예제 #1
    protected override void Start()
        FoodTargets     = new List <Transform>();
        PredatorTargets = new List <Transform>();

        PredatorDetected = false;
        FoodDetected     = false;

        Detection = GetComponent <UnitDetection>();
        Eater     = GetComponent <IEater>();
        Eatable   = GetComponent <IEatable>();
        Exhausted = GetComponent <Exhaustion>();

        SubGoal s1 = new SubGoal(State.NotHungry, 1, false);

        // Add it to the goals
        goals.Add(s1, 0);

        SubGoal s2 = new SubGoal(State.NotExhausted, 1, false);

        // Add it to the goals
        goals.Add(s2, 0);

        SubGoal s3 = new SubGoal(State.NotEaten, 1, false);

        // Add it to the goals
        goals.Add(s3, 2);

        Detection.OnTargetsUpdated += FilterEatableTargets;
        Detection.OnTargetsUpdated += FilterEaterTargets;
예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <string> infiles    = new List <string>();
            Prefilter     filter     = Prefilter.None;
            Exhaustion    exhaustion = Exhaustion.Standard;

            for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i)
                if (args[i] == "--filter")
                    filter = (Prefilter)Enum.Parse(typeof(Prefilter), args[i], true);
                else if (args[i] == "--exhaustion")
                    exhaustion = (Exhaustion)Enum.Parse(typeof(Exhaustion), args[i], true);

            if (infiles.Count == 0)
                Console.WriteLine("Usage: FileCompressor [options] files");
                Console.WriteLine("  --filter");
                foreach (object e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Prefilter)))
                    Console.WriteLine("      " + e.ToString());
                Console.WriteLine("  --exhaustion");
                foreach (object e in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Exhaustion)))
                    Console.WriteLine("      " + e.ToString());

            foreach (string infile in infiles)
                string outfile = infile + "_" + filter.ToString() + "_" + exhaustion.ToString() + ".bin";
                Console.WriteLine("Generating: " + outfile);

                Stream ms;
                using (var fs = new FileStream(infile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)) {
                    ms = fs.CopyToMemory();

                using (var compressed = Compress(ms, filter, exhaustion)) {
                    using (FileStream os = new FileStream(outfile, FileMode.Create)) {
                        compressed.Position = 0;
                        StreamUtils.CopyStream(compressed, os);
 private void Start()
     Eater        = GetComponent <IEater>();
     Eatable      = GetComponent <IEatable>();
     Exhaustion   = GetComponent <Exhaustion>();
     WanderOrigin = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
     aiActive     = true;
예제 #4
        public static Stream Compress(Stream instream, Prefilter filter, Exhaustion exhaustion)
            MemoryStream outstream = new MemoryStream((int)instream.Length);
            uint         crc       = CRC.CalculateDigest(instream.CopyToByteArray(), 0, (uint)instream.Length);

            if (filter == Prefilter.None)
                MemoryStream memorystream = new MemoryStream((int)instream.Length);
                instream.Position = 0;
                StreamUtils.CopyStream(instream, memorystream);

                outstream.WriteUInt8(0);                 // filter ID
                outstream.WriteUInt32(crc, EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                CompressInternalLzmaSemiOptimized(memorystream, outstream, exhaustion);

            if (filter == Prefilter.Delta2LE_0x30Lead)
                if ((instream.Length % 2) != 0 || instream.Length < 0x30)
                    throw new Exception("unsupported length for " + filter.ToString());
                MemoryStream filteredstream = new MemoryStream((int)instream.Length);
                instream.Position = 0;
                StreamUtils.CopyStream(instream, filteredstream, 0x30);

                ushort last = 0;
                while (instream.Position < instream.Length)
                    ushort curr = instream.ReadUInt16(EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                    ushort diff = (ushort)(last - curr);
                    filteredstream.WriteUInt16(diff, EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                    last = curr;

                outstream.WriteUInt8(1);                 // filter ID
                outstream.WriteUInt32(crc, EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                filteredstream.Position = 0;
                CompressInternalLzmaSemiOptimized(filteredstream, outstream, exhaustion);

            if (filter == Prefilter.Delta4LE_0x30Lead)
                if ((instream.Length % 4) != 0 || instream.Length < 0x30)
                    throw new Exception("unsupported length for " + filter.ToString());
                MemoryStream filteredstream = new MemoryStream((int)instream.Length);
                instream.Position = 0;
                StreamUtils.CopyStream(instream, filteredstream, 0x30);

                uint last = 0;
                while (instream.Position < instream.Length)
                    uint curr = instream.ReadUInt32(EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                    uint diff = (uint)(last - curr);
                    filteredstream.WriteUInt32(diff, EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                    last = curr;

                outstream.WriteUInt8(2);                 // filter ID
                outstream.WriteUInt32(crc, EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                filteredstream.Position = 0;
                CompressInternalLzmaSemiOptimized(filteredstream, outstream, exhaustion);

            if (filter == Prefilter.Delta2LE_Deinterleaved_0x30Lead)
                if ((instream.Length % 4) != 0 || instream.Length < 0x30)
                    throw new Exception("unsupported length for " + filter.ToString());
                MemoryStream filteredstream = new MemoryStream((int)instream.Length);
                instream.Position = 0;
                StreamUtils.CopyStream(instream, filteredstream, 0x30);

                long   pos  = instream.Position;
                ushort last = 0;
                while (instream.Position < instream.Length)
                    ushort curr = instream.ReadUInt16(EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                    ushort diff = (ushort)(last - curr);
                    filteredstream.WriteUInt16(diff, EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                    last = curr;
                instream.Position = pos;
                last = 0;
                while (instream.Position < instream.Length)
                    ushort curr = instream.ReadUInt16(EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                    ushort diff = (ushort)(last - curr);
                    filteredstream.WriteUInt16(diff, EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                    last = curr;

                outstream.WriteUInt8(3);                 // filter ID
                outstream.WriteUInt32(crc, EndianUtils.Endianness.LittleEndian);
                filteredstream.Position = 0;
                CompressInternalLzmaSemiOptimized(filteredstream, outstream, exhaustion);

            throw new Exception("unexpected filter");
예제 #5
        public static void CompressInternalLzmaSemiOptimized(Stream instream, Stream outstream, Exhaustion exhaustion)
            int[] dictionary;
            int[] posStateBits;
            int[] litContextBits;
            int[] litPosBits;
            int[] numFastBytes;

                List <int> dicts = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 30; ++i)
                    int dictsize = 1 << i;
                    if (dictsize >= instream.Length)
                dictionary = dicts.ToArray();

            switch (exhaustion)
            case Exhaustion.Standard:
                posStateBits   = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 4 };
                litContextBits = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8 };
                litPosBits     = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 4 };
                numFastBytes   = new int[] { 16, 64, 128, 273 };

            case Exhaustion.SemiExhaustive:
                posStateBits   = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                litContextBits = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
                litPosBits     = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                numFastBytes   = new int[] { 5, 16, 32, 64, 96, 128, 192, 273 };

            case Exhaustion.Exhaustive: {
                posStateBits   = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                litContextBits = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
                litPosBits     = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 };
                List <int> tmpfb = new List <int>();
                for (int i = 5; i <= 273; ++i)
                numFastBytes = tmpfb.ToArray();

                throw new Exception("invalid exhaustion");

            string mf = "bt4";

            Stream best    = null;
            long   bestlen = long.MaxValue;
            int    bestd   = 0;
            int    bestpb  = 0;
            int    bestlc  = 0;
            int    bestlp  = 0;
            int    bestfb  = 0;

            foreach (int d in dictionary)
                foreach (int pb in posStateBits)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Reached d{d} pb{pb}.");
                    foreach (int lc in litContextBits)
                        foreach (int lp in litPosBits)
                            foreach (int fb in numFastBytes)
                                MemoryStream tmp = new MemoryStream((int)instream.Length);
                                instream.Position = 0;
                                CompressInternalLzma(instream, tmp, 1 << d, pb, lc, lp, fb, mf);
                                long tmplen = tmp.Length;
                                if (best == null || bestlen > tmplen)
                                    best    = tmp;
                                    bestlen = tmplen;
                                    bestd   = d;
                                    bestpb  = pb;
                                    bestlc  = lc;
                                    bestlp  = lp;
                                    bestfb  = fb;
                                    Console.WriteLine($"New best compression with {bestlen} bytes: d{d}, pb{pb}, lc{lc}, lp{lp}, fb{fb}");

            if (exhaustion != Exhaustion.Exhaustive)
                // one final exhaustive fastbytes loop
                Console.WriteLine("Exhausting fastbytes with current best values...");
                for (int fbb = 5; fbb <= 273; ++fbb)
                    MemoryStream tmp = new MemoryStream((int)instream.Length);
                    instream.Position = 0;
                    CompressInternalLzma(instream, tmp, 1 << bestd, bestpb, bestlc, bestlp, fbb, mf);
                    long tmplen = tmp.Length;
                    if (best == null || bestlen > tmplen)
                        best    = tmp;
                        bestlen = tmplen;
                        bestfb  = fbb;
                        Console.WriteLine($"New best compression with {bestlen} bytes: d{bestd}, pb{bestpb}, lc{bestlc}, lp{bestlp}, fb{fbb}");

            best.Position = 0;
            StreamUtils.CopyStream(best, outstream);