예제 #1
        public static void DisplayInExcel(this ITwoFactorPayoff payoffStrategy, Range <double> r1, Range <double> r2, int N1, int N2)
        { // Display the discrete payoff matrix in Excel
            NumericMatrix <double> matrix = PayoffMatrix(payoffStrategy, r1, r2, N1, N2);

            Vector <double> xarr = r1.mesh(N1);
            Vector <double> yarr = r2.mesh(N2);

            // Display in Excel
            // public void printMatrixInExcel<T>( NumericMatrix<T> matrix, Vector<T> xarr, Vector<T> yarr, string SheetName )

            ExcelMechanisms driver = new ExcelMechanisms();

            string title = "Payoff function";

            driver.printMatrixInExcel <double>(matrix, xarr, yarr, title);
예제 #2
    public static void BilinearInterpolation2()
        // Create mesh arrays
        int startIndex = 0;

        // Number of subdivisions N,M in the x and y directions
        int             N     = 4;
        int             M     = 3;
        Vector <double> x1arr = new Vector <double>(N + 1, startIndex, 0.0);

        double a = 0.0; double b = 1.0;

        double h1 = (b - a) / (double)N;

        x1arr[x1arr.MinIndex] = a;

        for (int j = x1arr.MinIndex + 1; j <= x1arr.MaxIndex; j++)
            x1arr[j] = x1arr[j - 1] + h1;

        Vector <double> x2arr = new Vector <double>(M + 1, startIndex, 0.0);
        double          h2    = (b - a) / (double)M;

        x1arr[x1arr.MinIndex] = a;

        for (int j = x2arr.MinIndex + 1; j <= x2arr.MaxIndex; j++)
            x2arr[j] = x2arr[j - 1] + h2;

        // Control values;
        NumericMatrix <double> Control
            = new NumericMatrix <double>(N + 1, M + 1,
                                         startIndex, startIndex);

        Func <double, double, double> func = (double x1, double x2) => x1 + x2;

        for (int i = Control.MinRowIndex; i <= Control.MaxRowIndex; i++)
            for (int j = Control.MinColumnIndex; j <= Control.MaxColumnIndex; j++)
                Control[i, j] = func(x1arr[i], x2arr[j]);

        BilinearInterpolator myInterpolator
            = new BilinearInterpolator(x1arr, x2arr, Control);

        double x = 0.1; double y = 0.7;
        double value = myInterpolator.Solve(x, y);

        Console.WriteLine("Interpolated value: {0}", value);

        // Take center point (xm, ym) of each element and interpolate on it
        NumericMatrix <double> InterpolatedMatrix
            = new NumericMatrix <double>(N, M, startIndex, startIndex);

        // Abscissa points of new interpolated matrix
        Vector <double> Xarr
            = new Vector <double>(InterpolatedMatrix.Rows, startIndex, 0.0);
        Vector <double> Yarr
            = new Vector <double>(InterpolatedMatrix.Columns, startIndex, 0.0);

        for (int i = InterpolatedMatrix.MinRowIndex;
             i <= InterpolatedMatrix.MaxRowIndex; i++)
            for (int j = InterpolatedMatrix.MinColumnIndex;
                 j <= InterpolatedMatrix.MaxColumnIndex; j++)
                Xarr[i] = 0.5 * (x1arr[i] + x1arr[i + 1]);   // xm
                Yarr[j] = 0.5 * (x2arr[j] + x2arr[j + 1]);   // ym

                InterpolatedMatrix[i, j]
                    = myInterpolator.Solve(Xarr[i], Yarr[j]);

        // Present the interpolated matrix in Excel
        ExcelMechanisms driver = new ExcelMechanisms();

        string title = "Interpolated matrix";

        driver.printMatrixInExcel <double>(InterpolatedMatrix,
                                           Xarr, Yarr, title);