예제 #1
 public static void CreateHeaderTable(ExcelWorksheet sheet, int row, int col, object value, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool merge, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCellTable(sheet.Cells[row, col], value, align, merge, null, null, null, true, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #2
 public static void CreateCell(ExcelWorksheet sheet, int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol, object value, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool merge,
                               Color?background, Color?color, float?size, bool bold = false, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCell(sheet.Cells[fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol], value, align, merge, background, color, size, bold, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #3
 public static void CreateHeaderTable(ExcelWorksheet sheet, int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol, object value,
                                      ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool merge, Color background, Color color, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCellTable(sheet.Cells[fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol], value, align, merge, background, color, null, true, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #4
    public void changeformat(ExcelWorksheet ws, Font font, string data, int rownum1, int colnum1, int?rownum2 = null, int?colnum2 = null, Color?fontcolor = null, Color?bgcolor = null, bool bold = false, bool merge = true, bool italic = false, bool underline = false, ExcelVerticalAlignment vertical = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontal = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center, ExcelBorderStyle borderstyle = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, int?txtrotate = null)
        int cellAmount;
        int row2   = rownum2.HasValue ? rownum2.Value : rownum1;
        int col2   = colnum2.HasValue ? colnum2.Value : colnum1;
        int rotate = txtrotate.HasValue ? txtrotate.Value : 0;

            if (Int32.TryParse(data, out cellAmount))
                ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Value = cellAmount;
                ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Value = data;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.TextRotation = rotate;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Merge = merge;

            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(bgcolor.HasValue?bgcolor.Value:Color.White);
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Font.SetFromFont(font);
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Font.Color.SetColor(fontcolor.HasValue?fontcolor.Value: Color.Black);
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Font.Bold           = bold;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Font.Italic         = italic;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Font.UnderLine      = underline;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.WrapText            = true;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.VerticalAlignment   = vertical;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.HorizontalAlignment = horizontal;
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Border.Left.Style   = ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Border.Right.Style = ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Style.Border.Top.Style = borderstyle;
        catch (Exception ee)
            ws.Cells[rownum1, colnum1, row2, col2].Value = ee.Message;
예제 #5
 public static void CreateCellTable(ExcelWorksheet sheet, string range, object value, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool merge, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCellTable(sheet.Cells[range], value, align, merge, null, null, null, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #6
        public static ExcelRange SetHorizontalAligment(this ExcelRange excelRange, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center)
            excelRange.Style.HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment;

예제 #7
 public StyleHorizontalAlignment(ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)
     this.HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment;
예제 #8
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the horizontal alignment of ExcelWorksheet cells
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worksheet"></param>
 /// <param name="horizontalAlignment"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ExcelWorksheet SetHorizontalAlignment(this ExcelWorksheet worksheet, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment) => worksheet.SetHorizontalAlignment(worksheet.Cells, horizontalAlignment);
 public static void FormatCell_T_Merge(ExcelWorksheet ws, int currRow, int currCol, object value = null,
                                       /*int plusRow = 0, int plusCol = 0, */ int?colWidth       = null,
                                       bool wrapText = true,
                                       int size      = 12, bool bold     = true, bool italic = false,
                                       bool merge    = true, int?fromRow = null, int?fromCol = null, int?toRow = null, int?toCol = null,
                                       int?entireColIndexFormatNum = null, string numFormatEntireCol = null,
                                       bool VeBorder = true, ExcelBorderStyle viendamnhat            = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, ExcelHorizontalAlignment hAlign = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center, ExcelVerticalAlignment vAlign = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center
     FormatCell_T_Merge(ws, ref currRow, ref currCol, value: value,
                        colWidth: colWidth,
                        wrapText: wrapText,
                        size: size, bold: bold, italic: italic,
                        merge: merge, fromRow: fromRow, fromCol: fromCol, toRow: toRow, toCol: toCol,
                        VeBorder: VeBorder, viendamnhat: viendamnhat, hAlign: hAlign, vAlign: vAlign);
예제 #10
 public static void AgregarTexto(this ExcelWorksheet ws, int fila, int columna, object valor, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, bool fontBold)
     ws.Cells[fila, columna].Value = valor;
     ws.Cells[fila, columna].Style.HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment;
     ws.Cells[fila, columna].Style.Font.Bold           = fontBold;
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the horizontal alignment of given cell range
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="worksheet"></param>
 /// <param name="cellRange"></param>
 /// <param name="horizontalAlignment"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ExcelWorksheet SetHorizontalAlignment(this ExcelWorksheet worksheet, ExcelRange cellRange, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)
예제 #12
        public static void AgregarTexto(this ExcelWorksheet ws, int fila, int columna, object valor, string formato, bool fontBold, ExcelBorderStyle excelBorderStyle, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)
            var cell = ws.Cells[fila, columna];

            cell.Value = valor;
            cell.Style.Numberformat.Format = formato;
            cell.Style.Font.Bold           = fontBold;
            cell.Style.Border.Top.Style    = excelBorderStyle;
            cell.Style.HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment;
예제 #13
 public static ExcelRange HorizontalAlign(this ExcelRange cell, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Right)
     cell.Style.HorizontalAlignment = align;
예제 #14
 public static ExcelRange Alinea(this ExcelRange cell, ExcelHorizontalAlignment Alinea = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center)
     cell.Style.HorizontalAlignment = Alinea;
예제 #15
 public static void AgregarTexto(this ExcelWorksheet ws, int fila, int columna, int aLafila, int aLaColumna, object valor, float size, bool fontBold, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment, Color bgColor, bool ajustarTexto)
     using (var rango = ws.Cells[fila, columna, aLafila, aLaColumna])
         rango.Value                     = valor;
         rango.Style.Font.Bold           = fontBold;
         rango.Style.Font.Size           = size;
         rango.Merge                     = true;
         rango.Style.HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment;
         rango.Style.Fill.PatternType    = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
         rango.Style.WrapText = ajustarTexto;
 /// <summary>
 /// format mac dinh word noi dung , align left
 /// </summary>
 public static void FormatCell_W(ExcelWorksheet ws, ref int row, ref int col, object value = null,
                                 int plusRow      = 0, int plusCol = 0, int?colWidth = null,
                                 bool wrapText    = false,
                                 int size         = 12, bool Bold = false, bool Italic = false,
                                 string numFormat = null, string congthuc              = null,
                                 bool VeBorder    = true, ExcelBorderStyle viendamnhat = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, ExcelHorizontalAlignment hAlign = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Left, ExcelVerticalAlignment vAlign = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center)
     FormatCell(ws, ref row, ref col, value: value,
                plusRow: plusRow, plusCol: plusCol, colWidth: colWidth,
                wrapText: wrapText,
                size: size, bold: Bold, italic: Italic,
                VeBorder: VeBorder, viendamnhat: viendamnhat, hAlign: hAlign, vAlign: vAlign);
예제 #17
 public static ExcelRange SetVerticalHorizontalAligment(this ExcelRange excelRange, ExcelVerticalAlignment verticalAlignment = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center)
 /// <summary>
 /// ko tăng row, ko tăng col, chỉ thực hiện với cell hiện tại
 /// </summary>
 public static void FormatCell(ExcelWorksheet ws, int row, int col, object value   = null,
                               /*int plusRow = 0, int plusCol = 0, */ int?colWidth = null,
                               bool wrapText    = false,
                               int size         = 12, bool bold = false, bool italic = false,
                               string numFormat = null, string congthuc              = null,
                               bool VeBorder    = true, ExcelBorderStyle viendamnhat = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, ExcelHorizontalAlignment hAlign = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center, ExcelVerticalAlignment vAlign = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center)
     FormatCell(ws, ref row, ref col, value: value,             //merge default false, wrap false
                /*int plusRow = 0, int plusCol = 0, */ colWidth: colWidth,
                wrapText: wrapText, size: size, bold: bold, italic: italic,
                VeBorder: VeBorder, viendamnhat: viendamnhat, hAlign: hAlign, vAlign: vAlign,
                numFormat: numFormat, congthuc: congthuc);
예제 #19
파일: Helpers.cs 프로젝트: breshch/AIS
 public static void CreateCell(ExcelWorksheet sheet, int row, int column, double value, Color?color, float size = 11, bool isFontBold = false,
                               ExcelHorizontalAlignment alignment = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center,
                               ExcelBorderStyle borderStyle       = ExcelBorderStyle.Medium)
     CreateCell(sheet, row, column, row, column, value, color, size, isFontBold, alignment, borderStyle);
        public static void FormatCell_T_Merge(ExcelWorksheet ws, ref int currRow, ref int currCol, object value = null,
                                              int plusRow   = 0, int plusCol = 0, int?colWidth = null,
                                              bool wrapText = true,
                                              int size      = 12, bool bold     = true, bool italic = false,
                                              bool merge    = true, int?fromRow = null, int?fromCol = null, int?toRow = null, int?toCol = null,
                                              bool VeBorder = true, ExcelBorderStyle viendamnhat = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin, ExcelHorizontalAlignment hAlign = ExcelHorizontalAlignment.Center, ExcelVerticalAlignment vAlign = ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center
            if (colWidth != null)
                ws.Column(currCol).Width = (int)colWidth;

            ExcelRange Cells = (merge && fromRow != null && fromCol != null && toCol != null && toRow != null)
                                ? ws.Cells[(int)fromRow, (int)fromCol, (int)toRow, (int)toCol]
                                : ws.Cells[currRow, currCol];

            if (merge)
                Cells.Merge = true;
            Cells.Style.WrapText = wrapText;
            if (value != null)
                Cells.Value = value;
            Cells.Style.Font.Size = size;
            if (bold)
                Cells.Style.Font.Bold = true;
            if (italic)
                Cells.Style.Font.Italic = true;
            Cells.Style.HorizontalAlignment = hAlign;
            Cells.Style.VerticalAlignment   = vAlign;

            if (VeBorder)
                Cells.Style.Border.BorderAround(viendamnhat, Color.Black);

            if (plusCol > 0)
                currCol += plusCol;
            if (plusRow > 0)
                currRow += plusRow;
 private void FormatAsHeader(ref ExcelWorksheet ws, string range, bool usePattern, ExcelHorizontalAlignment alignment)
     //Formatting - Bold
     using (var r = ws.Cells[range])
         r.Style.Font.SetFromFont(new Font("Calibri", 10, FontStyle.Bold));
         r.Style.HorizontalAlignment = alignment;
         if (usePattern)
             r.Style.Fill.PatternType = ExcelFillStyle.Solid;
             r.Style.Fill.BackgroundColor.SetColor(Color.FromArgb(23, 55, 93));
예제 #22
 public virtual TMemberOptionsBuilder HAlign(ExcelHorizontalAlignment alignment)
     Options.HAlign = alignment;
예제 #23
 public static void CreateCellTable(ExcelWorksheet sheet, int fromRow, int fromCol, int toRow, int toCol, object value, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCellTable(sheet.Cells[fromRow, fromCol, toRow, toCol], value, align, false, null, null, null, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #24
 /// <summary>
 ///     Sets the horizontal alignment of given range
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="range"></param>
 /// <param name="horizontalAlignment"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static ExcelRangeBase SetHorizontalAlignment(this ExcelRangeBase range, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)
예제 #25
 public static void CreateCellTable(ExcelWorksheet sheet, string range, object value, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool merge,
                                    Color background, Color color, float size, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCellTable(sheet.Cells[range], value, align, merge, background, color, size, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #26
 internal ExcelXfs(XmlNamespaceManager nsm, XmlNode topNode, ExcelStyles styles)
     : base(nsm, topNode)
     _styles = styles;
     _xfID = GetXmlNodeInt("@xfid");
     if (_xfID == 0) isBuildIn = true; //Normal taggen
     _numFmtId = GetXmlNodeInt("@numFmtId");
     _fontId = GetXmlNodeInt("@fontId");
     _fillId = GetXmlNodeInt("@fillId");
     _borderId = GetXmlNodeInt("@borderId");
     _readingOrder = GetXmlNode(readingOrderPath) == "1" ? true : false;
     _verticalAlignment = GetVerticalAlign(GetXmlNode(verticalAlignPath));
     _horizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlign(GetXmlNode(horizontalAlignPath));
     _wrapText = GetXmlNode(wrapTextPath) == "1" ? true : false;
     //ApplyFont = GetXmlNode("@applyFont") == "1" ? true : false;
     //ApplyFill = GetXmlNode("@applyFill") == "1" ? true : false;
     //ApplyBorder = GetXmlNode("@applyBorder") == "1" ? true : false;
     //ApplyNumberFormat = GetXmlNode("@applyNumberFormat") == "1" ? true : false;
     //ApplyFill = GetXmlNode("@applyFont") == "1" ? true : false;
     //ApplyProtection = GetXmlNode("@applyProtection") == "1" ? true : false;
     //ApplyAlignment = GetXmlNode("@applyAlitgnment") == "1" ? true : false;
예제 #27
 public static void CreateCell(ExcelWorksheet sheet, string range, object value, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool merge,
                               Color?background, Color?color, float?size, bool bold, bool wrapText, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCell(sheet.Cells[range], value, align, merge, background, color, size, bold, wrapText, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #28
 private void setCellHeaderStyle(ExcelRangeBase cell, int fontSize, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align)
     setCellHeaderStyle(cell, fontSize, align, ExcelVerticalAlignment.Center);
예제 #29
 private static void CreateCellTable(ExcelRange cell, object value, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool merge, Color?background,
                                     Color?color, float?size, bool bold = false, bool wrapText = false, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCell(cell, value, align, merge, background, color, size, bold, wrapText, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #30
 internal ExcelXfs(XmlNamespaceManager nsm, XmlNode topNode, ExcelStyles styles)
     : base(nsm, topNode)
     _styles = styles;
     _xfID = GetXmlNodeInt("@xfid");
     if (_xfID == 0) isBuildIn = true; //Normal taggen
     _numFmtId = GetXmlNodeInt("@numFmtId");
     _fontId = GetXmlNodeInt("@fontId");
     _fillId = GetXmlNodeInt("@fillId");
     _borderId = GetXmlNodeInt("@borderId");
     _readingOrder = GetXmlNodeString(readingOrderPath) == "1" ? true : false;
     _indent = GetXmlNodeInt(indentPath);
     _shrinkToFit = GetXmlNodeString(shrinkToFitPath) == "1" ? true : false;
     _verticalAlignment = GetVerticalAlign(GetXmlNodeString(verticalAlignPath));
     _horizontalAlignment = GetHorizontalAlign(GetXmlNodeString(horizontalAlignPath));
     _wrapText = GetXmlNodeString(wrapTextPath) == "1" ? true : false;
     _textRotation = GetXmlNodeInt(textRotationPath);
     _hidden = GetXmlNodeBool(hiddenPath);
     _locked = GetXmlNodeBool(lockedPath,true);
예제 #31
 public static void CreateHeaderTable(ExcelWorksheet sheet, int row, int col, object value, ExcelHorizontalAlignment align, bool merge,
                                      Color background, Color color, float size, bool bold, bool autoFitColumn = true)
     CreateCellTable(sheet.Cells[row, col], value, align, merge, background, color, size, bold, autoFitColumn: autoFitColumn);
예제 #32
 public static void AgregarTexto(this ExcelWorksheet ws, int fila, int columna, int aLafila, int aLaColumna, object valor, float size, bool fontBold, ExcelHorizontalAlignment horizontalAlignment)
     using (var rango = ws.Cells[fila, columna, aLafila, aLaColumna])
         rango.Value                     = valor;
         rango.Style.Font.Bold           = fontBold;
         rango.Style.Font.Size           = size;
         rango.Merge                     = true;
         rango.Style.HorizontalAlignment = horizontalAlignment;