예제 #1
        public void Item_SetNull_ThrowsArgumentNullException()
            MemberInfo propertyInfo             = typeof(TestClass).GetProperty(nameof(TestClass.Property));
            var        map                      = new OneToOneMap <int>(new ColumnNameValueReader("Property"));
            var        propertyMap              = new ExcelPropertyMap(propertyInfo, map);
            ExcelPropertyMapCollection mappings = new TestClassMap().Properties;


            Assert.Throws <ArgumentNullException>("item", () => mappings[0] = null);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if the property can be written.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyMap">The property map that we are checking.</param>
        /// <returns>A value indicating if the property can be written.
        /// True if the property can be written, otherwise false.</returns>
        protected bool CanWrite(
            ExcelPropertyMap propertyMap)
            var cantWrite =
                // Ignored properties
                propertyMap.Data.Ignore ||
                // Properties that don't have a public getter and we are honoring the accessor modifier
                propertyMap.Data.Property.GetGetMethod() == null && !_configuration.IgnorePrivateAccessor ||
                // Properties that don't have a getter at all
                propertyMap.Data.Property.GetGetMethod(true) == null;

예제 #3
        public void Item_SetValidItem_GetReturnsExpected()
            MemberInfo propertyInfo             = typeof(TestClass).GetProperty(nameof(TestClass.Property));
            var        map1                     = new OneToOneMap <int>(new ColumnNameValueReader("Property"));
            var        propertyMap1             = new ExcelPropertyMap(propertyInfo, map1);
            var        map2                     = new OneToOneMap <int>(new ColumnNameValueReader("Property"));
            var        propertyMap2             = new ExcelPropertyMap(propertyInfo, map2);
            ExcelPropertyMapCollection mappings = new TestClassMap().Properties;


            mappings[0] = propertyMap2;
            Assert.Same(propertyMap2, mappings[0]);
예제 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if the property for the <see cref="ExcelPropertyMap"/>
        /// can be read.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="propertyMap">The property map.</param>
        /// <returns>A value indicating of the property can be read. True if it can, otherwise false.</returns>
        private bool CanRead(
            ExcelPropertyMap propertyMap)
            var cantRead =
                // Write only properties.
                propertyMap.Data.WriteOnly ||
                // Ignored properties.
                propertyMap.Data.Ignore ||
                // Properties that don't have a public setter and we are honoring the accessor modifier.
                propertyMap.Data.Property.GetSetMethod() == null && !_configuration.IgnorePrivateAccessor ||
                // Properties that don't have a setter at all.
                propertyMap.Data.Property.GetSetMethod(true) == null;

예제 #5
        public void Ctor_FieldInfoMember_Success()
            MemberInfo fieldInfo = typeof(ClassWithEvent).GetField(nameof(ClassWithEvent._field));
            var        map       = new OneToOneMap <int>(new ColumnNameValueReader("Property"));

            var propertyMap = new ExcelPropertyMap(fieldInfo, map);

            Assert.Same(fieldInfo, propertyMap.Member);
            Assert.Same(map, propertyMap.Map);

            var instance = new ClassWithEvent();

            propertyMap.SetValueFactory(instance, 10);
            Assert.Equal(10, instance._field);
예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a property expression for the given property on the record.
        /// This will recursively traverse the mapping to find the property
        /// and create a safe property accessor for each level as it goes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="recordExpression">The current property expression.</param>
        /// <param name="mapping">The mapping to look for the property to map on.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyMap">The property map to look for on the mapping.</param>
        /// <returns>An Expression to access the given property.</returns>
        protected Expression CreatePropertyExpression(
            Expression recordExpression,
            ExcelClassMap mapping,
            ExcelPropertyMap propertyMap)
            // Handle the simple case where the property is on this level.
            if (mapping.PropertyMaps.Any(pm => pm == propertyMap))
                return(Expression.Property(recordExpression, propertyMap.Data.Property));

            // The property isn't on this level of the mapping. We need to search down through the reference maps.
            foreach (var refMap in mapping.ReferenceMaps)
                // Recursively find the property access expression for this property
                var wrapped            = Expression.Property(recordExpression, refMap.Property);
                var propertyExpression = CreatePropertyExpression(wrapped, refMap.Mapping, propertyMap);
                if (propertyExpression == null)
                    // Not in this reference map, try the next one

                // Build an expression that looks like this for value types:
                // (record.RefMap == null) ? return new type() : record.RefMap.Property
                // and like this for nullable types:
                // (record.RefMap == null) ? return null : record.RefMap.Property
                // So that the properties of the reference mapped object will be written as null or a default value
                // if the reference map is not present in the record being written
                var nullCheckExpression    = Expression.Equal(wrapped, Expression.Constant(null));
                var isValueType            = propertyMap.Data.Property.PropertyType.IsValueType;
                var defaultValueExpression = isValueType
                    ? (Expression)Expression.New(propertyMap.Data.Property.PropertyType)
                    : Expression.Constant(null, propertyMap.Data.Property.PropertyType);
                var conditionExpression = Expression.Condition(nullCheckExpression, defaultValueExpression, propertyExpression);

            // We get here if the property did not match anything in this mapping
예제 #7
        public void Insert_ValidItem_Success()
            MemberInfo propertyInfo             = typeof(TestClass).GetProperty(nameof(TestClass.Property));
            var        map1                     = new OneToOneMap <int>(new ColumnNameValueReader("Property"));
            var        propertyMap1             = new ExcelPropertyMap(propertyInfo, map1);
            var        map2                     = new OneToOneMap <int>(new ColumnNameValueReader("Property"));
            var        propertyMap2             = new ExcelPropertyMap(propertyInfo, map2);
            ExcelPropertyMapCollection mappings = new TestClassMap().Properties;

            mappings.Insert(0, propertyMap1);
            Assert.Same(propertyMap1, Assert.Single(mappings));
            Assert.Same(propertyMap1, mappings[0]);

            mappings.Insert(0, propertyMap2);
            Assert.Equal(2, mappings.Count);
            Assert.Same(propertyMap2, mappings[0]);

            mappings.Insert(1, propertyMap1);
            Assert.Equal(3, mappings.Count);
            Assert.Same(propertyMap1, mappings[1]);
예제 #8
        private static bool InferMapping <T>(this MemberInfo member, FallbackStrategy emptyValueStrategy, out ExcelPropertyMap mapping)
            if (member.AutoMap(emptyValueStrategy, out SingleExcelPropertyMap <T> singleMapping))
                mapping = singleMapping;

            if (member.MemberType().GetElementTypeOrEnumerableType(out Type elementType))
                MethodInfo method = AutoMapEnumerableMethod.MakeGenericMethod(elementType);

                var  parameters = new object[] { member, emptyValueStrategy, null };
                bool result     = (bool)method.Invoke(null, parameters);
                if (result)
                    mapping = (ExcelPropertyMap)parameters[2];

            if (member.AutoMapObject(emptyValueStrategy, out ObjectExcelPropertyMap <T> objectMapping))
                mapping = objectMapping;

            mapping = null;
예제 #9
        private static bool TryMapEnumerable(MemberInfo member, FallbackStrategy emptyValueStrategy, out ExcelPropertyMap map)
            if (!member.MemberType().GetElementTypeOrEnumerableType(out Type elementType))
                map = null;

            MethodInfo method = TryMapEnumerableMethod.MakeGenericMethod(elementType);

            var  parameters = new object[] { member, emptyValueStrategy, null };
            bool result     = (bool)method.Invoke(null, parameters);

            if (result)
                map = (ExcelPropertyMap)parameters[2];

            map = null;
예제 #10
        private static bool InferMapping <T>(MemberInfo member, FallbackStrategy emptyValueStrategy, out ExcelPropertyMap map)
            // First, check if this is a well-known type (e.g. string/int).
            // This is a simple conversion from the cell's value to the type.
            if (TryMapPrimitive(member, emptyValueStrategy, out SingleExcelPropertyMap <T> singleMap))
                map = singleMap;

            // Secondly, check if this is a collection (e.g. array, list).
            // This requires converting each value to the element type of the collection.
            if (TryMapEnumerable(member, emptyValueStrategy, out ExcelPropertyMap multiMap))
                map = multiMap;

            // Thirdly, check if this is an object.
            // This requires converting each member and setting it on the object.
            if (TryMapObject(member, emptyValueStrategy, out ObjectExcelPropertyMap <T> objectMap))
                map = objectMap;

            map = null;