예제 #1
    // Execute(): When the squad child is in this state. Runs once every frame on every instance
    public override void Execute()
        // Calculates the velocity for all children
        ExecuteMethod.OnceInUpdate("SC_IdleState.CalculateVelocity", null, null);

        // toTargetVector: The vector from its tranform position to the angular position
        Vector3 toTargetVector = PlayerSquadFSM.Instance.transform.position + Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, fAngularPosition) * Vector3.up * s_fIdleRadius - m_scFSM.transform.position;

        if (toTargetVector.magnitude > s_fIdleRigidity)
        m_scFSM.m_RigidBody.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(m_scFSM.m_RigidBody.velocity, Mathf.Max(s_fIdleRigidity, toTargetVector.magnitude));

        fAngularPosition += fAngularVelocity * Time.deltaTime;
        // if, else if: Clamping values to be within 0 to 360f
        if (fAngularPosition > 360.0f)
            fAngularPosition -= 360.0f;
        else if (fAngularPosition < 0.0f)
            fAngularPosition += 360.0f;
예제 #2
    public override void Execute()
        ExecuteMethod.OnceInUpdate("SquadChildFSM.UpdateLandmineList", null, null);


        // if: There is more landmine than the production child count
        if (SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine.Count >= SquadChildFSM.StateCount(SCState.Produce))
            for (int i = 0; i < SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine.Count; i++)
                if (Vector3.Distance(SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine[i].transform.position, m_scFSM.transform.position) < 2f)
        // else if: There is lesser landmine state BUT not 0
        else if (SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine.Count != 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine.Count; i++)
                if (Vector3.Distance(SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine[i].transform.position, m_scFSM.transform.position) < 2f)
예제 #3
    public override void Execute()
        if (m_scFSM.attackTarget != null && !isColorChanged)
            m_scFSM.m_SpriteRenderer.color = new Color(1f, 0.12f, 0.12f);
            isColorChanged = true;

        ExecuteMethod.OnceInUpdate("SquadChildFSM.GetNearestTargetPosition", null, null);
예제 #4
    // Strafing(): Handles the movement when the cells are in production state
    public bool Strafing()
        if (m_currentEnumState != SCState.Produce)
            Debug.LogWarning(gameObject.name + ".SquadChildFSM.Strafing(): Current state is not SCState.Produce! Ignore Strafing!");

        ExecuteMethod.OnceInUpdate("SquadChildFSM.StrafingVector", null, null);
        // targetPosition: The calculated target position - includes its angular offset from the main vector and the squad's captain position
        Vector3 targetPosition   = Quaternion.Euler(0.0f, 0.0f, fStrafingOffsetAngle) * m_strafingVector + PlayerSquadFSM.Instance.transform.position;
        Vector3 toTargetPosition = targetPosition - transform.position;

        m_RigidBody.AddForce(toTargetPosition.normalized, ForceMode2D.Impulse);
        m_RigidBody.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(m_RigidBody.velocity, toTargetPosition.magnitude * 3f);
예제 #5
    public override void Execute()
        // Re-initialisation of variables
        ExecuteMethod.OnceInUpdate("SquadChildFSM.UpdateLandmineList", null, null);
        Vector3 finalMovement = Vector3.zero;         // finalMovement: The final movement in which will be used for that current frame

        // if: There is no landmine, return the squad child to idle
        if (SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine.Count == 0)

        // vectorApart: The distance between the current squad child cells and the current enemy child cells
        Vector3 smallestVectorApart = Vector3.one * 3f;
        Vector3 currentVectorApart;

        // for: Check every landmine and determines the closest landmine to avoid
        for (int i = 0; i < SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine.Count; i++)
            currentVectorApart = m_scFSM.transform.position - SquadChildFSM.ListLandmine[i].transform.position;

            // if: The current distance between the enemy and child cells is smaller than the current smallest
            //     then use this new vector as the smallest
            if (currentVectorApart.magnitude < smallestVectorApart.magnitude)
                smallestVectorApart = currentVectorApart;
        // finalMovement: The final vector to travel to avoid other cells
        finalMovement = smallestVectorApart.normalized * (1f - smallestVectorApart.magnitude / 3f);

        //Debug.Log(m_scFSM.gameObject.name + "::Rigibody->velocity(): " + m_scFSM.RigidBody.velocity + ", finalMovment: " + finalMovement);

        m_scFSM.RigidBody.AddForce(finalMovement * 10.0f);
        m_scFSM.RigidBody.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(m_scFSM.RigidBody.velocity, finalMovement.magnitude * 0.5f);
예제 #6
 public override void Exit()
     ExecuteMethod.OnceInUpdate("SquadChildFSM.CalculateDefenceSheildOffset", null, null);
예제 #7
    public override void Execute()
        targetNutrients = m_scFSM.GetNearestResource();

        // if: The target nutrient is too close to the wall, disable the target
        if (targetNutrients != null)
            if (Mathf.Abs(targetNutrients.transform.position.x) >= 4f)
                targetNutrients = null;

        // Seperation Factor
        // vSeperationVector: The final vector used to space away from all the other nearby cells
        Vector3 vSeperationVector = Vector3.zero;

        Collider2D[] array_nearbyCollider = Physics2D.OverlapCircleAll(m_scFSM.transform.position, 0.5f, Constants.s_onlySquadChildLayer);

        if (array_nearbyCollider.Length > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < array_nearbyCollider.Length; i++)
                // if: The current gameObject is itself
                if (array_nearbyCollider[i] == m_scFSM.gameObject)

                // vDirectionVector: The vector that the current squad child should be travelling in to space away from the current neighbour
                Vector3 vDirectionVector = (m_scFSM.transform.position - array_nearbyCollider[i].transform.position);

                // if: Somehow this is triggered, which is very often...
                if (vDirectionVector.magnitude > 0)
                    vSeperationVector += vDirectionVector.normalized / vDirectionVector.sqrMagnitude;

            // Average the the final vector to use for spacing away
            vSeperationVector = vSeperationVector / array_nearbyCollider.Length;
            vSeperationVector = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(vSeperationVector, 7f);

        // Attraction Factor
        ExecuteMethod.OnceInUpdate("SC_FindResourceState.RecalculateCenter", null, null);
        Vector3 vAttractionVector = vCenterPosition - m_scFSM.transform.position;

        vAttractionVector *= 10f;

        // Final Velocity Vector
        // toTargetVector: The vector between the target nutrients and the current squad child cells
        Vector3 toTargetVector;

        // if: There is no target nutrient, the find nutrients group will idle infront of squad group
        if (targetNutrients == null)
            toTargetVector = PlayerSquadFSM.Instance.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 2f, 0f) - m_scFSM.transform.position;
            toTargetVector = targetNutrients.transform.position - m_scFSM.transform.position;
        toTargetVector *= 10f;

        if (targetNutrients != null)

        //Debug.Log("toTargetVector: " + toTargetVector.magnitude + ", vSeperationVector: " + vSeperationVector.magnitude + ", vAttractionVector: " + vAttractionVector.magnitude);

        // Apply vector to velocity

        /* Quick Vector Summary:
         * toTargetVector -> The vector between the nutrients and the 'FindResource' group
         * vSeperationVector -> The personal space vector
         * vAttractionVector -> The 'stay as a group' vector
        m_scFSM.RigidBody.AddForce(toTargetVector + vSeperationVector + vAttractionVector * Time.deltaTime * 100f, ForceMode2D.Force);
        m_scFSM.RigidBody.velocity = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(m_scFSM.RigidBody.velocity, 3f);

        // if: The distance between the two bodies is less than a certain distance
        if (targetNutrients != null)
            if (Vector3.Distance(targetNutrients.transform.position, m_scFSM.transform.position) < 0.5f)
                // if: The current squad child is added to the nutrients
                if (targetNutrients.AddSquadChildCount())
                    targetNutrients = null;
예제 #8
 public override void Exit()
     ExecuteMethod.OnceInUpdate("SquadChildFSM.CalculateStrafingOffset", null, null);