internal static string ExternalAxesToParameters(ExternalAxes extax)
            string param = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < extax.Length; i++)
                if (extax[i] == null)
                    // RAPID's StrToVal() will parse 9E9 into a 9E+9 num value, and ignore that axis on motions
                    param += "9E9";
                    param += Math.Round((double)extax[i], Geometry.STRING_ROUND_DECIMALS_MM)

                if (i < extax.Length - 1)
                    param += " ";

        internal void UpdateRobotStatus()
            if (bot == null)

            uiContext.Post(x =>
                MVector pos   = bot.GetCurrentPosition();
                string posStr = pos?.ToString(true) ?? "-";
                lbl_Status_TCP_Position_Value.Content = posStr;

                MOrientation ori = bot.GetCurrentRotation();
                string oriStr    = ori?.ToString(true) ?? "-";
                lbl_Status_TCP_Orientation_Value.Content = oriStr;

                Joints axes    = bot.GetCurrentAxes();
                string axesStr = axes?.ToString(true) ?? "-";
                lbl_Status_Axes_Value.Content = axesStr;

                ExternalAxes extax = bot.GetCurrentExternalAxes();
                bool nullext       = true;
                if (extax != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        if (extax[i] != null)
                            nullext = false;
                lbl_Status_Ext_Axes_Value.Content = nullext ? "-" : extax.ToString(true);

                double speed    = bot.GetCurrentSpeed();
                double acc      = bot.GetCurrentAcceleration();
                string speedacc = Math.Round(speed, MMath.STRING_ROUND_DECIMALS_MM) + " mm/s / " + Math.Round(acc, MMath.STRING_ROUND_DECIMALS_MM) + " mm/s^2";
                lbl_Status_SpeedAcceleration_Value.Content = speedacc;

                double precision = bot.GetCurrentPrecision();
                lbl_Status_Precision_Value.Content =
                    Math.Round(precision, MMath.STRING_ROUND_DECIMALS_MM) + " mm";

                MotionType mtype = bot.GetCurrentMotionMode();
                lbl_Status_MotionMode_Value.Content = mtype.ToString();

                lbl_Status_Tool_Value.Content = bot.GetCurrentTool()?.name ?? "(no tool)";
            }, null);
예제 #3
        private void DataReceived(string res)
            lock (_dataReceivedLock)
                string[] _responseChunks = res.Split(' ');
                int      resType         = Convert.ToInt32(_responseChunks[0].Substring(1));

                double[] data = new double[_responseChunks.Length - 1];
                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++)
                    // @TODO: add sanity like Double.TryParse(...)
                    data[i] = Double.Parse(_responseChunks[i + 1]);

                switch (resType)
                // ">20 1 2 1;" Sends version numbers
                case ABBCommunicationProtocol.RES_VERSION:
                    this._deviceDriverVersion = Convert.ToInt32(data[0]) + "." + Convert.ToInt32(data[1]) + "." + Convert.ToInt32(data[2]);
                    int comp = Utilities.Strings.CompareVersions(ABBCommunicationProtocol.MACHINA_SERVER_VERSION, _deviceDriverVersion);
                    if (comp > -1)
                        logger.Verbose($"Using ABB Driver version {ABBCommunicationProtocol.MACHINA_SERVER_VERSION}, found {_deviceDriverVersion}.");
                        logger.Warning($"Found driver version {_deviceDriverVersion}, expected at least {ABBCommunicationProtocol.MACHINA_SERVER_VERSION}. Please update driver module or unexpected behavior may arise.");

                // ">21 400 300 500 0 0 1 0;"
                case ABBCommunicationProtocol.RES_POSE:
                    this.initPos = new Vector(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
                    this.initRot = new Rotation(new Quaternion(data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6]));

                // ">22 0 0 0 0 90 0;"
                case ABBCommunicationProtocol.RES_JOINTS:
                    this.initAx = new Joints(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5]);

                // ">23 1000 9E9 9E9 9E9 9E9 9E9;"
                case ABBCommunicationProtocol.RES_EXTAX:
                    this.initExtAx = new ExternalAxes(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3], data[4], data[5]);

                // ">24 X Y Z QW QX QY QZ J1 J2 J3 J4 J5 J6 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6;"
                case ABBCommunicationProtocol.RES_FULL_POSE:
                    Vector       pos   = new Vector(data[0], data[1], data[2]);
                    Rotation     rot   = new Rotation(new Quaternion(data[3], data[4], data[5], data[6]));
                    Joints       ax    = new Joints(data[7], data[8], data[9], data[10], data[11], data[12]);
                    ExternalAxes extax = new ExternalAxes(data[13], data[14], data[15], data[16], data[17], data[18]);

                    this._motionCursor.UpdateFullPose(pos, rot, ax, extax);
