예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// IBlackBox can't be directly deserialized, so it takes a village of properties to construct it
        /// </summary>
        private static (IBlackBox phenome, NeatGenome genome)? DeserializeBrain(BrainNEATDNA dna)
            if (dna == null)
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(dna.Genome) || dna.Activation == null)

            List <NeatGenome> genomeList = null;

                // Deserialize the genome (sharpneat library has a custom serialize/deserialize)
                if (dna.Hyper == null)
                    genomeList = ExperimentNEATBase.LoadPopulation(dna.Genome, dna.Activation, dna.NEATPositions_Input.Length, dna.NEATPositions_Output.Length);
                    genomeList = ExperimentNEATBase.LoadPopulation(dna.Genome, dna.Activation, dna.Hyper);

                if (genomeList == null || genomeList.Count == 0)

                // Construct the phenome (the actual instance of a neural net)
                IBlackBox phenome = ExperimentNEATBase.GetBlackBox(genomeList[0], dna.Activation, dna.Hyper);

                return(phenome, genomeList[0]);
예제 #2
        private void BrainNEAT_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
                if (_experiment == null || _ea == null)
                    //NOTE: Just doing this for laziness.  I don't want to write a bunch of logic to train a phenome up front
                    MessageBox.Show("Need to have a running experiment", this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning);

                // Get a genome
                NeatGenome genome = _ea.CurrentChampGenome;

                // Create a phenome
                IBlackBox phenome = ExperimentNEATBase.GetBlackBox(genome, _experimentArgs.Activation, _hyperneatArgs);

                // Instantiate a BrainNEAT
                EditorOptions options     = new EditorOptions();
                ItemOptions   itemOptions = new ItemOptions();

                Container energy = new Container()
                    QuantityMax     = 1000,
                    QuantityCurrent = 1000,

                BrainNEATDNA dnaBrain = new BrainNEATDNA()
                    PartType = BrainNEAT.PARTTYPE, Position = new Point3D(0, 0, 0), Orientation = Quaternion.Identity, Scale = new Vector3D(1, 1, 1)

                BrainNEAT brain = new BrainNEAT(options, itemOptions, dnaBrain, energy);

                brain.SetPhenome(phenome, genome, _experimentArgs.Activation, _hyperneatArgs);

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 100; cntr++)
                    foreach (INeuron neuron in brain.Neruons_Writeonly)
                        neuron.SetValue(StaticRandom.NextDouble(-2.5, 2.5));


                #region save/load test2

                // let BrainNEAT do the save/load

                BrainNEATDNA dna2     = (BrainNEATDNA)brain.GetNewDNA();
                string       dna2Text = XamlServices.Save(dna2).Replace('"', '\'');
                BrainNEAT    brain2   = new BrainNEAT(options, itemOptions, dna2, energy);

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 100; cntr++)
                    foreach (INeuron neuron in brain2.Neruons_Writeonly)
                        neuron.SetValue(StaticRandom.NextDouble(-2.5, 2.5));


                BrainNEATDNA dna3   = (BrainNEATDNA)brain2.GetNewDNA();
                BrainNEAT    brain3 = new BrainNEAT(options, itemOptions, dna3, energy);

                for (int cntr = 0; cntr < 100; cntr++)
                    foreach (INeuron neuron in brain3.Neruons_Writeonly)
                        neuron.SetValue(StaticRandom.NextDouble(-2.5, 2.5));


                #region save/load test1

                // initial test, building minimum necessary dna

                BrainNEATDNA brainDNA = new BrainNEATDNA()
                    Activation           = _experimentArgs.Activation,
                    Hyper                = _hyperneatArgs,
                    NEATPositions_Input  = brain.Neruons_Readonly.Select(o => o.Position).ToArray(),
                    NEATPositions_Output = brain.Neruons_Writeonly.Select(o => o.Position).ToArray(),
                    Genome               = ExperimentNEATBase.SavePopulation(new[] { genome }),

                // Make sure this can be serialized/deserialized
                string testString = XamlServices.Save(brainDNA);
                brainDNA = UtilityCore.Clone(brainDNA);

                List <NeatGenome> genomeList = null;
                if (_hyperneatArgs == null)
                    genomeList = ExperimentNEATBase.LoadPopulation(brainDNA.Genome, brainDNA.Activation, brainDNA.NEATPositions_Input.Length, brainDNA.NEATPositions_Output.Length);
                    genomeList = ExperimentNEATBase.LoadPopulation(brainDNA.Genome, brainDNA.Activation, _hyperneatArgs);

            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
예제 #3
        private void Timer_Tick_REAL(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // This uses actual time elapsed, and runs continuously, grabbing a new neural net every 10 seconds

                imageInput.Source = null;

                DateTime now = DateTime.UtcNow;

                if (_harness == null)
                    _prevTick = now;

                // Tell the harness to go
                _harness.Tick((now - _prevTick).TotalSeconds);

                var prevPosition    = _harness.GetPreviousPosition(_harness.Time - _evalArgs.Delay_Seconds);
                var currentPosition = _harness.Item;

                if (_experiment != null && (_winningBrain == null || (now - _winningBrainTime).TotalSeconds > 10))
                    NeatGenome winner = _ea.CurrentChampGenome;
                    _winningBrain     = _experiment.GetBlackBox(winner);
                    _winningBrainTime = now;

                #region draw input

                double[] inputArr = new double[_harness.InputSizeXY * _harness.InputSizeXY];


                if (prevPosition != null)
                    double dotRadius = (_harness.VisionSize / _harness.InputSizeXY) * Math.Sqrt(2);
                    AntPos_Evaluator.ApplyPoint(inputArr, _harness.InputCellCenters, dotRadius, prevPosition.Item2, true);

                imageInput.Source = UtilityWPF.GetBitmap(inputArr, _harness.InputSizeXY, _harness.InputSizeXY, invert: true);

                #region draw expected output

                double[] expectedOutput = null;

                if (currentPosition == null)
                    expectedOutput = AntPos_Evaluator.GetExpectedOutput(null, _harness, _evalArgs);
                    var currentPos = Tuple.Create(currentPosition, currentPosition.Position, currentPosition.Velocity);
                    expectedOutput = AntPos_Evaluator.GetExpectedOutput(currentPos, _harness, _evalArgs);

                imageExpectedOutput.Source = UtilityWPF.GetBitmap(expectedOutput, _harness.OutputSizeXY, _harness.OutputSizeXY, invert: true);

                #region draw nn output

                double[] nnOutput = null;

                if (_winningBrain != null)
                    nnOutput = new double[_harness.OutputSizeXY * _harness.OutputSizeXY];

                    // Brain.Tick
                    _winningBrain.InputSignalArray.CopyFrom(inputArr, 0);
                    _winningBrain.OutputSignalArray.CopyTo(nnOutput, 0);

                    imageNNOutput.Source = UtilityWPF.GetBitmap(nnOutput, _harness.OutputSizeXY, _harness.OutputSizeXY, invert: true);
                    imageNNOutput.Source = null;

                #region draw error (nn - expected)

                double[] error = null;

                if (nnOutput != null)
                    error = Enumerable.Range(0, nnOutput.Length).
                            Select(o => Math.Abs(nnOutput[o] - expectedOutput[o])).

                    imageError.Source = UtilityWPF.GetBitmap(error, _harness.OutputSizeXY, _harness.OutputSizeXY, invert: true);
                    imageError.Source = null;

                #region draw actual

                // Vision Rectangle
                Rectangle visionRect = new Rectangle()
                    Stroke          = Brushes.Silver,
                    StrokeThickness = .3,
                    Width           = _harness.VisionSize,
                    Height          = _harness.VisionSize,

                Canvas.SetLeft(visionRect, _harness.VisionSize / -2);
                Canvas.SetTop(visionRect, _harness.VisionSize / -2);


                // Dot Previous
                if (prevPosition != null)
                    Ellipse dot = new Ellipse()
                        Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(prevPosition.Item1.Color),
                        Stroke          = Brushes.Black,
                        StrokeThickness = .3,
                        Width           = 2,
                        Height          = 2,

                    Canvas.SetLeft(dot, prevPosition.Item2.X - 1);
                    Canvas.SetTop(dot, prevPosition.Item2.Y - 1);


                // Dot Current
                if (currentPosition != null)
                    Ellipse dot = new Ellipse()
                        Fill            = new SolidColorBrush(currentPosition.Color),
                        Stroke          = Brushes.White,
                        StrokeThickness = .3,
                        Width           = 2,
                        Height          = 2,

                    Canvas.SetLeft(dot, currentPosition.Position.X - 1);
                    Canvas.SetTop(dot, currentPosition.Position.Y - 1);


                // Transform
                TransformGroup transform = new TransformGroup();

                transform.Children.Add(new ScaleTransform(canvasMain.ActualWidth / _harness.MapSize, canvasMain.ActualHeight / _harness.MapSize));
                transform.Children.Add(new TranslateTransform(canvasMain.ActualWidth / 2, canvasMain.ActualHeight / 2));

                canvasMain.RenderTransform = transform;


                _prevTick = now;
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString(), this.Title, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);