public static uint CreateAll <T>(uint startIndex, ExclusiveGroup group, Transform contextHolder, IEntityFactory factory) where T : MonoBehaviour, IEntityDescriptorHolder { var holders = contextHolder.GetComponentsInChildren <T>(true); foreach (var holder in holders) { var implementors = holder.GetComponents <IImplementor>(); ExclusiveGroup.ExclusiveGroupStruct realGroup = group; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(holder.groupName) == false) { realGroup = ExclusiveGroup.Search(holder.groupName); } EGID egid; var holderId =; if (holderId == 0) { egid = new EGID(startIndex++, realGroup); } else { egid = new EGID(holderId, realGroup); } var init = factory.BuildEntity(egid, holder.GetDescriptor(), implementors); init.Init(new EntityHierarchyStruct(group)); } return(startIndex); }
static uint InternalBuildAll(uint startIndex, IEntityDescriptorHolder descriptorHolder, IEntityFactory factory, ExclusiveGroup group, IImplementor[] implementors, string groupNamePostfix) { ExclusiveGroupStruct realGroup = group; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(descriptorHolder.groupName) == false) { realGroup = ExclusiveGroup.Search(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(groupNamePostfix) ? $"{descriptorHolder.groupName}{groupNamePostfix}" : descriptorHolder.groupName); } EGID egid; var holderId =; if (holderId == 0) { egid = new EGID(startIndex++, realGroup); } else { egid = new EGID(holderId, realGroup); } var init = factory.BuildEntity(egid, descriptorHolder.GetDescriptor(), implementors); init.Init(new EntityHierarchyComponent(group)); return(startIndex); }
IEnumerator PollForInput() { while (true) { while (_buttonConsumer.TryDequeue(out var entity)) { if (entity.message == ButtonEvents.SELECT) { IGuiViewIndex guiViewIndex = entitiesDB.QueryEntity <GuiViewIndexEntityViewStruct>(entity.ID).guiViewIndex; ExclusiveGroup.ExclusiveGroupStruct group = entity.ID.groupID; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guiViewIndex.groupName) == false) { group = ExclusiveGroup.Search(guiViewIndex.groupName); } var entities = entitiesDB.QueryEntities <GUIEntityViewStruct>(group); foreach (var gui in entities) { gui.guiRoot.view = guiViewIndex.index; } } } yield return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// Works like CreateAll but only builds entities with holders that have the same group specified /// </summary> /// <param name="startId"></param> /// <param name="group">The group to match</param> /// <param name="contextHolder"></param> /// <param name="factory"></param> /// <typeparam name="T">EntityDescriptorHolder type</typeparam> /// <returns>Next available ID</returns> public static uint CreateAllInMatchingGroup <T>(uint startId, ExclusiveGroup exclusiveGroup, Transform contextHolder, IEntityFactory factory) where T : MonoBehaviour, IEntityDescriptorHolder { var holders = contextHolder.GetComponentsInChildren <T>(true); foreach (var holder in holders) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(holder.groupName) == false) { var realGroup = ExclusiveGroup.Search(holder.groupName); if (realGroup != exclusiveGroup) { continue; } } else { continue; } var implementors = holder.GetComponents <IImplementor>(); startId = InternalBuildAll(startId, holder, factory, exclusiveGroup, implementors, null); } return(startId); }
public static void CreateAll <T>(ExclusiveGroup group, Transform contextHolder, IEntityFactory factory) where T : MonoBehaviour, IEntityDescriptorHolder { var holders = contextHolder.GetComponentsInChildren <T>(true); foreach (var holder in holders) { var implementors = holder.GetComponents <IImplementor>(); ExclusiveGroup.ExclusiveGroupStruct realGroup = group; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(holder.groupName) == false) { realGroup = ExclusiveGroup.Search(holder.groupName); } factory.BuildEntity(holder.GetInstanceID(), realGroup, holder.GetDescriptor(), implementors); } }