public void Create3DChart(string chartName, string chartTitle, ExcelWorksheetWrapper to, string[] axisTitles, int height = 20) { var chart = to.Worksheet.Drawings.AddChart(chartName, eChartType.Surface); chart.Title.Text = chartTitle; for (var i = _pos1Line; i <= _pos2Line; i++) { var signaturesAddress = string.Format("{0}{1}:{0}{2}", (char)(_pos1Column + 64), _pos1Line, _pos2Line); var dataAddress = string.Format("{0}{1}:{2}{1}", (char)(_pos1Column + 64 + 1), i, (char)(_pos2Column + 64)); var serie = chart.Series.Add(ExcelRange.GetFullAddress(Worksheet.Name, dataAddress), ExcelRange.GetFullAddress(Worksheet.Name, signaturesAddress)); serie.Header = Worksheet.Cells[string.Format("{0}{1}", (char)(_pos1Column + 64), i)].Value.ToString(); } chart.Legend.Position = eLegendPosition.Right; chart.XAxis.Title.Text = axisTitles[0]; chart.YAxis.Title.Text = "SigmaMin"; chart.Axis[2].Title.Text = "B"; for (var i = 0; i < chart.Axis.Length; i++) { chart.Axis[i].Title.Text = axisTitles[i]; chart.Axis[i].Title.Font.Size = 12; } to.PlaceChart(chart, 20); }
public void CreateChart(string chartName, string chartTitle, ExcelWorksheetWrapper to, int height = 10) { var chart = to.Worksheet.Drawings.AddChart(chartName, eChartType.ColumnClustered); chart.Title.Text = chartTitle; var address1 = string.Format("{0}{1}:{2}{3}", (char)(_pos2Column + 64), _pos1Line, (char)(_pos2Column + 64), _pos2Line); var address2 = string.Format("{0}{1}:{2}{3}", (char)(_pos1Column + 64), _pos1Line, (char)(_pos1Column + 64), _pos2Line); chart.Series.Add(ExcelRange.GetFullAddress(Worksheet.Name, address1), ExcelRange.GetFullAddress(Worksheet.Name, address2)); chart.Legend.Remove(); to.PlaceChart(chart, height); }
public void addSeries(string chartName, double[,] data, string dataName, string infoChart = "", string infoData = "") { // Finding the chart ExcelDrawing objChart = null; int nCharts = charts_.Count; for (int i = 0; i != nCharts; ++i) { ExcelDrawing chart = charts_[i]; if (chart.Name == chartName) { objChart = chart; lastSheet_ = chartSheets_[i]; break; } } if (objChart == null) { return; } // Check if the chart is currently in use ChartPosition pos; int iRow, jCol; if (!posCharts_.ContainsKey(objChart)) { pos = new ChartPosition() { header = new Position { row = ChartPosition.lastRow + 1, col = 1 }, length = data.GetLength(0), availablePosition = new Position { row = ChartPosition.lastRow + 3, col = 1 } }; // Write the header workSheet_.Cells[pos.header.row, pos.header.col].Value = objChart.Name + infoChart; posCharts_.Add(objChart, pos); ChartPosition.lastRow += pos.length + 3; } else { pos = posCharts_[objChart]; } // Add the function values iRow = pos.availablePosition.row; jCol = pos.availablePosition.col; int nData = data.GetLength(0); for (int k = 0; k != nData; ++k) { workSheet_.Cells[iRow + k, jCol].Value = data[k, 0]; workSheet_.Cells[iRow + k, jCol + 1].Value = data[k, 1]; } workSheet_.Cells[pos.header.row + 1, jCol].Value = infoData; // Set the data info workSheet_.Cells[pos.header.row + 1, jCol + 1].Value = dataName; // Set the name // Retrieving the data address ExcelScatterChart scatterChart = (ExcelScatterChart)objChart; string xVals = ExcelRange.GetAddress(iRow, jCol, iRow + nData - 1, jCol); string yVals = ExcelRange.GetAddress(iRow, jCol + 1, iRow + nData - 1, jCol + 1); xVals = ExcelRange.GetFullAddress(workSheetName_, xVals); yVals = ExcelRange.GetFullAddress(workSheetName_, yVals); // Creating the serie ExcelScatterChartSerie serie = scatterChart.Series.Add(yVals, xVals); // Using the standard markers when custom ones are not available List <MarkerProperty> markers = customMarkers_[chartName]; if (markers == null || markers.Count == 0) { markers = standardMarkers_; } MarkerProperty markerProperties = markers[indMarkers_[chartName]]; // Using the standard lines when custom ones are not available List <LineProperty> lines = customLines_[chartName]; if (lines == null || lines.Count == 0) { lines = standardLines_; } LineProperty lineProperties = lines[indLines_[chartName]]; int transparency = lineProperties.isTransparent ? 100 : 0; // Perecentage // Specifying the properties serie.Border.Fill.Color = Color.Black; // Line color serie.Border.LineStyle = lineProperties.lineStyle; // Line style serie.Border.Fill.Transparancy = transparency; // Line transparency serie.Border.Width = 1.0; // Line width if (serie.Marker != null) { serie.Marker.Border.Fill.Color = Color.Black; // Marker border color serie.Marker.Border.Width = 0.75; // Marker border width serie.Marker.Size = 5; // Marker size // Marker fill color if (markerProperties.fillColor != Color.Transparent) { serie.Marker.Fill.Color = markerProperties.fillColor; } else { serie.Marker.Fill.Style = eFillStyle.NoFill; } // Marker style if (lineProperties.isMarkersEnabled) { serie.Marker.Style =; } else { serie.Marker.Style = eMarkerStyle.None; } // Increment markers and lines indices ++indMarkers_[chartName]; if (indMarkers_[chartName] >= markers.Count) { indMarkers_[chartName] = 0; } } ++indLines_[chartName]; if (indLines_[chartName] >= lines.Count) { indLines_[chartName] = 0; } // Legend serie.Header = dataName; // Shifting data locations pos.availablePosition.col = pos.availablePosition.col + 2; pos.length = Math.Max(pos.length, nData); int lastRowColumn = pos.availablePosition.row + pos.length; if (lastRowColumn > ChartPosition.lastRow) { ChartPosition.lastRow = lastRowColumn; } }