예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// 文档格式预定义好的,动态填写内容
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj"></param>
        public static void ExportExceldt(string obj)
            ExcelAccess ex = new ExcelAccess();
            SaveFileDialog saveFileDialog1 = new SaveFileDialog();
            string fname = Application.StartupPath + "\\00记录模板\\10配电变压器汇总表.xls";
            ex.Open(fname );
            IList list=new  ArrayList ();
            int pagecount=0;
            //obj = "317";
            string strfilter = " and 1=1";
            if (obj != "") strfilter = strfilter + " and a.OrgCode='" + obj+"' ";
            IList caplist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select distinct  b.byqCapcity    from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID  " + strfilter + " order by b.byqCapcity");
            //caplist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", string.Format("select nr from pj_dyk where  len(parentid)>1 and dx='{0}' and sx='{1}'", "11配电变压器卡片", "容量"));
            //IList modmflist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select distinct  UPPER(replace(b.byqModle,'-'+cast(b.byqCapcity as nvarchar(50))+'/'+cast(b.byqVol  as nvarchar(50)),'')) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID   " + strfilter + " and b.omniseal='true'");
            //IList modtmlist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select distinct  UPPER(replace(b.byqModle,'-'+cast(b.byqCapcity as nvarchar(50))+'/'+cast(b.byqVol  as nvarchar(50)),'')) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID   " + strfilter + " and (b.omniseal!='true' or b.omniseal is null)");
            IList modmflist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select distinct  UPPER(b.byqModle) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID   " + strfilter + " and b.omniseal='true'");
            IList modtmlist = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneStr", "select distinct  UPPER(b.byqModle) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID   " + strfilter + " and (b.omniseal!='true' or b.omniseal is null)");
            int jmax = 18;
            int i = 0;
            for ( i = 0; i < modmflist.Count; i++)
                if (modmflist[i].ToString().IndexOf("-")>-1)
                    modmflist[i] = modmflist[i].ToString().Substring(0,modmflist[i].ToString().IndexOf("-"));
            for (i = 0; i < modtmlist.Count; i++)
                if (modtmlist[i].ToString().IndexOf("-")>-1)
                    modtmlist[i] = modtmlist[i].ToString().Substring(0, modtmlist[i].ToString().IndexOf("-"));
            string modtemp = "";
            for (i = 0; i < modmflist.Count; i++)
                if (modtemp.IndexOf(modmflist[i].ToString())==-1)
                    if (modtemp!="")
                        modtemp = modmflist[i].ToString();
            if (modtemp != "")
                string[] strli = modtemp.Split(',');
                for (i = 0; i < strli.Length; i++)
            for (i = 0; i < modtmlist.Count; i++)
                if (modtemp.IndexOf(modtmlist[i].ToString()) == -1)
                    if (modtemp!="")
                        modtemp += "," + modtmlist[i];
                        modtemp = modtmlist[i].ToString();
            if (modtemp != "")
                string[] strli = modtemp.Split(',');
                for (i = 0; i < strli.Length; i++)
                pagecount = (int)Math.Ceiling(caplist.Count / (jmax + 0.0));
            int itemp = modtmlist.Count / 6.0 > modmflist.Count / 3.0 ? (int)Math.Ceiling(modtmlist.Count / 6.0) : (int)Math.Ceiling(modmflist.Count / 3.0 );
            pagecount = itemp * pagecount;
            if (pagecount > 1)
            for (i = 1; i < pagecount; i++)
                ex.ReNameWorkSheet((i + 1), "Sheet" + (i + 1));
            int istart = 7, istart2 = 19, jstart = 4, j=0;
            string jstrfilter="";
            mOrg org = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetOneByKey<mOrg>(obj);
            for ( j = 0; j < caplist.Count; j++)
                ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (j / jmax == 0 ? 1 : (int)Math.Ceiling(j / (jmax + 0.0))));
                //ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (1 + (j / jmax) * (int)Math.Ceiling(j / (jmax + 0.0))));
                if (j % jmax == 0)

                    jstrfilter = " and 1=1";
                    ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (1+(j / jmax)*(int)Math.Ceiling(j / (jmax + 0.0))));
                    list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select   b.byqCapcity from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID  " + strfilter + jstrfilter);
                    if (list.Count >0) ex.SetCellValue(list.Count.ToString(), 5, jstart + j % jmax);
                    list = Client.ClientHelper.PlatformSqlMap.GetList("SelectOneInt", "select   sum(b.byqCapcity) from dbo.mOrg a,dbo.PS_tqbyq b,dbo.PS_xl c, dbo.PS_tq d where a.OrgCode=c.OrgCode and c.LineCode=d.xlCode and d.tqID=b.tqID    " + strfilter + jstrfilter);
                    //if (list[0] == null) list[0] = 0;
                    if (list[0] != null)
                    ex.SetCellValue(list[0].ToString(), 6, jstart + j % jmax);
                    setExceldt(ex, list, caplist, modtmlist, modmflist, jstrfilter, strfilter, jstart, j, jmax, istart, istart2);    
                ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + ((j+1) / jmax == 0 ? 1 : (int)Math.Ceiling((j+1) / (jmax + 0.0))));
                    jstrfilter = " and 1=1 and b.byqCapcity='" + caplist[j] + "'";
                    //ex.SetCellValue(caplist[j].ToString(), 4, jstart + j % jmax + 1);
                    setExceldt(ex, list, caplist, modtmlist, modmflist, jstrfilter, strfilter, jstart+1, j, jmax, istart, istart2);    
            for (i = 0; i < pagecount; i++)
                ex.ActiveSheet("Sheet" + (i+1));
                int jzu=caplist.Count/jmax+1;
                int itempmin = 0, itempmax = 0;
                    itempmax = (i % jzu+1) * jmax;
                    itempmin = (i % jzu) * jmax;

                    if (org != null)
                        ex.SetCellValue(org.OrgName, 3, 3);
                        ex.SetCellValue("全局", 3, 3);

                for (j = itempmin; j < itempmax && j < caplist.Count ; j++)
                    ex.SetCellValue(caplist[j].ToString(), 4, jstart + j % jmax + 1);
                //ex.SetCellValue(caplist[j].ToString(), 4, jstart + j % jmax + 1);
