private void CleanAndSave() { UpdateRtx("[+] Saving file..."); ComponentsList = ExploitdbList.Concat(PacketstormList).Concat(ExploitalertList).ToList(); if (!Directory.Exists(path: "Databases")) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path: "Databases"); } //File.WriteAllLines(path: "Databases\\database.txt", contents: ComponentsList); // id,description,component List <DatabaseItems> jsonDatabase = new List <DatabaseItems>(); foreach (string s in ComponentsList) { string[] info = s.Split(':'); jsonDatabase.Add(new DatabaseItems() { id = info[0], description = info[1], component = info[2], version = info[3], exploit = "" }); } string data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(jsonDatabase.ToArray(), Formatting.Indented); File.WriteAllText(path: "Databases\\database.txt", contents: data); UpdateRtx(txt: "[+] Cleaning..."); if (File.Exists(path: Path.Combine(path1: TempPath, path2: "db.csv"))) { File.Delete(path: Path.Combine(path1: TempPath, path2: "db.csv")); } ComponentsList = new List <string>(); ExploitalertList = new List <string>(); ExploitdbList = new List <string>(); PacketstormList = new List <string>(); jsonDatabase = new List <DatabaseItems>(); UpdateRtx(txt: "Done."); }
private void UpdateExploitdb() { try { new Thread(new ThreadStart(() => { UpdateRtx(txt: $"[+] Downloading exploit database from offensive-security's github..."); using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { ErrorCode = 0x1; // error in connecting to github server webClient.DownloadFile( "", Path.Combine(TempPath, "db.csv")); } ErrorCode = 0x2; // error in reading file UpdateRtx(txt: "[+] Reading database..."); string[] csvDatabase = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(TempPath, "db.csv")); UpdateRtx(txt: "[+] Searching for components..."); UpdateRtx(txt: $"[+] Exploitdb Components: {ExploitdbList.Count}"); ParallelOptions parallelOptions = new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = Threads }; int sleepCounter = 0; object sleepLock = new object(); try { Parallel.ForEach(csvDatabase.ToArray().ToList(), parallelOptions, match => { if (match.ToLower().Contains("joomla")) { string[] info = match.Split(','); string id = info[0], description = info[2], component = string.Empty, version = "n\a", webpageSource = string.Empty; using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient()) { ErrorCode = 0x3; // error in searching components ExploitID = id; webClient.Headers.Add(name: "user-agent", value: " Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:25.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/25.0"); try { webpageSource = webClient.DownloadString(address: $"{Exploitdb_Server}{id}"); if (Regex.IsMatch(webpageSource, Date_Pattern)) { version = versionDetector.GetVersion( date: Regex.Match(input: webpageSource, pattern: Date_Pattern) .Value); } if (Regex.IsMatch(input: description, pattern: Component_Pattern)) { component = Regex.Match( input: description, pattern: Component_Pattern) .Value; } else { webpageSource = webpageSource.Substring(startIndex: 0, length: webpageSource.IndexOf( value: "<h2>Related Exploits</h2>")); // prevent adding related components if (Regex.IsMatch(input: webpageSource, pattern: Component_Pattern)) { component = Regex.Match(input: webpageSource, pattern: Component_Pattern) .Value; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(component)) { ExploitdbList.Add(item: $"{id}:{description}:{component}:{version}" ); } Rtx.Invoke((System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker) delegate { Rtx.Text = (Rtx.Text.Replace(oldValue: Regex.Match(input: Rtx.Text, pattern: @".*Exploitdb Components.*").Value, newValue: $"[{DateTime.Now.ToString("hh:mm:ss tt")}]\t[+] Exploitdb Components: {ExploitdbList.Count}")); }); } catch (Exception ex) { UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error in ExploitID:{ExploitID}.{ex.Message}"); }; } lock (sleepLock) { sleepCounter++; } if (sleepCounter > MaxSleep) { Thread.Sleep(Timeout); lock (sleepLock) { sleepCounter = 0; } } } }); } catch (AggregateException ex) { UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error description: {ex.Message}"); }; UpdateRtx("[+] Database updated from"); Exploitdb = false; CheckPriority(); })) { IsBackground = true }.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { switch (ErrorCode) { case 0x1: UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error code: {ErrorCode}"); UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error description: Problem in connecting to github server or file not found.{ex.Message}"); break; case 0x2: UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error code: {ErrorCode}"); UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error description: Problem in reading database.{ex.Message}"); break; case 0x3: UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error code: {ErrorCode}"); UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error description: Problem in searching component.{ex.Message}\tExploitID:{ExploitID}"); break; default: UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error code:Unkown"); UpdateRtx(txt: $"[-] Error description: {ex.Message}"); break; } }; }