static INode as_INode(this object e) { if (e != null) { // every browser names the Node type differently? // what about comments? if (Expando.InternalIsMember(e, "nodeType")) { var nodeType = (int)Expando.InternalGetMember(e, "nodeType"); if (nodeType != 0) { return((INode)e); } } // not yet? // see also: X:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLib\JavaScript\WebGL\WebGLRenderingContext.cs //if (Expando.InternalIsMember(e, "canvas")) //{ // return as_INode(Expando.InternalGetMember(e, "canvas")); //} } return(null); }
public INode[] selectNodes(string path) { var native = ((__IXMLDocument_Native)(object)this); if (IActiveX.IsSupported) { return(native.selectNodes(path)); } if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "selectNodes")) { return(native.selectNodes(path)); } return((INode[]) new IFunction("sXPath", @" var oEvaluator = new XPathEvaluator(); var oResult = oEvaluator.evaluate(sXPath, this, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_ITERATOR_TYPE, null); var aNodes = new Array(); if (oResult != null) { var oElement = oResult.iterateNext(); while(oElement) { aNodes.push(oElement); oElement = oResult.iterateNext(); } } return aNodes; ").apply(this, path)); }
public void InternalEvent(bool bAttach, global::System.Delegate e, EventNames n) { // IFunction z = ((BCLImplementation.System.__Delegate)(object) e).InvokePointer; // does IE9 define both functions? if (bAttach) { if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "addEventListener")) { // addEventListener(n.EventListener, z); if (n.EventListenerAlt != null) { addEventListener(n.EventListenerAlt, z); } } else if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "attachEvent")) { attachEvent(n.Event, z); if (n.EventAlt != null) { attachEvent(n.EventAlt, z); } } return; } #region remove if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "removeEventListener")) { removeEventListener(n.EventListener, z, false); if (n.EventListenerAlt != null) { removeEventListener(n.EventListenerAlt, z, false); } } else if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "detachEvent")) { detachEvent(n.Event, z); if (n.EventAlt != null) { detachEvent(n.EventAlt, z); } } #endregion }
public static Task <IFunction> ByName(string name, object target = null) { // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\test\TestChromeStackFrames\TestChromeStackFrames\Application.cs // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\Test\TestHistoryForwardEvent\TestHistoryForwardEvent\Application.cs Console.WriteLine("enter IFunction.ByName " + new { name }); // X:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLib.Async\ScriptCoreLib.Async\JavaScript\DOM\HistoryExtensions.cs // tested by // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\WorkerInsideSecondaryApplication\WorkerInsideSecondaryApplicationWithStateReplaceTwice\Application.cs if (target == null) { target = Native.self; } var x = new TaskCompletionSource <IFunction>(); Action y = delegate { if (Expando.InternalIsMember(target, name)) { // should wo typecheck that member? var f = (IFunction)Expando.InternalGetMember(target, name); x.SetResult(f); return; } // ? }; y(); if (!x.Task.IsCompleted) { new Timer( t => { y(); if (x.Task.IsCompleted) { t.Stop(); } } ).StartInterval(15); } return(x.Task); }
public void RemoveRule(int index) { if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "removeRule")) { this.removeRule(index); } else if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "deleteRule")) { this.deleteRule(index); } else { throw new System.NotSupportedException("RemoveRule"); } }
public CSSStyleRule AddRule(string selectorText, string declaration, int index) { //34ms __get_item IStyleSheet { selectorText = @media print } view-source:35342 //35ms AddRule { selectorText = @media print, Length = 0 } view-source:35342 //38ms AddRule { selectorText = 0, Length = 1 } view-source:35342 //39ms IStyleSheetRule.AddRule error { text = 0{/**/} } // // if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "insertRule")) { // I/Web Console(32117): IStyleSheetRule.AddRule error { text = @media print{/**/} } var text = selectorText + "{" + declaration + "}"; try { this.insertRule(text, index); } catch { // tested by // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\Test\TestCSSPrint\TestCSSPrint\Application.cs Console.WriteLine("IStyleSheetRule.AddRule error " + new { text }); throw; } return(this.Rules[index]); } if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "addRule")) { this.addRule(selectorText, declaration, index); return(this.Rules[index]); } throw new System.Exception("fault at IStyleSheetRule.AddRule"); }
public INode selectSingleNode(string path) { var native = ((__IXMLDocument_Native)(object)this); if (IActiveX.IsSupported) { return(native.selectSingleNode(path)); } // opera: if (Expando.InternalIsMember(this, "selectSingleNode")) { return(native.selectSingleNode(path)); } return((INode) new IFunction("elementPath", @" var xpe = new XPathEvaluator(); var nsResolver = xpe.createNSResolver( this.ownerDocument == null ? this.documentElement : this.ownerDocument.documentElement); var results = xpe.evaluate(elementPath,this,nsResolver,XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null); return results.singleNodeValue; ").apply(this, path)); }
static Native() { //at ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Native.__Uint8ClampedArray() in x:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLib\JavaScript\WebGL\Uint8ClampedArray.cs:line 19 //at ScriptCoreLib.JavaScript.Native..cctor() in x:\jsc.svn\core\ScriptCoreLib\JavaScript\Native.cs:line 185 __Uint8ClampedArray(); __RTCPeerConnection(); // what is it? if (Expando.InternalIsMember(self, "document") && Expando.InternalIsMember(self, "screen")) { // should be a window with a document window = (IWindow)self; document = window.document; screen = window.screen; // were ApplicationWebserviceFields decrypted befoe this point? __ToBase64String(); // https:// !!! __initialize_identity(); return; } // are all browsers reporting it as the same type? // what if it could have multiple names? Native.serviceworker = self as ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; // X:\jsc.svn\examples\javascript\Test\TestServiceWorkerRegistrations\TestServiceWorkerRegistrations\Application.cs if (Native.serviceworker == null) { // ok detect other modes... if (Expando.InternalIsMember(self, "importScripts")) { if (Expando.InternalIsMember(self, "postMessage")) { // now what. are we running as a web worker? // WorkerGlobalScope // DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope // DedicatedWorkerContext worker = (DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope)self; return; } // now what. are we running as a web worker? // WorkerGlobalScope // DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope // DedicatedWorkerContext sharedworker = (SharedWorkerGlobalScope)self; } } }