예제 #1
        ///// <summary>
        ///// Gets a value indicating whether this instance can be reduced to a tree of standard expressions.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <value>
        /////   <see langword="true"/> if this instance can be reduced; otherwise, <see langword="false"/>.
        ///// </value>
        ///// <remarks>
        ///// <para>
        ///// If this method returns <see langword="true"/>, the <see cref="Reduce"/> method can be called in order to produce a new
        ///// <see cref="Expression"/> that has the same semantics as this <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/> but consists of
        ///// expressions of standard node types.
        ///// </para>
        ///// <para>
        ///// Subclasses overriding the <see cref="CanReduce"/> property to return <see langword="true" /> must also override the <see cref="Reduce"/>
        ///// method and cannot call its base implementation.
        ///// </para>
        ///// </remarks>
        //public virtual bool CanReduce
        //  get { return false; }

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Reduces this instance to a tree of standard expressions. If this instance cannot be reduced, the same <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/>
        ///// is returned.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <returns>If <see cref="CanReduce"/> is <see langword="true" />, a reduced version of this <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/>; otherwise,
        ///// this <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/>.</returns>
        ///// <remarks>
        ///// <para>
        ///// This method can be called in order to produce a new <see cref="Expression"/> that has the same semantics as this
        ///// <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/> but consists of expressions of standard node types. The reduction need not be complete, nodes can be
        ///// returned that themselves must be reduced.
        ///// </para>
        ///// <para>
        ///// Subclasses overriding the <see cref="CanReduce"/> property to return <see langword="true" /> must also override this method and cannot
        ///// call the base implementation.
        ///// </para>
        ///// </remarks>
        //public virtual Expression Reduce ()
        //  if (CanReduce)
        //    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Reducible nodes must override the Reduce method.");
        //  return this;

        ///// <summary>
        ///// Calls the <see cref="Reduce"/> method and checks certain invariants before returning the result. This method can only be called when
        ///// <see cref="CanReduce"/> returns <see langword="true" />.
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <returns>A reduced version of this <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/>.</returns>
        ///// <exception cref="InvalidOperationException">This <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/> is not reducible - or - the <see cref="Reduce"/> method
        ///// violated one of the invariants (see Remarks).</exception>
        ///// <remarks>
        /////   This method checks the following invariants:
        /////   <list type="bullet">
        /////     <item><see cref="Reduce"/> must not return <see langword="null" />.</item>
        /////     <item><see cref="Reduce"/> must not return the original <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/>.</item>
        /////     <item>
        /////       The new expression returned by <see cref="Reduce"/> must be assignment-compatible with the type of the original
        /////       <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/>.
        /////     </item>
        /////   </list>
        /////   </remarks>
        //public Expression ReduceAndCheck ()
        //  if (!CanReduce)
        //    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Reduce and check can only be called on reducible nodes.");

        //  var result = Reduce();

        //  if (result == null)
        //    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Reduce cannot return null.");
        //  if (result == this)
        //    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Reduce cannot return the original expression.");
        //  if (!Type.IsAssignableFrom (result.Type))
        //    throw new InvalidOperationException ("Reduce must produce an expression of a compatible type.");

        //  return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts the specified visitor, by default dispatching to <see cref="ExpressionTreeVisitor.VisitExtensionExpression"/>.
        /// Inheritors of the <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/> class can override this method in order to dispatch to a specific Visit method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visitor">The visitor whose Visit method should be invoked.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Expression"/> returned by the visitor.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Overriders can test the <paramref name="visitor"/> for a specific interface. If the visitor supports the interface, the extension expression
        /// can dispatch to the respective strongly-typed Visit method declared in the interface. If it does not, the extension expression should call
        /// the base implementation of <see cref="Accept"/>, which will dispatch to <see cref="ExpressionTreeVisitor.VisitExtensionExpression"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual Expression Accept(ExpressionTreeVisitor visitor)
        /// <summary>
        /// Accepts the specified visitor, by default dispatching to <see cref="ExpressionTreeVisitor.VisitExtensionExpression"/>.
        /// Inheritors of the <see cref="ExtensionExpression"/> class can override this method in order to dispatch to a specific Visit method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visitor">The visitor whose Visit method should be invoked.</param>
        /// <returns>The <see cref="Expression"/> returned by the visitor.</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Overriders can test the <paramref name="visitor"/> for a specific interface. If the visitor supports the interface, the extension expression
        /// can dispatch to the respective strongly-typed Visit method declared in the interface. If it does not, the extension expression should call
        /// the base implementation of <see cref="Accept"/>, which will dispatch to <see cref="ExpressionTreeVisitor.VisitExtensionExpression"/>.
        /// </remarks>
        public virtual Expression Accept(ExpressionTreeVisitor visitor)
            ArgumentUtility.CheckNotNull("visitor", visitor);
