public void SetDPS(CharacterCalculationsRetribution calc) { calc.WhiteSkill = White; calc.SealSkill = Seal; calc.SealDotSkill = SealDot; calc.CommandSkill = SoC; calc.JudgementSkill = Judge; calc.TemplarsVerdictSkill = TV; calc.CrusaderStrikeSkill = CS; calc.ConsecrationSkill = Cons; calc.ExorcismSkill = Exo; calc.HolyWrathSkill = HW; calc.HammerOfWrathSkill = HoW; calc.GoakSkill = GoaK; calc.DPSPoints = White.GetDPS() + Seal.GetDPS() + SealDot.GetDPS() + SoC.GetDPS() + Judge.GetDPS() + CS.GetDPS() + TV.GetDPS() + Exo.GetDPS() + HW.GetDPS() + Cons.GetDPS() + HoW.GetDPS() + GoaK.GetDPS() + calc.OtherDPS; }
public static Grouper CreateFromConfig(GrouperConfiguration config) { Grouper grouper = new Grouper(config.ChangeRatioLowerLimit); if (config.AzureAdRole != null && config.AzureAdRole.Length > 0) { AzureAd az = new AzureAd(config); if (config.AzureAdHasRole(GrouperConfiguration.Role.GroupStore)) { grouper.AddGroupStore(az); } if (config.ExchangeHasRole(GrouperConfiguration.Role.MemberSource)) { grouper.AddMemberSource(az); } if (config.AzureAdHasRole(GrouperConfiguration.Role.GroupOwnerSource)) { grouper.AddGroupOwnerSource(az); } } if (config.ExchangeRole != null && config.ExchangeRole.Length > 0) { Exo exo = new Exo(config); if (config.ExchangeHasRole(GrouperConfiguration.Role.GroupStore)) { grouper.AddGroupStore(exo); } if (config.ExchangeHasRole(GrouperConfiguration.Role.MemberSource)) { grouper.AddMemberSource(exo); } } if (config.OnPremAdHasRole(GrouperConfiguration.Role.GroupStore)) { OnPremAd onPremAd = new OnPremAd(config); if (config.OnPremAdHasRole(GrouperConfiguration.Role.GroupStore)) { grouper.AddGroupStore(onPremAd); } if (config.OnPremAdHasRole(GrouperConfiguration.Role.MemberSource)) { grouper.AddMemberSource(onPremAd); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.MemberDatabaseConnectionString)) { grouper.AddMemberSource(new MemberDb(config)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.LogDatabaseConnectionString)) { grouper.AddLogger(new LogDb(config)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(config.OpenEDatabaseConnectionString)) { grouper.AddGroupStore(new OpenE(config)); } return(grouper); }
private string Archive(string[] exoFiles) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Start archiving - {1}", GetType().Name, exoFiles.Length); StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Exo parser List <Exo> exos = new List <Exo>(); foreach (string exoFile in exoFiles) { Exo exo = new Exo(exoFile, Encoding.Default); exos.Add(exo); } // Create hash set for file paths HashSet <string> filePathsSet = new HashSet <string>(); HashSet <string> fontNamesSet = new HashSet <string>(); foreach (Exo exo in exos) { foreach (Exo.Exedit.Item item in exo.MainExedit.Items) { foreach (Exo.Exedit.Item.SubItem subItem in item.SubItems) { // Find files if (subItem.Name == "Image file" || subItem.Name == "Video file" || subItem.Name == "Audio file") { if (subItem.Params.ContainsKey("file")) { string filePath = subItem.Params["file"]; if (filePathsSet.Add(filePath)) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] File found in the project: {1}", GetType().Name, filePath); } } } // Find fonts if (subItem.Name == "Text") { if (subItem.Params.ContainsKey("file")) { string font = subItem.Params["font"]; if (fontNamesSet.Add(font)) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Font found in the project: {1}", GetType().Name, font); } } } } } } // Create list for FileInfos & calc total size long totalLength = 0; List <FileInfo> fileInfosList = new List <FileInfo>(); foreach (string filePath in filePathsSet) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath); if (fileInfo.Exists) { fileInfosList.Add(fileInfo); totalLength += fileInfo.Length; Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Confirm file exists: {1}", GetType().Name, fileInfo.FullName); } else { messageBuilder.AppendFormat("未找到文件: {0}\n", fileInfo.FullName); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Warn] File not found: {1}", GetType().Name, fileInfo.FullName); } } List <FileInfo> fontFileInfosList = new List <FileInfo>(); foreach (string fontName in fontNamesSet) { if (FontMap.ContainsKey(fontName)) { FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(FontMap[fontName]); if (fileInfo.Exists) { fontFileInfosList.Add(fileInfo); totalLength += fileInfo.Length; Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Confirm font exists: {1} - {2}", GetType().Name, fontName, fileInfo.FullName); } else { messageBuilder.AppendFormat("未找到字体文件: {0} - {1}\n", fontName, fileInfo.FullName); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Warn] Font file not found: {1} - {2}", GetType().Name, fontName, fileInfo.FullName); } } else { messageBuilder.AppendFormat("未找到字体: {0}\n", fontName); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Font not found: {1}", GetType().Name, fontName); } } // Collect files and create archive Dictionary <string, string> archivedFileMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); string archivePath; if (exoFiles.Length == 1) { archivePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(exoFiles[0]), string.Format("{0}.auz", Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(exoFiles[0]))); } else { archivePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(exoFiles[0]), string.Format("{0}.auz", Path.GetDirectoryName(exoFiles[0]).Split('\\').Last())); } using (FileStream archiveStream = new FileStream(archivePath, FileMode.Create)) { using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(archiveStream, ZipArchiveMode.Create)) { // Archive files long currentLength = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 1024]; foreach (FileInfo file in fileInfosList) { string archivedPath = GetArchivedPath(file.FullName); if (archivedFileMap.ContainsValue(archivedPath)) { string fullFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(archivedPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archivedPath)); string extension = Path.GetExtension(archivedPath); long i = 0; do { i++; archivedPath = string.Format("{0} (1){2}", fullFileNameWithoutExtension, i, extension); }while (archivedFileMap.ContainsValue(archivedPath)); } archivedFileMap[file.FullName] = archivedPath; ZipArchiveEntry archiveEntry = archive.CreateEntry(archivedPath, CompressionLevel.Optimal); using (Stream archiveEntryStream = archiveEntry.Open()) { using (FileStream sourceStream = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { while (sourceStream.Position != sourceStream.Length) { int readLength = sourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); archiveEntryStream.Write(buffer, 0, readLength); currentLength += readLength; double progress = (double)currentLength / totalLength; Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Writting files {1}/{2} ({3})", GetType().Name, currentLength, totalLength, progress); CurrentProgress = progress; } Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] File archived: {1} - {2}", GetType().Name, file.FullName, archivedPath); } } } foreach (FileInfo file in fontFileInfosList) { string archivedPath = Path.Combine("Fonts", file.Name); ZipArchiveEntry archiveEntry = archive.CreateEntry(archivedPath); using (Stream archiveEntryStream = archiveEntry.Open()) { using (FileStream sourceStream = new FileStream(file.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { while (sourceStream.Position != sourceStream.Length) { int readLength = sourceStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); archiveEntryStream.Write(buffer, 0, readLength); currentLength += readLength; double progress = (double)currentLength / totalLength; Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Writting fonts {1}/{2} ({3})", GetType().Name, currentLength, totalLength, progress); CurrentProgress = progress; } Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Font archived: {1} - {2}", GetType().Name, file.FullName, archivedPath); } } } // Generate Exo HashSet <string> archivedExoSet = new HashSet <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < exoFiles.Length; i++) { string exoFile = exoFiles[i]; string archivedExoPath = Path.GetFileName(exoFile); if (archivedExoSet.Contains(archivedExoPath)) { string fullFileNameWithoutExtension = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(archivedExoPath), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archivedExoPath)); string extension = Path.GetExtension(archivedExoPath); long j = 0; do { j++; archivedExoPath = string.Format("{0} (1){2}", fullFileNameWithoutExtension, j, extension); }while (archivedExoSet.Contains(archivedExoPath)); } archivedExoSet.Add(archivedExoPath); Exo exo = exos[i]; foreach (Exo.Exedit.Item item in exo.MainExedit.Items) { foreach (Exo.Exedit.Item.SubItem subItem in item.SubItems) { // Find files if (subItem.Name == "Image file" || subItem.Name == "Video file" || subItem.Name == "Audio file") { if (subItem.Params.ContainsKey("file")) { string filePath = subItem.Params["file"]; if (archivedFileMap.ContainsKey(filePath)) { string archivedPath = archivedFileMap[filePath]; subItem.Params["file"] = string.Format(".\\{0}", archivedPath); } } } } } ZipArchiveEntry exoArchiveEntry = archive.CreateEntry(archivedExoPath); using (Stream archiveEntryStream = exoArchiveEntry.Open()) { using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(archiveEntryStream, Encoding.Default)) { streamWriter.Write(exo.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Exo archived: {1} - {2}", GetType().Name, exoFile, archivedExoPath); } } } } } messageBuilder.AppendFormat("共处理{0}个Exo存档,已归档{1}/{2}个素材,{3}/{4}个字体。\n{5}", exoFiles.Length, fileInfosList.Count, filePathsSet.Count, fontNamesSet.Count, fontFileInfosList.Count, archivePath); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Archiving finished - {1}", GetType().Name, exoFiles.Length); return(messageBuilder.ToString()); }
private string ReleaseArchive(string archiveFile) { Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Start releasing archive - {1}", GetType().Name, archiveFile); bool isTileRelease = MessageBox.Show("是否按文件夹释放素材", "释放素材", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.No; StringBuilder messageBuilder = new StringBuilder(); uint fileCount = 0; uint exoCount = 0; string exoDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archiveFile)); using (FileStream archiveStream = new FileStream(archiveFile, FileMode.Open)) { using (ZipArchive archive = new ZipArchive(archiveStream, ZipArchiveMode.Read)) { // Calc total length long totalLength = 0; foreach (ZipArchiveEntry archiveEntry in archive.Entries) { if (archiveEntry.FullName.EndsWith(".exo")) { continue; } totalLength += archiveEntry.Length; } // Release files long currentLength = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[1024 * 1024]; foreach (ZipArchiveEntry archiveEntry in archive.Entries) { if (archiveEntry.FullName.EndsWith(".exo")) { continue; } string releaseDirectory; string releaseFullFileName; if (!archiveEntry.FullName.StartsWith("Fonts\\") && isTileRelease) { releaseDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archiveFile)); releaseFullFileName = Path.Combine(releaseDirectory, archiveEntry.FullName.Replace('\\', '_')); } else { releaseDirectory = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archiveFile), Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveEntry.FullName)); releaseFullFileName = Path.Combine(releaseDirectory, archiveEntry.Name); } Directory.CreateDirectory(releaseDirectory); using (Stream archiveEntryStream = archiveEntry.Open()) { using (FileStream releaseStream = new FileStream(releaseFullFileName, FileMode.Create)) { int position = 0; while (position != archiveEntry.Length) { int readLength = archiveEntryStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); releaseStream.Write(buffer, 0, readLength); position += readLength; currentLength += readLength; double progress = (double)currentLength / totalLength; Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Releasing files {1}/{2} ({3})", GetType().Name, currentLength, totalLength, progress); CurrentProgress = progress; } } } fileCount++; } // Generate Exo foreach (ZipArchiveEntry archiveEntry in archive.Entries) { if (!archiveEntry.FullName.EndsWith(".exo")) { continue; } ZipArchiveEntry exoArchiveEntry = archiveEntry; using (Stream exoStream = exoArchiveEntry.Open()) { Exo exo = new Exo(exoStream, Encoding.Default); foreach (Exo.Exedit.Item item in exo.MainExedit.Items) { foreach (Exo.Exedit.Item.SubItem subItem in item.SubItems) { if (subItem.Name == "Image file" || subItem.Name == "Video file" || subItem.Name == "Audio file") { if (subItem.Params.ContainsKey("file")) { string archivedPath = subItem.Params["file"]; if (archivedPath.StartsWith(".\\")) { if (isTileRelease) { subItem.Params["file"] = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archiveFile), archivedPath.Substring(".\\".Length).Replace('\\', '_')); } else { subItem.Params["file"] = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(archiveFile), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(archiveFile), archivedPath.Substring(".\\".Length)); } } } } } } if (!Directory.Exists(exoDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(exoDirectory); } string exoFullFileName = Path.Combine(exoDirectory, exoArchiveEntry.Name); using (StreamWriter streamWriter = new StreamWriter(exoFullFileName, false, Encoding.Default)) { streamWriter.Write(exo.ToString()); } } Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Exo generated - {1}", GetType().Name, exoArchiveEntry.Name); exoCount++; } } } messageBuilder.AppendFormat("共释放{0}个素材,生成{1}个Exo存档\n{2}", fileCount, exoCount, exoDirectory); Console.WriteLine("[{0}] [Info] Archive releasing finished - {1}", GetType().Name, archiveFile); return(messageBuilder.ToString()); }