예제 #1
        private void AddData(ExcelFile Xls)
            //Create a new file. We could also open an existing file with Xls.Open
            Xls.NewFile(1, TExcelFileFormat.v2019);
            //Set some cell values.
            Xls.SetCellValue(1, 1, "Hello to the world");
            Xls.SetCellValue(2, 1, 3);
            Xls.SetCellValue(3, 1, 2.1);
            Xls.SetCellValue(4, 1, new TFormula("=Sum(A2,A3)"));

            //Load an image from disk.
            string AssemblyPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);

            using (Image Img = Image.FromFile(AssemblyPath + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + ".." + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + "Test.bmp"))
                //Add a new image on cell E2
                Xls.AddImage(2, 6, Img);
                //Add a new image with custom properties at cell F6
                Xls.AddImage(Img, new TImageProperties(new TClientAnchor(TFlxAnchorType.DontMoveAndDontResize, 2, 10, 6, 10, 100, 100, Xls), ""));
                //Swap the order of the images. it is not really necessary here, we could have loaded them on the inverse order.

            //Add a comment on cell a2
            Xls.SetComment(2, 1, "This is 3");

            //Custom Format cells a2 and a3
            TFlxFormat f = Xls.GetDefaultFormat;

            f.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
            f.Font.Color          = Color.Red;
            f.FillPattern.Pattern = TFlxPatternStyle.LightDown;
            f.FillPattern.FgColor = Color.Blue;
            f.FillPattern.BgColor = Color.White;

            //You can call AddFormat as many times as you want, it will never add a format twice.
            //But if you know the format you are going to use, you can get some extra CPU cycles by
            //calling addformat once and saving the result into a variable.
            int XF = Xls.AddFormat(f);

            Xls.SetCellFormat(2, 1, XF);
            Xls.SetCellFormat(3, 1, XF);

            f.Rotation            = 45;
            f.FillPattern.Pattern = TFlxPatternStyle.Solid;
            int XF2 = Xls.AddFormat(f);

            //Apply a custom format to all the row.
            Xls.SetRowFormat(1, XF2);

            //Merge cells
            Xls.MergeCells(5, 1, 10, 6);
            //Note how this one merges with the previous range, creating a final range (5,1,15,6)
            Xls.MergeCells(10, 6, 15, 6);

            //Make the page print in landscape or portrait mode
            Xls.PrintLandscape = false;
예제 #2
    private void CreateFile(ExcelFile Xls)
        //Create a new file. We could also open an existing file with Xls.Open
        Xls.NewFile(1, TExcelFileFormat.v2019);
        //Set some cell values.
        Xls.SetCellValue(1, 1, "Hello to everybody");
        Xls.SetCellValue(2, 1, 3);
        Xls.SetCellValue(3, 1, 2.1);
        Xls.SetCellValue(4, 1, new TFormula("=Sum(A2,A3)"));

        //Load an image from disk.
        string AssemblyPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath;

        using (System.Drawing.Image Img = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(Path.Combine(Path.Combine(AssemblyPath, "images"), "Test.bmp")))
            //Add a new image on cell E5
            Xls.AddImage(2, 6, Img);
            //Add a new image with custom properties at cell F6
            Xls.AddImage(Img, new TImageProperties(new TClientAnchor(TFlxAnchorType.DontMoveAndDontResize, 2, 10, 6, 10, 100, 100, Xls), ""));
            //Swap the order of the images. it is not really necessary here, we could have loaded them on the inverse order.

        //Add a comment on cell a2
        Xls.SetComment(2, 1, "This is 3");

        //Custom Format cells a2 and a3
        TFlxFormat f = Xls.GetDefaultFormat;

        f.Font.Name           = "Times New Roman";
        f.Font.Color          = Color.Red;
        f.FillPattern.Pattern = TFlxPatternStyle.LightDown;
        f.FillPattern.FgColor = Color.Blue;
        f.FillPattern.BgColor = Color.White;

        int XF = Xls.AddFormat(f);

        Xls.SetCellFormat(2, 1, XF);
        Xls.SetCellFormat(3, 1, XF);

        f.Rotation            = 45;
        f.FillPattern.Pattern = TFlxPatternStyle.Solid;
        int XF2 = Xls.AddFormat(f);

        //Apply a custom format to all the row.
        Xls.SetRowFormat(1, XF2);

        //Merge cells
        Xls.MergeCells(5, 1, 10, 6);
        //Note how this one merges with the previous range, creating a final range (5,1,15,6)
        Xls.MergeCells(10, 6, 15, 6);

        //Make sure rows are autofitted for pdf export.
        Xls.AutofitRowsOnWorkbook(false, true, 1);
예제 #3
        private void CopyRowAndColFormat(ExcelFile Workbook, TWaitingCoords Coords, ExcelFile IncludedReport, TXlsCellRange range)
            //Columns go before rows.
            if (CopyColFormats || (InsertMode == TFlxInsertMode.ShiftColRight && (range.Top > 1 || range.Bottom < FlxConsts.Max_Rows + 1)))
                for (int c = range.Left; c < range.Right; c++)
                    if (!IncludedReport.IsNotFormattedCol(c))
                        int c1 = c - range.Left + Left + Coords.ColOfs;
                        int cw = IncludedReport.GetColWidth(c);
                        Workbook.SetColWidth(c1, cw);

                        int co = IncludedReport.GetColOptions(c);
                        if (cw != IncludedReport.DefaultColWidth || cw != Workbook.DefaultColWidth)
                            co |= 0x02;                                                                         //the column has no standard width.
                        Workbook.SetColOptions(c1, co);
                        TFlxFormat fmt = IncludedReport.GetFormat(IncludedReport.GetColFormat(c));
                        fmt.LinkedStyle.AutomaticChoose = false;
                        Workbook.SetColFormat(c1, Workbook.AddFormat(fmt));
                        if (c1 + 1 <= FlxConsts.Max_Columns)
                            Workbook.KeepColsTogether(c1, c1 + 1, IncludedReport.GetKeepColsTogether(c), true);

            if (CopyRowFormats || (InsertMode == TFlxInsertMode.ShiftRowDown && (range.Left > 1 || range.Right < FlxConsts.Max_Columns + 1)))
                for (int r = range.Top; r < range.Bottom; r++)
                    if (!IncludedReport.IsEmptyRow(r))
                        int r1 = r - range.Top + Top + Coords.RowOfs;
                        Workbook.SetRowHeight(r1, IncludedReport.GetRowHeight(r));
                        Workbook.SetRowOptions(r1, IncludedReport.GetRowOptions(r));
                        TFlxFormat fmt = IncludedReport.GetFormat(IncludedReport.GetRowFormat(r));
                        fmt.LinkedStyle.AutomaticChoose = false;
                        Workbook.SetRowFormat(r1, Workbook.AddFormat(fmt));
                        if (r1 + 1 <= FlxConsts.Max_Rows)
                            Workbook.KeepRowsTogether(r1, r1 + 1, IncludedReport.GetKeepRowsTogether(r), true);
예제 #4
        public int GetFootnoteFormat(ExcelFile xls)
            if (footnoteFormat == null)
                footnoteFormat              = xls.DefaultFormatId;
                getDefaultFormat            = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                getDefaultFormat.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.left;

                getDefaultFormat.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.right;
                footnoteFormat = xls.AddFormat(getDefaultFormat);

예제 #5
        public int GetSummationFormat(ExcelFile xls)
            if (summationFormat == null)
                getDefaultFormat            = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                getDefaultFormat.Font.Style = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                summationFormat             = xls.AddFormat(getDefaultFormat);

예제 #6
        public int GetHeaderFormat(ExcelFile xls)
            if (headerFormat == null)
                headerFormat                = xls.DefaultFormatId;
                getDefaultFormat            = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                getDefaultFormat.Font.Color = Color.Black;
                getDefaultFormat.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
                getDefaultFormat.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.center;
                getDefaultFormat.WrapText   = true;
                headerFormat                = xls.AddFormat(getDefaultFormat);

예제 #7
        public int GetSectionNameFormat(ExcelFile xls)
            if (sectionNameFormat == null)
                sectionNameFormat                    = xls.DefaultFormatId;
                getDefaultFormat                     = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                getDefaultFormat.Font.Style          = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                getDefaultFormat.Font.Color          = Color.Black;
                getDefaultFormat.FillPattern.Pattern = TFlxPatternStyle.Solid;
                getDefaultFormat.FillPattern.FgColor = Color.Silver;
                getDefaultFormat.HAlignment          = THFlxAlignment.left;
                sectionNameFormat                    = xls.AddFormat(getDefaultFormat);

예제 #8
        public static void FillData(ExcelFile xls, DataTable dt, int TuHang, int TuCot, int TuCotCua_DT, int DenCotCua_DT, int SoCotCuaMotTrang, String CoDienDuLieu, Boolean bSTT)
            TFlxFormat fmt;
            //Tính số trang và số cột cần thêm để đủ một trang
            int SoCotDu = (DenCotCua_DT - TuCotCua_DT) % SoCotCuaMotTrang;
            int SoCotCanThem = 0;
            int TongSoCot = 0;
            if (SoCotDu != 0)
                SoCotCanThem = SoCotCuaMotTrang - SoCotDu;
            TongSoCot = DenCotCua_DT + SoCotCanThem - TuCotCua_DT;
            int SoTrang = TongSoCot / SoCotCuaMotTrang;
            //SET border cho số cột cần thêm
            for (int c = DenCotCua_DT + TuCot; c < TongSoCot + TuCot; c++)
                for (int h = 0; h < dt.Rows.Count; h++)
                    fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(h + TuHang, c);
                    fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
                    fmt.Font.Family = 1;
                    fmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
                    fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                    fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                    fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                    fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                    fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                    fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                    fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                    fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                    fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.left;
                    fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
                    xls.SetCellFormat(h + TuHang, c, xls.AddFormat(fmt));

            int _C = TuCot;
            int widthcolTong = 4205;
            int w6 = widthcolTong / 6;
            int d = 0;
            object GiaTriO = null;
            #region Fill dữ liệu những cột động
            for (int c = 0; c < TongSoCot; c++)
                Type _Type = typeof(String);
                if (c + TuCotCua_DT <= DenCotCua_DT)
                    _Type = dt.Columns[c + TuCotCua_DT].DataType;
                switch (_Type.ToString())
                    case "System.Decimal":
                        fmt = xls.GetStyle(xls.GetBuiltInStyleName(TBuiltInStyle.Comma, 0), true);
                        fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
                        fmt.Font.Family = 1;
                        fmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
                        fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                        fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                        fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                        fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                        fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                        fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                        fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                        fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                        fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.right;
                        fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
                        fmt.Format = "_-* #,##0\\ _₫_-;\\-* #,##0\\ _₫_-;_-* \"-\"??\\ _₫_-;_-@_-";
                        fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(TuHang, 2);
                        fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
                        fmt.Font.Family = 1;
                        fmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
                        fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                        fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                        fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                        fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                        fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                        fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                        fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                        fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                        fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.left;
                        fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;

                for (int h = 0; h < dt.Rows.Count; h++)
                    GiaTriO = null;
                    if (c == TuCot - 1)
                        GiaTriO = dt.Rows[h][c];
                    xls.SetCellFormat(h + TuHang, _C, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
                    if (c + TuCotCua_DT <= DenCotCua_DT)
                        xls.SetCellValue(h + TuHang, _C, dt.Rows[h][c + TuCotCua_DT]);
                    if (d > 6)
                        xls.SetColWidth(_C, w6 + 4059);

            #region Fill dữ liệu những cột cố định

            String KyTu1, KyTu2, strSum;
            int cot = 1;
            for (int h = 0; h < dt.Rows.Count; h++)
                //set cho cột STT
                if (bSTT)
                    fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(h + TuHang, 1);
                    fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
                    fmt.Font.Family = 1;
                    fmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
                    fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                    fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                    fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                    fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                    fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                    fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                    fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                    fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                    fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.center;
                    fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
                    fmt.WrapText = true;
                    xls.SetCellFormat(h + TuHang, 1, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
                    xls.SetCellValue(h + TuHang, 1, h + 1);
                //set cho cột Đơn vị
                fmt = xls.GetCellVisibleFormatDef(h + TuHang, 2);
                fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
                fmt.Font.Family = 1;
                fmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
                fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.left;
                fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
                fmt.WrapText = true;
                xls.SetCellFormat(h + TuHang, 2, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
                xls.SetCellValue(h + TuHang, 2, dt.Rows[h][0]);

                //Set cho cột tổng sô
                fmt = xls.GetStyle(xls.GetBuiltInStyleName(TBuiltInStyle.Comma, 0), true);
                fmt.Font.Name = "Times New Roman";
                fmt.Font.Family = 1;
                fmt.Font.CharSet = 0;
                fmt.Borders.Left.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                fmt.Borders.Left.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                fmt.Borders.Right.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                fmt.Borders.Right.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                fmt.Borders.Top.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                fmt.Borders.Top.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                fmt.Borders.Bottom.Style = TFlxBorderStyle.Thin;
                fmt.Borders.Bottom.Color = TExcelColor.Automatic;
                fmt.HAlignment = THFlxAlignment.right;
                fmt.VAlignment = TVFlxAlignment.center;
                fmt.Format = "_-* #,##0\\ _₫_-;\\-* #,##0\\ _₫_-;_-* \"-\"??\\ _₫_-;_-@_-";
                xls.SetCellFormat(h + TuHang, TuCot - 1, xls.AddFormat(fmt));

                KyTu1 = HamChung.ExportExcel_MaCot(TuCot);
                KyTu2 = HamChung.ExportExcel_MaCot(TuCot + TongSoCot - 1);
                strSum = String.Format("=SUM({0}{1}:{2}{1})", KyTu1, h + TuHang, KyTu2);
                xls.SetCellFormat(h + TuHang, TuCot - 1, xls.AddFormat(fmt));
                xls.SetCellValue(h + TuHang, TuCot - 1, new TFormula(strSum));

예제 #9
        public static void SetCellColour(ref ExcelFile xls, string colour, int row, int col, string sheetname = "")
            if (sheetname != "")
                xls.ActiveSheetByName = sheetname;
            if (colour == "")

            switch (colour.ToLower())
            case "blue":
                TFlxFormat tf = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                tf.Font.Color  = TExcelColor.FromIndex(47);
                tf.Font.Style  = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                tf.Font.Size20 = 200;
                int c = xls.AddFormat(tf);
                xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, c);

            case "bluenumber":
                TFlxFormat tf = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                tf.Font.Color  = TExcelColor.FromIndex(47);
                tf.Font.Style  = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                tf.Font.Size20 = 200;
                tf.Format      = "#0.00";
                int c = xls.AddFormat(tf);
                xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, c);

            case "blackheader":
                TFlxFormat tf = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                tf.Font.Color     = TExcelColor.FromIndex(1);
                tf.Font.Style     = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                tf.Font.Size20    = 200;
                tf.Borders.Bottom = new TFlxOneBorder(TFlxBorderStyle.Thick, TExcelColor.FromIndex(47));
                int c = xls.AddFormat(tf);
                xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, c);

            case "blackfooter":
                TFlxFormat tf = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                tf.Font.Color     = TExcelColor.FromIndex(1);
                tf.Font.Style     = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                tf.Font.Size20    = 200;
                tf.Borders.Bottom = new TFlxOneBorder(TFlxBorderStyle.Thick, TExcelColor.FromIndex(47));
                int c = xls.AddFormat(tf);
                xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, c);

            case "blackfooternumber":
                TFlxFormat tf = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                tf.Font.Color     = TExcelColor.FromIndex(1);
                tf.Font.Style     = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                tf.Font.Size20    = 200;
                tf.Format         = "#0.00";
                tf.Borders.Bottom = new TFlxOneBorder(TFlxBorderStyle.Thick, TExcelColor.FromIndex(47));
                int c = xls.AddFormat(tf);
                xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, c);

            case "blueprojectheader":
                TFlxFormat tf = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                tf.Font.Color     = TExcelColor.FromIndex(47);
                tf.Font.Style     = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                tf.Font.Size20    = 200;
                tf.Borders.Bottom = new TFlxOneBorder(TFlxBorderStyle.Thick, TExcelColor.FromIndex(47));
                int c = xls.AddFormat(tf);
                xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, c);

            case "blueprojectfooter":
                TFlxFormat tf = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                tf.Font.Color     = TExcelColor.FromIndex(47);
                tf.Font.Style     = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                tf.Font.Size20    = 200;
                tf.Borders.Top    = new TFlxOneBorder(TFlxBorderStyle.Thin, TExcelColor.FromIndex(47));
                tf.Borders.Bottom = new TFlxOneBorder(TFlxBorderStyle.Thick, TExcelColor.FromIndex(47));
                int c = xls.AddFormat(tf);
                xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, c);

            case "blueprojectfooternumber":
                TFlxFormat tf = xls.GetDefaultFormat;
                tf.Font.Color     = TExcelColor.FromIndex(47);
                tf.Font.Style     = TFlxFontStyles.Bold;
                tf.Font.Size20    = 200;
                tf.Format         = "#0.00";
                tf.Borders.Top    = new TFlxOneBorder(TFlxBorderStyle.Thin, TExcelColor.FromIndex(47));
                tf.Borders.Bottom = new TFlxOneBorder(TFlxBorderStyle.Thick, TExcelColor.FromIndex(47));
                int c = xls.AddFormat(tf);
                xls.SetCellFormat(row, col, c);