예제 #1
        public void DodgyCharactersInCatalogueName()
            string beforeName = _catalogue.Name;

                _catalogue.Name = "Fish;#:::FishFish";

                var extractionDirectory = new ExtractionDirectory(TestContext.CurrentContext.WorkDirectory, _configuration);

                var ex = Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => { var dir = extractionDirectory.GetDirectoryForDataset(_extractableDataSet); });

                Assert.AreEqual("Cannot extract dataset Fish;#:::FishFish because it points at Catalogue with an invalid name, name is invalid because:The following invalid characters were found:'#'", ex.Message);
                _catalogue.Name = beforeName;
        private void CheckReleaseConfiguration(ICheckNotifier notifier)
            var projectDirectory = new DirectoryInfo(_config.Project.ExtractionDirectory);

            notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Found Frozen/Released configuration '" + _config + "'", CheckResult.Success));

            foreach (DirectoryInfo directoryInfo in projectDirectory.GetDirectories(ExtractionDirectory.GetExtractionDirectoryPrefix(_config) + "*").ToArray())
                string firstFileFound;

                if (DirectoryIsEmpty(directoryInfo, out firstFileFound))
                    bool deleteIt =
                            new CheckEventArgs(
                                "Found empty folder " + directoryInfo.Name +
                                " which is left over extracted folder after data release", CheckResult.Warning, null,
                                "Delete empty folder"));

                    if (deleteIt)
                        new CheckEventArgs(
                            "Found non-empty folder " + directoryInfo.Name +
                            " which is left over extracted folder after data release (First file found was '" + firstFileFound + "' but there may be others)", CheckResult.Fail));
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks extraction directory for unexpected files.  Call <see cref="GetEvaluator"/> if want to know whether a specific global artifact is in a valid
        /// state.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="notifier"></param>
        public void Check(ICheckNotifier notifier)
            // checks for pollution in the globals directory
            foreach (var extractionConfiguration in _configurations)
                var allExtracted = extractionConfiguration.SupplementalExtractionResults.Where(ser => IsValidPath(ser.DestinationDescription));
                var extractDir   = extractionConfiguration.GetProject().ExtractionDirectory;
                var folder       = new ExtractionDirectory(extractDir, extractionConfiguration).GetGlobalsDirectory();

                var unexpectedDirectories = folder.EnumerateDirectories().Where(d => !d.Name.Equals("SupportingDocuments")).ToList();

                if (unexpectedDirectories.Any())
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Unexpected directories found in extraction directory (" +
                                                                 String.Join(",", unexpectedDirectories.Select(d => d.FullName)) +
                                                                 ". Pollution of extract directory is not permitted.", CheckResult.Fail));

                var unexpectedFiles = folder.EnumerateFiles("*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(f => allExtracted.All(ae => ae.DestinationDescription != f.FullName)).ToList();

                if (unexpectedFiles.Any())
                    notifier.OnCheckPerformed(new CheckEventArgs("Unexpected files found in extract directory (" +
                                                                 String.Join(",", unexpectedFiles.Select(d => d.FullName)) +
                                                                 "). Pollution of extract directory is not permitted.", CheckResult.Fail));
예제 #4
        protected override Releaseability GetSpecificAssessment(IExtractionResults extractionResults)
            var _extractDir = Configuration.GetProject().ExtractionDirectory;

            ExtractDirectory = new ExtractionDirectory(_extractDir, Configuration).GetDirectoryForDataset(DataSet);

            var externalServerId = int.Parse(extractionResults.DestinationDescription.Split('|')[0]);
            var externalServer   = _repositoryLocator.CatalogueRepository.GetObjectByID <ExternalDatabaseServer>(externalServerId);
            var dbName           = extractionResults.DestinationDescription.Split('|')[1];
            var tblName          = extractionResults.DestinationDescription.Split('|')[2];
            var server           = DataAccessPortal.GetInstance().ExpectServer(externalServer, DataAccessContext.DataExport, setInitialDatabase: false);
            var database         = server.ExpectDatabase(dbName);

            if (!database.Exists())
            var foundTable = database.ExpectTable(tblName);

            if (!foundTable.Exists())

예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// This version has less arguments because it goes back to the database and queries the configuration and explores who the cohort is etc, it will result in more database
 /// queries than the more explicit constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="configuration"></param>
 /// <param name="datasetBundle"></param>
 /// <param name="includeValidation"></param>
 /// <param name="includeLookups"></param>
 public ExtractDatasetCommand(IExtractionConfiguration configuration, IExtractableDatasetBundle datasetBundle, bool includeValidation = false, bool includeLookups = false) : this(configuration, datasetBundle.DataSet)
     DataExportRepository = configuration.DataExportRepository;
     //ExtractableCohort = ExtractableCohort.GetExtractableCohortByID((int) configuration.Cohort_ID);
     ExtractableCohort = configuration.GetExtractableCohort();
     DatasetBundle     = datasetBundle;
     ColumnsToExtract  = new List <IColumn>(Configuration.GetAllExtractableColumnsFor(datasetBundle.DataSet));
     Salt              = new HICProjectSalt(Project);
     Directory         = new ExtractionDirectory(Project.ExtractionDirectory, configuration);
     IncludeValidation = includeValidation;
     TopX              = -1;
예제 #6
 public override int GetHashCode()
         int hashCode = ExtractionJobIdentifier.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ProjectNumber.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ExtractionDirectory.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ JobSubmittedAt.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsIdentifiableExtraction.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsNoFilterExtraction.GetHashCode();
예제 #7
        public void Dispose(IDataLoadEventListener listener, Exception pipelineFailureExceptionIfAny)
            if (pipelineFailureExceptionIfAny != null && _releaseData != null)
                    int remnantsDeleted = 0;

                    foreach (ExtractionConfiguration configuration in _releaseData.ConfigurationsForRelease.Keys)
                        foreach (ReleaseLog remnant in configuration.ReleaseLog)

                    if (remnantsDeleted > 0)
                        listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Because release failed we are deleting ReleaseLogEntries, this resulted in " + remnantsDeleted + " deleted records, you will likely need to re-extract these datasets or retrieve them from the Release directory"));
                catch (Exception e1)
                    listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Error, "Error occurred when trying to clean up remnant ReleaseLogEntries", e1));

            if (pipelineFailureExceptionIfAny == null && _destinationFolder != null)
                listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Data release succeded into:" + _destinationFolder));
                //mark configuration as released
                foreach (var config in _configurationReleased)
                    config.IsReleased = true;
                if (ReleaseSettings.DeleteFilesOnSuccess)
                    listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "Cleaning up..."));
                    ExtractionDirectory.CleanupExtractionDirectory(this, _project.ExtractionDirectory, _configurationReleased, listener);

                listener.OnNotify(this, new NotifyEventArgs(ProgressEventType.Information, "All done!"));
예제 #8
 public override int GetHashCode()
         int hashCode = ExtractionJobIdentifier.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ Header.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ProjectNumber.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)JobStatus;
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ ExtractionDirectory.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ JobSubmittedAt.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ KeyTag.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (int)KeyCount;
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (ExtractionModality != null ? ExtractionModality.GetHashCode() : 0);
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsIdentifiableExtraction.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ IsNoFilterExtraction.GetHashCode();
         hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ (FailedJobInfoDoc != null ? FailedJobInfoDoc.GetHashCode() : 0);
         return hashCode;
예제 #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the extraction name (last part of projName/extractions/extractName)
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public string ExtractionName()
     string[] split = ExtractionDirectory.Split('/', '\\');
     return(split[^ 1]);