//private long AddGeneratedActivity(EventCluster ec, int eventCount, DataTable photos)
        private long AddGeneratedActivity(EventCluster ec, int eventCount, string genedName)
            Activity act = new Activity();

            //DataRow p1 = photos.Rows[ec.ecIndex1];
            //string[] parts1 = p1["dateTaken"].ToString().Split('^');

            //DataRow p2 = photos.Rows[ec.ecIndex2];
            //string[] parts2 = p2["dateTaken"].ToString().Split('^');

            act.ActivityKind = "Generated";
            //act.EndDate = (DateTime)p2["dateTaken"];
            act.EndDate = ec.endTime;
            act.Source = "LinearClusterIndexer";
            act.SourceId = genedName + eventCount.ToString();
            act.ActivityName = genedName + eventCount.ToString();
            act.Latitude = 0;
            act.Longitude = 0;

            TimePeriod tpStart = new TimePeriod();
            tpStart.Year = (short)act.StartDate.Year;
            tpStart.Month = (short)act.StartDate.Month;
            tpStart.Hour = (short)act.StartDate.Hour;
            tpStart.Day = act.StartDate.DayOfWeek.ToString();
            tpStart.DayNumber = (short)act.StartDate.Day;
            //tpStart.AltKey = Convert.ToDateTime(parts1[0]);
            tpStart.AltKey = ec.startTime;

            act.StartDate = tpStart.AltKey;

            TimePeriod tpEnd = new TimePeriod();
            tpEnd.Year = (short)act.EndDate.Year;
            tpEnd.Month = (short)act.EndDate.Month;
            tpEnd.Hour = (short)act.EndDate.Hour;
            tpEnd.Day = act.EndDate.DayOfWeek.ToString();
            tpEnd.DayNumber = (short)act.EndDate.Day;
            //tpEnd.AltKey = Convert.ToDateTime(parts1[0]);
            tpEnd.AltKey = ec.endTime;

            //act.StartDate = tpEnd.AltKey;

            Address loc = new Address();
            //return _store.AddActivity(_userId, act, tpStart, tpEnd, loc);
            return _store.AddActivity(_userId, act, tpStart, tpEnd, loc);
        private List<EventCluster> BuildEventClusterListFromPhotos(DataTable photos, double[] diffs, int windowSize, double K)
            double localGapMean = 0;
            int lastClusterIndex = 0;
            List<EventCluster> gapList = new List<EventCluster>();
            int rowCount = photos.Rows.Count;

            // ignore the first _diff value as it will always be zero
            for (int i = 1; i < rowCount; i++)
                localGapMean = CalculateLocalGapMean(i, diffs, windowSize, rowCount);
                if (Math.Log(diffs[i]) >= K + localGapMean)
                    EventCluster ec = new EventCluster();
                    ec.diffIndex = i;
                    ec.ecIndex1 = lastClusterIndex;
                    ec.ecIndex2 = i - 1;
                    DataRow dr = photos.Rows[ec.ecIndex1];
                    ec.startTime = (DateTime)dr["datetaken"];
                    dr = photos.Rows[ec.ecIndex2];
                    ec.endTime = (DateTime)dr["datetaken"];
                    lastClusterIndex = i;
            return gapList;
        private List<EventCluster> BuildEventClusterListFromEventClusters(List<EventCluster> ecList, double[] diffs, int windowSize, double K)
            double localGapMean = 0;
            int lastClusterIndex = 0;
            List<EventCluster> gapList = new List<EventCluster>();
            int eventCount = ecList.Count;

            // ignore the first _diff value as it will always be zero
            for (int i = 1; i < eventCount; i++)
                localGapMean = CalculateLocalGapMean(i, diffs, windowSize, eventCount);
                if (Math.Log(diffs[i]) >= K + localGapMean)
                    EventCluster ec = new EventCluster();
                    ec.diffIndex = i;
                    ec.ecIndex1 = lastClusterIndex;
                    ec.ecIndex2 = i - 1;
                    EventCluster first = ecList[ec.ecIndex1];
                    ec.startTime = first.startTime;
                    EventCluster second = ecList[ec.ecIndex2];
                    ec.endTime = second.endTime;
                    lastClusterIndex = i;
            return gapList;