private void pingTimerExpired(object State) { try { if (SolrWrapper.Ping() == "OK") { // Log the successful ping EventLogHelper.Write_Event(ServiceSettings.Logging.PingEventId, "Successfully pinged solr/lucene for routine monitoring"); // Tell the timer to fire again in XX milliseconds, and only fire that once pingTimer.Change(ServiceSettings.Monitor.PauseDuration * 1000, Timeout.Infinite); } else { // Write the error message EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedPingEventId, "Error while pinging solr/lucene for routine monitoring"); // For now, terminate on the first failed ping ExitCode = 1064; Stop(); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedPingEventId, "EXCEPTION CAUGHT while pinging solr/lucene for routine monitoring", ex); } }
public static bool Start_Direct(int TimeOut) { // Add verbose log EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("Inside SolrWrapper.Start_Direct() method"); // Log this start StringBuilder logStartBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // Check to see if the solr home directory exists string solr_top = ServiceSettings.Solr.Directory; if (!Directory.Exists(solr_top)) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStartEventId, "Solr directory " + solr_top + " not found!" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Install solr/lucene and add the solr server directory under Solr.Directory to the configuration file for this service."); return(false); } // Get and test the solr server directory string solr_server_dir = Path.Combine(ServiceSettings.Solr.Directory, "server"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ServiceSettings.Override.SolrServerDir)) { solr_server_dir = ServiceSettings.Override.SolrServerDir; } if (!Directory.Exists(solr_server_dir)) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStartEventId, "Solr server directory " + solr_server_dir + " not found!" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Re-install solr/lucene and add the solr server directory under Solr.Directory to the configuration file for this service." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "If your setup is non-standard, you can use the Override.SOLR_SERVER_DIR value in the configuration file for this service."); return(false); } // Get and test the solr home directory string solr_home = Path.Combine(ServiceSettings.Solr.Directory, "server", "solr"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ServiceSettings.Override.SolrHome)) { solr_home = ServiceSettings.Override.SolrHome; } if (!Directory.Exists(solr_home)) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStartEventId, "Solr home directory " + solr_home + " not found!" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Re-install solr/lucene and add the solr server directory under Solr.Directory to the configuration file for this service." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "If your setup is non-standard, you can use the Override.SOLR_HOME value in the configuration file for this service."); return(false); } // Backup log files ( use current timestamp for backup names ) string logs_directory = Path.Combine(ServiceSettings.Solr.Directory, "server", "logs"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ServiceSettings.Override.SolrLogsDir)) { logs_directory = ServiceSettings.Override.SolrLogsDir; } // Only continue if log directory exists if (Directory.Exists(logs_directory)) { string now_ts = DateTime.Now.Year + "-" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "-" + DateTime.Now.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + "_" + DateTime.Now.Hour.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0') + DateTime.Now.Minute.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'); // Backing up the solr.log string solr_log = Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr.log"); if (File.Exists(solr_log)) { logStartBuilder.AppendLine("Backing up " + solr_log); try { string new_solr_log = Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr_log_" + now_ts + ".bak"); if (File.Exists(new_solr_log)) { char append = 'a'; while ((append != 'z') && (File.Exists(Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr_log_" + now_ts + append + ".bak")))) { append = (char)(((int)append) + 1); } new_solr_log = Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr_log_" + now_ts + append + ".bak"); } File.Move(solr_log, new_solr_log); } catch (Exception ee) { logStartBuilder.AppendLine("Error backing up log file: " + ee.Message); } } // Backing up the garbage collection log string solr_gc_log = Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr_gc.log"); if (File.Exists(solr_gc_log)) { logStartBuilder.AppendLine("Backing up " + solr_gc_log); try { string new_solr_gc_log = Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr_gc_log_" + now_ts + ".bak"); if (File.Exists(new_solr_gc_log)) { char append = 'a'; while ((append != 'z') && (File.Exists(Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr_gc_log_" + now_ts + append + ".bak")))) { append = (char)(((int)append) + 1); } new_solr_gc_log = Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr_gc_log_" + now_ts + append + ".bak"); } File.Move(solr_gc_log, new_solr_gc_log); } catch (Exception ee) { logStartBuilder.AppendLine("Error backing up garbage collection log file: " + ee.Message); } } } else { // log directory does not exist, try to create it try { Directory.CreateDirectory(logs_directory); } catch (Exception ee) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStartEventId, "Logging directory " + ServiceSettings.Solr.Directory + " not found and the request to create the directory failed!", ee); return(false); } } // Check to see if the port is currently in use? if (is_port_in_use(ServiceSettings.Solr.Port)) { EventLogHelper.Write_Event(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStartEventId, "Solr port (" + ServiceSettings.Solr.Port + ") is currently in use." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Will attemp to restart solr by first issuing a stop command."); // Issue the stop Stop(); // Now, double check that it is still not in use if (is_port_in_use(ServiceSettings.Solr.Port)) { EventLogHelper.Write_Event(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStartEventId, "A process is already listening on port " + ServiceSettings.Solr.Port + ". If this is not Solr, then please choose a different port in the service configuration file."); return(false); } } // Set some initial values Exception CaughtException = null; // Determine some of the directory values that are derivaties of the solr home string log4j_props = Path.Combine(ServiceSettings.Solr.Directory, "server", "resources", ""); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ServiceSettings.Override.Log4jConfig)) { log4j_props = ServiceSettings.Override.Log4jConfig; } string java_tempdir = Path.Combine(solr_server_dir, "tmp"); // string gc_log = Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr_gc.log"); // string jar_file = Path.Combine(solr_server_dir, "start.jar"); // Build the arguments StringBuilder argsBuilder = new StringBuilder(); argsBuilder.Append(ServiceSettings.StartArgs.ServerOpts); argsBuilder.Append(" -Xss256k"); argsBuilder.Append(" " + ServiceSettings.StartArgs.JavaMemory); argsBuilder.Append(" -Duser.timezone=" + ServiceSettings.StartArgs.TimeZone); argsBuilder.Append(" " + ServiceSettings.StartArgs.GcTune); argsBuilder.Append(" " + ServiceSettings.StartArgs.GcLogOpts); argsBuilder.Append(" -Xloggc:\"" + logs_directory + "\"/solr_gc.log"); argsBuilder.Append(" -Dlog4j.configuration=\"file:" + log4j_props + "\""); argsBuilder.Append(" -DSTOP.PORT=" + ServiceSettings.Solr.StopPort); argsBuilder.Append(" -DSTOP.KEY=" + ServiceSettings.Solr.StopKey); argsBuilder.Append(" -Djetty.port=" + ServiceSettings.Solr.Port); argsBuilder.Append(" -Dsolr.solr.home=\"" + solr_home + "\""); argsBuilder.Append(" -Dsolr.install.dir=\"" + solr_top + "\""); argsBuilder.Append(" -DJetty.home=\"" + solr_server_dir + "\""); argsBuilder.Append("\"" + java_tempdir + "\""); argsBuilder.Append(" -jar start.jar"); argsBuilder.Append(" \"--module=http\""); string args = argsBuilder.ToString(); // Using string builders to collect the standard output and error StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); // Perform all this work within using tag to encourage disposing of the process and events bool returnValue = true; using (AutoResetEvent outputWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) using (AutoResetEvent errorWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { using (Process startSolrProcess = new Process()) { try { startSolrProcess.StartInfo.FileName = JavaWrapper.Java_Executable; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = args; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = solr_server_dir; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; // Add a function to handle asynchronous reading of the standard output startSolrProcess.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { outputWaitHandle.Set(); } else //if (e.Data != null) { output.AppendLine(" " + e.Data); } }; // Add a function to handle asynchronous reading of the standard error startSolrProcess.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { errorWaitHandle.Set(); } else //if (e.Data != null) { error.AppendLine(" " + e.Data); } }; // Log (verbose) actual arguments EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("About to run command to start solr/jetty." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Executable: " + JavaWrapper.Java_Executable + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Arguments: " + args + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Working Directory: " + solr_server_dir); // Start the process startSolrProcess.Start(); // Start the asyncronous reading of the standard input and standard output startSolrProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); startSolrProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); // Wait for the process to copmlete if (startSolrProcess.WaitForExit(TimeOut)) { // Give the output readers slightly more time to finish any reading if (outputWaitHandle.WaitOne(100) && errorWaitHandle.WaitOne(100)) { // Successfully ended and process completed. Check process exit code here. int exitCode = startSolrProcess.ExitCode; EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("Solr/Lucene request closed with exit code of " + exitCode); } startSolrProcess.CancelOutputRead(); startSolrProcess.CancelErrorRead(); } else { // Timed out. EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("Timeout occurred during solr/lucene startup"); outputWaitHandle.WaitOne(100); errorWaitHandle.WaitOne(100); startSolrProcess.CancelOutputRead(); startSolrProcess.CancelErrorRead(); } startSolrProcess.Close(); // Add the error output if something was received if (error.ToString().Trim().Length > 0) { logStartBuilder.AppendLine("==============================" + Environment.NewLine + "STANDARD OUTPUT: " + Environment.NewLine + output.ToString() + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "STANDARD ERROR:" + Environment.NewLine + error.ToString()); } EventLogHelper.Write_Event(ServiceSettings.Logging.StartEventId, "Solr/Lucene start attempt completed" + Environment.NewLine + logStartBuilder.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } catch (Exception ee) { CaughtException = ee; EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStartEventId, String.Format(ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE, "EXCEPTION detected during solr/lucene startup attempt", solrExecutable + " " + argsBuilder, output.ToString(), error.ToString()), ee); returnValue = true; } } } // Log this to the solr log directory string solr_log_file = Path.Combine(logs_directory, "solr-" + ServiceSettings.Solr.Port + "-service.log"); try { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(solr_log_file, false); writer.WriteLine("LOG FILE CREATED " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + " BY SOLR SERVICE WRAPPER"); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("Executable: " + JavaWrapper.Java_Executable); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("Arguments: " + args); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("Working directory: " + solr_server_dir); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("===================================================="); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine(logStartBuilder.ToString()); writer.WriteLine(); if (error.ToString().Trim().Length > 0) { writer.WriteLine("===================================================="); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("REDIRECTED ERROR:"); writer.WriteLine(error.ToString()); writer.WriteLine(); } if (CaughtException != null) { writer.WriteLine("===================================================="); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("CAUGHT EXCEPTION:"); writer.WriteLine(CaughtException.Message); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine(CaughtException.StackTrace); writer.WriteLine(); } writer.WriteLine("===================================================="); writer.WriteLine(); writer.WriteLine("REDIRECTED OUTPUT:"); writer.WriteLine(output.ToString()); writer.WriteLine(); writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); } catch (Exception ee) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.ExceptionEventId, "Unexpected exception trying to write the log file " + solr_log_file, ee); } return(returnValue); }
public static bool Stop() { // Add verbose log EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("Inside SolrWrapper.Stop() method"); // Check to see if the port is open if (!is_port_in_use(ServiceSettings.Solr.Port)) { EventLogHelper.Write_Event(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStopEventId, "Solr port (" + ServiceSettings.Solr.Port + ") is not currently in use." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Solr stop command will not be executed."); return(true); } // Get and test the solr server directory string solr_server_dir = Path.Combine(ServiceSettings.Solr.Directory, "server"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ServiceSettings.Override.SolrServerDir)) { solr_server_dir = ServiceSettings.Override.SolrServerDir; } if (!Directory.Exists(solr_server_dir)) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStopEventId, "Solr server directory " + solr_server_dir + " not found!" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Re-install solr/lucene and add the solr server directory under Solr.Directory to the configuration file for this service." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "If your setup is non-standard, you can use the Override.SOLR_SERVER_DIR value in the configuration file for this service."); return(false); } // Build the arguments StringBuilder argsBuilder = new StringBuilder(); argsBuilder.Append(" -DJetty.home=\"" + solr_server_dir + "\""); argsBuilder.Append(" -jar start.jar"); argsBuilder.Append(" STOP.PORT=" + ServiceSettings.Solr.StopPort); argsBuilder.Append(" STOP.KEY=" + ServiceSettings.Solr.StopKey); argsBuilder.Append(" --stop"); string args = argsBuilder.ToString(); // Using string builders to collect the standard output and error StringBuilder output = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder(); // Perform all this work within using tag to encourage disposing of the process and events bool returnValue = true; using (AutoResetEvent outputWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) using (AutoResetEvent errorWaitHandle = new AutoResetEvent(false)) { using (Process startSolrProcess = new Process()) { try { startSolrProcess.StartInfo.FileName = JavaWrapper.Java_Executable; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = args; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = solr_server_dir; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true; startSolrProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true; // Add a function to handle asynchronous reading of the standard output startSolrProcess.OutputDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { outputWaitHandle.Set(); } else //if (e.Data != null) { output.AppendLine(" " + e.Data); } }; // Add a function to handle asynchronous reading of the standard error startSolrProcess.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, e) => { if (e.Data == null) { errorWaitHandle.Set(); } else //if (e.Data != null) { error.AppendLine(" " + e.Data); } }; // Log (verbose) actual arguments EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("About to run command to start solr/jetty." + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Executable: " + JavaWrapper.Java_Executable + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Arguments: " + args + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Working Directory: " + solr_server_dir); // Start the process startSolrProcess.Start(); // Start the asyncronous reading of the standard input and standard output startSolrProcess.BeginOutputReadLine(); startSolrProcess.BeginErrorReadLine(); // Wait for the process to copmlete if (startSolrProcess.WaitForExit(5000)) { // Give the output readers slightly more time to finish any reading if (outputWaitHandle.WaitOne(100) && errorWaitHandle.WaitOne(100)) { // Successfully ended and process completed. Check process exit code here. int exitCode = startSolrProcess.ExitCode; EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("Solr/Lucene request closed with exit code of " + exitCode); } startSolrProcess.CancelOutputRead(); startSolrProcess.CancelErrorRead(); } else { // Timed out. EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("Timeout occurred during solr/lucene stop"); outputWaitHandle.WaitOne(100); errorWaitHandle.WaitOne(100); startSolrProcess.CancelOutputRead(); startSolrProcess.CancelErrorRead(); } startSolrProcess.Close(); // If there was error caught from the misdirection add it here StringBuilder stopSolrBuilder = new StringBuilder("Solr/Lucene stop attempt completed"); if ((error.ToString().Trim().Length > 0) || (output.ToString().Trim().Length > 0)) { stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine(); stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine(" ============================== "); stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine(); if (output.ToString().Trim().Length > 0) { stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine("Standard output (redirected):"); stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine(output.ToString().Trim()); stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine(); } if (error.ToString().Trim().Length > 0) { stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine("Standard error (redirected):"); stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine(error.ToString().Trim()); stopSolrBuilder.AppendLine(); } } EventLogHelper.Write_Event(ServiceSettings.Logging.StopEventId, stopSolrBuilder.ToString()); } catch (Exception ee) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedStopEventId, String.Format(ERROR_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE, "EXCEPTION detected during solr/lucene stop attempt", solrExecutable + " " + argsBuilder, output.ToString(), error.ToString()), ee); return(false); } } } return(true); }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("In SolrService.OnStart() method"); // Check the JAVA version if (!JavaWrapper.Check_Java()) { // Just abort, since the java wrapper logs any errors return; } // Try to start SOLR if (!SolrWrapper.Start_Direct(20000)) { try { EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("Failed to start - exiting service with exit code of 1064"); ExitCode = 1064; Stop(); } catch (Exception ee) { EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("EXCEPTION caught while trying to exit service with exit code of 1064 due to failed solr/lucene start"); } return; } // Try to ping the solr/lucene instance, just to ensure it is working try { if (SolrWrapper.Ping() == "OK") { // Log the successful ping EventLogHelper.Write_Event(ServiceSettings.Logging.PingEventId, "Successfully pinged solr/lucene for routine monitoring"); } else { // Write the error message EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedPingEventId, "Error while pinging solr/lucene for routine monitoring"); // During startup, terminate on the first failed ping ExitCode = 1064; Stop(); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogHelper.Write_Error(ServiceSettings.Logging.FailedPingEventId, "EXCEPTION CAUGHT while pinging solr/lucene for routine monitoring", ex); // During startup, terminate on the first failed ping ExitCode = 1064; Stop(); } // Since Solr started, start up the timer if (ServiceSettings.Monitor.PauseDuration > 0) { EventLogHelper.Write_Verbose("Starting the ping timer in SolrService.OnStart() with an internval of " + ServiceSettings.Monitor.PauseDuration + " seconds."); // Tell the timer to fire again in XX milliseconds, and only fire that once pingTimer = new Timer(pingTimerExpired, null, ServiceSettings.Monitor.PauseDuration * 1000, Timeout.Infinite); } }