예제 #1
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Public Methods                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        // *****************************************************
        // ****              SubmitToHedger                 ****
        // *****************************************************
        /// <summary>
        /// Hedge Manager will call this method asking the hedger to take care of hedging.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="instr"></param>
        /// <param name="qty">signed qty for hedge order</param>
        /// <param name="price"></param>
        public void SubmitToHedger(ExecutionEngines.OrderEngines.SpreaderLeg instr, int qty, double price)
            if (!instr.Equals(m_SpreaderLeg))
            { // check that we are submitting to the correct instrument
                m_Log.NewEntry(LogLevel.Error, "Hedger.SubmitToHedger: Wrong Instrument Has Been Submitted To Hedger");
            int stratSign = Math.Sign(qty * m_Spreader.m_LegRatios[m_InternalLegId]);
            int stratSide = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(stratSign);

            if (m_SpreaderLeg.IsMarketGood)
            { // make sure the market is okay before we send an order.
                Order hedgeOrder;
                int   orderSign = Math.Sign(qty);
                int   orderSide = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(orderSign);
                price += orderSign * m_PayUpTicks * m_SpreaderLeg.InstrumentDetails.TickSize;                                  // if we are using negative pay up ticks we should hedge a better price
                int iPrice = orderSign * (int)System.Math.Floor(orderSign * price / m_SpreaderLeg.InstrumentDetails.TickSize); // integerized price, using "safe" rounding
                m_Spreader.m_ExecutionListener.TryCreateOrder(instr.m_PriceLeg.InstrumentName, orderSide,
                                                              (int)(price / m_SpreaderLeg.InstrumentDetails.TickSize), qty, out hedgeOrder);
                hedgeOrder.OrderTIF       = m_defaultTIF;
                hedgeOrder.UserDefinedTag = m_NextOrderId;                                                              // we are tagging each order so when we modify it we can identify the original order it stemmed from.
                hedgeOrder.OrderTag       = string.Format("{0}:Hedge-{1}", m_Spreader.m_ExecutionContainer.EngineContainerID, m_Spreader.m_OpenSyntheticOrders[stratSide].TradeReason);
                m_Spreader.m_ExecutionListener.TrySubmitOrder(m_OrderBook.BookID, hedgeOrder);
                m_Spreader.m_RiskManager.m_TotalNumberOfQuotes++;                   // increment to count all quotes.
            m_IsLegHung[stratSide] = true;                                          // we have submitted a new hedge order and until we get the fill we can assume we are in a hung state
            m_NextOrderId++;                                                        // increment our uniquie hedge count
        } // SubmitToHedger()
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// At this point we know all the linkages between engines should be complete.  Therefore we can find our hedgers for each leg.
        /// </summary>
        public override void SetupComplete()
            if (m_Quoter != null)
                m_UnhedgedPartialCount = new double[m_Quoter.m_SpreaderLegs.Count]; // partial count for each instrument.
                m_PayUpTicks           = new int[m_Quoter.m_SpreaderLegs.Count];

                m_UseGTCHedge = m_Quoter.m_UseGTCHedge;         // allow user to send GTC hedges if desired.
                if (m_UseGTCHedge)
                    m_defaultTIF = OrderTIF.GTC;                // set our default to GTC
                    m_defaultTIF = OrderTIF.GTD;                // set our default to GTD
                m_QuoterLegs = new List <ExecutionEngines.OrderEngines.SpreaderLeg>();
                m_Hedgers    = new List <Hedger>();

                for (int leg = 0; leg < m_Quoter.m_SpreaderLegs.Count; ++leg)
                {                                     // add a hedger for each instrument.
                    ExecutionEngines.OrderEngines.SpreaderLeg quoteLeg = m_Quoter.m_SpreaderLegs[leg];
                    m_Hedgers.Add(quoteLeg.m_Hedger); // add our new hedger to the list of hedgers
                    m_InstrumentToId.Add(quoteLeg.m_PriceLeg.InstrumentName, m_QuoterLegs.Count);
                    quoteLeg.m_Hedger.UseGTCHedge       = m_UseGTCHedge;                                   // assign default TIF to our hedger for this leg.
                    quoteLeg.m_Hedger.CompletelyFilled += new EventHandler(Hedger_CompletelyFilled);       // susbsribe to events for a hedger being completely filled.
                UseGTCHedge = m_UseGTCHedge;
                throw new Exception("HedgeManager Couldn't Find Quoter");
예제 #3
        // *****************************************************************
        // ****                     Public Methods                      ****
        // *****************************************************************
        public virtual void HedgeFill(int quoteInstrId, Fill aFill)
            // Get information about quote leg
            ExecutionEngines.OrderEngines.SpreaderLeg quoteLeg = m_QuoterLegs[quoteInstrId];
            int    quoteFillQty             = aFill.Qty;
            double quoteFillPrice           = aFill.Price;
            double currentAggressiblePrices = 0;
            bool   isAggressible            = false;

            int[] neededHedgeQty = CalculateNeededHegeQty(quoteInstrId, quoteFillQty);                                             // get our hedge QTY array
            int   stratSide      = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(Math.Sign(quoteFillQty * quoteLeg.m_PriceLeg.Weight)); // find what side of the spread we got filled on

            if (m_IsSratHung[stratSide] == false)                                                                                  // fire event for our hang state changing.
                m_IsSratHung[stratSide] = true;                                                                                    // We are not hedged on this side.
            double stratPrice = m_Quoter.m_StrategyWorkingPrice[stratSide]; // find what price we are working in the spread

            if (m_QuoterLegs.Count > 2)                                     // if we are working than 2 or more legs
            {                                                               //we need to check the pricing to see if our prices are still at market.
                for (int i = 0; i < m_QuoterLegs.Count; i++)
                {                                                           // iterate through other legs to see what pricing we can pick up if we agress
                    if (i == quoteInstrId)                                  //we already are filled here so this price is already known
                    currentAggressiblePrices += m_QuoterLegs[i].m_PriceLeg.PriceMultiplier *
                                                m_QuoterLegs[i].m_LeanablePrices[UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(stratSide * m_QuoterLegs[i].m_PriceLeg.Weight)];
                // so now we have the price WITHOUT the "quote" leg that we are filled on.  So we add
                // that in and now we can compare the price we can get now with the price we wanted.
                currentAggressiblePrices += (quoteFillPrice * quoteLeg.m_PriceLeg.PriceMultiplier);
                if (stratSide == UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.BidSide)
                    isAggressible = currentAggressiblePrices <= stratPrice;
                    isAggressible = currentAggressiblePrices >= stratPrice;
            // Find Hedge Prices and Send Hedge Orders
            for (int hedgeLegId = 0; hedgeLegId < m_QuoterLegs.Count; hedgeLegId++)
                //iterate through each instrument
                if (hedgeLegId == quoteInstrId)                                                                   // no need to hedge our quote instrument
                int hedgeQty = neededHedgeQty[hedgeLegId];                                                        // find the qty we need to sell
                if (hedgeQty != 0)
                    int orderSide = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(hedgeQty);
                    int leanSide  = UV.Lib.Utilities.QTMath.MktSignToMktSide(hedgeQty * -1);
                    ExecutionEngines.OrderEngines.SpreaderLeg hedgeLeg = m_QuoterLegs[hedgeLegId];
                    double hedgePrice = 0;
                    if (m_QuoterLegs.Count == 2)
                    {                                                                                                                             // if our spread is 2 legged we can be very explicit with the pricing
                        hedgePrice = (stratPrice - (quoteFillPrice * quoteLeg.m_PriceLeg.PriceMultiplier)) / hedgeLeg.m_PriceLeg.PriceMultiplier; // without pay up ticks
                    { // we have to do something a bit more creative since we have more than 2 legs.
                        // calculate for more than 2 legs
                        // three possbile cases.
                        // 1. the price we want we can get. send hedge orders immediately
                        // 2. we can get a price BETTER than what we want. send hedge orders immediately
                        // 3. we can get only a worse price than the one we want so we need adjust our hedges
                        if (isAggressible)
                        { // situation 1 or 2
                            hedgePrice = m_QuoterLegs[hedgeLegId].m_LeanablePrices[leanSide];
                        {// TODO: create logic in regards to dealing with three legged hangs.
                            hedgePrice = m_QuoterLegs[hedgeLegId].m_LeanablePrices[leanSide];
                    m_Hedgers[hedgeLegId].SubmitToHedger(hedgeLeg, hedgeQty, hedgePrice);                       // submit our hedge orders.