WriteConfigAsync(ExtractorSettings settings)
     using var file = new FileStream(Output, FileMode.Create);
     await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(file, settings, new JsonSerializerOptions { WriteIndented = true });
예제 #11
        public static void Validate(this ExtractorSettings settings)
            var context = new ValidationContext(settings, serviceProvider: null, items: null);

            Validator.ValidateObject(settings, context, true);
예제 #12
 public StartTerminalsCreator(ExtractorSettings settings)
     _settings = settings;