public static void AddOrUpdate(this ExifPropertyCollection props, ExifTag tag, string value) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { return; } var old = props.FirstOrDefault(x => tag == x.Tag); if (null != old) { old.Value = value; } else { props.Add(tag, value); } }
private void updateImage(bool forceUpdate) { if (!Dispatcher.CheckAccess()) // CheckAccess returns true if you're on the dispatcher thread { Dispatcher.Invoke(() => updateImage(forceUpdate)); return; } if (!IrfanWatcher.updateNeeded() && !forceUpdate) { return; } // choose an image //Console.Write("Enter image load path: "); string imagePath = IrfanWatcher.getFilePathToCurrentlyOpenedFileInIrfan(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(imagePath)) { return; } //Console.WriteLine(); //---------------------------------------------- // minimally loads image and closes it ExifPropertyCollection properties = ExifReader.GetExifData(imagePath); ExifProperty gpsLatitudeRefProperty = properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.DisplayName == "GPS Latitude Ref"); if (gpsLatitudeRefProperty == null) { setImageReplacement("Picture does not contain GPS information"); return; } else { removeImageReplacement(); } string gpsLatitudeRef = ""; if (gpsLatitudeRefProperty != null) { gpsLatitudeRef = gpsLatitudeRefProperty.DisplayValue; } ExifProperty gpsLatitudeProperty = properties.First(p => p.DisplayName == "GPS Latitude"); double latitudeAsDouble = 0; if (gpsLatitudeProperty != null) { ExifUtils.Rational <uint>[] latitudeAsRational = (ExifUtils.Rational <uint>[])gpsLatitudeProperty.Value; double latitudeDegree = latitudeAsRational[0].Numerator / latitudeAsRational[0].Denominator; double latitudeMinute = latitudeAsRational[1].Numerator / latitudeAsRational[1].Denominator; double latitudeSecond = latitudeAsRational[2].Numerator / latitudeAsRational[2].Denominator; latitudeAsDouble = latitudeDegree + latitudeMinute / 60 + latitudeSecond / 3600; } if (gpsLatitudeRef == "S") { latitudeAsDouble *= -1; } ExifProperty gpsLongitudeRefProperty = properties.First(p => p.DisplayName == "GPS Longitude Ref"); string gpsLongitudeRef = ""; if (gpsLongitudeRefProperty != null) { gpsLongitudeRef = gpsLongitudeRefProperty.DisplayValue; } ExifProperty gpsLongitudeProperty = properties.First(p => p.DisplayName == "GPS Longitude"); double longitudeAsDouble = 0; if (gpsLongitudeProperty != null) { ExifUtils.Rational <uint>[] longitudeAsRational = (ExifUtils.Rational <uint>[])gpsLongitudeProperty.Value; double longitudeDegree = longitudeAsRational[0].Numerator / longitudeAsRational[0].Denominator; double longitudeMinute = longitudeAsRational[1].Numerator / longitudeAsRational[1].Denominator; double longitudeSecond = longitudeAsRational[2].Numerator / longitudeAsRational[2].Denominator; longitudeAsDouble = longitudeDegree + longitudeMinute / 60 + longitudeSecond / 3600; } if (gpsLongitudeRef == "W") { longitudeAsDouble *= -1; } int picSizeHeight = (int)this.Height; int picSizeWidth = (int)this.Width; string apiKey = ""; string mapType = "roadmap"; string floatFormatString = "F6"; string center = latitudeAsDouble.ToString(floatFormatString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat) + "," + longitudeAsDouble.ToString(floatFormatString, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture.NumberFormat); //"40.702147,-74.015794"; string zoom = zoomLevel.ToString(); string markerLocation = center; string size = picSizeWidth + "x" + picSizeHeight; System.Drawing.Image mapFromGMaps = null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiKey)) { mapFromGMaps = GetImageFromUrl("" + center + "&maptype=" + mapType + "&zoom=" + zoom + "&markers=color:red|" + markerLocation + "&size=" + size); // + "&key=" + apiKey); } else { mapFromGMaps = GetImageFromUrl("" + center + "&maptype=" + mapType + "&zoom=" + zoom + "&markers=color:red|" + markerLocation + "&size=" + size + "&key=" + apiKey); } // ImageSource ... BitmapImage bi = new BitmapImage(); bi.BeginInit(); MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); // Save to a memory stream... mapFromGMaps.Save(ms, ImageFormat.Png); // Rewind the stream... ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); // Tell the WPF image to use this stream... bi.StreamSource = ms; bi.EndInit(); mapImage.Source = bi; }