예제 #1
        /* Call Shellcode */

        public long GetProcAddress(long hModule, string functionName)
            var    getProcAddressParams = new GetProcAddressParams(hModule, WriteNullTerminatedASCIIString(functionName));
            long   lpParameter          = (long)_circularBuffer.Add(ref getProcAddressParams);
            IntPtr threadHandle         = CreateRemoteThread(_targetProcess.Handle, IntPtr.Zero, UIntPtr.Zero, (IntPtr)_getProcAddressShellPtr, (IntPtr)lpParameter, CREATE_THREAD_FLAGS.RUN_IMMEDIATELY, out uint threadId);

            WaitForSingleObject(threadHandle, uint.MaxValue);

            _memory.Read((IntPtr)_getProcAddressReturnValuePtr, out long value);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the "Add" functionality of the <see cref="MemoryBuffer"/>; including
        /// the return of the correct pointer and CanItemFit.
        /// </summary>
        private unsafe void MemoryBufferAddGeneric(MemoryBuffer buffer, Process process)
            // Setup test.
            ExternalMemory externalMemory = new ExternalMemory(process);

            // Disable item alignment.
            var bufferHeader = buffer.Properties;

            buffer.Properties = bufferHeader;

            // Get remaining space, items to place.
            int remainingBufferSpace = bufferHeader.Remaining;
            int structSize           = Struct.GetSize <RandomIntStruct>();
            int itemsToFit           = remainingBufferSpace / structSize;

            // Generate array of random int structs.
            RandomIntStruct[] randomIntStructs = new RandomIntStruct[itemsToFit];

            for (int x = 0; x < itemsToFit; x++)
                randomIntStructs[x] = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            // Fill the buffer and verify each item as it's added.
            for (int x = 0; x < itemsToFit; x++)
                IntPtr writeAddress = buffer.Add(ref randomIntStructs[x], false, 1);

                // Read back and compare.
                externalMemory.Read(writeAddress, out RandomIntStruct actual);
                Assert.Equal(randomIntStructs[x], actual);

            // Compare again, running the entire array this time.
            IntPtr bufferStartPtr = bufferHeader.DataPointer;

            for (int x = 0; x < itemsToFit; x++)
                IntPtr readAddress = bufferStartPtr + (x * structSize);

                // Read back and compare.
                externalMemory.Read(readAddress, out RandomIntStruct actual);
                Assert.Equal(randomIntStructs[x], actual);

            // The array is full, calling CanItemFit should return false.
            Assert.False(buffer.CanItemFit(ref randomIntStructs[0]));

            // Likewise, calling Add should return IntPtr.Zero.
            var randIntStr = RandomIntStruct.BuildRandomStruct();

            Assert.Equal(IntPtr.Zero, buffer.Add(ref randIntStr, false, 1));
        /// <summary>
        /// Tests the "Add" functionality of the <see cref="MemoryBuffer"/>, with raw data;
        /// including the return of the correct pointer and CanItemFit.
        /// </summary>
        private unsafe void MemoryBufferAddByteArray(MemoryBuffer buffer, Process process)
            // Setup test.
            ExternalMemory externalMemory = new ExternalMemory(process);

            // Disable item alignment.
            var bufferHeader = buffer.Properties;

            buffer.Properties = bufferHeader;

            // Get remaining space, items to place.
            int remainingBufferSpace = bufferHeader.Remaining;
            var randomByteArray      = RandomByteArray.GenerateRandomByteArray(remainingBufferSpace);

            byte[] rawArray = randomByteArray.Array;

            // Fill the buffer with the whole array.
            buffer.Add(rawArray, 1);

            // Compare against the array written.
            IntPtr bufferStartPtr = bufferHeader.DataPointer;

            for (int x = 0; x < remainingBufferSpace; x++)
                IntPtr readAddress = bufferStartPtr + x;

                // Read back and compare.
                externalMemory.Read(readAddress, out byte actual);
                Assert.Equal(rawArray[x], actual);

            // The array is full, calling CanItemFit should return false.

            // Likewise, calling Add should return IntPtr.Zero.
            byte testByte = 55;

            Assert.Equal(IntPtr.Zero, buffer.Add(ref testByte, false, 1));