public static IEnumerable <SelectListItem> Countries(this HtmlHelper helper, IEnumerable <string> countryCodes, string defaultCountryCode = "US") { var apiCountries = Exigo.GetCountries(); var countries = new List <Country>(); var markets = GlobalSettings.Markets.AvailableMarkets; // compare the countries in the Countries table for the company with the list of available markets in the Settings file foreach (var market in markets) { foreach (var country in market.Countries) { var countryMatch = apiCountries.Where(c => c.CountryCode == country).FirstOrDefault(); if (countryMatch != null) { // ensure no duplicates are added if (!countries.Any(c => c.CountryCode == countryMatch.CountryCode)) { countries.Add(countryMatch); } } } } if (countryCodes != null && countryCodes.Count() > 0) { countries = countries.Where(c => countryCodes.Contains(c.CountryCode)).ToList(); } return(countries.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.CountryName, Value = c.CountryCode, Selected = c.CountryCode == defaultCountryCode })); }
public JsonNetResult GetCountries() { var countries = Exigo.GetCountries(); return(new JsonNetResult(new { success = true, countries = countries })); }
public static IEnumerable <SelectListItem> Countries(this HtmlHelper helper, string defaultCountryCode = "US") { var response = Exigo.GetCountries(); return(response.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.CountryName, Value = c.CountryCode, Selected = c.CountryCode == defaultCountryCode })); }
public static MvcHtmlString CountryOptions(this HtmlHelper helper, string defaultCountryCode = "US") { var response = Exigo.GetCountries(); var html = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var country in response) { html.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}' {2}>{1}</option>" , country.CountryCode , country.CountryName , country.CountryCode.Equals(defaultCountryCode, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? "selected" : ""); } return(new MvcHtmlString(html.ToString())); }
public static MvcHtmlString CountryOptions(this HtmlHelper helper, IEnumerable <string> countryCodes, string defaultCountryCode = "US") { var response = Exigo.GetCountries(); if (countryCodes != null && countryCodes.Count() > 0) { response = response.Where(c => countryCodes.Contains(c.CountryCode)).ToList(); } var html = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var country in response) { html.AppendFormat("<option value='{0}' {2}>{1}</option>" , country.CountryCode , country.CountryName , country.CountryCode.Equals(defaultCountryCode, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? "selected" : ""); } return(new MvcHtmlString(html.ToString())); }
public static IEnumerable <SelectListItem> Countries(this HtmlHelper helper, IEnumerable <string> countryCodes, string defaultCountryCode = "US") { var countries = Exigo.GetCountries(); if (countryCodes != null) { countries = countries.Where(c => c.CountryCode.In(countryCodes.ToArray())).ToList(); } else { countries = countries.Where(c => c.CountryCode == defaultCountryCode).ToList(); } if (countryCodes != null && countryCodes.Count() > 0) { countries = countries.Where(c => countryCodes.Contains(c.CountryCode)).ToList(); } return(countries.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.CountryName, Value = c.CountryCode, Selected = c.CountryCode == defaultCountryCode })); }
public static IEnumerable <SelectListItem> Countries(this HtmlHelper helper, IEnumerable <string> countryCodes, bool disableHT, int?CustomerID, string defaultCountryCode = "US") { var apiCountries = Exigo.GetCountries(); var countries = new List <Country>(); //20170118 82825 DV. Reminder to self. Consider moving Field5 to the Identity object since it could be handy throughout entire project later. if (!disableHT) { using (var context = Exigo.Sql()) { var Field5 = context.Query <string>(@" SELECT Field5 FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = @customerID ", new { CustomerID }).FirstOrDefault(); if (Field5.IsNotNullOrEmpty() && Field5 == "1") //That is, the value is likely a 1 for true. Most customers will have either an empty "" value or a value of 0 for Field5 if the CSR unchecks the Field5 user-defined field in Exigo Admin { Country US = new Country(); US.CountryCode = "US"; US.CountryName = "United States"; Country HT = new Country(); HT.CountryCode = "HT"; HT.CountryName = "Haiti"; countries.Add(US); countries.Add(HT); return(countries.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.CountryName, Value = c.CountryCode, Selected = c.CountryCode == defaultCountryCode })); } } } var markets = GlobalSettings.Markets.AvailableMarkets; // compare the countries in the Countries table for the company with the list of available markets in the Settings file foreach (var market in markets) { foreach (var country in market.Countries) { var countryMatch = apiCountries.Where(c => c.CountryCode == country).FirstOrDefault(); // ensure no duplicates are added if (!countries.Any(c => c.CountryCode == countryMatch.CountryCode)) { countries.Add(countryMatch); } } } if (countryCodes != null && countryCodes.Count() > 0) { countries = countries.Where(c => countryCodes.Contains(c.CountryCode)).ToList(); } return(countries.Select(c => new SelectListItem() { Text = c.CountryName, Value = c.CountryCode, Selected = c.CountryCode == defaultCountryCode })); }