public Dictionary <string, object> ExportYearTax(Dictionary <string, object> d) { Dictionary <string, object> r = new Dictionary <string, object>();//导入结果 try { DataSet ds = db.getYearTax(d); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { string str = d["S_OrgName"].ToString() + d["S_WorkDate"].ToString().Substring(0, 4) + "年"; if (d["S_Department"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(d["S_Department"].ToString())) { str = str + d["S_Department"].ToString(); } string title = str + "应交地税税费报表"; List <string> col = new List <string>() { "D_SL", "total", "totalJS", "totalDJJE" }; r["item"] = ExcelTools.ExportByTemplet(ds.Tables[0], title, d["S_OrgName"].ToString(), "年度税务报表模板", 4, 4, col); r["code"] = 2000; r["message"] = ""; //r["item"] = "\\Files\\export\\" + fileName; } else { r["message"] = "暂无导出数据"; r["code"] = -1; } } catch (Exception ex) { r["code"] = -1; r["message"] = ex.Message; } //r["item"] = filePath; return(r); }
static void runTest() { ExcelTools objx = new ExcelTools(); string _inFile = "/Users/robsonaugustolazzarinalviani/projects/files/out/112_salesout-week_kobo_20180507093048_569695af00eb813a6e.xlsx"; string _outFile = "/Users/robsonaugustolazzarinalviani/projects/files/out/112_salesout-week_kobo_20180507093048_569695af00eb813a6e.xlsx.csv"; converterToCsvSettings testSettings = new converterToCsvSettings(); testSettings.Sheets = new string[] { "Sheet1" }; testSettings.SkipHidden = true; objx.excel2csv(_inFile, _outFile, testSettings); //string _inFile = "/Users/robsonaugustolazzarinalviani/projects/files/in/112_salesout-week_kobo_20180507093048_569695af00eb813a6e.csv"; //string _outFile = "/Users/robsonaugustolazzarinalviani/projects/files/out/112_salesout-week_kobo_20180507093048_569695af00eb813a6e.xlsx"; //objx.csv2excel(_inFile, _outFile); Console.WriteLine(File.Exists(_outFile) ? "ok" : "error"); Environment.Exit(1); }
//导入 private void btnImport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // 保存对话框 OpenFileDialog openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog(); openFileDialog.Filter = "Execl files (*.xls)|*.xls"; openFileDialog.Title = "选择Excel文件"; openFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; string strErrorMsg = string.Empty; if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { string FileName = openFileDialog.FileName; DataTable dtData = ExcelTools.ExportToDatatable(FileName, false); if (dtData.Rows.Count <= 5) { SysMessage.InformationMsg("EXCEL文件没有数据!"); return; } for (int i = 5; i < dtData.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = dtData.Rows[i]; DataRow newRow = dtDetails.NewRow(); newRow["序号"] = row[0]; newRow["产品编号"] = row[1]; newRow["商品编码"] = row[2]; newRow["商品名称"] = row[3]; newRow["商品规格"] = row[4]; newRow["单价"] = row[5]; newRow["币种"] = rowHead["币种"]; newRow["计量单位"] = row[6]; newRow["法定单位"] = row[7]; newRow["换算因子"] = row[8]; dtDetails.Rows.Add(newRow); } } }
public static List <achievement> Read(string filePath) { List <achievement> rnt = new List <achievement>(); FileStream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(stream); sr.ReadLine(); //注释 sr.ReadLine(); //类型 sr.ReadLine(); //名称 string lineData = sr.ReadLine(); while (lineData != null) { var p = new achievement(); string[] splits = lineData.Split('\t'); = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 0); p.icon = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <string>(splits, 1); = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 2); p.taskname = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <string>(splits, 3); p.describe = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <string>(splits, 4); p.type = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 5); p.condition = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <string>(splits, 6); = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 7); p.silver = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 8); p.vigour = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 9); p.Stamina = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 10); p.exp = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 11); p.rewards = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <string>(splits, 12); p.chainid = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 13); p.chainseq = ExcelTools.GetDataCell <int>(splits, 14); rnt.Add(p); lineData = sr.ReadLine(); } return(rnt); }
public Transaction ParseFromLine(string line) { try { List <string> unparsed; Transaction iTransaction = new Transaction(); ParseTools.GetParsed <Transaction>(iTransaction, _header, line, _separator, out unparsed); string[] valueItems = line.SplitAndTrim(_separator); string dateValue = valueItems[_transactionDateIndex]; int dateValueInt; if (int.TryParse(dateValue, out dateValueInt)) { iTransaction.TransactionDate = ExcelTools.FromExcelSerialDate(dateValueInt); } return(iTransaction); } catch (Exception) { } return(null); }
private void cmdExportProjectTableToExcel_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { try { if (_IsLoading.Value) { return; } using (var locker = new BoolLocker(ref _IsLoading)) { if (dgvUnusedTable.RowCount >= 1) { //Ajout de la liste dans une liste d'object var dataList = new List <object>(); foreach (var item in (List <TableView>)dgvUnusedTable.DataSource) { dataList.Add(item); } var excelService = new ExcelTools(new System.Threading.CancellationTokenSource()); var excelList = new List <Library.Excel.Object.ExcelSheet <object> >(); excelList.Add(new Library.Excel.Object.ExcelSheet <object>() { DataList = dataList, Lang = "FR" }); var path = excelService.SendListToNewExcelFile(excelList); Process.Start(path); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.ShowInMessageBox(); } }
private void fileSubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) // TODO: make a public event handler for messages meant for the user, // and replace any references to the user message box (errorLabel) // by firing off an event instead. { Spreadsheet spreadsheet; FormData formData; // Make sure this can only be ran once (for neatness I guess) Button goButton = ((Button)sender); goButton.Enabled = false; // Make sure the progress bar is at 0 to start with. ResetProgressBar(); // Get textbox value with the .xlsx file path string filePath = filePathTextBox.Text; // Check that the file exists. if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { UserMessageBox.Text = UserMessageBox.Text + "Could not find the file specified.\r\n"; goButton.Enabled = true; return; } /// Read xlsx file into a FormData object try { spreadsheet = ExcelTools.ReadExcelFile(filePath); } catch (FileFormatException) { string tempMessage = "The selected file is either corrupt, or not a valid Microsoft Excel document.\r\n"; UserMessageBox.Text += tempMessage; DebugTools.Log(tempMessage); goButton.Enabled = true; return; } formData = ExcelTools.SpreadsheetToFormData(spreadsheet); /// Submit the form with data read, saving the reference var reference = WebFormTools.PostFormDataAsync(formData); /// Wait for the form submission to finish, updating the loading bar in the meantime, /// but let the user know if something happens during submission / reference retreival. while (!reference.IsCompleted) { if (reference.IsCanceled) { string tempMessage = "Form submission cancelled.\r\n"; UserMessageBox.Text += tempMessage; DebugTools.Log(tempMessage); goButton.Enabled = true; return; } if (reference.IsFaulted) { string tempMessage = "Form submission failed due to an unknown error.\r\n"; UserMessageBox.Text += tempMessage; DebugTools.Log(tempMessage); goButton.Enabled = true; return; } // Update the progress bar. UpdateProgressBar(); // Make sure that the form doesn't hang while waiting. Refresh(); Application.DoEvents(); } // Change the progress bar to 100% and change the go button to show that we are done FillProgressBar(); goButton.Enabled = true; int errorCode = 0; string mockReference = "MockReference - 12345678"; foreach (int attempt in new[] { 1, 2 }) { try { if (attempt == 1) { errorCode = ExcelTools.AppendToExcelFile(reference.GetAwaiter().GetResult(), filePath); break; // no need to try again for attempt no. 2 } else { errorCode = ExcelTools.AppendToExcelFile(mockReference, filePath); break; } } catch (InvalidReferenceException error) { string errorMessage = $"{error.Message}\r\nFor demo purposes a mock reference was used: {mockReference}\r\n"; UserMessageBox.Text += errorMessage; DebugTools.Log(errorMessage); } catch (Exception error) { string tempMessage = $"An error has occured while saving the submission reference. Additional Info:\r\n{error.Message}\r\n"; UserMessageBox.Text += tempMessage; DebugTools.Log(tempMessage); } } switch (errorCode) { case 0: break; case 1: string errorMessage = "File specified was empty.\r\n"; UserMessageBox.Text += errorMessage; DebugTools.Log(errorMessage); goButton.Enabled = true; return; case 2: errorMessage = "Failed to get write permissions to the file.\r\n"; UserMessageBox.Text += errorMessage; DebugTools.Log(errorMessage); goButton.Enabled = true; break; } goButton.Enabled = true; ExcelTools.DisplatResults(filePath, this); }
private static bool ReadExcel() { ExcelPackage package = TableExcelLoader.Load("ExampleData"); if (null == package) { return(false); } ExcelWorksheet sheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets["ExampleData"]; if (null == sheet) { return(false); } int defaultKey = new int(); for (int index = 1; index <= sheet.Dimension.Rows; ++index) { var tableData = new ExampleData(); int innerIndex = 1; { tableData.ID = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); tableData.Name = ExcelTools.GetCellString(sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++]); tableData.FloatValue = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <float>(); try { tableData.EnumValue = (TestEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TestEnum), ExcelTools.GetCellString(sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++])); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } int length_FixedList_4 = 5; int count_FixedList_4 = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); tableData.FixedList = new int[count_FixedList_4]; for (int index_FixedList_4 = 0; index_FixedList_4 < length_FixedList_4; ++index_FixedList_4) { if (index_FixedList_4 >= count_FixedList_4) { break; } tableData.FixedList[index_FixedList_4] = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); } int length_AutoList_4 = 5; int count_AutoList_4 = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); tableData.AutoList = new int[count_AutoList_4]; for (int index_AutoList_4 = 0; index_AutoList_4 < length_AutoList_4; ++index_AutoList_4) { if (index_AutoList_4 >= count_AutoList_4) { break; } tableData.AutoList[index_AutoList_4] = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); } ExampleInnerData obj_InnerData_4 = new ExampleInnerData(); { obj_InnerData_4.ID = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); int length_AutoList_5 = 5; int count_AutoList_5 = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); obj_InnerData_4.AutoList = new ExampleInnerInnerData[count_AutoList_5]; for (int index_AutoList_5 = 0; index_AutoList_5 < length_AutoList_5; ++index_AutoList_5) { if (index_AutoList_5 >= count_AutoList_5) { break; } { obj_InnerData_4.AutoList[index_AutoList_5].ID = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); try { obj_InnerData_4.AutoList[index_AutoList_5].EnumValue = (TestEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TestEnum), ExcelTools.GetCellString(sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++])); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } } } tableData.InnerData = obj_InnerData_4; int length_InnerDataList_4 = 5; int count_InnerDataList_4 = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); tableData.InnerDataList = new ExampleInnerData[count_InnerDataList_4]; for (int index_InnerDataList_4 = 0; index_InnerDataList_4 < length_InnerDataList_4; ++index_InnerDataList_4) { if (index_InnerDataList_4 >= count_InnerDataList_4) { break; } { tableData.InnerDataList[index_InnerDataList_4].ID = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); int length_AutoList_6 = 5; int count_AutoList_6 = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); tableData.InnerDataList[index_InnerDataList_4].AutoList = new ExampleInnerInnerData[count_AutoList_6]; for (int index_AutoList_6 = 0; index_AutoList_6 < length_AutoList_6; ++index_AutoList_6) { if (index_AutoList_6 >= count_AutoList_6) { break; } { tableData.InnerDataList[index_InnerDataList_4].AutoList[index_AutoList_6].ID = sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++].GetValue <int>(); try { tableData.InnerDataList[index_InnerDataList_4].AutoList[index_AutoList_6].EnumValue = (TestEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(TestEnum), ExcelTools.GetCellString(sheet.Cells[index, innerIndex++])); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogException(ex); } } } } } } if (tableData.ID == defaultKey) { continue; } var existKey = m_data.Find(innerItem => innerItem.ID == tableData.ID); if (null != existKey) { Debug.LogWarning(string.Format("Already has the key {0}, replace the old data.", tableData.ID)); m_data.Remove(existKey); } m_data.Add(tableData); } return(true); }
//企业工程BOM导出 private void btnBOMExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (this.myDataGridViewDetails.CurrentRow == null) { return; } string strSourceFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\企业工程BOM导入.xls"); string strDestFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"ExcelTemp\企业工程BOM导入{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); File.Copy(strSourceFile, strDestFile); File.SetAttributes(strDestFile, File.GetAttributes(strDestFile) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string fn = strDestFile; ExcelTools ea = new ExcelTools(); ea.SafeOpen(fn); ea.ActiveSheet(1); // 激活 DataTable dtExcel = (DataTable)this.myDataGridViewDetails.DataSource; DataTable dtTemp = null; DataTable dtTemp1 = null; DataTable dtTemp2 = null; string codevalue = string.Empty; IDataAccess dataAccess = DataAccessFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataAccessEnum.DataAccessName.DataAccessName_Manufacture); dataAccess.Open(); int n = 2; foreach (DataRow row in dtExcel.Rows) { if (row["订单号码"] != DBNull.Value && row["订单号码"].ToString() != "") { dtTemp = dataAccess.GetTable(string.Format(@"SELECT D.订单号码,DM.订单id, DM.订单明细表id, DM.产品id, DM.配件id FROM 报关订单表 D LEFT OUTER JOIN 报关订单明细表 DM ON D.订单id = DM.订单id where D.订单号码= '{0}' AND DM.成品项号={1} AND DM.版本号={2}", row["订单号码"], row["成品项号"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 :StringTools.intParse(row["成品项号"].ToString()), row["归并前成品序号"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : StringTools.intParse(row["归并前成品序号"].ToString())), null); if (dtTemp.Rows.Count > 0) { dtTemp1 = dataAccess.GetTable(string.Format("装箱单BOM明细查询 '{0}',{1},{2},{3},{4}", row["手册编号"], dtTemp.Rows[0]["订单id"], dtTemp.Rows[0]["订单明细表id"], dtTemp.Rows[0]["产品id"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : StringTools.intParse(dtTemp.Rows[0]["产品id"].ToString()), dtTemp.Rows[0]["配件id"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : StringTools.intParse(dtTemp.Rows[0]["配件id"].ToString())), null); dtTemp2 = dataAccess.GetTable(string.Format(@"SELECT Q.产品编号 FROM 归并后成品清单 H LEFT OUTER JOIN 归并前成品清单 Q ON H.归并后成品id = Q.归并后成品id where H.电子帐册号='{0}' AND H.产品编号='{1}' and Q.序号={2}", row["手册编号"], row["成品项号"], row["归并前成品序号"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : StringTools.intParse(row["归并前成品序号"].ToString())), null); if (dtTemp2.Rows.Count > 0) { codevalue = dtTemp2.Rows[0]["产品编号"].ToString(); } else { codevalue = ""; } foreach (DataRow rowTemp1 in dtTemp1.Rows) { ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", n), codevalue); ea.SetValue(string.Format("B{0}", n), rowTemp1["料号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("C{0}", n), rowTemp1["单耗"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("D{0}", n), rowTemp1["损耗率"] == DBNull.Value ? "0" : (StringTools.decimalParse(rowTemp1["损耗率"].ToString()) * 100).ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("E{0}", n), row["归并前成品序号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : StringTools.intParse(row["归并前成品序号"].ToString()).ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("F{0}", n), row["内部版本号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : StringTools.intParse(row["内部版本号"].ToString()).ToString()); n++; } } } } dataAccess.Close(); ea.Visible = true; ea.Dispose(); }
public override void tool1_ExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.tool1_ExportExcel_Click(sender, e); if (this.myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow == null) { return; } if (SysMessage.YesNoMsg("数据是否导入EXCEL文件?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } string strSourceFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\清单明细表.xls"); string strDestFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"ExcelTemp\清单明细表{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); File.Copy(strSourceFile, strDestFile); File.SetAttributes(strDestFile, File.GetAttributes(strDestFile) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string fn = strDestFile; ExcelTools ea = new ExcelTools(); ea.SafeOpen(fn); ea.ActiveSheet(1); // 激活 ea.SetValue("A8", "INVOICE NO.:" + myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["装箱单号"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("C8", "CustNo:" + myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["客户代码"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("F8", "DATE:" + Convert.ToDateTime(myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["出货日期"].Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); IDataAccess dataAccess = DataAccessFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataAccessEnum.DataAccessName.DataAccessName_Uniquegrade); dataAccess.Open(); DataTable dtExcel = dataAccess.GetTable(string.Format("select * from 装箱单明细表 where 订单id={0} order by 成品项号", myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["订单id"].Value), null); dataAccess.Close(); ea.SetValue("E8", dtExcel.Rows.Count > 0 ? dtExcel.Rows[0]["手册编号"].ToString() : ""); int iExcelModelBeginIndex = 10; int iExcelModelEndIndex = 48; string 成品名称及商编 = string.Empty; int iIndex = 0; for (int iRow = 0; iRow < dtExcel.Rows.Count; iRow++) { DataRow row = dtExcel.Rows[iRow]; iIndex = iExcelModelBeginIndex + iRow; if (iIndex > iExcelModelEndIndex - 1) { ea.InsertRows(iIndex); } ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), row["箱号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["箱号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("B{0}", iIndex), row["客人型号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["客人型号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("C{0}", iIndex), row["归并前成品序号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["归并前成品序号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("D{0}", iIndex), row["成品项号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["成品项号"].ToString()); 成品名称及商编 = row["成品名称及商编"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["成品名称及商编"].ToString().Trim(); if (成品名称及商编.Length > 0) { string[] arr = 成品名称及商编.Split('/'); if (arr.Length > 0) { 成品名称及商编 = arr[0]; } } ea.SetValue(string.Format("E{0}", iIndex), 成品名称及商编); ea.SetValue(string.Format("F{0}", iIndex), row["成品规格型号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["成品规格型号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("G{0}", iIndex), row["数量"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["数量"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("H{0}", iIndex), row["单位"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["单位"].ToString()); } //ea.Save(saveFileDialog.FileName); ea.Visible = true; ea.Dispose(); }
public override void btnExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.btnExportExcel_Click(sender, e); if (this.dataGridViewHead.CurrentRow == null) { return; } //// 保存对话框 //SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); //saveFileDialog.Filter = "Execl files (*.xls)|*.xls"; //saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 0; //saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; //saveFileDialog.CreatePrompt = false; //saveFileDialog.Title = "保存为Excel文件"; ////导出的文件名默认为:“订单明细” +客户编码+ [“_” +订单号](只有多订单的订货类别使用) //// + “[”+日期(年月日时分秒,如:20141021163144)+“]”, //// 例如成都人为备量仓导出的Excel文件应为:订单明细201099[20141021163144].xls //saveFileDialog.FileName = "报关材料明细表"; //if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; string strSourceFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\报关材料明细表.xls"); string strDestFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"ExcelTemp\报关材料明细表{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); File.Copy(strSourceFile, strDestFile); File.SetAttributes(strDestFile, File.GetAttributes(strDestFile) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string fn = strDestFile; bool isExportDetails = false; if (SysMessage.YesNoMsg("是否导出单耗明细") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes) { isExportDetails = true; } //string fn = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\报关材料明细表.xls"); ExcelTools ea = new ExcelTools(); ea.SafeOpen(fn); ea.ActiveSheet(1); // 激活 ea.SetValue("A2", "订单号码:" + dataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["订单号码"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("C2", "客户代码:" + dataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["客户代码"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("F2", "客户名称:" + dataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["客户名称"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("A3", "出货日期:" + Convert.ToDateTime(dataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["出货日期"].Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); ea.SetValue("C3", "录入日期:" + Convert.ToDateTime(dataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["录入日期"].Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); //int iExcelModelBeginIndex = 5; //int iExcelModelEndIndex = 30; string 成品名称及商编 = string.Empty; int iIndex = 5; DataTable dtExcel = (DataTable)dataGridViewDetails.DataSource; foreach (DataRow row in dtExcel.Rows) { //iIndex = iExcelModelBeginIndex + iRow; //if (iIndex > iExcelModelEndIndex - 1) // ea.InsertRows(iIndex); ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), row["客人型号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["客人型号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("B{0}", iIndex), row["优丽型号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["优丽型号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("G{0}", iIndex), row["订单数量"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : (row["订单数量"].ToString() + " ")); ea.SetValue(string.Format("H{0}", iIndex), row["单位"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["单位"].ToString()); iIndex++; if (isExportDetails) { IDataAccess dataAccess = DataAccessFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataAccessEnum.DataAccessName.DataAccessName_Manufacture); dataAccess.Open(); DataTable dtExcelDetails = dataAccess.GetTable(string.Format("报关预先订单单耗 @订单id={0},@订单明细表id={1}", dataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["订单id"].Value, row["订单明细表id"]), null); dataAccess.Close(); ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), "材料明细:"); iIndex++; foreach (DataRow rowD in dtExcelDetails.Rows) { ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), rowD["料号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : rowD["料号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("B{0}", iIndex), rowD["料件名"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : rowD["料件名"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("C{0}", iIndex), rowD["商品名称"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : rowD["商品名称"].ToString()); decimal d用量 = StringTools.decimalParse(rowD["用量"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : rowD["用量"].ToString()); string str用量 = d用量.ToString("F5"); string str用量单位 = rowD["用量单位"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : rowD["用量单位"].ToString(); ea.SetValue(string.Format("D{0}", iIndex), str用量 + str用量单位); decimal d订单数量 = StringTools.decimalParse(row["订单数量"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["订单数量"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("E{0}", iIndex), (d用量 * d订单数量).ToString("F5") + str用量单位); decimal d单耗 = StringTools.decimalParse(rowD["单耗"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(rowD["单耗"]).ToString("F5")); ea.SetValue(string.Format("F{0}", iIndex), d单耗.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("G{0}", iIndex), (d单耗 * d订单数量).ToString("F5")); ea.SetValue(string.Format("H{0}", iIndex), rowD["单位"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : rowD["单位"].ToString()); iIndex++; } } //单元格底部增加一条粗线 if (isExportDetails) { iIndex++; } } //ea.Save(saveFileDialog.FileName); ea.Visible = true; ea.Dispose(); }
//基本数据导出 private void btnBaseDataExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (SysMessage.YesNoMsg("数据是否导入EXCEL文件?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } long n = 0; string 计量单位Char, 法定单位Char, 币种Char; IDataAccess dataAccess = DataAccessFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataAccessEnum.DataAccessName.DataAccessName_Manufacture); dataAccess.Open(); string strSQL = string.Format("SELECT '1' AS 类型,H.主料,H.四位大类序号,H.序号, H.商品编码, H.商品名称, H.商品规格, H.计量单位, H.币种,H.单价, H.法定单位, H.换算因子, Q.产品编号,Q.商品规格 AS 归并前商品规格, '1' AS 商品类型,H.法定单位 AS 企业单位, Q.单价 AS 归并前单价 FROM 归并后料件清单 H left outer JOIN 归并前料件清单 Q ON H.归并后料件id = Q.归并后料件id where H.电子帐册号={0} order by H.序号,Q.序号", StringTools.SqlQ(gstrManualNo)); DataTable dtData = dataAccess.GetTable(strSQL, null); dataAccess.Close(); if (dtData.Rows.Count > 0) { string strSourceFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\基础数据导入.xls"); string strDestFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"ExcelTemp\基础数据导入{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); File.Copy(strSourceFile, strDestFile); File.SetAttributes(strDestFile, File.GetAttributes(strDestFile) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string fn = strDestFile; ExcelTools ea = new ExcelTools(); ea.SafeOpen(fn); ea.ActiveSheet(1); // 激活 IDataAccess dataGWT = DataAccessFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataAccessEnum.DataAccessName.DataAccessName_GWT); DataTable dtUnit = null; DataTable dtCurr = null; n = 3; foreach (DataRow row in dtData.Rows) { #region 计量单位 if (row["计量单位"] == DBNull.Value && row["计量单位"].ToString().Trim() == "") { 计量单位Char = ""; } else { dataGWT.Open(); dtUnit = dataGWT.GetTable(string.Format("SELECT * FROM unit where ut_name={0}", StringTools.SqlQ(row["计量单位"].ToString())), null); dataGWT.Close(); if (dtUnit.Rows.Count > 0) { 计量单位Char = dtUnit.Rows[0]["Unit"].ToString(); } else { 计量单位Char = row["计量单位"].ToString().Trim(); } } #endregion #region 法定单位 if (row["法定单位"] == DBNull.Value && row["法定单位"].ToString().Trim() == "") { 法定单位Char = ""; } else { dataGWT.Open(); dtUnit = dataGWT.GetTable(string.Format("SELECT * FROM unit where ut_name={0}", StringTools.SqlQ(row["法定单位"].ToString())), null); dataGWT.Close(); if (dtUnit.Rows.Count > 0) { 法定单位Char = dtUnit.Rows[0]["Unit"].ToString(); } else { 法定单位Char = row["法定单位"].ToString().Trim(); } } #endregion #region 币种 if (row["币种"] == DBNull.Value && row["币种"].ToString().Trim() == "") { 币种Char = ""; } else { dataGWT.Open(); dtCurr = dataGWT.GetTable(string.Format("SELECT * FROM curr where cr_name={0} or cr_ab={0}", StringTools.SqlQ(row["币种"].ToString())), null); dataGWT.Close(); if (dtUnit.Rows.Count > 0) { 币种Char = dtCurr.Rows[0]["curr"].ToString(); } else { 币种Char = row["法定单位"].ToString().Trim(); } } #endregion #region 设置单元格的值 ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", n), row["类型"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("B{0}", n), row["序号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("C{0}", n), row["商品编码"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("E{0}", n), row["商品名称"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("F{0}", n), row["商品规格"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("G{0}", n), 计量单位Char); ea.SetValue(string.Format("H{0}", n), 币种Char); ea.SetValue(string.Format("I{0}", n), row["单价"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("K{0}", n), 法定单位Char); ea.SetValue(string.Format("Q{0}", n), row["四位大类序号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("R{0}", n), row["换算因子"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("V{0}", n), row["产品编号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("W{0}", n), row["商品名称"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("X{0}", n), row["归并前商品规格"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("Y{0}", n), row["商品类型"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("Z{0}", n), 法定单位Char); ea.SetValue(string.Format("AB{0}", n), row["归并前单价"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("AC{0}", n), 币种Char); ea.SetValue(string.Format("AF{0}", n), row["换算因子"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("AP{0}", n), row["换算因子"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("AS{0}", n), row["归并前单价"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("AT{0}", n), row["主料"].ToString() == "主料" ? "1" : "2"); #endregion n++; } ea.Visible = true; ea.Dispose(); } }
public Dictionary <string, object> ExportMonthTax(Dictionary <string, object> d) { Dictionary <string, object> r = new Dictionary <string, object>();//导入结果 try { string filePath = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\ExcelModel\\Templates\\月度税务报表模板.xls";//原始文件 //Init(filePath);//初始化数据 DataSet ds = db.getMonthTax(d); if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0) { string str = d["S_OrgName"].ToString() + d["S_WorkDate"].ToString().Substring(0, 7); if (d["S_Department"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(d["S_Department"].ToString())) { str = str + d["S_Department"].ToString(); } string title = str + "应交地税税费报表"; //Sheet.GetRow(0).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(title); //Sheet.GetRow(1).GetCell(0).SetCellValue("制表时间:"+DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); //IRow mySourceRow = Sheet.GetRow(4); //InsertRow(Sheet, 5, ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count - 1, mySourceRow); //for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++) //{ // Sheet.GetRow(4 + i).GetCell(0).SetCellValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["D_SL"].ToString()); // Sheet.GetRow(4 + i).GetCell(1).SetCellValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["total2"].ToString()); // Sheet.GetRow(4 + i).GetCell(2).SetCellValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["totalJS2"].ToString()); // Sheet.GetRow(4 + i).GetCell(3).SetCellValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["totalDJJE2"].ToString()); // Sheet.GetRow(4 + i).GetCell(4).SetCellValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["total"].ToString()); // Sheet.GetRow(4 + i).GetCell(5).SetCellValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["totalJS"].ToString()); // Sheet.GetRow(4 + i).GetCell(6).SetCellValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["totalDJJE"].ToString()); //} ////结尾 //Sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = true; ////导出文件 //string fileName = title+".xls"; //string path = System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "\\Files\\export\\" + fileName; //if (System.IO.File.Exists(path)) //{ // System.IO.File.Delete(path); //} //FileStream Reportfile = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create); //Workbook.Write(Reportfile); //Reportfile.Close(); List <string> col = new List <string>() { "D_SL", "total2", "totalJS2", "totalDJJE2", "total", "totalJS", "totalDJJE" }; r["item"] = ExcelTools.ExportByTemplet(ds.Tables[0], title, d["S_OrgName"].ToString(), "月度税务报表模板", 4, 6, col); r["code"] = 2000; r["message"] = ""; //r["item"] = "\\Files\\export\\" + fileName; } else { r["message"] = "暂无导出数据"; r["code"] = -1; } } catch (Exception ex) { r["code"] = -1; r["message"] = ex.Message; } //r["item"] = filePath; return(r); }
public FileResult ProfitAndLossToExcel(String id, DateTime?fecha1, DateTime?fecha2, bool onlyContributions = false, int houseID = 0) { House house = null; ApplicationUser owner; //Re-Create the report if (houseID == 0) //If house is not specified, just { owner = db.Users.Find(id); } else //If house is specified, the owner is find from it { house = db.Houses.Find(houseID); owner = house.ApplicationUser; } ApplicationUser.ProfitAndLossReport profitAndLossReport = owner.generateProfitAndLossReport(fecha1.Value, fecha2.Value, houseID); //Pre-processed to be exported List <VMProfitAndLossRow> vmProfitList = VMProfitAndLossRow.listToVMMovements(profitAndLossReport.profitReport.ToList()); DataTable dtProfit = ExcelTools.listToDatatable <VMProfitAndLossRow>(vmProfitList); List <VMProfitAndLossRow> vmLossList = VMProfitAndLossRow.listToVMMovements(profitAndLossReport.lossReport.ToList()); DataTable dtLoss = ExcelTools.listToDatatable <VMProfitAndLossRow>(vmLossList); List <VMProfitAndLossRow> vmContribs = VMProfitAndLossRow.listToVMMovements(profitAndLossReport.contributionReport.ToList()); DataTable dtContribs = ExcelTools.listToDatatable <VMProfitAndLossRow>(vmContribs); List <TableToExportExcel> datatables = new List <TableToExportExcel>(); if (house != null) //If house was specified, house data is added to the Excel File { //Getting house data to exportr VMHouse vmHouse = house.getVM(); var houseList = new List <VMHouse>(); houseList.Add(vmHouse); DataTable dtHOuse = ExcelTools.listToDatatable <VMHouse>(houseList); datatables.Add(new TableToExportExcel(dtHOuse, "House")); } if (onlyContributions) { datatables.Add(new TableToExportExcel(dtContribs, "Contributions")); } else { datatables.Add(new TableToExportExcel(dtProfit, "Income")); datatables.Add(new TableToExportExcel(dtLoss, "Loss")); } //Exported ExcelPackage package = ExcelTools.exportToExcel(datatables, onlyContributions? "Contributions" : "Profit and Loss"); var reportTotals = profitAndLossReport.totals; ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.ElementAt(0); int startRow = worksheet.Dimension.End.Row + 2; worksheet.Cells["A" + (startRow)].Value = "Totals"; worksheet.Cells["A" + (startRow)].Style.Font.Size = 20; startRow++; int counter = startRow; foreach (var item in reportTotals) { if (onlyContributions && item.concept == ProfitAndLossTotalConcepts.TotalContribution || !onlyContributions && (item.concept != ProfitAndLossTotalConcepts.TotalContribution)) { worksheet.Cells["A" + counter].Value = item.conceptName; worksheet.Cells["B" + counter].Value =; counter++; } } // format cells - add borders using (ExcelRange r = worksheet.Cells[startRow, 1, counter - 1, 2]) { r.Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin; r.Style.Border.Top.Color.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Black); r.Style.Border.Bottom.Color.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Black); r.Style.Border.Left.Color.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Black); r.Style.Border.Right.Color.SetColor(System.Drawing.Color.Black); } worksheet.InsertRow(1, 2); worksheet.Cells["A1"].Value = "From"; worksheet.Cells["B1"].Value = fecha1.Value.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); worksheet.Cells["C1"].Value = "To"; worksheet.Cells["D1"].Value = fecha2.Value.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); worksheet.Cells["A1"].Style.Font.Bold = true; worksheet.Cells["C1"].Style.Font.Bold = true; if (house == null) //House not specified, owner name is added in the header of the file { worksheet.Cells["E1"].Value = "Owner"; worksheet.Cells["E1"].Style.Font.Bold = true; worksheet.Cells["F1"].Value = owner.OwnerName; } byte[] bytesFile = package.GetAsByteArray(); return(File(bytesFile, ExcelTools.EXCEL_MIME_TYPE, profitAndLossReport.ToString(onlyContributions) + ExcelTools.EXCEL_FORMAT)); }
public void SendGetFile() { var liste = new List <FakeClass>(); liste.Add(new FakeClass() { Tata = "efze1", Toto = "efe", Date = DateTime.Now, Decimal = 1.89m, Int = 10 }); liste.Add(new FakeClass() { Tata = "efze2", Toto = "efe" }); liste.Add(new FakeClass() { Tata = "efzef3", Toto = "efe", Date = DateTime.Now, Decimal = 1.89m, Int = 10 }); liste.Add(new FakeClass() { Tata = "efzef4", Toto = "efe" }); liste.Add(new FakeClass() { Toto = "efe" }); liste.Add(new FakeClass() { Toto = "efe" }); var liste2 = new List <FakeClass2>(); liste2.Add(new FakeClass2() { Tata = "efze1", Toto = "efe" }); liste2.Add(new FakeClass2() { Tata = "julien", Toto = "efe" }); liste2.Add(new FakeClass2() { Tata = "efzef3", Toto = "efe" }); liste2.Add(new FakeClass2() { Tata = "efzef4", Toto = "efe" }); liste2.Add(new FakeClass2() { Toto = "efe" }); liste2.Add(new FakeClass2() { Toto = "efe" }); var excel = new ExcelTools(new CancellationTokenSource()); //écriture du fichier var excelList = new List <Library.Excel.Object.ExcelSheet <object> >(); var listeObject = new List <object>(); foreach (var item in liste) { listeObject.Add(item); } var listeObject2 = new List <object>(); foreach (var item in liste2) { listeObject2.Add(item); } excelList.Add(new Library.Excel.Object.ExcelSheet <object>() { DataList = listeObject, SheetName = "1" }); excelList.Add(new Library.Excel.Object.ExcelSheet <object>() { DataList = listeObject2, SheetName = "2" }); var fullFilePath = excel.SendListToNewExcelFile(excelList); var columnIndexList = new List <int>() { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; //Lecture du fichier var dataList = excel.GetListFromExcelFile(fullFilePath, columnIndexList, 1, true, 1); Assert.AreEqual(7, dataList.Count); var dataList2 = excel.GetListFromExcelFile(@"E:\Développements\Logiciels\Library\_UnitTestData\test.xlsx", columnIndexList, 1, true, 1); Assert.AreEqual(4, dataList2.Count); }
public override void tool1_Print_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.tool1_Print_Click(sender, e); int custid = 0; DataGridViewRow dgv = null; if (this.myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRowNew != null) { if (this.myDataGridViewHead.Rows[this.myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRowNew.Index].Cells["custid"].Value != DBNull.Value) { custid = (int)this.myDataGridViewHead.Rows[this.myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRowNew.Index].Cells["custid"].Value; dgv = this.myDataGridViewHead.Rows[this.myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRowNew.Index]; } else { return; } } else { return; } string sql = string.Empty; DataTable rs = null; DataTable rs1 = null; DataTable rs2 = null; string st3 = string.Empty; IDataAccess dataAccess = DataAccessFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataAccessEnum.DataAccessName.DataAccessName_Uniquegrade); dataAccess.Open(); sql = string.Format("select * from customer where custid={0}", custid); rs = dataAccess.GetTable(sql, null); dataAccess.Close(); List <string> listMark = new List <string>(); if (dgv.Cells["mark1"].Value != DBNull.Value && dgv.Cells["mark1"].ToString().Trim() != "") { listMark.Add(dgv.Cells["mark1"].Value.ToString()); } if (dgv.Cells["mark2"].Value != DBNull.Value && dgv.Cells["mark2"].ToString().Trim() != "") { listMark.Add(dgv.Cells["mark2"].Value.ToString()); } if (dgv.Cells["mark3"].Value != DBNull.Value && dgv.Cells["mark3"].ToString().Trim() != "") { listMark.Add(dgv.Cells["mark3"].Value.ToString()); } if (dgv.Cells["mark4"].Value != DBNull.Value && dgv.Cells["mark4"].ToString().Trim() != "") { listMark.Add(dgv.Cells["mark4"].Value.ToString()); } if (dgv.Cells["mark5"].Value != DBNull.Value && dgv.Cells["mark5"].ToString().Trim() != "") { listMark.Add(dgv.Cells["mark5"].Value.ToString()); } if (dgv.Cells["mark6"].Value != DBNull.Value && dgv.Cells["mark6"].ToString().Trim() != "") { listMark.Add(dgv.Cells["mark6"].Value.ToString()); } if (dgv.Cells["mark7"].Value != DBNull.Value && dgv.Cells["mark7"].ToString().Trim() != "") { listMark.Add(dgv.Cells["mark7"].Value.ToString()); } int pid = Convert.ToInt32(dgv.Cells["pid"].Value); sql = string.Format("SELECT SUM(Quantity) AS Quantity, Unit FROM PackingDetail1 where pid = {0} GROUP BY Unit", pid); //单位数量汇总 dataAccess.Open(); rs2 = dataAccess.GetTable(sql); sql = string.Format("SELECT count(id) AS totalbox FROM dbo.PackingDetail1 WHERE (PackageNo IS NOT NULL) and pid={0}", pid); //总数量汇总 rs1 = dataAccess.GetTable(sql); //sql = string.Format("SELECT SUM(Quantity*unitprice) AS Totalprice FROM PackingDetail1 where pid={0}", pid); //总金额汇总 //DataTable rs5 = dataAccess.GetTable(sql); //decimal totalPrice = 0; //if (rs5.Rows.Count > 0) // totalPrice = Convert.ToDecimal(rs5.Rows[0]["Totalprice"]); dataAccess.Close(); string strSourceFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\出口装箱单明细.xls"); string strDestFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"ExcelTemp\出口装箱单明细{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); File.Copy(strSourceFile, strDestFile); File.SetAttributes(strDestFile, File.GetAttributes(strDestFile) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string fn = strDestFile; //string fn = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\制造单清单明细表.xls"); ExcelTools ea = new ExcelTools(); ea.SafeOpen(fn); ea.ActiveSheet(1); // 激活 DataRow rowCust = rs.Rows[0]; ea.SetValue("C9", " " + dgv.Cells["INVOICENO"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("I9", " " + Convert.ToDateTime(dgv.Cells["ExportDate"].Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); ea.SetValue("C12", " " + rowCust["e_name"].ToString()); ea.SetValue("F14", " " + dgv.Cells["PackingFrom"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("C15", " " + dgv.Cells["PackingTo"].Value.ToString()); int iMark = 11; for (int i = 0; i < listMark.Count; i++) { ea.SetValue(string.Format("H{0}", iMark + i), listMark[i]); } int iExcelModelBeginIndex = 19; DataTable dtDetail = (DataTable)this.myDataGridViewDetails.DataSource; int iIndex = iExcelModelBeginIndex; int iCount = dtDetail.Rows.Count; decimal nw = 0; decimal gw = 0; for (int iRow = 0; iRow < dtDetail.Rows.Count; iRow++) { DataRow row = dtDetail.Rows[iRow]; //if (iCount > 1 && iRow < iCount - 1) //{ ea.InsertRows(iIndex + 1); ea.SetMerge(string.Format("A{0}:B{0}", iIndex)); ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("A{0}:B{0}", iIndex), 3); //居中 //ea.SetBorderStyle(string.Format("A{0}:B{0}", iIndex), 1); ea.SetMerge(string.Format("C{0}:F{0}", iIndex)); ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("C{0}:F{0}", iIndex), 1); //左对齐 ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("G{0}", iIndex), 4); //右对齐 ea.SetMerge(string.Format("H{0}:I{0}", iIndex)); ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("H{0}:I{0}", iIndex), 4); //ea.SetBorderStyle(string.Format("H{0}:I{0}", iIndex), 4); ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("J{0}", iIndex), 4); //} ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), row["PackageNo"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["PackageNo"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("C{0}", iIndex), row["品名规格型号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["品名规格型号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("G{0}", iIndex), string.Format("{0}{1}", row["QUANTITY"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(row["QUANTITY"]).ToString("F2"), row["UNIT"].ToString().Trim())); ea.SetValue(string.Format("H{0}", iIndex), string.Format("{0}{1}", row["NW"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(row["NW"]).ToString("F2"), row["UNIT1"].ToString().Trim())); ea.SetValue(string.Format("J{0}", iIndex), string.Format("{0}{1}", row["GW"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(row["GW"]).ToString("F2"), row["UNIT2"].ToString().Trim())); nw += (row["NW"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(row["NW"])); gw += (row["GW"] == DBNull.Value ? 0 : Convert.ToDecimal(row["GW"])); ea.SetRowHeight(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), 20); iIndex++; } ea.SetRowHeight(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), 2); ea.SetRowHeight(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex + 1), 2); iIndex = iIndex + 2; //ea.SetValue(string.Format("C{0}", iIndex), "TOTAL:"); //ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("C{0}", iIndex), 4); //右对齐 //Font font = new Font("楷体", 12, FontStyle.Bold); //ea.SetFont(string.Format("C{0}", iIndex), font); ea.SetValue(string.Format("D{0}", iIndex), rs1.Rows[0]["totalbox"].ToString()); //ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("D{0}", iIndex), 3); //居中 //ea.SetFont(string.Format("D{0}", iIndex), font); //ea.SetValue(string.Format("E{0}", iIndex), "CARTONS"); //ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("E{0}", iIndex), 1); //左对齐 ////Font font = new Font("楷体", 12, FontStyle.Bold); //ea.SetFont(string.Format("E{0}",iIndex), font); if (nw > 0) { ea.SetMerge(string.Format("H{0}:I{0}", iIndex)); ea.SetValue(string.Format("H{0}", iIndex), nw.ToString("F2") + "KGS"); ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("H{0}", iIndex), 4); //右对齐 } if (gw > 0) { ea.SetValue(string.Format("J{0}", iIndex), gw.ToString("F2") + "KGS"); ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("J{0}", iIndex), 4); //右对齐 } for (int i = 0; i < rs2.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow row = rs2.Rows[i]; ea.SetValue(string.Format("G{0}", iIndex), string.Format("{0}{1}", row["QUANTITY"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : Convert.ToDecimal(row["QUANTITY"]).ToString("F2"), row["UNIT"].ToString().Trim())); ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(string.Format("G{0}", iIndex), 4); ea.SetRowHeight(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), 20); iIndex++; } ea.Visible = true; ea.Dispose(); }
private static void Run(Options opts) { if (opts.Command == "import") { VerifyImportArgs(opts); ExcelReader er = new ExcelReader(opts.ExcelFile); using (DssWriter w = new DssWriter(opts.DssFile)) { if (opts.Sheets.ToList <string>().Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < er.WorksheetCount; i++) { var t = er.CheckType(i); if (t is RecordType.RegularTimeSeries || t is RecordType.IrregularTimeSeries) { w.Write(er.Read(i) as TimeSeries); } else if (t is RecordType.PairedData) { w.Write(er.Read(i) as PairedData); } } } else { foreach (var sheet in opts.Sheets) { var t = er.CheckType(sheet); if (t is RecordType.RegularTimeSeries || t is RecordType.IrregularTimeSeries) { w.Write(er.Read(sheet) as TimeSeries); } else if (t is RecordType.PairedData) { w.Write(er.Read(sheet) as PairedData); } } } } } else if (opts.Command == "export") { VerifyExportArgs(opts); using (DssReader r = new DssReader(opts.DssFile)) { object record; ExcelWriter ew = new ExcelWriter(opts.ExcelFile); if (opts.Sheets.ToList().Count == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < opts.Paths.ToList <string>().Count; i++) { string sheet = "dssvue_import_" + ExcelTools.RandomString(5); DssPath p = new DssPath(opts.Paths.ElementAt(i)); var type = r.GetRecordType(p); if (type is RecordType.RegularTimeSeries || type is RecordType.IrregularTimeSeries) { record = r.GetTimeSeries(p); ew.Write(record as TimeSeries, sheet); } else if (type is RecordType.PairedData) { record = r.GetPairedData(p.FullPath); ew.Write(record as PairedData, sheet); } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < opts.Sheets.ToList().Count; i++) { DssPath p = new DssPath(opts.Paths.ElementAt(i)); var type = r.GetRecordType(p); if (type is RecordType.RegularTimeSeries || type is RecordType.IrregularTimeSeries) { record = r.GetTimeSeries(p); ew.Write(record as TimeSeries, opts.Sheets.ElementAt(i)); } else if (type is RecordType.PairedData) { record = r.GetPairedData(p.FullPath); ew.Write(record as PairedData, opts.Sheets.ElementAt(i)); } } } } } }
private static void Init() { //获取当前实例 instance=EditorWindow.GetWindow<ExcelTools>(); //初始化 pathRoot=Application.dataPath; //注意这里需要对路径进行处理 //目的是去除Assets这部分字符以获取项目目录 //我表示Windows的/符号一直没有搞懂 pathRoot=pathRoot.Substring(0,pathRoot.LastIndexOf("/")); excelList=new List<string>(); scrollPos=new Vector2(instance.position.x,instance.position.y+75); }
/// <summary> /// 使用空白模版导出EXCEL /// </summary> /// <param name="dtExcel">需要导出的数据集</param> /// <param name="strTitle">EXCEL的主标题</param> public static void ExportIntoExcel(DataTable dtExcel, string strTitle) { //// 保存对话框 //SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); //saveFileDialog.Filter = "Execl files (*.xls)|*.xls"; //saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 0; //saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; //saveFileDialog.CreatePrompt = false; //saveFileDialog.Title = "保存为Excel文件"; ////导出的文件名默认为:“订单明细” +客户编码+ [“_” +订单号](只有多订单的订货类别使用) //// + “[”+日期(年月日时分秒,如:20141021163144)+“]”, //// 例如成都人为备量仓导出的Excel文件应为:订单明细201099[20141021163144].xls //saveFileDialog.FileName = strTitle; //if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; string strSourceFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\空白模版.xls"); string strDestFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"ExcelTemp\{0}{1}.xls", strTitle, DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); File.Copy(strSourceFile, strDestFile); File.SetAttributes(strDestFile, File.GetAttributes(strDestFile) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string fn = strDestFile; //string fn = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\空白模版.xls"); ExcelTools ea = new ExcelTools(); ea.SafeOpen(fn); ea.ActiveSheet(1); // 激活 int iColCount = dtExcel.Columns.Count; int iIndex = 1; #region 设置EXCEL标题行 if (strTitle.Length > 0) { string strMaxLetter = getColLetter(iColCount); //计算最大列的字母 string range = string.Format("A{0}:{1}{0}", iIndex, strMaxLetter); ea.SetValue(range, strTitle); //水平居中 ea.SetHorisontalAlignment(range, 3); ea.SetVerticalAlignment(range, 3); Font font = new Font("楷体", 20, FontStyle.Bold); ea.SetFont(range, font); //合并首行 ea.SetMerge(range); iIndex++; } #endregion #region 循环处理数据集 Dictionary <string, long> dicColMaxValue = new Dictionary <string, long>(); //存放列值的最大字符串长度 string strColLetter = string.Empty; //列对应的字母 string strCellText = string.Empty; //单元格对应的文本内容 long lCellLenght; //单元格文本的长度 #region 处理列标题 for (int iCol = 0; iCol < iColCount; iCol++) { strColLetter = getColLetter(iCol + 1); strCellText = dtExcel.Columns[iCol].Caption; lCellLenght = StringTools.TextLenght(strCellText); //ea.SetValue(iIndex, iCol + 1,strCellText); //这里的列是从1开始的,所以iCol + 1 ea.SetValue(string.Format("{0}{1}", strColLetter, iIndex), strCellText); if (dicColMaxValue.ContainsKey(strColLetter)) //如果字典中已经包含该列的数据,则跟当前文本判断长度,存储较大的长度值 { if (dicColMaxValue[strColLetter] < lCellLenght) { dicColMaxValue[strColLetter] = lCellLenght; } } else { dicColMaxValue.Add(strColLetter, lCellLenght); } } iIndex++; #endregion //foreach (DataRow row in dtExcel.Rows) DataRow row = null; for (int iRow = 0; iRow < dtExcel.Rows.Count; iRow++) { row = dtExcel.Rows[iRow]; if (row.RowState == DataRowState.Deleted) { continue; } for (int iCol = 0; iCol < iColCount; iCol++) { strColLetter = getColLetter(iCol + 1); strCellText = row[iCol].ToString(); lCellLenght = StringTools.TextLenght(strCellText); //ea.SetValue(iIndex, iCol + 1,strCellText); //这里的列是从1开始的,所以iCol + 1 ea.SetValue(string.Format("{0}{1}", strColLetter, iIndex), row[iCol].ToString()); if (dicColMaxValue.ContainsKey(strColLetter)) //如果字典中已经包含该列的数据,则跟当前文本判断,存储字符长度较长的文本 { if (dicColMaxValue[strColLetter] < lCellLenght) { dicColMaxValue[strColLetter] = lCellLenght; } } else { dicColMaxValue.Add(strColLetter, lCellLenght); } } iIndex++; } //设置每个列的宽度 foreach (KeyValuePair <string, long> item in dicColMaxValue) { ea.SetColumnWidth(string.Format("{0}2", item.Key), item.Value + 2); //最大字符串长度+2,多出点空隙 } #endregion //ea.Save(saveFileDialog.FileName); ea.Visible = true; ea.Dispose(); }
public override void tool1_ExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { base.tool1_ExportExcel_Click(sender, e); if (SysMessage.YesNoMsg("数据是否导入EXCEL文件?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } if (this.myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow == null) { return; } //// 保存对话框 //SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog(); //saveFileDialog.Filter = "Execl files (*.xls)|*.xls"; //saveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 0; //saveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; //saveFileDialog.CreatePrompt = false; //saveFileDialog.Title = "保存为Excel文件"; ////导出的文件名默认为:“订单明细” +客户编码+ [“_” +订单号](只有多订单的订货类别使用) //// + “[”+日期(年月日时分秒,如:20141021163144)+“]”, //// 例如成都人为备量仓导出的Excel文件应为:订单明细201099[20141021163144].xls //saveFileDialog.FileName =string.Format("预先订单【{0}】",myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["出库单号"].Value.ToString()) ; //if (saveFileDialog.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return; string strSourceFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\制造单清单明细表.xls"); string strDestFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"ExcelTemp\制造单清单明细表{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); File.Copy(strSourceFile, strDestFile); File.SetAttributes(strDestFile, File.GetAttributes(strDestFile) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string fn = strDestFile; //string fn = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\制造单清单明细表.xls"); ExcelTools ea = new ExcelTools(); ea.SafeOpen(fn); ea.ActiveSheet(1); // 激活 ea.SetValue("A8", "出库单号:" + myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["出库单号"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("D8", "CustNo:" + myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["客户代码"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue("F8", "DATE:" + Convert.ToDateTime(myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["出货日期"].Value).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")); IDataAccess dataAccess = DataAccessFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataAccessEnum.DataAccessName.DataAccessName_Manufacture); dataAccess.Open(); DataTable dtExcel = dataAccess.GetTable(string.Format("select * from 报关预先订单明细表 where 订单id={0}", myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRow.Cells["订单id"].Value), null); dataAccess.Close(); int iExcelModelBeginIndex = 10; int iExcelModelEndIndex = 30; string 成品名称及商编 = string.Empty; int iIndex = 0; for (int iRow = 0; iRow < dtExcel.Rows.Count; iRow++) { DataRow row = dtExcel.Rows[iRow]; iIndex = iExcelModelBeginIndex + iRow; if (iIndex > iExcelModelEndIndex - 1) { ea.InsertRows(iIndex); } ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", iIndex), row["客人型号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["客人型号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("B{0}", iIndex), row["优丽型号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["优丽型号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("C{0}", iIndex), row["成品项号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["成品项号"].ToString()); 成品名称及商编 = row["成品名称及商编"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["成品名称及商编"].ToString().Trim(); if (成品名称及商编.Length > 0) { string[] arr = 成品名称及商编.Split('/'); if (arr.Length > 0) { 成品名称及商编 = arr[0]; } } ea.SetValue(string.Format("D{0}", iIndex), 成品名称及商编); ea.SetValue(string.Format("E{0}", iIndex), row["成品规格型号"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["成品规格型号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("F{0}", iIndex), row["订单数量"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["订单数量"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("G{0}", iIndex), row["单位"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : row["单位"].ToString()); } //ea.Save(saveFileDialog.FileName); ea.Visible = true; ea.Dispose(); }
public override void tool1_PrintView_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //base.tool1_PrintView_Click(sender, e); if (SysMessage.YesNoMsg("数据是否导入EXCEL文件?") == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { return; } FormMergeRelationProduct_SesialSelect objForm = new FormMergeRelationProduct_SesialSelect(); if (objForm.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { return; } DataTable dtHead = (DataTable)myDataGridViewHead.DataSource; //DataTable dtDetails = (DataTable)myDataGridViewDetails.DataSource; IDataAccess dataAccess = DataAccessFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataAccessEnum.DataAccessName.DataAccessName_Manufacture); dataAccess.Open(); string strSQL = string.Format("SELECT '2' AS 类型,H.主料,H.四位大类序号, H.序号, H.商品编码, H.商品名称, H.商品规格, H.计量单位, H.币种,H.单价, H.法定单位, H.换算因子, Q.产品编号,Q.商品规格 AS 归并前商品规格, '2' AS 商品类型, Q.单价 AS 归并前单价 FROM 归并后成品清单 H left outer JOIN 归并前成品清单 Q ON H.归并后成品id = Q.归并后成品id where H.电子帐册号={0} and Q.序号>={1} and Q.序号<={2} and Q.归并后成品id={3} order by H.序号,Q.序号", StringTools.SqlQ(gstrManualNo), objForm.iSerialBegin, objForm.iSerialEnd, myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRowNew.Cells["归并后成品id"].Value); DataTable dtDetails = dataAccess.GetTable(strSQL, null); dataAccess.Close(); if (dtHead.Rows.Count > 0) { long n = 0; string strSourceFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, @"Excel\归并关系表.xls"); string strDestFile = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, string.Format(@"ExcelTemp\归并关系表{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"))); File.Copy(strSourceFile, strDestFile); File.SetAttributes(strDestFile, File.GetAttributes(strDestFile) | FileAttributes.ReadOnly); string fn = strDestFile; ExcelTools ea = new ExcelTools(); ea.SafeOpen(fn); ea.ActiveSheet(1); // 激活 n = 6; DataGridViewRow gridViewRowHead = myDataGridViewHead.CurrentRowNew; ea.SetValue(string.Format("N{0}", n), DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddd")); ea.SetValue(string.Format("J{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["序号"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("K{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["产品编号"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("L{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["商品编码"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("M{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["商品名称"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("N{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["商品规格"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("O{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["单价"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("P{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["计量单位"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("Q{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["法定单位"].Value.ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("R{0}", n), gridViewRowHead.Cells["换算因子"].Value.ToString()); foreach (DataRow row in dtDetails.Rows) { ea.SetValue(string.Format("A{0}", n), row["序号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("B{0}", n), row["产品编号"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("C{0}", n), row["商品编码"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("D{0}", n), row["商品名称"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("E{0}", n), row["商品规格"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("F{0}", n), row["单价"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("G{0}", n), row["计量单位"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("H{0}", n), row["法定单位"].ToString()); ea.SetValue(string.Format("I{0}", n), row["换算因子"].ToString()); n++; } ea.Visible = true; ea.Dispose(); } }