public void draw() { GameEvent ge = (GameEvent)node.Content; string[] editors = EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors; int editorSelected = 0; for (int i = 1; i < editors.Length; i++) { if (editors [i].ToLower() == ge.Name.ToLower()) { editorSelected = i; } } int was = editorSelected; editorSelected = EditorGUILayout.Popup(editorSelected, EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors); if (currentEditor == null || was != editorSelected) { if (currentEditor != null) { currentEditor.detachEvent(ge); } ge.Name = ""; currentEditor = EventEditorFactory.Intance.createEventEditorFor(editors[editorSelected]); currentEditor.useEvent(ge); } currentEditor.draw(); /** * Game event synchronization * */ if (!(ge.getParameter("synchronous") is bool)) { ge.setParameter("synchronous", false); } ge.setParameter("synchronous", EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Synchronous", (ge.getParameter("synchronous") == null)?false:(bool)ge.getParameter("synchronous"))); if ((bool)ge.getParameter("synchronous")) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Notice that if there is no EventFinished event, the game will stuck.", MessageType.Warning); } /** * Synchronization end * */ node.Content = currentEditor.Result; if (Event.current.type != EventType.layout) { node.ChildSlots = 1; } }
public void draw() { GameEvent ge = (GameEvent)node.Content; string[] editors = EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors; int editorSelected = 0; for (int i = 1; i< editors.Length; i++) if (editors [i].ToLower () == ge.Name.ToLower ()) editorSelected = i; int was = editorSelected; editorSelected = EditorGUILayout.Popup (editorSelected, EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors); if (currentEditor == null || was != editorSelected) { if(currentEditor != null) currentEditor.detachEvent(ge); ge.Name = ""; currentEditor = EventEditorFactory.Intance.createEventEditorFor(editors[editorSelected]); currentEditor.useEvent(ge); } currentEditor.draw(); /** * Game event synchronization * */ if (!(ge.getParameter("synchronous") is bool)) ge.setParameter("synchronous", false); ge.setParameter("synchronous", EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Synchronous", (ge.getParameter("synchronous") == null)?false:(bool) ge.getParameter("synchronous"))); if((bool)ge.getParameter("synchronous")) EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Notice that if there is no EventFinished event, the game will stuck.", MessageType.Warning); /** * Synchronization end * */ node.Content = currentEditor.Result; if (Event.current.type != EventType.layout){ int l = node.Childs.Length; if (l != 1) { if(l == 0) node.addNewChild(); else while(l > 1){ node.removeChild(l-1); l--; } } } }
protected override void NodeContentInspectorGUI() { SerializableGameEvent ge = (SerializableGameEvent)target; string[] editors = EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors; int editorSelected = 0; for (int i = 1; i < editors.Length; i++) { if (ge != null && editors[i].ToLower() == ge.Name.ToLower()) { editorSelected = i; } } int was = editorSelected; editorSelected = EditorGUILayout.Popup(editorSelected, EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors); if (currentEditor == null || was != editorSelected) { if (currentEditor != null && ge != null) { currentEditor.detachEvent(ge); } if (ge != null) { ge.Name = ""; } currentEditor = EventEditorFactory.Intance.createEventEditorFor(editors[editorSelected]); currentEditor.useEvent(ge); } currentEditor.draw(); /** * Game event synchronization * */ if (!(ge.getParameter("synchronous") is bool)) { ge.setParameter("synchronous", false); } ge.setParameter("synchronous", EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Synchronous", (ge.getParameter("synchronous") == null) ? false : (bool)ge.getParameter("synchronous"))); if ((bool)ge.getParameter("synchronous")) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Notice that if there is no EventFinished event, the game will stuck.", MessageType.Warning); } }
public void draw() { GameEvent ge = (GameEvent)node.Content; string[] editors = EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors; int editorSelected = 0; if (ge.Name == null) { ge.Name = ""; } for (int i = 1; i < editors.Length; i++) { if (editors[i].ToLower() == ge.Name.ToLower()) { editorSelected = i; } } int was = editorSelected; editorSelected = EditorGUILayout.Popup(editorSelected, EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors); if (was != editorSelected && editorSelected == 0) { ge.Name = ""; } EventEditor editor = EventEditorFactory.Intance.createEventEditorFor(editors[editorSelected]); editor.useEvent(ge); editor.draw(); ge.setParameter("synchronous", EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Synchronous", (ge.getParameter("synchronous") == null) ? false : (bool)ge.getParameter("synchronous"))); if ((bool)ge.getParameter("synchronous")) { EditorGUILayout.HelpBox("Notice that if there is no EventFinished event, the game will stuck.", MessageType.Warning); } node.Content = editor.Result; if (Event.current.type != EventType.layout) { int l = node.Childs.Length; if (l != 1) { if (l == 0) { node.addNewChild(); } else { while (l > 1) { node.removeChild(l - 1); l--; } } //this.Repaint (); } } }
//int selectedTexture; public override void OnInspectorGUI() { EditorGUI.BeginChangeCheck(); serializedObject.Update(); SerializedProperty cell = serializedObject.FindProperty("destination"); SerializedProperty modep = serializedObject.FindProperty("mode"); SerializedProperty gep = serializedObject.FindProperty("sge"); SerializedProperty checkablep = serializedObject.FindProperty("checkable"); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(cell); modep.intValue = GUILayout.Toolbar(modep.intValue, new string[] { "Always", "Event trigger", "Checkable" }); switch (modep.intValue) { case 1: { SerializableGameEvent ge = gep.objectReferenceValue as SerializableGameEvent; if (ge == null) { ge = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <SerializableGameEvent> (); } string[] editors = EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors; int editorSelected = 0; if (ge.Name == null) { ge.Name = ""; } for (int i = 1; i < editors.Length; i++) { if (editors [i].ToLower() == ge.Name.ToLower()) { editorSelected = i; } } int was = editorSelected; editorSelected = EditorGUILayout.Popup(editorSelected, EventEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentEventEditors); if (was != editorSelected && editorSelected == 0) { ge.Name = ""; } EventEditor editor = EventEditorFactory.Intance.createEventEditorFor(editors[editorSelected]); editor.useEvent(ge); editor.draw(); ge = editor.Result; gep.objectReferenceValue = ge; } break; case 2: { Checkable c = (Checkable)checkablep.objectReferenceValue; string[] editors = ForkEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentForkEditors; int editorSelected = EditorGUILayout.Popup( ForkEditorFactory.Intance.ForkEditorIndex(c), ForkEditorFactory.Intance.CurrentForkEditors ); ForkEditor editor = ForkEditorFactory.Intance.createForkEditorFor(editors[editorSelected]); editor.useFork(c); editor.draw(); checkablep.objectReferenceValue = editor.Result; } break; } if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) { } serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }