예제 #1
 private void AddEventActions(EventAction<EventState> eventAction, AST whenNode)
     for (int i = 1; // Skip first, which is event type
         i < whenNode.Children.Count; i++)
예제 #2
        public void AddAnyEvent(IFoo fake, EventHandler barHandler, EventHandler bazHandler, EventHandler handlers)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = A.Fake <IFoo>());

            "And event handlers for Bar and Baz"
            .x(() => (barHandler, bazHandler) = (A.Fake <EventHandler>(), A.Fake <EventHandler>()));

            "And subscription to any event of the fake is configured to update a delegate"
            .x(() => A.CallTo(fake, EventAction.Add()).Invokes((EventHandler h) => handlers += h));

            "When the handler for Bar is subscribed to the Bar event"
            .x(() => fake.Bar += barHandler);

            "And the handler for Baz is subscribed to the Baz event"
            .x(() => fake.Baz += bazHandler);

            "Then the handler list contains the handler for Bar"
            .x(() => handlers.GetInvocationList().Should().Contain(barHandler));

            "And the handler list contains the handler for Baz"
            .x(() => handlers.GetInvocationList().Should().Contain(bazHandler));
예제 #3
        public void UnnaturalFakeAddSpecificEvent(Fake <IFoo> fake, EventHandler barHandler, EventHandler bazHandler, EventHandler handlers)
            "Given a fake"
            .x(() => fake = new Fake <IFoo>());

            "And event handlers for Bar and Baz"
            .x(() => (barHandler, bazHandler) = (A.Fake <EventHandler>(), A.Fake <EventHandler>()));

            "And subscription to the Bar event of the fake is configured to update a delegate"
            .x(() => fake.CallsTo(EventAction.Add(nameof(IFoo.Bar))).Invokes((EventHandler h) => handlers += h));

            "When the handler for Bar is subscribed to the Bar event"
            .x(() => fake.FakedObject.Bar += barHandler);

            "And the handler for Baz is subscribed to the Baz event"
            .x(() => fake.FakedObject.Baz += bazHandler);

            "Then the handler list contains the handler for Bar"
            .x(() => handlers.GetInvocationList().Should().Contain(barHandler));

            "And the handler list doesn't contain the handler for Baz"
            .x(() => handlers.GetInvocationList().Should().NotContain(bazHandler));
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Listener for plugging into an event
 /// </summary>
 public void Listener(T value) =>
 aggregator.OnNext(EventAction <T> .Add(value));
예제 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Listener for plugging into an event
 /// </summary>
 public void Listener(int value) =>