예제 #1
        public void Insert_RichText(ref ExcelWorksheet worksheet, int IndexRow, int IndexColumn, string Value, bool isBold, bool isRed = false)
            worksheet.Cells[IndexRow, IndexColumn].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
            worksheet.Cells[IndexRow, IndexColumn].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            ExcelRichText RichText1 = worksheet.Cells[IndexRow, IndexColumn].RichText.Add(Value);

            if (isRed)
                RichText1.Bold     = false;
                RichText1.Italic   = false;
                RichText1.Color    = Color.Red;
                RichText1.FontName = "Arial Narrow";
                RichText1.Color = Color.Black;

            worksheet.Cells[IndexRow, IndexColumn].Style.WrapText = true;
            worksheet.Cells[IndexRow, IndexColumn].IsRichText     = true;
            worksheet.Row(IndexRow).Height = 20;

            //Auto height row
            worksheet.Row(IndexRow).CustomHeight = false;

            RichText1.Bold = isBold;
예제 #2
        private void SetRichText(ExcelRange pregunta, string p)
            pregunta.IsRichText = true;
            ExcelRichText ert = pregunta.RichText.Add(p);

            ert.Bold  = true;
            ert.Size  = 11;
            ert.Color = Color.White;
        private void AddRunToCell(ExcelRange cell, string text, bool bolded, bool italicized, bool superscripted, bool underlined)
            ExcelRichText rt = cell.RichText.Add(text);

            rt.Bold      = bolded;
            rt.Italic    = italicized;
            rt.UnderLine = underlined;
            if (superscripted)
                rt.VerticalAlign = ExcelVerticalAlignmentFont.Superscript;
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the scientific name of the taxon.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="worksheet">The worksheet.</param>
        /// <param name="taxonItem">The taxon item.</param>
        /// <param name="rowIndex">Index of the row.</param>
        /// <param name="columnIndex">Index of the column.</param>
        private void AddScientificName(
            ExcelWorksheet worksheet,
            ExportTaxonItem taxonItem,
            Int32 rowIndex,
            Int32 columnIndex)
            if ((_options.OutputAuthorInAllNameCells || _options.OutputCommonNameInAllNameCells) &&
                (taxonItem.Taxon.Category.SortOrder >= _genusTaxonCategory.SortOrder))
                using (ExcelRange range = worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, columnIndex])
                    if (!_options.OutputAuthorInAllNameCells && !_options.OutputCommonNameInAllNameCells)
                        //Måste ändå kolla på synonymer _options.OutputExcludeAuthorForSynonyms
                        range.Value = taxonItem.Taxon.ScientificName;
                        range.IsRichText = true;
                        ExcelRichText ert = range.RichText.Add(taxonItem.Taxon.ScientificName);
                        ert.Italic = true;

                        //Kolla också på synonymer _options.OutputExcludeAuthorForSynonyms
                        if (_options.OutputAuthorInAllNameCells && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxonItem.Taxon.Author))
                            ert        = range.RichText.Add(string.Format(" {0}", taxonItem.Taxon.Author));
                            ert.Italic = false;

                        if (_options.OutputCommonNameInAllNameCells && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(taxonItem.Taxon.CommonName))
                            ert        = range.RichText.Add(string.Format(" {0}", taxonItem.Taxon.CommonName));
                            ert.Italic = false;
                worksheet.Cells[rowIndex, columnIndex].Value = taxonItem.GetScientificName(
예제 #5
        public void AddingCommentsWithRichText()
            using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
                var sheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Rich Comments");

                ExcelComment comment = sheet.Cells["A1"].AddComment("Bold title:\r\n", "evil corp");
                comment.Font.Bold = true;
                comment.AutoFit   = true;

                ExcelRichText rt = comment.RichText.Add("Unbolded subtext");
                rt.Bold = false;

                // A more extensive example can be found in Sample6.cs::AddComments of the official examples project
                // https://github.com/JanKallman/EPPlus/blob/master/SampleApp/Sample6.cs

                package.SaveAs(new FileInfo(BinDir.GetPath()));
예제 #6
        // Excel formatting can be at the entire cell level (e.g. the entire cell is marked italic)
        // or at the text level (e.g. some words in the cell are marked italic).
        // We detect and import both types, but if the user mixes levels for the same formatting type
        // e.g.selects the entire cell, bolds it, then selected some text within the cell and unbolds it,
        // we may get weird results, so we should tell users to use text-level formatting only
        /// <param name="formattingText">Has any text-level formatting we want this run to have. Text content does not matter.</param>
        /// <param name="cellFormatting">Has any cell-level formatting we want this run to have.</param>
        /// <param name="text">The text content of this run</param>
        /// <param name="stringBuilder">The string builder to which we are adding the xmlstring of this run
        private static void AddRunToXmlString(ExcelRichText formattingText, ExcelFont cellFormatting, string text, StringBuilder stringBuilder)
            if (text.Length == 0)

            List <string> endTags = new List <string>();

            if (formattingText.Bold || cellFormatting.Bold)
                addTags("strong", endTags);
            if (formattingText.Italic || cellFormatting.Italic)
                addTags("em", endTags);
            if (formattingText.UnderLine || cellFormatting.UnderLine)
                addTags("u", endTags);
            if (formattingText.VerticalAlign == ExcelVerticalAlignmentFont.Superscript ||
                cellFormatting.VerticalAlign == ExcelVerticalAlignmentFont.Superscript)
                addTags("sup", endTags);


            foreach (var endTag in endTags)

            void addTags(string tagName, List <string> endTag)
                stringBuilder.Append("<" + tagName + ">");
                endTag.Add("</" + tagName + ">");
예제 #7
        public static void SQLtoExcel(FileInfo source, FileInfo dest, string sql)
            var queryResult = QuerySheet(source, sql);

            using (ExcelPackage pkg = new ExcelPackage(dest)) {
                using (var planilha = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Planilha1")) {
                    int l         = 1;
                    var firstItem = queryResult.First();
                    for (int c = 0; c < firstItem.Keys.Count(); c++)
                        var key = firstItem.Keys.ToArray()[c];

                        planilha.Cells[l, c + 1].IsRichText = true;
                        ExcelRichText richtext = planilha.Cells[l, c + 1].RichText.Add(key);
                        richtext.Bold = true;
                    foreach (var item in queryResult)
                        for (int c = 0; c < item.Keys.Count(); c++)
                            var key   = item.Keys.ToArray()[c];
                            var value = item[key];

                            var cell = planilha.Cells[l, c + 1];
                            cell.Value = value;

                            if (value is DateTime)
                                cell.Style.Numberformat.Format = DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.ShortDatePattern;
예제 #8
        public static void WriteSpreadsheet(InternalSpreadsheet spreadsheet, string outputPath, bool retainMarkup, IWebSocketProgress progress = null)
            using (var package = new ExcelPackage())
                var worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("BloomBook");

                worksheet.DefaultColWidth = languageColumnWidth;
                for (int i = 1; i <= spreadsheet.StandardLeadingColumns.Length; i++)
                    worksheet.Column(i).Width = standardLeadingColumnWidth;

                var imageSourceColumn    = spreadsheet.GetColumnForTag(InternalSpreadsheet.ImageSourceColumnLabel);
                var imageThumbnailColumn = spreadsheet.GetColumnForTag(InternalSpreadsheet.ImageThumbnailColumnLabel);
                // Apparently the width is in some approximation of 'characters'. This empirically determined
                // conversion factor seems to do a pretty good job.
                worksheet.Column(imageThumbnailColumn + 1).Width = defaultImageWidth / 6.88;

                int r = 0;
                foreach (var row in spreadsheet.AllRows())
                    for (var c = 0; c < row.Count; c++)
                        // Enhance: Excel complains about cells that contain pure numbers
                        // but are created as strings. We could possibly tell it that cells
                        // that contain simple numbers can be treated accordingly.
                        // It might be helpful for some uses of the group-on-page-index
                        // if Excel knew to treat them as numbers.

                        var sourceCell = row.GetCell(c);
                        var content    = sourceCell.Content;
                        // Parse xml for markdown formatting on language columns,
                        // Display formatting in excel spreadsheet
                        ExcelRange currentCell = worksheet.Cells[r, c + 1];
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceCell.Comment))
                            // Second arg is supposed to be the author.
                            currentCell.AddComment(sourceCell.Comment, "Bloom");

                        if (!retainMarkup &&
                            IsWysiwygFormattedColumn(row, c) &&
                            MarkedUpText markedUpText = MarkedUpText.ParseXml(content);
                            if (markedUpText.HasFormatting)
                                currentCell.IsRichText = true;
                                foreach (MarkedUpTextRun run in markedUpText.Runs)
                                    if (!run.Text.Equals(""))
                                        ExcelRichText text = currentCell.RichText.Add(run.Text);
                                        text.Bold      = run.Bold;
                                        text.Italic    = run.Italic;
                                        text.UnderLine = run.Underlined;
                                        if (run.Superscript)
                                            text.VerticalAlign = ExcelVerticalAlignmentFont.Superscript;
                                currentCell.Value = markedUpText.PlainText();
                            // Either the retainMarkup flag is set, or this is not book text. It could be header or leading column.
                            // Generally, we just want to blast our cell content into the spreadsheet cell.
                            // However, there are cases where we put an error message in an image thumbnail cell when processing the image path.
                            // We don't want to overwrite these. An easy way to prevent it is to not overwrite any cell that already has content.
                            // Since export is creating a new spreadsheet, cells we want to write will always be empty initially.
                            if (currentCell.Value == null)
                                currentCell.Value = content;

                        //Embed any images in the excel file
                        if (c == imageSourceColumn)
                            var imageSrc = sourceCell.Content;

                            // if this row has an image source value that is not a header
                            if (imageSrc != "" && !row.IsHeader)
                                var sheetFolder = Path.GetDirectoryName(outputPath);
                                var imagePath   = Path.Combine(sheetFolder, imageSrc);
                                //Images show up in the cell 1 row greater and 1 column greater than assigned
                                //So this will put them in row r, column imageThumbnailColumn+1 like we want
                                var rowHeight = embedImage(imagePath, r - 1, imageThumbnailColumn);
                                worksheet.Row(r).Height = rowHeight * 72 / 96 + 3;                               //so the image is visible; height seems to be points

                    if (row is HeaderRow)
                        using (ExcelRange rng = GetRangeForRow(worksheet, r))
                            rng.Style.Font.Bold = true;

                    if (row.Hidden)
                        worksheet.Row(r).Hidden = true;
                        SetBackgroundColorOfRow(worksheet, r, InternalSpreadsheet.HiddenColor);
                    else if (row.BackgroundColor != default(Color))
                        SetBackgroundColorOfRow(worksheet, r, row.BackgroundColor);
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1, r, spreadsheet.ColumnCount].Style.WrapText = true;

                int embedImage(string imageSrcPath, int rowNum, int colNum)
                    int finalHeight = 30;                     //  a reasonable default if we don't manage to embed an image.

                        using (Image image = Image.FromFile(imageSrcPath))
                            string imageName       = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageSrcPath);
                            var    origImageHeight = image.Size.Height;
                            var    origImageWidth  = image.Size.Width;
                            int    finalWidth      = defaultImageWidth;
                            finalHeight = (int)(finalWidth * origImageHeight / origImageWidth);
                            var size = new Size(finalWidth, finalHeight);
                            using (Image thumbnail = ImageUtils.ResizeImageIfNecessary(size, image, false))
                                var excelImage = worksheet.Drawings.AddPicture(imageName, thumbnail);
                                excelImage.SetPosition(rowNum, 2, colNum, 2);
                    catch (Exception)
                        string errorText;
                        if (!RobustFile.Exists(imageSrcPath))
                            errorText = "Missing";
                        else if (Path.GetExtension(imageSrcPath).ToLowerInvariant().Equals(".svg"))
                            errorText = "Can't display SVG";
                            errorText = "Bad image file";
                        progress?.MessageWithoutLocalizing(errorText + ": " + imageSrcPath);
                        worksheet.Cells[r, imageThumbnailColumn + 1].Value = errorText;
                    return(Math.Max(finalHeight, 30));

                foreach (var iColumn in spreadsheet.HiddenColumns)
                    // This is pretty yucky... our internal spreadsheet is all 0-based, but the EPPlus library is all 1-based...
                    var iColumn1Based = iColumn + 1;

                    worksheet.Column(iColumn1Based).Hidden = true;
                    SetBackgroundColorOfColumn(worksheet, iColumn1Based, InternalSpreadsheet.HiddenColor);

                    var xlFile = new FileInfo(outputPath);
                catch (IOException ex) when((ex.HResult & 0x0000FFFF) == 32)                 //ERROR_SHARING_VIOLATION
                    Console.WriteLine("Writing Spreadsheet failed. Do you have it open in another program?");

                    progress?.Message("Spreadsheet.SpreadsheetLocked", "",
                                      "Bloom could not write to the spreadsheet because another program has it locked. Do you have it open in another program?",
                catch (Exception ex)
                    progress?.Message("Spreadsheet.ExportFailed", "",
                                      "Export failed: " + ex.Message,
        public byte[] gate_pass(string session, int gate_pass_no, string image)
                using (MySqlConnection con = new MySqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ToString()))
                    string query = @"SELECT 
                                    CONCAT(IFNULL(std_first_name, ''),
                                            ' ',
                                            IFNULL(std_last_name, '')) std_name,
                                    CONCAT(IFNULL(class_name, ''),
                                            ' ',
                                            IFNULL(section_name, '')) std_class,
                                    COALESCE(std_contact, std_contact1, std_contact2) contact_no,
                                    std_halfday_log a,
                                    sr_register b,
                                    mst_std_class c,
                                    mst_std_section d,
                                    mst_class e,
                                    mst_section f,
                                    mst_transport g
                                    a.session = @session
                                        AND a.session = c.session
                                        AND c.session = d.session
                                        AND d.session = e.session
                                        AND e.session = f.session
                                        AND f.session = g.session
                                        AND a.sr_number = b.sr_number
                                        AND b.sr_number = c.sr_num
                                        AND c.sr_num = d.sr_num
                                        AND c.class_id = e.class_id
                                        AND d.section_id = f.section_id
                                        AND g.pickup_id = b.std_pickup_id
                                        AND a.gate_pass_no = @gate_pass_no";

                    var result = con.Query <ExcelGatePass>(query, new { session = session, gate_pass_no = gate_pass_no }).SingleOrDefault();

                    string gatePassNo = gate_pass_no.ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');

                    ExcelPackage   pck = new ExcelPackage();
                    ExcelWorksheet ws  = pck.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Gate Pass");

                    ws.PrinterSettings.TopMargin          = 1m / 2.54m;
                    ws.PrinterSettings.BottomMargin       = 1m / 2.54m;
                    ws.PrinterSettings.LeftMargin         = 1.8m / 2.54m;
                    ws.PrinterSettings.RightMargin        = 1.8m / 2.54m;
                    ws.PrinterSettings.HeaderMargin       = 0.0m / 2.54m;
                    ws.PrinterSettings.FooterMargin       = 0.0m / 2.54m;
                    ws.PrinterSettings.HorizontalCentered = false;

                    ws.Column(1).Width = ExcelTc_form.GetTrueColumnWidth(13.18);
                    ws.Column(2).Width = ExcelTc_form.GetTrueColumnWidth(11.09);
                    ws.Column(3).Width = ExcelTc_form.GetTrueColumnWidth(8.09);
                    ws.Column(4).Width = ExcelTc_form.GetTrueColumnWidth(8.09);
                    ws.Column(5).Width = ExcelTc_form.GetTrueColumnWidth(9.18);
                    ws.Column(6).Width = ExcelTc_form.GetTrueColumnWidth(8.09);
                    ws.Column(7).Width = ExcelTc_form.GetTrueColumnWidth(8.09);
                    ws.Column(8).Width = ExcelTc_form.GetTrueColumnWidth(14.55);

                    for (int i = 2; i <= 15; i++)
                        ws.Row(i).Height = 17;

                    ws.Row(1).Height = 108.8;

                    using (ExcelRange Rng = ws.Cells["A1:H1"])
                        Rng.Merge = true;
                        Rng.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                        Rng.Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
                        Rng.Style.WrapText            = true;

                        ExcelRichTextCollection RichTxtCollection = Rng.RichText;
                        ExcelRichText           RichText          = RichTxtCollection.Add("Gate Pass\n");
                        RichText.Size = 14;

                        RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add(SchoolName + "\n");
                        RichText.Size = 28;
                        RichText.Bold = true;

                        RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add(Address + "\n");
                        RichText.Size = 11;

                        RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add(Affiliation);
                        RichText.Size = 11;
                        RichText.Bold = false;

                        Rng.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;

                    if (image == "../../images/person.png")
                        using (System.Drawing.Image img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("/images/person.png")))
                            var excelImage = ws.Drawings.AddPicture("Picture", img);

                            //add the image to row 20, column E
                            excelImage.SetPosition(3, 0, 4, 0);

                            excelImage.SetSize(233, 134);
                        var img = Base64StringToBitmap(image.Remove(0, 22));

                        var excelImage = ws.Drawings.AddPicture("Picture", img);

                        //add the image to row 20, column E
                        excelImage.SetPosition(3, 0, 4, 0);

                        excelImage.SetSize(233, 134);

                    ws.Cells["A2"].Value                     = "Gate Pass No: ";
                    ws.Cells["A2"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A2"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A2"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A2"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B2"].Value                     = session + "/" + gatePassNo.ToString();;
                    ws.Cells["B2"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B2"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B2"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B2"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B2"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["D2"].Value                     = "Adm No: ";
                    ws.Cells["D2"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["D2"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["D2"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["D2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["D2"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["E2"].Value                     = result.sr_number.ToString();
                    ws.Cells["E2"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["E2"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["E2"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["E2"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["E2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["E2"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["G2"].Value                     = "Date: ";
                    ws.Cells["G2"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["G2"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["G2"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["G2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["G2"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["H2"].Value                     = result.date_time.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy hh:mm");
                    ws.Cells["H2"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["H2"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["H2"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["H2"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["H2"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["H2"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A4"].Value                     = "Name ";
                    ws.Cells["A4"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A4"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A4"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A4"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A4"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B4"].Value                     = result.std_name;
                    ws.Cells["B4"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B4"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B4"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B4"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B4"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B4"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A5"].Value                     = "Class ";
                    ws.Cells["A5"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A5"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A5"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A5"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A5"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B5"].Value                     = result.std_class;
                    ws.Cells["B5"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B5"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B5"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B5"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B5"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B5"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A6"].Value                     = "Father Name ";
                    ws.Cells["A6"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A6"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A6"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A6"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A6"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B6"].Value                     = result.std_father_name;
                    ws.Cells["B6"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B6"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B6"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B6"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B6"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B6"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A7"].Value                     = "Contact No ";
                    ws.Cells["A7"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A7"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A7"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A7"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A7"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B7"].Value                     = result.contact_no;
                    ws.Cells["B7"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B7"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B7"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B7"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B7"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B7"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A8"].Value                     = "Person Name ";
                    ws.Cells["A8"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A8"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A8"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A8"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A8"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B8"].Value                     = result.escorter_name;
                    ws.Cells["B8"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B8"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B8"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B8"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B8"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B8"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A9"].Value                     = "Relationship ";
                    ws.Cells["A9"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A9"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A9"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A9"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A9"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B9"].Value                     = result.std_relation;
                    ws.Cells["B9"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B9"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B9"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B9"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B9"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B9"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A10"].Value                     = "Person Address ";
                    ws.Cells["A10"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A10"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A10"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A10"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A10"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B10"].Value                     = result.escorter_address;
                    ws.Cells["B10"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B10"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B10"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B10"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B10"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B10"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A11"].Value                     = "Reason ";
                    ws.Cells["A11"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A11"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A11"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A11"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A11"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B11"].Value                     = result.reason;
                    ws.Cells["B11"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B11"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B11"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B11"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B11"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B11"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A12"].Value                     = "Transport ";
                    ws.Cells["A12"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A12"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A12"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A12"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A12"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["B12"].Value                     = result.pickup_point;
                    ws.Cells["B12"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["B12"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["B12"].Style.Font.UnderLine      = true;
                    ws.Cells["B12"].Style.Font.Italic         = true;
                    ws.Cells["B12"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["B12"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["A16"].Value                     = "Parents Sign ";
                    ws.Cells["A16"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["A16"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["A16"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["A16"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["A16"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["D16"].Value                     = "Auth Sign. ";
                    ws.Cells["D16"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["D16"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["D16"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["D16"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["D16"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                    ws.Cells["H16"].Value                     = "Incharge Sign. ";
                    ws.Cells["H16"].Style.Font.Name           = "Calibri";
                    ws.Cells["H16"].Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                    ws.Cells["H16"].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    ws.Cells["H16"].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                    ws.Cells["H16"].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;
예제 #10
        public void SetValueInCellExport(ExcelWorksheet ew1, object value, UI_SELECT_GRID_SETTINGSResult setting, bool?is_date_time)
            bool is_write = false;

            if (setting == null)
                is_write = true;
            else if ((bool)setting.global_visible && (bool)setting.is_visible)
                is_write = true;

            if (is_write)
                if (value != null && value is string | value is DateTime)
                    if (value is DateTime)
                        if (is_date_time == true)
                            value = DateTime.Parse(Convert.ToString(value));
                            value = DateTime.Parse(Convert.ToString(value)).ToShortDateString();

                    string[] arrayHTMLValue = Convert.ToString(value).Split(new string[] { "<br>" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                    if (arrayHTMLValue != null && arrayHTMLValue.Length != 0)
                        ExcelRichTextCollection rtfCollection = ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].RichText;
                        ExcelRichText           ert           = rtfCollection.Add(CommonMethods.HtmlToText(arrayHTMLValue[0]));
                        if (arrayHTMLValue[0].IndexOf("orange") > 0)
                            ert.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Orange;
                        if (arrayHTMLValue.Length > 1)
                            for (int f = 1; f < arrayHTMLValue.Length; f++)
                                ExcelRichText ert1 = rtfCollection.Add(CommonMethods.HtmlToText(arrayHTMLValue[f]));
                                if (arrayHTMLValue[f].IndexOf("orange") > 0)
                                    ert1.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Orange;
                        ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Value = CommonMethods.HtmlToText(Convert.ToString(value));

                    ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                if (value != null && value is double | value is int | value is float | value is decimal)
                    ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Value = double.Parse(CommonMethods.HtmlToText(CommonMethods.ObjectToString(value)).Replace(".", ","));
                    ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.Numberformat.Format = CommaFind(CommonMethods.HtmlToText(CommonMethods.ObjectToString(value)).Replace(".", ","));
                //ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                //ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                //ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                //ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                //ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.WrapText = true;
                //ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.Font.Name = "Calibri";
                //ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.Font.Size = 8;

                if (value is string)
                    ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left;
                if (value is double | value is int | value is float)
                    ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;
                ew1.Cells[rowCount, columnCount].Style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
예제 #11
        private void MachineMtnReportDatas_GetExcel_Daily(MachineMtnReportDataSearch machineMtnReportDataSearch, IEnumerable <MachineMtnReportData> data, ExcelPackage ep, List <BuildArgs> buildArgs)
            //init value.
            //fix cứng số cột: số thự tự tên nước, saleperson, Year và danh sách 12 tháng (orderMonthFromIndex --> orderMonthToIndex)
            string prefixTotalColumn           = "_*_";
            int    startRowIdx                 = 8; //  title table index.
            int    machinePartName_ColIdx      = 2;
            int    contentMtn_ColIdx           = 3;
            int    toolMtn_ColIdx              = 4;
            int    methodMtn_ColIdx            = 5;
            int    standard_ColIdx             = 6;
            int    runningFrom_ColIdx          = 7;
            int    DayAndShiftOrder_FromColIdx = runningFrom_ColIdx;
            int    DayAndShiftOrder_ToColIdx   = 0;
            int    totalColumns_ColIdx         = 0; // tổng số cột.
            int    rowIndex = startRowIdx;
            //total Result index.
            int totalResult_RowIdx = 0;
            int OperatorRowIdx;
            int CheckerRowIdx;
            // workbook
            var wb = ep.Workbook;
            // new worksheet
            var ws = wb.Worksheets.Add("Sheet01");

            #region Title.
            ws.Cells[2, 7].Value                     = ("Bảng kiểm tra bảo trì máy/Machine maintenance checksheet").ToUpper();
            ws.Cells[2, 7].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
            ws.Cells[2, 7].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            ws.Cells[2, 7].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
            // merge cells
            buildArgs.Add(new BuildArgs()
                Action     = BuildAction.Merge,
                Worksheet  = ws,
                FromRow    = 2,
                FromColumn = 7,
                ToRow      = 2,
                ToColumn   = 14

            using (ExcelRange Rng = ws.Cells[3, 7]) //machineid.
                Rng.Style.Font.Size = 11;
                ExcelRichTextCollection RichTxtCollection = Rng.RichText;
                ExcelRichText           RichText          = RichTxtCollection.Add("MachineID: ");
                RichText.Bold = false;
                RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add(machineMtnReportDataSearch.MachineID);
                RichText.Bold = true;
                RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add("  Machine Name: ");
                RichText.Bold = false;
                RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add(machineMtnReportDataSearch.MachineName);
                RichText.Bold = true;
            ws.Cells[3, 7].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            ws.Cells[3, 7].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
            // merge cells
            buildArgs.Add(new BuildArgs()
                Action     = BuildAction.Merge,
                Worksheet  = ws,
                FromRow    = 3,
                FromColumn = 7,
                ToRow      = 3,
                ToColumn   = 14

            using (ExcelRange Rng = ws.Cells[4, 7]) //FromDate ToDate
                Rng.Style.Font.Size = 11;
                ExcelRichTextCollection RichTxtCollection = Rng.RichText;
                ExcelRichText           RichText          = RichTxtCollection.Add("Từ ngày/FromDate: ");
                RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add(machineMtnReportDataSearch.FromDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                RichText.Bold = true;
                RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add("    Đến ngày/ToDate: ");
                RichText.Bold = false;
                RichText      = RichTxtCollection.Add(machineMtnReportDataSearch.ToDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"));
                RichText.Bold = true;
            ws.Cells[4, 7].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
            ws.Cells[4, 7].Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;
            // merge cells
            buildArgs.Add(new BuildArgs()
                Action     = BuildAction.Merge,
                Worksheet  = ws,
                FromRow    = 4,
                FromColumn = 7,
                ToRow      = 4,
                ToColumn   = 14

            #region Header.
            // Header Value.
            ws.Cells[rowIndex, machinePartName_ColIdx].Value = "Part Name";
            ws.Cells[rowIndex, contentMtn_ColIdx].Value      = "Content";
            ws.Cells[rowIndex, toolMtn_ColIdx].Value         = "Tool";
            ws.Cells[rowIndex, methodMtn_ColIdx].Value       = "Method";
            ws.Cells[rowIndex, standard_ColIdx].Value        = "Standard";

            //-- MaintenanceDate headers
            var dict_DayOrder = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            int countDayAndShiftOrderColumn = 0;

            var dict_DayAndShiftOrder = new Dictionary <string, int>();
            for (var day = machineMtnReportDataSearch.FromDate; day <= machineMtnReportDataSearch.ToDate; day = day.AddDays(1))
                int oneDay_FullShift_FromColIndex = DayAndShiftOrder_FromColIdx + countDayAndShiftOrderColumn;
                for (int i = 0; i <= 2; i++) // i = order number column in excel, i++ = shift number.
                    //date header.
                    ws.Cells[rowIndex, (countDayAndShiftOrderColumn) + runningFrom_ColIdx].Value = day.ToString("MM/dd", enUS);
                    //shift header.
                    ws.Cells[rowIndex + 1, countDayAndShiftOrderColumn + runningFrom_ColIdx].Value = (i + 1).ToString();
                    dict_DayOrder.Add(day.ToString("MM/dd", enUS) + "_" + (i + 1).ToString(), countDayAndShiftOrderColumn); // sample "15/3_1" = date is 15/3 and shift = 1
                    dict_DayAndShiftOrder.Add(day.ToString("MM/dd", enUS) + (i + 1).ToString(), countDayAndShiftOrderColumn);
                int oneDay_FullShift_ToColIndex = oneDay_FullShift_FromColIndex + 2;
                //merge cell MaintenanceDate.
                buildArgs.Add(new BuildArgs()
                    Action     = BuildAction.Merge,
                    Worksheet  = ws,
                    FromRow    = rowIndex,
                    FromColumn = oneDay_FullShift_FromColIndex,
                    ToRow      = rowIndex,
                    ToColumn   = oneDay_FullShift_ToColIndex
            DayAndShiftOrder_ToColIdx = DayAndShiftOrder_FromColIdx + countDayAndShiftOrderColumn - 1;
            totalColumns_ColIdx       = DayAndShiftOrder_ToColIdx;
            // Headers style
            using (var cell = ws.Cells[rowIndex, machinePartName_ColIdx, rowIndex + 1, totalColumns_ColIdx])
                cell.Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                cell.Style.Font.Size           = 11;
                cell.Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                cell.Style.VerticalAlignment   = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;


            //checking data.
            if (data == null)
            #region Add TotalResult.

            var maintenanceDateGroups = data.GroupBy(d => d.MaintenanceDate);
            foreach (var maintenanceDateGroup in maintenanceDateGroups)
                MachineMtnReportData tMachineMtn     = maintenanceDateGroup.FirstOrDefault();
                MachineMtnReportData TotalResult_Row = new MachineMtnReportData();
                TotalResult_Row.MaintenanceDate         = tMachineMtn.MaintenanceDate;
                TotalResult_Row.Shift                   = tMachineMtn.Shift;
                TotalResult_Row.FrequencyID             = tMachineMtn.FrequencyID;
                TotalResult_Row.MachinePartID           = int.MaxValue;
                TotalResult_Row.MachinePartName         = "zzzzz01" + prefixTotalColumn + "Total Result";
                TotalResult_Row.MtnDetailResult         = tMachineMtn.TotalResult;
                TotalResult_Row.MtnDetailResultContents = tMachineMtn.TotalResultContents;

                MachineMtnReportData Operator_Row = new MachineMtnReportData();
                Operator_Row.MaintenanceDate = tMachineMtn.MaintenanceDate;
                Operator_Row.Shift           = tMachineMtn.Shift;
                Operator_Row.MachinePartID   = int.MaxValue;
                Operator_Row.MachinePartName = "zzzzz02" + prefixTotalColumn + "Operator";
                Operator_Row.MtnDetailResult = tMachineMtn.OperatorName;

                MachineMtnReportData Checker_Row = new MachineMtnReportData();
                Checker_Row.MaintenanceDate = tMachineMtn.MaintenanceDate;
                Checker_Row.Shift           = tMachineMtn.Shift;
                Checker_Row.MachinePartID   = int.MaxValue;
                Checker_Row.MachinePartName = "zzzzz03" + prefixTotalColumn + "Checker";
                Checker_Row.MtnDetailResult = tMachineMtn.CheckerName;

                IEnumerable <MachineMtnReportData> x = new MachineMtnReportData[] { TotalResult_Row, Operator_Row, Checker_Row };
                data = data.Concat(x);


            //***************** Data *************
            #region MachinePartName.
            var machinePartNameGroups = data.GroupBy(d => new { d.MachinePartID, d.MachinePartName }).OrderBy(g => g.Key.MachinePartName);
            //var Start_RunningFromRowIndex = rowIndex;
            foreach (var machinePartNameGroup in machinePartNameGroups)
                int machinePartNameGroup_FromRowIndex = rowIndex;
                #region ContentMtn.
                int contentMtnFromRowIndex = rowIndex;
                var contentMtnGroups       = machinePartNameGroup.GroupBy(d => d.ContentMtn).OrderBy(g => g.Key);
                foreach (var contentMtnGroup in contentMtnGroups)
                    int contentMtnGroup_FromRowIndex = rowIndex;
                    #region ToolMtn.
                    int toolMtnFromRowIndex = rowIndex;
                    var toolMtnGroups       = contentMtnGroup.GroupBy(d => d.ToolMtn).OrderBy(g => g.Key);
                    foreach (var toolMtnGroup in toolMtnGroups)
                        int toolMtnGroup_FromRowIndex = rowIndex;
                        #region MethodMtn.
                        int methodMtnFromRowIndex = rowIndex;
                        var methodMtnGroups       = toolMtnGroup.GroupBy(d => d.MethodMtn).OrderBy(g => g.Key);
                        foreach (var methodMtnGroup in methodMtnGroups)
                            #region Standard.
                            int standard_FromRowIndex = rowIndex;
                            var standardGroups        = methodMtnGroup.GroupBy(d => d.Standard).OrderBy(g => g.Key);

                            foreach (var standardGroup in standardGroups)
                                //insert MachinePartName, Tool, Content, ......
                                string _machinePartName = machinePartNameGroup.Key.MachinePartName;
                                if (_machinePartName.Contains(prefixTotalColumn)) //totalResult.
                                    if (_machinePartName.Contains("zzzzz01"))     //get totalResult Row index.
                                        totalResult_RowIdx = rowIndex;
                                    _machinePartName = _machinePartName.Remove(0, _machinePartName.IndexOf(prefixTotalColumn) + prefixTotalColumn.Length);
                                ws.Cells[rowIndex, machinePartName_ColIdx].Value = _machinePartName;
                                ws.Cells[rowIndex, contentMtn_ColIdx].Value      = contentMtnGroup.Key;
                                ws.Cells[rowIndex, toolMtn_ColIdx].Value         = toolMtnGroup.Key;
                                ws.Cells[rowIndex, methodMtn_ColIdx].Value       = methodMtnGroup.Key;
                                ws.Cells[rowIndex, standard_ColIdx].Value        = standardGroup.Key;

                                #region Maintenance Days.
                                int maintenanceDayFromRowIndex = rowIndex;
                                var maintenanceDayGroups       = standardGroup.GroupBy(d => d.MaintenanceDate.ToString("MM/dd")).OrderBy(g => g.Key);
                                int orderDay = 1;  // ***************   checking aaaa : orderday: phai lay theo thu tu cua methodMtnGroup

                                ws.Cells[rowIndex, DayAndShiftOrder_FromColIdx, rowIndex, DayAndShiftOrder_ToColIdx].Value = "";
                                foreach (var maintenanceDayGroup in maintenanceDayGroups)
                                    var mtnDayShiftGroups = maintenanceDayGroup.GroupBy(d => d.Shift);
                                    #region one day.

                                    foreach (var mtnDayShiftGroup in mtnDayShiftGroups)
                                        #region one day and one shift.
                                        // ******************* Gán cụ thể vào Excel.
                                        DateTime             currentMtnDate       = mtnDayShiftGroup.FirstOrDefault().MaintenanceDate; //.ToString("MM/dd", enUS);
                                        MachineMtnReportData currentMtnReportData = mtnDayShiftGroup.FirstOrDefault();
                                        int currentOrderDayShift = dict_DayOrder[currentMtnDate.ToString("MM/dd", enUS) + "_" + currentMtnReportData.Shift];

                                        var currentCells = ws.Cells[rowIndex, currentOrderDayShift - 1 + runningFrom_ColIdx];
                                        //set value for cell.
                                        currentCells.Value = currentMtnReportData.MtnDetailResult;

                                        //set color for OK, NG.
                                        if (currentMtnReportData.MtnDetailResult == SMCommon.MachineMtnResult_OK)
                                            currentCells.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                                        else if (currentMtnReportData.MtnDetailResult == SMCommon.MachineMtnResult_NG)
                                            currentCells.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
                            int standard_ToRowIndex = rowIndex - 1;
                        int toolMtnGroup_ToRowIndex = rowIndex - 1;
                        // merge cells
                        buildArgs.Add(new BuildArgs()
                            Action     = BuildAction.Merge,
                            Worksheet  = ws,
                            FromRow    = toolMtnGroup_FromRowIndex,
                            FromColumn = toolMtn_ColIdx,
                            ToRow      = rowIndex - 1,
                            ToColumn   = toolMtn_ColIdx
                    int contentMtnGroup_ToRowIndex = rowIndex - 1;
                    // merge cells
                    buildArgs.Add(new BuildArgs()
                        Action     = BuildAction.Merge,
                        Worksheet  = ws,
                        FromRow    = contentMtnGroup_FromRowIndex,
                        FromColumn = contentMtn_ColIdx,
                        ToRow      = rowIndex - 1,
                        ToColumn   = contentMtn_ColIdx
                int machinePartNameGroup_ToRowIndex = rowIndex - 1;
                // merge cells
                buildArgs.Add(new BuildArgs()
                    Action     = BuildAction.Merge,
                    Worksheet  = ws,
                    FromRow    = machinePartNameGroup_FromRowIndex,
                    FromColumn = machinePartName_ColIdx,
                    ToRow      = rowIndex - 1,
                    ToColumn   = machinePartName_ColIdx
            #region Footer

            #region Border Style.
            int toRowIndex = rowIndex - 1;
            // cells borders
            ws.View.ShowGridLines = false;
            foreach (var cell in ws.Cells[startRowIdx - 1, machinePartName_ColIdx, toRowIndex, totalColumns_ColIdx])
                cell.Style.Border.Top.Style    = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                cell.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                cell.Style.Border.Left.Style   = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                cell.Style.Border.Right.Style  = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;

            #region Manipulate Cells (merge).
            // merge cells
            foreach (var args in buildArgs.Where(ba => ba.Action == BuildAction.Merge))
                using (var cells = args.Worksheet.Cells[args.FromRow, args.FromColumn, args.ToRow, args.ToColumn])
                    cells.Merge = true;
            // Vertical Alignment body table.
            ws.Cells[startRowIdx - 1, machinePartName_ColIdx, toRowIndex, totalColumns_ColIdx].Style.VerticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

            // new line Cell.
            foreach (var cell in ws.Cells[startRowIdx, machinePartName_ColIdx, toRowIndex, standard_ColIdx])
                if (cell.Value != null)
                    cell.Value = cell.Value.ToString().Replace("/", Environment.NewLine);

            // wordwrap entire table.
            using (var AllCellsTables = ws.Cells[startRowIdx - 1, machinePartName_ColIdx, toRowIndex, totalColumns_ColIdx])
                AllCellsTables.Style.WrapText = true;
            //set height Row.
            for (int intRow = startRowIdx; intRow < toRowIndex; intRow++)
                if (ws.Cells[intRow, machinePartName_ColIdx] != null && ws.Cells[intRow, machinePartName_ColIdx].Value != null)
                    ws.Row(intRow).Height = SMCommon.MeasureTextHeight(ws.Cells[intRow, machinePartName_ColIdx].Value.ToString(), ws.Cells[intRow, machinePartName_ColIdx].Style.Font, 1);
            //set width column.
            ws.Column(machinePartName_ColIdx).Width = 25;
            ws.Column(contentMtn_ColIdx).Width      = 25;
            ws.Column(toolMtn_ColIdx).Width         = 25;
            ws.Column(methodMtn_ColIdx).Width       = 20;
            ws.Column(standard_ColIdx).Width        = 20;

 public void Undo(ExcelRichText rt)
     _setter(rt, _oldValue);
 public void Apply(ExcelRichText rt)
     _oldValue = _getter(rt);
     _setter(rt, _newValue);
            public async Task <ResponseResult <Response> > Handle(
                Command request,
                CancellationToken cancellationToken)
                var queryResult = new MaterialTypeExport();
                IEnumerable <MaterialPropertyExport> basicProperties;
                IEnumerable <Lunz.ProductCenter.MService.QueryStack.Models.Trade> trades;

                using (var scope = _databaseScopeFactory.CreateReadOnly())
                    queryResult = await _repository.FindCustomPropertiesByTypeAsync <MaterialTypeExport>(request.TypeId);

                    basicProperties = await _repository.FindBasicPropertiesAsync <MaterialPropertyExport>();

                    trades = await _repository.FindAllTradePropertiesAsync <QueryStack.Models.Trade>();

                string url = string.Empty;

                if (queryResult != null)
                    var createResult = await CreateFolder();

                    var      path     = createResult.Item1;
                    var      fileName = $"物料模板-{request.TypeName}{request.UserName}-{createResult.Item2}.xlsx";
                    FileInfo file     = new FileInfo($@"{path}\{fileName}");
                    if (file?.Exists ?? false)

                    using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(file))
                        // 物料模板sheet
                        ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("物料");

                        // 物料属性sheet
                        ExcelWorksheet propertysheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("属性");

                        // 第一行
                        worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value = $"物料类型Id:{queryResult.Id}";
                        worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value = $"物料类型:{queryResult.TypeName}";
                        worksheet.Cells[1, 3].Value = $"物料编码:{request.TypeCode}";
                        worksheet.Cells[1, 4].Value = $"模板导出时间:{string.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}", DateTime.Now)}";

                        // row 2, col 1, 物料名称列
                        worksheet.Cells[2, 1].IsRichText = true;
                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[2, 1].RichText.Add("物料名称");
                        ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 1].RichText.Add("*");
                        ert.Color = Color.Red;

                        // 从row 3到maxRows, col 1, 物料名称列验证
                        var minLength      = 1;
                        var maxLength      = 40;
                        int maxRows        = ExcelPackage.MaxRows;
                        var textValidation = worksheet.DataValidations.AddTextLengthValidation($"A3:A{maxRows}");
                        textValidation.ShowErrorMessage = true;
                        textValidation.ErrorStyle       = ExcelDataValidationWarningStyle.stop;
                        textValidation.ErrorTitle       = "物料名称";
                        textValidation.Error            = string.Format("物料名称不能为空,且最大长度不能超过{0}个字符以内的汉字、字母、数字、符号的组合", maxLength);
                        textValidation.Formula.Value    = minLength;
                        textValidation.Formula2.Value   = maxLength;

                        // 属性sheet
                        var optionRow = 2;
                        var optionCol = 1;

                        // 物料sheet, row 2, col 2, col 3, DT0000000015: 物料单位, DT0000000031: 物料规格
                        if (basicProperties?.Count() == 2)
                            optionCol = 1;

                            // 物料sheet, 从row 3到maxRows, col 2, col 3, 物料规格列下拉列表, 物料单位列下拉列表
                            var col = 2;
                            foreach (var property in basicProperties)
                                worksheet.Cells[2, col].IsRichText = true;
                                ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, col].RichText.Add(property.DisplayName);
                                ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, col].RichText.Add("*");
                                ert.Color = Color.Red;

                                var basicPropertiesRange = ExcelRange.GetAddress(3, col, ExcelPackage.MaxRows, col);

                                // 属性值
                                var options = property.Options;
                                if (options?.Any() ?? false)
                                    var basicPropertiesValidation = worksheet.DataValidations.AddListValidation(basicPropertiesRange);
                                    basicPropertiesValidation.ShowErrorMessage = true;
                                    basicPropertiesValidation.ErrorStyle       = ExcelDataValidationWarningStyle.stop;
                                    basicPropertiesValidation.ErrorTitle       = "选择基本属性";
                                    basicPropertiesValidation.Error            = "请从属性列表中选择一项";

                                    var valueRange = ExcelRange.GetAddress(2, optionCol, options.Count + 1, optionCol, true);
                                    basicPropertiesValidation.Formula.ExcelFormula = $@"属性!{valueRange}";

                                    // 属性sheet, 属性名
                                    propertysheet.Cells[1, optionCol].Value = property.DisplayName;
                                    optionRow = 2;
                                    foreach (var option in options)
                                        // 属性sheet, 所有属性选项值
                                        propertysheet.Cells[optionRow, optionCol].Value = $"{option.OptionId}:{option.OptionName}";

                            worksheet.Cells[2, 2].IsRichText = true;
                            ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 2].RichText.Add("物料规格");
                            ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 2].RichText.Add("*");
                            ert.Color = Color.Red;

                            worksheet.Cells[2, 3].IsRichText = true;
                            ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 3].RichText.Add("物料单位");
                            ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 3].RichText.Add("*");
                            ert.Color = Color.Red;

                        // row 2, col 4, 是否为生产物料列, 【是否为生产物料】选择为“是”时,【是否有独立编码】默认为“否”且不可修改。
                        worksheet.Cells[2, 4].IsRichText = true;
                        ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 4].RichText.Add("是否为生产物料");
                        ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 4].RichText.Add("*");
                        ert.Color = Color.Red;

                        // 是否为生产物料下拉列表
                        var range          = ExcelRange.GetAddress(3, 4, ExcelPackage.MaxRows, 4);
                        var listValidation = worksheet.DataValidations.AddListValidation(range);
                        listValidation.ShowErrorMessage = true;
                        listValidation.ErrorStyle       = ExcelDataValidationWarningStyle.stop;
                        listValidation.ErrorTitle       = "选择基本属性";
                        listValidation.Error            = "请从属性列表中选择一项";

                        // row 2, col 5, 是否有独立编号列
                        worksheet.Cells[2, 5].IsRichText = true;
                        ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 5].RichText.Add("是否有独立编号");
                        ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 5].RichText.Add("*");
                        ert.Color = Color.Red;

                        // 是否有独立编号下拉列表
                        range          = ExcelRange.GetAddress(3, 5, ExcelPackage.MaxRows, 5);
                        listValidation = worksheet.DataValidations.AddListValidation(range);
                        listValidation.ShowErrorMessage = true;
                        listValidation.ErrorStyle       = ExcelDataValidationWarningStyle.stop;
                        listValidation.ErrorTitle       = "选择基本属性";
                        listValidation.Error            = "请从属性列表中选择一项";

                        // row 2, col 6, 采购主体列
                        StringBuilder tradeValue = new StringBuilder();
                        if (trades?.Any() ?? false)
                            foreach (var trade in trades)

                        var value = tradeValue.ToString();
                        worksheet.Cells[2, 6].IsRichText = true;
                        ert = worksheet.Cells[2, 6].RichText.Add("采购主体");

                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(request.TypeCode) && request.TypeCode.StartsWith(_tradCode))
                            ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 6].RichText.Add("*");
                            ert.Color = Color.Red;

                        ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, 6].RichText.Add(value.Remove(value.LastIndexOf(',')));
                        ert.Color = Color.Black;
                        worksheet.Cells[2, 6].Style.WrapText = true;

                        // row 2, col 7, 建议采购价列
                        worksheet.Cells[2, 7].Value = "建议采购价(5位以内的正数,两位小数)";
                        worksheet.Cells[2, 7].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right;

                        // 从row 3到maxRows, col 7, 建议采购价列验证
                        range = ExcelRange.GetAddress(3, 7, ExcelPackage.MaxRows, 7);
                        var decimalValidation = worksheet.DataValidations.AddDecimalValidation(range);
                        decimalValidation.ErrorStyle       = ExcelDataValidationWarningStyle.stop;
                        decimalValidation.ErrorTitle       = "建议采购价";
                        decimalValidation.Error            = "建议采购价是5位以内的正数";
                        decimalValidation.ShowErrorMessage = true;
                        decimalValidation.Operator         = ExcelDataValidationOperator.between;
                        decimalValidation.Formula.Value    = 0.00;
                        decimalValidation.Formula2.Value   = 99999.99;

                        // 属性sheet
                        optionRow = 2;

                        // row 2, 从col 8开始, 自定义属性列
                        var properties = queryResult.Properties;
                        if (properties?.Any() ?? false)
                            optionCol = 3;
                            var col = 8;
                            foreach (var property in properties)
                                // 从row 3开始,添加自定义属性选项值下拉列表
                                range = ExcelRange.GetAddress(3, col, ExcelPackage.MaxRows, col);

                                // 属性选项值
                                var options = property.Options;
                                if (options?.Any() ?? false)
                                    listValidation = worksheet.DataValidations.AddListValidation(range);
                                    listValidation.ShowErrorMessage = true;
                                    listValidation.ErrorTitle       = "选择自定义属性";
                                    listValidation.Error            = "请从属性列表中选择一项";

                                    var customerOptionRange = ExcelRange.GetAddress(2, optionCol, options.Count + 1, optionCol, true);
                                    listValidation.Formula.ExcelFormula = $@"属性!{customerOptionRange}";

                                    // 属性sheet, 属性名
                                    propertysheet.Cells[1, optionCol].Value = $"{property.PropId}:{property.DisplayName}";
                                    optionRow = 2;
                                    foreach (var option in options)
                                        // 属性sheet, 所有属性选项值
                                        propertysheet.Cells[optionRow, optionCol].Value = $"{option.OptionId}:{option.OptionName}";

                                // 自定义属性是否必填
                                if (property.IsNecessary)
                                    worksheet.Cells[2, col].IsRichText = true;
                                    ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, col].RichText.Add($"{property.PropId}:{property.DisplayName}");
                                    ert       = worksheet.Cells[2, col].RichText.Add("*");
                                    ert.Color = Color.Red;

                                    if (options?.Any() ?? false)
                                        listValidation.ErrorStyle = ExcelDataValidationWarningStyle.stop;
                                    worksheet.Cells[2, col].Value = $"{property.PropId}:{property.DisplayName}";

                                    if (options?.Any() ?? false)
                                        listValidation.ErrorStyle = ExcelDataValidationWarningStyle.warning;


                        worksheet.View.FreezePanes(3, 1);

                        worksheet.Column(6).Width = 32;


                    string ossEndpoint        = "http://oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com";
                    string ossAccessKeyId     = "LTAIFAiipRXidbYT";
                    string ossAccessKeySecret = "62zh9kaAd60NAqMxNPCqVcvxhNxH0H";
                    string ossBucketName      = "basichz";
                    string ossRootFolder      = "productcenter";
                    string ossAccessUrl       = "//oss.lunz.cn/";
                    var    fileManager        = new OssFileManager(ossEndpoint, ossAccessKeyId, ossAccessKeySecret, ossBucketName, ossRootFolder, ossAccessUrl);

                    // 上传至阿里云
                    var uploadResult = fileManager.Upload(file.Name.Trim(), $@"{path}\{file.Name.Trim()}");

                    // 返回阿里云Url地址
                    url = $@"http://basichz.lunz.cn/{uploadResult.Key}";

                    // 删除文件夹
                    DirectoryInfo directory = new DirectoryInfo(path);
                    if (directory.Exists)

                return(ResponseResult <Response> .Ok(new Response(url)));
        private void writeToExcelDM(FileInfo newFile, string type)
            // EPPlus library is required
            ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage(newFile);

            MaintainStaffControl            staffControl         = new MaintainStaffControl();
            MaintainExaminationControl      examControl          = new MaintainExaminationControl();
            MaintainInvigilationDutyControl dutyControl          = new MaintainInvigilationDutyControl();
            MaintainExemptionControl        exemptionControl     = new MaintainExemptionControl();
            MaintainPaperExaminedControl    paperExaminedControl = new MaintainPaperExaminedControl();

            //Check for CHIEF, or others
            if (type.Equals("CHIEF"))
                // Add a worksheet to the empty workbook
                ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(type);

                // Set column width
                worksheet.Column(1).Width = 4.5;
                worksheet.Column(2).Width = 45;

                //print header
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value       = "No.";
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 3, 1].Merge = true;
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 3, 1].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 3, 1].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value       = "Name";
                worksheet.Cells[1, 2, 3, 2].Merge = true;
                worksheet.Cells[1, 2, 3, 2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                worksheet.Cells[1, 2, 3, 2].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                List <Staff> staffList = staffControl.getStaffList();
                List <string> timeslotList = examControl.getTimeslot();
                List <Exemption>        exemptionList     = null;
                List <InvigilationDuty> dutyList          = null;
                List <PaperExamined>    paperExaminedList = null;

                //row and column as counter
                int    rowNoStaff = 4;
                int    rowNoDate  = 1;
                int    colNoDate  = 3;
                int    colNoTotal = 0;
                string timeslotID = "EMPTY";

                //array as counter for printing logo purpose
                List <DateTime> dateList = new List <DateTime>();

                //print timeslot
                for (int i = 0; i < timeslotList.Count; i++)
                    //checking to avoid printing the same date twice
                    if (!timeslotID.Substring(2).Equals(timeslotList[i].Substring(2)))
                        timeslotID = timeslotList[i];
                        int      year  = Convert.ToInt32("20" + timeslotList[i].Substring(6, 2));
                        int      month = Convert.ToInt32(timeslotList[i].Substring(4, 2));
                        int      day   = Convert.ToInt32(timeslotList[i].Substring(2, 2));
                        DateTime dt    = new DateTime(year, month, day);

                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate].Value = dt.ToString("ddd").ToUpper();
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, rowNoDate, colNoDate + 2].Merge = true;
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, rowNoDate++, colNoDate + 2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate].Value = dt.ToString("dd/MM/yy").ToUpper();
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, rowNoDate, colNoDate + 2].Merge = true;
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, rowNoDate++, colNoDate + 2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate++].Value = "AM";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate++].Value = "PM";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate++].Value = "EV";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate - 3, rowNoDate, colNoDate - 1].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                        rowNoDate = 1;

                //print total header
                worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate].Value = "Total";
                worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, 3, colNoDate].Merge = true;
                worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, 3, colNoDate].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, 3, colNoDate].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                //assign the col of "Total" for writing inv duties
                colNoTotal = colNoDate;

                //set column width
                worksheet.Column(colNoDate).Width = 5.5;
                while (colNoDate >= 4)
                    worksheet.Column((colNoDate--) - 1).Width = 6.5;

                //count number of inv printed
                int countInvi = 0;

                //print staffs
                for (int i = 0; i < staffList.Count; i++)
                    //check and print chief invigilator name
                    if (staffList[i].IsChief == 'Y')
                        //print chief invigilator
                        worksheet.Cells[countInvi + 4, 1].Value = ++countInvi;
                        worksheet.Cells["B" + rowNoStaff++.ToString()].Value = staffList[i].Name + " " + staffList[i].Title;

                        //check and print exemption
                        exemptionList = exemptionControl.searchExemption(staffList[i].StaffID);
                        if (exemptionList.Count > 0)
                            for (int a = 0; a < exemptionList.Count; a++)
                                //get the column number to insert
                                int colToInsert = 3 + (dateList.FindIndex(b => b.Date == exemptionList[a].Date) * 3);

                                //get the column number if not AM
                                if (exemptionList[a].Session.Equals("PM"))
                                    colToInsert += 1;
                                else if (exemptionList[a].Session.Equals("EV"))
                                    colToInsert += 2;

                                //insert exemption
                                worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].IsRichText = true;
                                ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("X");

                        //count total number of duties for each inv
                        int totalDuty = 0;

                        //check and print invigilation duty
                        dutyList          = dutyControl.searchInvigilationDuty2(Convert.ToInt32(staffList[i].StaffID));
                        paperExaminedList = paperExaminedControl.getPaperExaminedList(staffList[i].StaffID);
                        if (dutyList.Count > 0)
                            totalDuty = 0;

                            for (int a = 0; a < dutyList.Count; a++)
                                //get timeslot Date to compare with dutyList Date
                                int      year  = Convert.ToInt32("20" + dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(6, 2));
                                int      month = Convert.ToInt32(dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(4, 2));
                                int      day   = Convert.ToInt32(dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(2, 2));
                                DateTime dt    = new DateTime(year, month, day);

                                //get the column number to insert
                                int colToInsert = 3 + (dateList.FindIndex(b => b.Date == dt.Date) * 3);

                                //get the column number if not AM
                                if (dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(0, 2).Equals("PM"))
                                    colToInsert += 1;
                                else if (dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(0, 2).Equals("EV"))
                                    colToInsert += 2;

                                //retrieve course list(exam) on given location and timeslotID
                                List <string> paperList = paperExaminedControl.searchPaperExamined(dutyList[a].Location, dutyList[a].TimeslotID);

                                //check if the chief is also an examiner
                                var result = paperExaminedList.Select(s => s.CourseCode).Intersect(paperList);

                                //insert only if no exemption is inserted
                                if (worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].Value == null)
                                    worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].IsRichText = true;

                                    //compare duty type
                                    if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block V") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("V");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block SE") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("SE");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block SD") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("SD");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block SB") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("SB");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block R") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("R");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block Q") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("Q");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block PA, PA7-PA12") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("PA7");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block PA, PA1-PA6") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("PA1");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block M") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("M");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block L") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("L");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block KS") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("KS");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block H, H7-H14") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("H7");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block H, H1-H6") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("H1");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block H") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("H");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Dewan Utama") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("DU");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block DS") && dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Chief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("DS");
                                        ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                //if printing last duty in a duty list, print totalDuty
                                if (a + 1 == dutyList.Count)
                                    worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colNoTotal].Value = totalDuty;

                //shutdown connection

                //center "No." and all the ticks
                worksheet.Cells[4, 1, staffList.Count + 4, 1].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                worksheet.Cells[4, 3, rowNoStaff, colNoTotal].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                char facultyCode = '\0';
                //compare type to get facultyCode
                if (type.Equals("CNBL"))
                    facultyCode = 'E';
                else if (type.Equals("FEBE"))
                    facultyCode = 'T';
                else if (type.Equals("FAFB"))
                    facultyCode = 'B';
                else if (type.Equals("FASC"))
                    facultyCode = 'A';

                // Add a worksheet to the empty workbook
                ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(type);

                // Set column width
                worksheet.Column(1).Width = 4.5;
                worksheet.Column(2).Width = 45;

                //print header
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1].Value       = "No.";
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 3, 1].Merge = true;
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 3, 1].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 3, 1].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                worksheet.Cells[1, 2].Value       = "Name";
                worksheet.Cells[1, 2, 3, 2].Merge = true;
                worksheet.Cells[1, 2, 3, 2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                worksheet.Cells[1, 2, 3, 2].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                List <Staff> staffList = staffControl.getStaffList();
                List <string> timeslotList = examControl.getTimeslot();
                List <Exemption>        exemptionList     = null;
                List <InvigilationDuty> dutyList          = null;
                List <PaperExamined>    paperExaminedList = null;

                //row and column as counter
                int    rowNoStaff = 4;
                int    rowNoDate  = 1;
                int    colNoDate  = 3;
                int    colNoTotal = 0;
                string timeslotID = "EMPTY";

                //array as counter for printing logo purpose
                List <DateTime> dateList = new List <DateTime>();

                //print timeslot
                for (int i = 0; i < timeslotList.Count; i++)
                    //checking to avoid printing the same date twice
                    if (!timeslotID.Substring(2).Equals(timeslotList[i].Substring(2)))
                        timeslotID = timeslotList[i];
                        int      year  = Convert.ToInt32("20" + timeslotList[i].Substring(6, 2));
                        int      month = Convert.ToInt32(timeslotList[i].Substring(4, 2));
                        int      day   = Convert.ToInt32(timeslotList[i].Substring(2, 2));
                        DateTime dt    = new DateTime(year, month, day);

                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate].Value = dt.ToString("ddd").ToUpper();
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, rowNoDate, colNoDate + 2].Merge = true;
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, rowNoDate++, colNoDate + 2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate].Value = dt.ToString("dd/MM/yy").ToUpper();
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, rowNoDate, colNoDate + 2].Merge = true;
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, rowNoDate++, colNoDate + 2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate++].Value = "AM";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate++].Value = "PM";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate++].Value = "EV";
                        worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate - 3, rowNoDate, colNoDate - 1].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                        rowNoDate = 1;

                //print total header
                worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate].Value = "Total";
                worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, 3, colNoDate].Merge = true;
                worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, 3, colNoDate].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                worksheet.Cells[rowNoDate, colNoDate, 3, colNoDate].Style.VerticalAlignment   = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center;

                //assign the col of "Total" for writing inv duties
                colNoTotal = colNoDate;

                //set column width
                worksheet.Column(colNoDate).Width = 5.5;
                while (colNoDate >= 4)
                    worksheet.Column((colNoDate--) - 1).Width = 6.5;

                //count inv number of inv printed
                int countInvi = 0;

                //print staffs
                for (int i = 0; i < staffList.Count; i++)
                    //check and print invigilator based on faculty
                    if (staffList[i].IsInvi == 'Y' && staffList[i].FacultyCode == facultyCode)
                        //print invigilator
                        worksheet.Cells[countInvi + 4, 1].Value = ++countInvi;
                        worksheet.Cells["B" + rowNoStaff++.ToString()].Value = staffList[i].Name + " " + staffList[i].Title;

                        //check and print exemption
                        exemptionList = exemptionControl.searchExemption(staffList[i].StaffID);
                        if (exemptionList.Count > 0)
                            for (int a = 0; a < exemptionList.Count; a++)
                                //get the column number to insert
                                int colToInsert = 3 + (dateList.FindIndex(b => b.Date == exemptionList[a].Date) * 3);

                                //get the column number if not AM
                                if (exemptionList[a].Session.Equals("PM"))
                                    colToInsert += 1;
                                else if (exemptionList[a].Session.Equals("EV"))
                                    colToInsert += 2;

                                //insert exemption
                                worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].IsRichText = true;
                                ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("X");

                        //count total number of duties for each inv
                        int totalDuty = 0;

                        //check and print invigilation duty
                        dutyList          = dutyControl.searchInvigilationDuty2(Convert.ToInt32(staffList[i].StaffID));
                        paperExaminedList = paperExaminedControl.getPaperExaminedList(staffList[i].StaffID);
                        if (dutyList.Count > 0)
                            totalDuty = 0;

                            for (int a = 0; a < dutyList.Count; a++)
                                //get timeslot Date to compare with dutyList Date
                                int      year  = Convert.ToInt32("20" + dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(6, 2));
                                int      month = Convert.ToInt32(dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(4, 2));
                                int      day   = Convert.ToInt32(dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(2, 2));
                                DateTime dt    = new DateTime(year, month, day);

                                //get the column number to insert
                                int colToInsert = 3 + (dateList.FindIndex(b => b.Date == dt.Date) * 3);

                                //get the column number if not AM
                                if (dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(0, 2).Equals("PM"))
                                    colToInsert += 1;
                                else if (dutyList[a].TimeslotID.Substring(0, 2).Equals("EV"))
                                    colToInsert += 2;

                                //retrieve course list(exam) on given location and timeslotID
                                List <string> paperList = paperExaminedControl.searchPaperExamined(dutyList[a].Location, dutyList[a].TimeslotID);

                                //check if the chief is also an examiner
                                var result = paperExaminedList.Select(s => s.CourseCode).Intersect(paperList);

                                //insert only if no exemption is inserted
                                if (worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].Value == null)
                                    worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].IsRichText = true;

                                    //compare duty type
                                    if (dutyList[a].Location.Equals("Block DS"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("DS");
                                        ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].CategoryOfInvigilator.Equals("Relief"))
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;
                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("R");
                                        ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        if (dutyList[a].Duration != 2)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add(dutyList[a].Duration.ToString());
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Duration == 3)
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("3");
                                        ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Duration == 2)
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;
                                    else if (dutyList[a].Duration == 1)
                                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("\u2713");
                                        ert.Size = 12;

                                        if (result.ToList().Count > 0)
                                            ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("E");
                                            ert.Size = 7;

                                        ert      = worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colToInsert].RichText.Add("1");
                                        ert.Size = 7;

                                //if printing last duty in a duty list, print totalDuty
                                if (a + 1 == dutyList.Count)
                                    worksheet.Cells[rowNoStaff - 1, colNoTotal].Value = totalDuty;

                //shutdown connection

                //center "No." and all the ticks
                worksheet.Cells[4, 1, staffList.Count + 4, 1].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;
                worksheet.Cells[4, 3, rowNoStaff, colNoTotal].Style.HorizontalAlignment = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

            //save new workbook
예제 #16
        protected void lnkExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DateTime searchDate = DateTime.Today;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDate.Text))
                searchDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDate.Text);

            List <SummaryPayFeeDaily> dataList = CommonList.GetSummaryPayFeeDailyData(searchDate, DateTime.MinValue, txtSearch.Text, STORE_ID);

            if (dataList.Any())
                using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage())
                    // add a new worksheet to the empty workbook
                    ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("BTP");
                    worksheet.View.ZoomScale        = 90;
                    worksheet.Cells.Style.Font.Size = 12;
                    worksheet.Cells.Style.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";

                    worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 8].Merge                     = true;
                    worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 8].Value                     = "Bảng Thu Phí " + dataList[0].STORE_NAME;
                    worksheet.Row(1).Height                               = 20;
                    worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 8].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 8].Style.Font.Size           = 14;
                    worksheet.Cells[1, 1, 1, 8].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                    worksheet.Cells[2, 1, 2, 8].Merge                     = true;
                    worksheet.Cells[2, 1, 2, 8].Value                     = "(" + searchDate + ")";
                    worksheet.Row(2).Height                               = 35;
                    worksheet.Cells[2, 1, 2, 8].Style.Font.Bold           = true;
                    worksheet.Cells[2, 1, 2, 8].Style.Font.Size           = 18;
                    worksheet.Cells[2, 1, 2, 8].Style.HorizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center;

                    worksheet.Cells[3, 1, 3, 8].Merge = true;
                    worksheet.Cells[3, 1, 3, 8].Value = "";
                    worksheet.Row(2).Height           = 20;

                    worksheet.Column(1).Width          = 5;
                    worksheet.Column(2).Width          = 35;
                    worksheet.Column(3).Width          = 30;
                    worksheet.Column(4).Width          = 30;
                    worksheet.Column(5).Width          = 25;
                    worksheet.Column(6).Width          = 30;
                    worksheet.Column(7).Width          = 20;
                    worksheet.Column(8).Width          = 15;
                    worksheet.Column(7).Style.WrapText = true;

                    worksheet.Cells[4, 1].Value = "#";
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 2].Value = "Tên khách hàng";
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 3].Value = "Loại hình thuê";
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 4].Value = "Số ĐT khách hàng";
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 5].Value = "Giá trị HĐ/Phí";
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 6].Value = "Ghi chú";
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 7].Value = "Số lần đóng phí";
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 8].Value = "Thông báo";
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 1, 4, 8].Style.Font.Bold = true;
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 1, 4, 8].Style.Font.Size = 13;
                    worksheet.Row(4).Height = 25;

                    int no    = 1;
                    int index = 5;
                    foreach (var contract in dataList)
                        worksheet.Cells[index, 1].Value = no;

                        worksheet.Cells[index, 2].Style.WrapText = true;
                        worksheet.Cells[index, 2].IsRichText     = true;
                        ExcelRichText ert = worksheet.Cells[index, 2].RichText.Add(contract.CUSTOMER_NAME);
                        ert.Bold = true;
                        //ert = worksheet.Cells[index, 2].RichText.Add("\n(" + (contract.BIRTH_DAY == null ? "" : contract.BIRTH_DAY.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")) + ")");
                        //ert.Bold = false;

                        worksheet.Cells[index, 3].Value = contract.RENT_TYPE_NAME;
                        worksheet.Cells[index, 4].Value = contract.PHONE;
                        worksheet.Cells[index, 5].Value = string.Format("{0:0,0}", contract.PAY_FEE);
                        worksheet.Cells[index, 6].Value = contract.NOTE;
                        worksheet.Cells[index, 7].Value = contract.PAY_TIME + " lần";
                        worksheet.Cells[index, 8].Value = contract.PAY_MESSAGE;

                        no    += 1;
                        index += 1;

                    worksheet.Cells[4, 1, index, 8].Style.Border.Top.Style    = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 1, index, 8].Style.Border.Right.Style  = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 1, index, 8].Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                    worksheet.Cells[4, 1, index, 8].Style.Border.Left.Style   = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;


                    if ((Request.Browser.Browser.ToLower() == "ie") && (Request.Browser.MajorVersion < 9))
                        Response.Cache.SetCacheability(System.Web.HttpCacheability.NoCache); //IE set to not cache
                        Response.Cache.SetNoStore();                                         //Firefox/Chrome not to cache
                        Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.UtcNow);                          //for safe measure expire it immediately

                    string fileName = string.Format("BTP {0}.{1}", searchDate.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"), "xlsx");
                    Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet";
                    Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment; filename=\"" + fileName + "\"");
예제 #17
        public void ExportExcelSpecial()
                if (dataList != null && dataList.Count > 0)
                    string   tmpFileName = FilesUtil.GetTmpXlsxFileName();
                    FileInfo newFile     = new FileInfo(tmpFileName);
                    using (ExcelPackage NewPck = new ExcelPackage(newFile))
                        using (ExcelWorkbook NewWb = NewPck.Workbook)
                            //load template
                            string   TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME = "RPT001_Template.xlsx";
                            string   TemplatePath       = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, OISBaseConstant.PATH_TEMPLATE, TEMPLATE_FILE_NAME);
                            FileInfo OrgFile            = new FileInfo(TemplatePath);

                            //create sheet
                            using (ExcelPackage OrgPck = new ExcelPackage(OrgFile))
                                using (ExcelWorkbook OrgWb = OrgPck.Workbook)
                                    ExcelWorksheet OrgSheet;
                                    int            firstRecordRow, templateColumnCount, LV3Row, LV2Row, LOCRow;
                                    if (HasResultDayAndNight)
                                        OrgSheet            = OrgWb.Worksheets[2];
                                        firstRecordRow      = 4;
                                        templateColumnCount = 7;
                                        LV3Row = 4;
                                        LV2Row = 5;
                                        LOCRow = 6;
                                        OrgSheet            = OrgWb.Worksheets[1];
                                        firstRecordRow      = 3;
                                        templateColumnCount = 6;
                                        LV3Row = 3;
                                        LV2Row = 4;
                                        LOCRow = 5;

                                    //add sheet
                                    NewWb.Worksheets.Add(dataList[0].REPORTNUMBER, OrgSheet);
                                    ExcelWorksheet sht = NewWb.Worksheets[1];
                                    sht.DeleteRow(firstRecordRow, 4);

                                    int    nextRow = firstRecordRow;
                                    string tmpLV3 = "", tmpLV2 = "";
                                    for (int i = 0; i < dataList.Count; i++)
                                        sp_RPT001_GetWorkPlaceLightReport_Result data = dataList[i];

                                        if (!data.LOC_NAME_LV3.IsNull())
                                            if (tmpLV3 != data.LOC_NAME_LV3)
                                                tmpLV3 = data.LOC_NAME_LV3;
                                                OrgSheet.Cells[LV3Row, 1, LV3Row, templateColumnCount].Copy(sht.Cells[nextRow, 1, nextRow, templateColumnCount]);
                                                sht.Cells[nextRow, 2].Value = data.LOC_NAME_LV3;
                                        if (!data.LOC_NAME_LV2.IsNull())
                                            if (tmpLV2 != data.LOC_NAME_LV2)
                                                tmpLV2 = data.LOC_NAME_LV2;
                                                OrgSheet.Cells[LV2Row, 1, LV2Row, templateColumnCount].Copy(sht.Cells[nextRow, 1, nextRow, templateColumnCount]);
                                                sht.Cells[nextRow, 2].Value = data.LOC_NAME_LV2;
                                        if (i + 1 == dataList.Count)
                                            OrgSheet.Cells[firstRecordRow + 3, 1, firstRecordRow + 3, templateColumnCount].Copy(sht.Cells[nextRow, 1, nextRow, templateColumnCount]);
                                            OrgSheet.Cells[LOCRow, 1, LOCRow, templateColumnCount].Copy(sht.Cells[nextRow, 1, nextRow, templateColumnCount]);
                                        sht.Cells[nextRow, 1].Value = i + 1;
                                        sht.Cells[nextRow, 2].Value = data.LOC_NAME;
                                        sht.Cells[nextRow, 3].Value = data.STDLIGHT_NAME;
                                        if (data.RESULT_DAY.HasValue)
                                            sht.Cells[nextRow, 4].Value = data.RESULT_DAY_STR;
                                            sht.Cells[nextRow, 4].Value = data.RESULT_NIGHT_STR;
                                        if (HasResultDayAndNight)
                                            sht.Cells[nextRow, 5].Value = data.RESULT_NIGHT_STR;
                                            //sht.Cells[nextRow, 6].Value = data.STDLIGHT_STANDARD_STR;
                                            sht.Cells[nextRow, 7].Value = data.CONDITION;

                                            ExcelRichText rtDir2 = sht.Cells[nextRow, 6].RichText.Add(data.STDLIGHT_STANDARD.GetValueOrDefault().ToString("#,##0"));
                                            rtDir2.UnderLine = false;
                                            //sht.Cells[nextRow, 5].Value = data.STDLIGHT_STANDARD_STR;
                                            sht.Cells[nextRow, 6].Value = data.CONDITION;

                                            ExcelRichText rtDir2 = sht.Cells[nextRow, 5].RichText.Add(data.STDLIGHT_STANDARD.GetValueOrDefault().ToString("#,##0"));
                                            rtDir2.UnderLine = false;

                                    //Open Excel
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;