예제 #1
 public WrenixsGizmotronicApparatus() : base()
     Name          = "Wrenix's Gizmotronic Apparatus";
     Id            = 7166;
     Model         = 1097;
     Level         = 20;
     BaseHitPoints = 824;
     BaseMana      = 0;
     SetDamage(21f, 28f);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Block          = 16;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 1f;
     CombatReach    = 1f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 6f;
     Faction        = Factions.MoroGai;
     AIEngine       = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     NpcType = 9;
     Loots   = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                    , new BaseTreasure(MiscLoot.WrenixsGizmotronicApparatus, 100f) };
예제 #2
 public TwilightStonecaller() : base()
     Model          = 11815;
     AttackSpeed    = 2100;
     BoundingRadius = 0.561f;
     Name           = "Twilight Stonecaller";
     Flags1         = 0x080000;
     Id             = 11882;
     Guild          = "Twilights Hammer";
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 6f;
     ResistArcane   = 100;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     Level          = RandomLevel(57);
     NpcType        = 7;
     BaseHitPoints  = 7563;
     NpcFlags       = 0;
     CombatReach    = 0.8f;
     SetDamage(215, 291);
     Equip(new SolsticeStaff());
     Faction  = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     Loots    = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TwilightsHammerDrops.TwilightsHammer, 100f) };
예제 #3
 public TyrionsSpybot() : base()
     Name          = "Tyrion's Spybot";
     Id            = 8856;
     Model         = 1159;
     Level         = 25;
     BaseHitPoints = 1024;
     BaseMana      = 0;
     SetDamage(27f, 35f);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Block          = 18;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 1f;
     CombatReach    = 1f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 6f;
     Faction        = Factions.MoroGai;
     AIEngine       = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     NpcType = 9;
     //Loots = new BaseTreasure[]{ new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA , 100f )
     //, new BaseTreasure(MiscLoot.TyrionsSpybot , 100f )
     //No drops found in this time.
예제 #4
 public WardOfLaze() : base()
     Name          = "Ward of Laze";
     Id            = 2667;
     Model         = 2420;
     Level         = 37;
     BaseHitPoints = 1424;
     BaseMana      = 0;
     SetDamage(38f, 49f);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Block          = 16;
     ResistArcane   = 0;
     ResistFire     = 0;
     ResistFrost    = 0;
     ResistHoly     = 0;
     ResistNature   = 0;
     ResistShadow   = 0;
     BoundingRadius = 1f;
     CombatReach    = 1f;
     Size           = 1f;
     Speed          = 3f;
     WalkSpeed      = 3f;
     RunSpeed       = 6f;
     Faction        = Factions.BlacksmithingTribalSmithing;
     AIEngine       = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     NpcType = 9;
     //Loots = new BaseTreasure[]{ new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA , 100f )
     //, new BaseTreasure(MiscLoot.WardOfLaze , 100f )
     //No drops found in this time.
예제 #5
 public RockjawSkullthumper() : base()
     Name  = "Rockjaw Skullthumper";
     Id    = 1115;
     Model = 726;
     Level = RandomLevel(8);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 240;
     Block          = 30;
     ResistArcane   = 30;
     BaseHitPoints  = 336;
     BaseMana       = 317;
     ManaType       = 1;
     BoundingRadius = 1f;
     CombatReach    = 1f;
     Size           = 0.85f;
     Speed          = 2.7f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.7f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.7f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     NpcType        = 7;
     NpcFlags       = 0;
     //Guild = "Rocjaw";
     LearnSpell(3148, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     Equip(new ForsakenMaul());
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(TroggDrops.Trogg, 70f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Trogg2Drops.Trogg2, 70f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(BeginnersLeatherArmorsDrops.BeginnersLeatherArmors, 1f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.ChainArmor, 2f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.Pouch, 3f) };
예제 #6
 public RockjawRaider() : base()
     Name  = "Rockjaw Raider";
     Id    = 1718;
     Model = 730;
     Level = RandomLevel(3, 4);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 100;
     Block          = 5;
     ResistArcane   = 10;
     BaseMana       = 152; ManaType = 1;
     BoundingRadius = 1f;
     CombatReach    = 1f;
     Size           = 0.7f;
     Speed          = 2.6f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.5f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.6f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     LearnSpell(5164, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     Equip(new Item(7444, InventoryTypes.OneHand, 4, 2, 13, 3, 0, 0, 0));
     AIEngine = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     NpcType  = 7;
     NpcFlags = 0;
     //Guild = "Rockjaw";
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.Pouch, 6f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(TroggDrops.Trogg, 60f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(BeginnersAxesDrops.BeginnersAxes, 10f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(BeginnersClothsDrops.BeginnersCloths, 10f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 152, 3);
예제 #7
 public DarkeyeBonecaster() : base()
     AttackBonii(2000, 2000);
     Level          = RandomLevel(1, 2);     // to testing purpose, RandomLevel( 7, 9 );
     BoundingRadius = 1.000000f;
     SetDamage(2.500000, 3.200000);
     NpcType     = 6;
     Model       = 11398;
     AttackSpeed = 1600;
     Name        = "Darkeye Bonecaster";
     CombatReach = 1.558700f;
     Faction     = Factions.Monster;
     LearnSpell(116, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     LearnSpell(2052, SpellsTypes.Healing);
     Id       = 1522;
     AIEngine = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     //BCAddon.Hp( this, ?, 1 );
예제 #8
 public VilePriestessHexx() : base()
     Model       = 7121;
     Id          = 7995;
     NpcType     = 7;
     Level       = RandomLevel(4, 5);
     Faction     = Factions.NoFaction;
     Name        = "Vile Priestess Hexx";
     AttackSpeed = 1500;
     CombatReach = 1.475000f;
     NpcFlags    = 0;
     AIEngine    = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     AttackBonii(2000, 2000);
     BoundingRadius = 0.561000f;
     SetDamage(1.542857, 1.542857);
     NpcType = 7;
     Faction = Factions.Syndicate;
     LearnSpell(143, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     LearnSpell(2050, SpellsTypes.Healing);
     //BCAddon.Hp( this, ?, 4 );
예제 #9
 public RockjawAmbusher() : base()
     Name  = "Rockjaw Ambusher";
     Id    = 1116;
     Model = 726;
     Level = RandomLevel(9, 10);
     SetDamage(1f + 1.8f * Level, 1f + 2.5 * Level);
     AttackSpeed    = 2000;
     Armor          = 300;
     Block          = 50;
     ResistArcane   = 50;
     BaseHitPoints  = 72 + 33 * Level;
     BaseMana       = 53 + 33 * Level; ManaType = 1;
     BoundingRadius = 1f;
     CombatReach    = 1f;
     Size           = 0.85f;
     Speed          = 2.85f;
     WalkSpeed      = 2.8f;
     RunSpeed       = 5.8f;
     Faction        = Factions.Monster;
     AIEngine       = new EvilInteligentMonsterAI(this);
     NpcType        = 7;
     NpcFlags       = 0;
     //Guild = "Rockjaw";
     LearnSpell(15571, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     LearnSpell(53, SpellsTypes.Offensive);
     Equip(new SmallDagger());
     //equipmodel=0 7434 2 15 1 13 3 0 0 0
     Loots = new BaseTreasure[] { new BaseTreasure(Drops.Pouch, 6f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(TroggDrops.Trogg, 60f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Trogg2Drops.Trogg2, 70f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.RaggedLeatherArmor, 20f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(LowBowsAndCrossbowsDrops.LowBowsAndCrossbows, 10f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(LowAxesDrops.LowAxes, 10f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(Drops.MoneyA, 100f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(BeginnersPlansAndRecipesDrops.BeginnersPlansAndRecipes, 10f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(LowMusketsDrops.LowMuskets, 10f)
                                  , new BaseTreasure(LowSwordsAndDaggersDrops.LowSwordsAndDaggers, 10f) };
     BCAddon.Hp(this, 350, 9);