예제 #1
        public static void OP_A_Ou_b_CP_true()
            string expr = "(a Ou b)";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // set the tool in french

            //====1/decode the expression

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value, remove the previous result
            Console.WriteLine("Define variables: a:=false, b=true");
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("a", false);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("b", true);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result: " + execResult.ResultBool);
예제 #2
        public void fct_OP_CP_retBool_false_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string      expr        = "fct()";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            //ExprExecResult execResult = evaluator.InitExec();

            // attach the function code FctFalse() to the function call: Fct()
            evaluator.AttachFunction("Fct", FctFalse);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value (is ExprExecFunctionCallBool override ExprExecValueBool)
            ExprExecValueBool valueBool = execResult.ExprExec as ExprExecValueBool;

            Assert.IsNotNull(execResult, "The result value should be a bool");
            Assert.AreEqual(false, valueBool.Value, "The result value should be: false");
        private IMember CreateSpecificReturnFromClassType(IPythonClassType selfClassType, PythonClassType returnClassType, IArgumentSet args)
            // -> A[_T1, _T2, ...]
            // Match arguments
            IReadOnlyList <IPythonType> typeArgs = null;
            var classGenericParameters           = selfClassType?.GenericParameters.Keys.ToArray() ?? Array.Empty <string>();

            if (classGenericParameters.Length > 0 && selfClassType != null)
                // Declaring class is specific and provides definitions of generic parameters
                typeArgs = classGenericParameters
                           .Select(n => selfClassType.GenericParameters.TryGetValue(n, out var t) ? t : null)
            else if (args != null)
                typeArgs = ExpressionEval.GetTypeArgumentsFromParameters(this, args);

            if (typeArgs != null)
                var specificReturnValue = returnClassType.CreateSpecificType(new ArgumentSet(typeArgs));
                return(new PythonInstance(specificReturnValue));

예제 #4
        public void Exec_A_Diff_B_Bool_True_Ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string      expr        = "(A<>B)";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            //ExprExecResult execResult = evaluator.InitExec();

            evaluator.DefineVarBool("a", false);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("b", true);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value
            ExprExecValueBool valueBool = execResult.ExprExec as ExprExecValueBool;

            Assert.IsNotNull(valueBool, "The result value should be a bool");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, valueBool.Value, "The result value should be: true");
        /// <summary>
        /// Expression: (A=B)
        /// A boolean expression using two variables.
        /// returns always a boolean value result.
        /// Particularity:
        /// Execute the same expression 2 times.
        /// The first time, both variables A and B are defined as integer.
        /// The second time, A and B are then defined as boolean.
        /// The execution finish successfully.
        /// </summary>
        public static void A_Eq_B_Exec2Times()
            string expr = "(A = B)";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/decode the expression

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value, remove the previous result
            Console.WriteLine("Define variables: A=15; B=15 ");
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 15);
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("b", 15);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result: " + execResult.ResultBool);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value, remove the previous result
            Console.WriteLine("\nExecute again the same provided expression but changes variables types and values:");
            Console.WriteLine("Define variables: A=false; B=false");
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("a", false);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("b", false);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result: " + execResult.ResultBool);
        public void Exec_Not_OP_a_CP_VarTypeWrong()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string      expr        = "Not(A)";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            //ExprExecResult execResult = evaluator.InitExec();

            // define the var a as an int in place of a bool!!!
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 12);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(true, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // get the error
            ExprError error = execResult.ListError[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(ErrorType.Exec, error.ErrorType, "The errorType should be: Exec");
            Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.ExprLogicalNotOperator_InnerOperandBoolTypeExpected, error.Code, "The errCode should be: VariableNotCreated");
            ErrorParam errParam = error.ListErrorParam[0];

            Assert.AreEqual("Token", errParam.Key, "The errParam key should be: VarName");
            Assert.AreEqual("A", errParam.Value, "The errParam value should be: a");
            ErrorParam errParam2 = error.ListErrorParam[1];

            Assert.AreEqual("Position", errParam2.Key, "The errParam key should be: VarName");
            Assert.AreEqual("4", errParam2.Value, "The errParam value should be: a");
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Get variables used in the expression.
        /// The execution will displays:
        /// Var #1, Name=a
        /// Var #2, Name=b
        /// </summary>
        public static void GetVariableOfExpression()
            string expr = "a=b";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/decode the expression
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value, remove the previous result
            // scan all variables found in the expression (found the variable named 'a')
            int i = 0;

            foreach (ExprVarUsed exprVar in parseResult.ListExprVarUsed)
                Console.WriteLine("Var #" + i + ", Name=" + exprVar.Name);

            Console.WriteLine("Define variables: a:=12, b:=12");
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 12);
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("b", 12);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result (should be true): " + execResult.ResultBool);
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a function having 2 int parameters.
        /// </summary>
        public static void CallFunctionWith3IntParams_ret_10()
            string expr = "fct(a,b,c)";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/decode the expression

            //====2/prepare the execution, attach function
            Console.WriteLine("Attach function code to Fct() and set value to param: a=2, b=3; c=5");
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 2);
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("b", 3);
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("c", 5);

            // attach the 3 params function to the function call
            Func3ParamsRetIntMapper <int, int, int> func3ParamsRetIntMapper = new Func3ParamsRetIntMapper <int, int, int>();

            evaluator.AttachFunction("fct", func3ParamsRetIntMapper);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution has error? (should be false): " + execResult.HasError);
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result is an int type?: " + execResult.IsResultInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result is (should be 10): " + execResult.ResultInt);
예제 #9
        public static void a_plus_b_mul_c_ret_14()
            string expr = "a+b*c";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);
            Console.WriteLine("The component Apply operator priority: a+(b*c)");

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/decode the expression

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value, remove the previous result
            Console.WriteLine("Define variables: a:=2, b:=3, c:= 4");
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 2);
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("b", 3);
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("c", 4);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result is an int (true)?: " + execResult.IsResultInt);
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result (should be 14): " + execResult.ResultInt);
        /// <summary>
        /// Define a variable but the syntax name is wrong: has space.
        /// </summary>
        public static void DefineVarSyntaxName()
            string expr = "Not(A)";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/decode the expression
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value, remove the previous result
            Console.WriteLine("Define variables: A=12");
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("a", false);
            Console.WriteLine("Define wrong variable name: 'a b c'  -> don't stop the execution of the evaluation of the expression!");
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a b c", 12);

            List <ExprError> listConfigError = evaluator.GetListErrorExprConfig();

            Console.WriteLine("DefineVar failed, err (VarNameSyntaxWrong): " + listConfigError[0].Code);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result (true): " + execResult.ResultBool);
예제 #11
        public void fct_OP_not_OP_a_CP_CP_retBool_true_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string      expr        = "fct(not (a))";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables and functions
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("a", true);

            // link function body to function call
            evaluator.AttachFunction("Fct", Fct_RetNot);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value (is ExprExecFunctionCallBool override ExprExecValueBool)
            ExprExecValueBool valueBool = execResult.ExprExec as ExprExecValueBool;

            Assert.IsNotNull(execResult, "The result value should be a bool");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, valueBool.Value, "The result value should be: true");
        public static void Not_OP_A_CP_A_Int_Err()
            string expr = "Not(A)";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/decode the expression
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value, remove the previous result
            Console.WriteLine("Define variables: A=12");
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 12);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            if (execResult.HasError)
                // error: VariableNotCreated
                Console.WriteLine("Execution Result failed, err: " + execResult.ListError[0].Code);

                // Key: VarName, Value: a
                Console.WriteLine("Execution Result failed, ParamKey: " + execResult.ListError[0].ListErrorParam[0].Key + ", ParamValue: " + execResult.ListError[0].ListErrorParam[0].Value);

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result: " + execResult.ResultBool);
        public void Double_Exposant_SepIsDot_false()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.


            string      expr        = "(a = 12.45E3)";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            Assert.IsFalse(parseResult.HasError, "the parse should finish successfully");

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            //ExprExecResult execResult = evaluator.InitExec();

            evaluator.DefineVarDouble("a", 1345);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value
            Assert.IsFalse(execResult.ResultBool, "The result value should be false");
        /// <summary>
        /// error, the variables types mismatch.
        /// Can't compare an integer and a boolean.
        /// ====The expression is: (a=b)
        /// The expr '(a=b)' has errors, nb = 1
        /// Error code: ExprComparisonOperandsTypeMismatchIntExpected
        /// Error param: Position= 3
        /// </summary>
        public static void A_Eq_B_TypeMismatch()
            string expr = "(a=b)";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // 1-decode the expression

            // 2-set variables
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 12);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("b", true);

            // 3-execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            // 4-check error
            if (execResult.HasError)
                // display the error code
                Console.WriteLine("The expr '" + expr + "' has errors, nb=" + execResult.ListError.Count);
                ExprError error = execResult.ListError[0];
                Console.WriteLine("Error code: " + error.Code);

                // display the error parameter (the position of the wrong token)
                Console.WriteLine("Error param: " + error.ListErrorParam[0].Key + "= " + error.ListErrorParam[0].Value);


            Console.WriteLine("The expr " + expr + " parse finished sucessfully!");
예제 #15
        public void fct_OP_CP_retBool_paramMissing_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string      expr        = "fct()";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            //ExprExecResult execResult = evaluator.InitExec();

            // link function body to function call
            evaluator.AttachFunction("fct", FctRetBool_P1Bool);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.IsTrue(execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with error");

            Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.FunctionCallParamCountWrong, execResult.ListError[0].Code, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");
            Assert.AreEqual("FunctionCallName", execResult.ListError[0].ListErrorParam[0].Key, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");
            Assert.AreEqual("fct", execResult.ListError[0].ListErrorParam[0].Value, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");
예제 #16
        public void Bra_A_Eq_Minus_12_Bra()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string expr = "(A=-12)";

            //-1---parse the string, return a syntax tree
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            Assert.IsFalse(parseResult.HasError, "the expression process should return success");

            // check the root node
            ExprComparison rootBinExpr = parseResult.RootExpr as ExprComparison;

            Assert.IsNotNull(rootBinExpr, "The root node type should be BoolBinExpr");

            // check the left part of the root node
            ExprFinalOperand operandLeft = rootBinExpr.ExprLeft as ExprFinalOperand;

            Assert.IsNotNull(operandLeft, "The left root node type should be BoolBinExprOperand");
            Assert.AreEqual(operandLeft.Operand, "A", "The left operand should be A");

            // check the right part of the root node
            ExprFinalOperand operandRight = rootBinExpr.ExprRight as ExprFinalOperand;

            Assert.IsNotNull(operandRight, "The left root node type should be BoolBinExprOperand");
            Assert.AreEqual(operandRight.Operand, "-12", "The left operand should be -12");

            // check the root node operator
            Assert.AreEqual(rootBinExpr.Operator, OperatorComparisonCode.Equals, "The root operator should be =");
        /// <summary>
        /// Execute a function call two times with different values.
        /// fct(a)  a:=8  ->return false
        /// fct(a)  a:=12  ->return true
        /// </summary>
        public static void CallFunctionWithIntParam_TwoTimes()
            string expr = "fct(a)";

            Console.WriteLine("\n====The expression is: " + expr);

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/decode the expression

            //====2/prepare the execution, attach function
            Console.WriteLine("Attach function code to Fct() and set value to param: a=8");
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 8);
            evaluator.AttachFunction("fct", FctRetBool_Int);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result (should return false): " + execResult.ResultBool);

            //====2/prepare the execution, attach function
            Console.WriteLine("Set value to param: a=12");
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 12);
            evaluator.AttachFunction("fct", FctRetBool_Int);

            //====3/Execute the expression
            execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result, its a bool value
            Console.WriteLine("Execution Result (should return true): " + execResult.ResultBool);
        public void fct_OP_10_Sep_bonjour_CP_retBool_true_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string expr = "fct(10, 'bonjour')";


            // link function body to function call
            evaluator.AttachFunction("Fct", FctP1Int_P2String);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value (is ExprExecFunctionCallBool override ExprExecValueBool)
            ExprExecValueBool valueBool = execResult.ExprExec as ExprExecValueBool;

            Assert.IsNotNull(execResult, "The result value should be a bool");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, valueBool.Value, "The result value should be: true");
예제 #19
        public void Expr_4_Mul_5_Plus_1_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string expr = "4*5-1";

            //-1---parse the string, return a syntax tree
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            Assert.IsFalse(parseResult.HasError, "the expression process should finish successfully");

            // check the root node
            ExprCalculation rootExprCalc = parseResult.RootExpr as ExprCalculation;

            Assert.IsNotNull(rootExprCalc, "The root node type should be an ExprCalculation");

            // the calc expr should contains 3 operands and 2 operators
            Assert.AreEqual(3, rootExprCalc.ListExprOperand.Count, "The ExprCalculation should contains 3 operands");
            Assert.AreEqual(2, rootExprCalc.ListOperator.Count, "The ExprCalculation should contains 2 operators");

            // check (just) the fisrt operator: */Mul
            ExprOperatorCalculation operatorTwo = rootExprCalc.ListOperator[0] as ExprOperatorCalculation;

            Assert.IsNotNull(operatorTwo, "The left root node type should be a ExprFinalOperand");
            Assert.AreEqual(OperatorCalculationCode.Multiplication, operatorTwo.Operator, "The Second operator should be: *");

            // check (just) the last operand: 1
            ExprFinalOperand operandThree = rootExprCalc.ListExprOperand[2] as ExprFinalOperand;

            Assert.IsNotNull(operandThree, "The left root node type should be a ExprFinalOperand");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, operandThree.ValueInt, "The left operand should be 11");
예제 #20
        public void fct_3Params_FunctionCall_OneMissing_err()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string expr = "fct(true, true)";


            // link function body to function call
            Func3ParamsRetBoolMapper <bool, bool, bool> func3ParamsRetBoolMapper = new Pierlam.ExpressionEval.Func3ParamsRetBoolMapper <bool, bool, bool>();

            evaluator.AttachFunction("fct", func3ParamsRetBoolMapper);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.IsTrue(execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with error");

            Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.FunctionCallParamCountWrong, execResult.ListError[0].Code, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");
            Assert.AreEqual("FunctionCallName", execResult.ListError[0].ListErrorParam[0].Key, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");
            Assert.AreEqual("fct", execResult.ListError[0].ListErrorParam[0].Value, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");
예제 #21
        private IDocumentAnalysis CreateAnalysis(IDependencyChainNode <PythonAnalyzerEntry> node, IDocument document, PythonAst ast, int version, ModuleWalker walker, bool isCanceled)
            var canHaveLibraryAnalysis = false;

            // Don't try to drop builtins; it causes issues elsewhere.
            // We probably want the builtin module's AST and other info for evaluation.
            switch (document.ModuleType)
            case ModuleType.Library:
            case ModuleType.Stub:
            case ModuleType.Compiled:
                canHaveLibraryAnalysis = true;

            var createLibraryAnalysis = !isCanceled &&
                                        node != null &&
                                        !node.HasMissingDependencies &&
                                        canHaveLibraryAnalysis &&
                                        !document.IsOpen &&
                                        node.HasOnlyWalkedDependencies &&

            if (!createLibraryAnalysis)
                return(new DocumentAnalysis(document, version, walker.GlobalScope, walker.Eval, walker.StarImportMemberNames));

            ast.Reduce(x => x is ImportStatement || x is FromImportStatement);
            var eval = new ExpressionEval(walker.Eval.Services, document, ast);

            return(new LibraryAnalysis(document, version, walker.GlobalScope, eval, walker.StarImportMemberNames));
        public void fct_OP_false_Sep_false_CP_retBool_true_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string expr = "fct(true, true, true)";


            // link function body to function call
            var funcMapper = new Func3ParamsRetBoolMapper <bool, bool, bool>();

            evaluator.AttachFunction("Fct", funcMapper);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value (is ExprExecFunctionCallBool override ExprExecValueBool)
            ExprExecValueBool valueBool = execResult.ExprExec as ExprExecValueBool;

            Assert.IsNotNull(execResult, "The result value should be a bool");
            Assert.AreEqual(true, valueBool.Value, "The result value should be: true");
        public void Double_a_xor_b_false_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.


            string      expr        = "a xor b";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            Assert.IsFalse(parseResult.HasError, "the parse should finish successfully");

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("a", false);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("b", true);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value
            Assert.IsTrue(execResult.IsResultBool, "The result should be a bool");
            Assert.IsTrue(execResult.ResultBool, "The result value should be true");
        public void fct_OP_12_Sep_bonjour_8dot5_CP_retInt_21_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string expr = "fct(4, \"bonjour\", 8.5)";


            // link function body to function call
            var funcMapper = new Func3ParamsRetIntMapper <int, string, double>();

            evaluator.AttachFunction("Fct", funcMapper);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value (is ExprExecFunctionCallBool override ExprExecValueBool)
            ExprExecValueInt valueInt = execResult.ExprExec as ExprExecValueInt;

            Assert.IsNotNull(execResult, "The result value should be a bool");
            Assert.AreEqual(21, valueInt.Value, "The result value should be: 18");
예제 #25
        /// <summary>
        /// A dev!!
        /// </summary>
        static void TestExprLogicalSeveralOperands()
            string expr = "(A and B or C)";

            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            //====1/décode l'expression booléenne
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value, remove the previous result
            //ExprExecResult execResult = evaluator.InitExec();

            evaluator.DefineVarBool("a", true);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("b", true);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("c", false);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            //====4/get the result
            if (execResult.HasError)
                Console.WriteLine("Execution Result: error!");

            if (execResult.IsResultBool)
                Console.WriteLine("Execution Result: " + execResult.ResultBool);
 public EmptyAnalysis(IServiceContainer services, IDocument document)
     Document            = document ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(document));
     GlobalScope         = new EmptyGlobalScope(document);
     Ast                 = AstUtilities.MakeEmptyAst(document.Uri);
     ExpressionEvaluator = new ExpressionEval(services, document);
        private IMember GetSpecificReturnType(IPythonClassType selfClassType, IArgumentSet args)
            var returnValueType = StaticReturnValue.GetPythonType();

            switch (returnValueType)
            case PythonClassType cls when cls.IsGeneric():
                return(CreateSpecificReturnFromClassType(selfClassType, cls, args));    // -> A[_T1, _T2, ...]

            case IGenericTypeDefinition gtd1 when selfClassType != null:
                return(CreateSpecificReturnFromTypeVar(selfClassType, gtd1)); // -> _T

            case IGenericTypeDefinition gtd2 when args != null:               // -> T on standalone function.
                return(args.Arguments.FirstOrDefault(a => gtd2.Equals(a.Type))?.Value as IMember);

            case IGenericType gt when args != null:     // -> CLASS[T] on standalone function (i.e. -> List[T]).
                var typeArgs = ExpressionEval.GetTypeArgumentsFromParameters(this, args);
                if (typeArgs != null)

예제 #28
        public void fct_OP_a_CP_retDouble_P1String_ok()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.

            string      expr        = "fct(a)";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            //ExprExecResult execResult = evaluator.InitExec();

            // 3 letters -> return 3x1.5=4.5
            evaluator.DefineVarString("a", "abc");

            // link function body to function call
            evaluator.AttachFunction("Fct", FctDouble_String);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.AreEqual(false, execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");

            // check the final result value (is ExprExecFunctionCallBool override ExprExecValueBool)
            ExprExecValueDouble valueDouble = execResult.ExprExec as ExprExecValueDouble;

            Assert.IsNotNull(valueDouble, "The result value should be a double");
            Assert.AreEqual(4.5, valueDouble.Value, "The result value should be: true");
예제 #29
        internal static void DeclareParametersInScope(this IArgumentSet args, ExpressionEval eval)
            if (eval == null)

            // For class method no need to add extra parameters, but first parameter type should be the class.
            // For static and unbound methods do not add or set anything.
            // For regular bound methods add first parameter and set it to the class.

            foreach (var a in args.Arguments)
                if (a.Value is IMember m && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(a.Name))
                    eval.DeclareVariable(a.Name, m, VariableSource.Declaration, a.Location);

            if (args.ListArgument != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.ListArgument.Name))
                var type = new PythonCollectionType(null, BuiltinTypeId.List, eval.Interpreter, false);
                var list = new PythonCollection(type, args.ListArgument.Values);
                eval.DeclareVariable(args.ListArgument.Name, list, VariableSource.Declaration, args.ListArgument.Location);

            if (args.DictionaryArgument != null)
                foreach (var kvp in args.DictionaryArgument.Arguments)
                    eval.DeclareVariable(kvp.Key, kvp.Value, VariableSource.Declaration, args.DictionaryArgument.Location);
예제 #30
        public void Double_and_OneVarTypeWrong_err()
            ExpressionEval evaluator = new ExpressionEval();

            // definir langue: fr ou en, sert pour les opérateurs: ET/AND, OU/OR, NON/NOT.


            string      expr        = "a and b";
            ParseResult parseResult = evaluator.Parse(expr);

            Assert.IsFalse(parseResult.HasError, "the parse should finish successfully");

            //====2/prepare the execution, provide all used variables: type and value
            evaluator.DefineVarInt("a", 12);
            evaluator.DefineVarBool("b", true);

            //====3/execute l'expression booléenne
            ExecResult execResult = evaluator.Exec();

            Assert.IsTrue(execResult.HasError, "The exec of the expression should finish with error");

            // todo: pas bon!! corriger
            Assert.AreEqual(ErrorCode.ExprLogicalOperandTypeNotAllowed, execResult.ListError[0].Code, "The exec of the expression should finish with success");