private void CreateGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc) { GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane; if (ExportMemoryEstimate.isCalculatingMemoryEstimate()) { myPane.Title.Text = "Calculating Memory... Try again soon.."; return; } myPane.Title.Text = "XBOX Memory Estimate"; int totalMBinBytes = ExportMemoryEstimate.giveTotalMemoryUsage(); int totalAvailinBytes = ExportMemoryEstimate.giveTotalAvailableMemory(); float totalMB = bytesToMB(totalMBinBytes); float totalAvail = bytesToMB(totalAvailinBytes); myPane.AddPieSlice(totalMBinBytes, Color.Red, 0, "Used Memory"); myPane.AddPieSlice(totalAvailinBytes, Color.White, 0, "Available Memory"); listBox1.Items.Add("Used Memory : " + totalMB + "MB"); listBox1.Items.Add("Available Memory : " + totalAvail + "MB"); //this will hide the axis zgc.AxisChange(); }
private void CreateComponentGraph(ZedGraphControl zgc) { GraphPane myPane = zgc.GraphPane; if (ExportMemoryEstimate.isCalculatingMemoryEstimate()) { myPane.Title.Text = "Calculating Memory... Try again soon.."; return; } Color[] Colors = new Color[] { Color.Red, Color.Green, Color.Blue, Color.Yellow, Color.Orange, Color.Teal, Color.Brown, Color.Pink, Color.Purple, Color.Tan, Color.Silver, Color.Magenta, Color.Maroon, Color.PeachPuff, Color.Black, Color.CornflowerBlue, Color.Cyan, Color.Khaki, Color.Azure, Color.CadetBlue, Color.Salmon, Color.Turquoise, Color.Tomato, Color.Plum }; myPane.Title.Text = "XBOX Memory Estimate"; int numMemoryElements = ExportMemoryEstimate.getNumMemoryElements(); for (int i = 0; i < numMemoryElements; i++) { ExportMemoryEstimate.memoryElement me = ExportMemoryEstimate.getMemoryElement(i); myPane.AddPieSlice(me.mMemoryInBytes, Colors[i % Colors.Length], 0, me.mName); listBox1.Items.Add(me.mName + " : " + bytesToMB(me.mMemoryInBytes) + "MB"); } listBox1.Items.Add("---------"); int totalAvailbytes = ExportMemoryEstimate.giveTotalAvailableMemory(); myPane.AddPieSlice(totalAvailbytes, Color.White, 0, "XBOX FREE Memory"); listBox1.Items.Add("XBOX FREE Memory" + " : " + bytesToMB(totalAvailbytes) + "MB"); float totalAvail = bytesToMB(totalAvailbytes); //this will hide the axis zgc.AxisChange(); }