static void Main(string[] args) { // Generate AppSettings Settings.ApplyAppSettings(); // Connect to our EventGrid topics var topic1Credentials = new TopicCredentials(AppSettings.Topic1.Key); var topic2Credentials = new TopicCredentials(AppSettings.Topic2.Key); var eventClient_Topic1 = new EventGridClient(topic1Credentials); var eventClient_Topic2 = new EventGridClient(topic2Credentials); // Create our Event data: var eventsListTopic1 = GetTopic1_Events(); var eventsListTopic2 = GetTopic2_Events(); Console.WriteLine(eventsListTopic1[0].EventType); while (true) { // Send a "TopicOne" event every 10 seconds // and a "TopicTwo" event every 20 seconds Console.WriteLine("Sending 'TopicOne' event to the grid..."); eventClient_Topic1.PublishEventsAsync(new Uri(AppSettings.Topic1.Endpoint).Host, eventsListTopic1).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Thread.Sleep(10000); Console.WriteLine("Sending 'TopicOne' event to the grid..."); Console.WriteLine("Sending 'TopicTwo' event to the grid..."); eventClient_Topic1.PublishEventsAsync(new Uri(AppSettings.Topic1.Endpoint).Host, eventsListTopic1).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); eventClient_Topic2.PublishEventsAsync(new Uri(AppSettings.Topic2.Endpoint).Host, eventsListTopic2).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); Thread.Sleep(10000); } }
public async Task PublishTopic(EventGridEvent eventData) { var payload = new List <EventGridEvent>(); payload.Add(eventData); await _eventClient.PublishEventsAsync(_eventHost, payload); }
public async Task SendEventAsync(string eventId, string subject, JObject data, string eventType, DateTime eventDateTime, string dataVersion) { List <EventGridEvent> events = new List <EventGridEvent>(); var eventGridEvent = new EventGridEvent(eventId, subject, data, eventType, eventDateTime, dataVersion); events.Add(eventGridEvent); await _eventGridClient.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, events); }
public void Post([FromBody] Order order) { string topicEndpoint = "url"; string topicKey = "key"; string topicHostname = new Uri(topicEndpoint).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); List <EventGridEvent> eventsList = new List <EventGridEvent>(); eventsList.Add(new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = "OrderProcess.OrderReceivedEvent", Data = order, EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = "OrderReceived", DataVersion = "1.0" }); client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, eventsList); Console.Write("Published events to Event Grid."); }
private static bool PublishEvent(APITask task, string taskBody, AppInsightsLogger appInsightsLogger) { string event_grid_topic_uri = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EVENT_GRID_TOPIC_URI_VARIABLE_NAME, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); string event_grid_key = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(EVENT_GRID_KEY_VARIABLE_NAME, EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); var ev = new EventGridEvent() { Id = task.TaskId, EventType = "task", Data = taskBody, EventTime = DateTime.Parse(task.Timestamp), Subject = task.Endpoint, DataVersion = "1.0" }; string topicHostname = new Uri(event_grid_topic_uri).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(event_grid_key); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); try { client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, new List <EventGridEvent>() { ev }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } catch (Exception ex) { appInsightsLogger.LogError(ex, task.Endpoint, task.TaskId); return(false); } return(true); }
public void Configure(IChannel channel) { channel.RegisterHandlerAsync((StatementWrapper statementWrapper) => { return(_eventGridClient.PublishEventsAsync(_topicHostName, CreateEventGridEventList(statementWrapper))); }); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { var requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(requestBody)) { dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody); var events = new List <EventGridEvent> { new EventGridEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Subject = "BFYOC/stores/serverlessWorkshop/orders", DataVersion = "2.0", EventType = "BFYOC.IceCream.Order", Data = data, EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow } }; var eventGridClient = new EventGridClient(new TopicCredentials(EventGridKey)); await eventGridClient.PublishEventsAsync(EventGridEndpoint, events); return(new OkObjectResult(data)); } else { return(new BadRequestObjectResult("Please pass an ice cream order in the request body")); } }
private static async Task PublishWithSdk(Feedback f) { // Step 1: Initialize credentials and client ServiceClientCredentials credentials = new TopicCredentials(TopicKey); var client = new EventGridClient(credentials); // Step 2: Populate list of events var events = new List <EventGridEvent> { new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Data = f, EventTime = DateTime.Now, EventType = f.Score > 70 ? "Positive" : "Negative", Subject = "eventgrid/demo/feedback", DataVersion = "1.0" } }; // Step 3: Publish await client.PublishEventsAsync( TopicHostName, events); }
public IActionResult Add(TaskNodeAddModel taskNodeAddData) { var taskData = new DataTransfer.Events.TaskData { CurrentStatus = taskNodeAddData.TaskData.CurrentStatus, Description = taskNodeAddData.TaskData.Description, Name = taskNodeAddData.TaskData.Name, Id = Guid.NewGuid(), TaskGraphId = taskNodeAddData.TaskGraphId }; string topicEndpoint = ""; string topicKey = "xBCWj/db0/+GiJnkgAsdLClZxCtPZStDbwKFJxQ40R0="; string topicHostname = new Uri(topicEndpoint).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); var eventsList = new List <EventGridEvent>(); eventsList.Add(new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = "Accelerant.TaskNodes.AddItem", Data = taskData, EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = "accelerant-task-topic", DataVersion = "2.0" }); client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, eventsList).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); return(Ok(taskData)); }
public static async Task Run([EventGridTrigger] EventGridEvent eventGridEvent, ILogger log) { string message = $"F1 got message {eventGridEvent.Data.ToString()}"; log.LogInformation(message); string topicEndpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EG_SECOND_EP"); string topicKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EG_SECOND_KEY"); // do some procssing // pass notification to the next handler EventGridEvent mess = GetEvent(message); // get a connection string topicHostname = new Uri(topicEndpoint).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); List <EventGridEvent> eventsList = new List <EventGridEvent>(); eventsList.Add(mess); try{ await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, eventsList); }catch (Exception ex) { log.LogInformation($"Exception found {ex.Message}"); } }
static void SendEvent(Exception e, IEnvironment env) { var gridUrl = env.GetVariable("EventGridUrl", default(string)); var gridKey = env.GetVariable("EventGridAccessKey", default(string)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gridUrl) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(gridKey)) { return; } var credentials = new TopicCredentials(gridKey); var domain = new Uri(gridUrl).Host; using var client = new EventGridClient(credentials); #pragma warning disable VSTHRD002 // Avoid problematic synchronous waits var now = DateTime.UtcNow; client.PublishEventsAsync(domain, new List <EventGridEvent> { new EventGridEvent { Id = now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), EventType = "System.Exception", EventTime = now, Data = new Serializer().Serialize(e), DataVersion = typeof(Startup).Assembly.GetCustomAttribute <AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>()?.InformationalVersion ?? typeof(Startup).Assembly.GetName().Version?.ToString(), Subject = e.Message, Topic = "Runtime", } }).Wait(); }
public async Task SendRequest(string request) { request = _messageExpressionService.ParseMessageExpressions(request); dynamic obj = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(request); var eventGridEvent = new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = _eventType, Topic = _topic, Data = obj, EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = _subject, DataVersion = _dataVersion }; var domainHostname = new Uri(_endpoint).Host; await _eventGridClient.PublishEventsAsync(domainHostname, new List <EventGridEvent>() { eventGridEvent }); var logMessage = string.Format(_translationsService.GetString("EventSent"), Environment.NewLine, request, Environment.NewLine); _consoleLoggerService.Log(value: logMessage, logType: ConsoleLogTypes.EventGrid); }
private static async Task <bool> PublishEventGridEvent(APITask task, string taskBody, string eventGridTopicUri, string eventGridKey, AppInsightsLogger appInsightsLogger) { var ev = new EventGridEvent() { Id = task.TaskId, EventType = "task", Data = taskBody, EventTime = DateTime.Parse(task.Timestamp), Subject = task.Endpoint, DataVersion = "1.0" }; string topicHostname = new Uri(eventGridTopicUri).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(eventGridKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); try { await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, new List <EventGridEvent>() { ev }); } catch (Exception ex) { appInsightsLogger.LogError(ex, task.Endpoint, task.TaskId); return(false); } return(true); }
public async Task <long> SendValueAsync(string value) { var topicHostname = new Uri(_topicEndpoint).Host; var events = new List <EventGridEvent> { new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Data = value, EventTime = DateTime.Now, EventType = "EventGridSender.Value", Subject = "Test", DataVersion = "1.0" } }; var timer = Stopwatch.StartNew(); timer.Start(); await _client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, events); timer.Stop(); return(timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); }
static async Task Main() { //Event Grid Topic Access Key const string eventGridTopicKey = ""; //event grid topic host name (i.e. [your event grid name] const string eventGridTopicHostName = ""; var topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(eventGridTopicKey); var eventGridClient = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); //Just loop and send event every 5 seconds while (true) { var eventTime = DateTime.UtcNow; Console.WriteLine($"{eventTime} - Sending event"); var events = new[] { new EventGridEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Data = "Test", Subject = "Test", EventType = "Test", DataVersion = "1.0", EventTime = eventTime } }; await eventGridClient.PublishEventsAsync(eventGridTopicHostName, events); await Task.Delay(5000); } }
public static async Task <HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log) { SocialPost post = await req.Content.ReadAsAsync <SocialPost>(); //string name = productname.Productname; List <EventGridEvent> eventlist = new List <EventGridEvent>(); for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { eventlist.Add(new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = "integration.event.eventpublished", EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = "IntegrationEvent", DataVersion = "1.0", Data = new SocialPost() { PostType = post.PostType, PostedBy = post.PostedBy, PostDescription = post.PostDescription, id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() } }); } TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(eventgridkey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, eventlist).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK)); }
public async Task <ActionResult> Order([FromBody] Order order) { order.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); _logger.LogDebug("received a new order: {order}", order); var response = await warehouseClient.GetAsync("https://localhost:5002/items/"); System.Console.WriteLine(config["EventGrid:Hostname"]); using var eventGrid = new EventGridClient(new TopicCredentials(config["EventGrid:Key"])); await eventGrid.PublishEventsAsync(config["EventGrid:Hostname"], new List <EventGridEvent>() { new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Topic = "orders", Data = JObject.FromObject(new { Order = order, traceparent = Activity.Current.TraceParent(), Activity = new { RootId = Activity.Current.RootId, Id = Activity.Current.Id, ParentId = Activity.Current.ParentId, ParentSpanId = Activity.Current.ParentSpanId, SpanId = Activity.Current.SpanId, TraceId = Activity.Current.TraceId, } }), EventType = "OrderAccepted", Subject = $"orders/{order.Id}", DataVersion = "1.0.1" } }); return(Ok(order)); }
private static async Task TaskSendEventWithEventGridClient() { var topicHostName = new Uri(Endpoint).Host; var creds = new TopicCredentials(Key); var client = new EventGridClient(creds); var events = new List <EventGridEvent>(); for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++) { events.Add(new EventGridEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = "Event.Group.One", Data = new Employee { Id = $"Item #{1}" }, EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = $"Subject #{1}", DataVersion = "2.0" }); await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostName, events); Console.Write("Published events to Event Grid topic."); } }
private static async Task SendFeedback(Feedback f) { var topicHostName = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TopicHostName"); var topicKey = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TopicKey"); ServiceClientCredentials credentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); var client = new EventGridClient(credentials); var events = new List <EventGridEvent> { new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Data = f, EventTime = DateTime.Now, EventType = f.Score > 70 ? "Positive" : "Negative", Subject = "eventgrid/demo/feedback", DataVersion = "1.0" } }; await client.PublishEventsAsync( topicHostName, events); }
public async Task RaiseEvent(SkuMessageType type, IInventoryItem item) { Console.WriteLine($"Raising event {type} for SKU {item.Sku}..."); var eventPayload = SkuNotification.Create(type, item); var events = new List <EventGridEvent>() { new EventGridEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = type.ToString(), Data = eventPayload, EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = item.Sku, DataVersion = "2.0" } }; var topicHostname = new Uri(endPoint).Host; var topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(key); var client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, events); Console.WriteLine($"Raised successfully."); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { var content = new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync().Result; var icecreamOrder = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ViewModels.IcecreamOrder>(content); string topicEndpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("icecreamOrdersTopicEndpoint", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); string topicKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("icecreamOrdersTopicKey", EnvironmentVariableTarget.Process); string topicHostname = new Uri(topicEndpoint).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); var @event = new EventGridEvent( id: Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"), subject: "BFYOC/stores/serverlessWorkshop/orders", dataVersion: "2.0", eventType: nameof(IcecreamOrder), data: icecreamOrder, eventTime: DateTime.UtcNow ); await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, new List <EventGridEvent> { @event }); return(new OkObjectResult(@event.Id)); }
public async Task <bool> AddAsync( MessageAddOptions messageAddOptions) { var eventGridEventList = new List <EventGridEvent>(); var topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials( _options.TopicKey); var eventGridClient = new EventGridClient( topicCredentials); var eventGridEvent = new EventGridEvent() { Id = messageAddOptions.Id.ToString(), Subject = messageAddOptions.Subject, EventType = messageAddOptions.Type, Data = messageAddOptions.Data, EventTime = messageAddOptions.Time, DataVersion = messageAddOptions.DataVersion }; eventGridEventList.Add( eventGridEvent); await eventGridClient.PublishEventsAsync( new Uri(_options.TopicEndpoint).Host, eventGridEventList); return(true); }
public async Task PublishInvoiceCreatedToEventGrid(InvoiceCreatedEvent invoiceCreatedEventData) { string TopicEndpoint = ""; //Configuration["AppSettings:TopicEndpoint"]; string TopicKey = "4B7Wi9qpCRyCtaq58iqGNI7POTChFHnFPLbYZPi0y/w="; //Configuration["AppSettings:TopicKey"]; string topicHostname = new Uri(TopicEndpoint).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(TopicKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); EventGridEvent eventGridEvent = new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = "invoiceCreated", Data = invoiceCreatedEventData, EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = "New Door", DataVersion = "2.0" }; List <EventGridEvent> events = new List <EventGridEvent>(); events.Add(eventGridEvent); await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, events); }
void GetEventsList() { List <EventGridEvent> eventsList = new List <EventGridEvent>(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { var ev = new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = "Create", Data = new EventData() { ItemUri = "" + i }, EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = "Order Created", DataVersion = "1.0" }; client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, new List <EventGridEvent>() { ev }).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } //return eventsList; }
public void OnPomodoroDone(Pomodoro pomodoro) { var @event = new EventGridEvent() { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Data = pomodoro, EventTime = DateTime.Now, EventType = "Nebbodoro.OnPomodoroDone", Subject = "OnPomodoroDone", DataVersion = "1.0" }; if (_options.Value?.TopicEndpoint == null || _options.Value?.TopicKey == null) { return; } string topicEndpoint = _options.Value.TopicEndpoint; string topicKey = _options.Value.TopicKey; string topicHostname = new Uri(topicEndpoint).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, new[] { @event }, CancellationToken.None).Wait(); }
static async Task Main(string[] args) { TopicCredentials credentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(credentials); List <EventGridEvent> events = new List <EventGridEvent>(); var firstPerson = new { FullName = "Alba Sutton", Address = "4567 Pine Avenue, Edison, WA 97202" }; EventGridEvent firstEvent = new EventGridEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = "Employees.Registration.New", EventTime = DateTime.Now, Subject = $"New Employee : {firstPerson.FullName}", Data = firstPerson.ToString(), DataVersion = "1.0.0" }; events.Add(firstEvent); string topicHostName = new Uri(topicEndpoint).Host; await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostName, events); await Console.Out.WriteLineAsync("Events published"); }
public async Task SendAsync(T message, MetaData metaData, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { TopicCredentials domainKeyCredentials = new TopicCredentials(_domainKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(domainKeyCredentials); var events = new List <EventGridEvent>() { new EventGridEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventType = typeof(T).FullName, Topic = _topic, Data = new Message <T> { Data = message, MetaData = metaData, }, EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Subject = "TEST", DataVersion = "1.0", }, }; await client.PublishEventsAsync(_domainEndpoint, events, cancellationToken); }
public async Task <bool> PublishEventsAsync(string topicUrl, string topicKey, string subject, IReadOnlyCollection <ScheduledItem> scheduledItems) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topicUrl)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topicUrl), "The topic url is required."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(topicKey)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(topicKey), "The topic key is required."); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subject)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(subject), "The subject is required."); } if (scheduledItems == null || scheduledItems.Count == 0) { return(false); } var topicHostName = new Uri(topicUrl).Host; var topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); var client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); var eventList = new List <EventGridEvent>(); foreach (var scheduledItem in scheduledItems) { eventList.Add( new EventGridEvent { Id = scheduledItem.Id.ToString(), EventType = Constants.Topics.ScheduledItemFired, Data = new TableEvent { TableName = scheduledItem.ItemTableName, PartitionKey = scheduledItem.ItemPrimaryKey, RowKey = scheduledItem.ItemSecondaryKey }, EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow, Subject = subject, DataVersion = "1.0" }); } try { await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostName, eventList); return(true); } catch (Exception e) { _logger.LogError(e, "Failed to publish the event to TopicUrl: '{topicUrl}'. Exception: '{e}'", topicUrl, e); return(false); } }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { log.LogInformation("StartFunction function processed a request."); // get connection details from env string topicEndpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EG_START_EP"); string topicKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EG_START_KEY"); // get a connection string topicHostname = new Uri(topicEndpoint).Host; TopicCredentials topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); EventGridClient client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); // perform initial procssing // send message to the next handler string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync(); dynamic ddata = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody); var data = (ddata != null)?ddata:"i got no message content"; EventGridEvent mess = GetEvent(data); List <EventGridEvent> eventsList = new List <EventGridEvent>(); eventsList.Add(mess); await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, eventsList); string responseMessage = $"sent single message, to this topic: {topicEndpoint}."; return(new OkObjectResult(responseMessage)); }
public static async Task <IActionResult> Run( [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log) { var topicEndpoint = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EG-Topic"); var topicKey = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("EG-Key"); var topicCredentials = new TopicCredentials(topicKey); var topicHostname = new Uri(topicEndpoint).Host; var client = new EventGridClient(topicCredentials); var telemetry = req.HttpContext.Features.Get <RequestTelemetry>(); var activity = Activity.Current; var eventGridEvent = new EventGridEvent { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), EventTime = DateTime.UtcNow, EventType = "MyEventType", Subject = "MyEventSubject", Data = new EventData { ThrowError = req.Query.ContainsKey("Error"), OperationId = telemetry.Context.Operation.Id, ParentOperationId = activity.SpanId.ToString() }, DataVersion = "1.0" }; await client.PublishEventsAsync(topicHostname, new[] { eventGridEvent }); log.LogInformation("Send event with id {EventId} and timestamp {EventDateTime}", eventGridEvent.Id, eventGridEvent.EventTime); return(new OkResult()); }