예제 #1
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Assemble Line", "Line", "Creates a RFLine object to define new data or modify existing data " +
                                                               "in the RFEM model.");


            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "NodeList", "NodeList", "Node List", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Line Type", "Type", UtilLibrary.DescriptionRFTypes(typeof(LineType)), GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Angle [°]", "β", "Rotation Angle [°]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            //evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Interpolated Points", "n", "Number of interpolated points for NURBS", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            //evaluationUnit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "Line", "Line", "Line object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced";
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Modify";
            for (int i = 3; i < 3 + 3; i++)
예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// This is the method that actually does the work.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
 /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
 protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA, EvaluationUnit unit)
     if (unit != null)
         foreach (SubComponent item in subcomponents_)
             if (unit.Name.Equals(item.name()))
                 item.SolveInstance(DA, out string msg, out GH_RuntimeMessageLevel level);
                 if (msg != "")
                     this.AddRuntimeMessage(level, msg + "It may cause errors.");
         throw new Exception("Invalid sub-component");
예제 #3
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Calculate", "Calculate", "Calculate RFEM Model.", Properties.Resources.Calculate);


            // Advanced
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "Trigger", "Trigger", "Input to trigger the optimization", GH_ParamAccess.tree);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Model Name", "Model Name", "Segment of the name of the RFEM Model to get information from", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu4 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "Advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu4.Name = "Advanced";
예제 #4
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Nodal Support", "RF NodSup", "Input RFNodalSupport.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            // unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Plane(), "Location", "Loc", "Plane related to the RFSupportP object.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Support Number", "No", "Index number of the RFEM object.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir X", "Tx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir Y", "Ty", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir Z", "Tz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir X", "Rx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir Y", "Ry", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir Z", "Rz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Node List", "NodeList", "List of nodes the support is attached to");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Reference System Type", "RSType", "Reference System Type");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Rotation Sequence", "RotSeq", "ZYX, ZXY, YZX, YXZ, XYZ, XZY");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Vector(), "Rotation Angles", "Rot", "Euler rotation angles in [°]");
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Assemble Nodal Support", "NodSup", "Creates a RFSupportP object to define new data or modify existing data " +
                                                               "in the RFEM model.");


            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Node List", "NodeList", "Node List", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Node List", "NodeList", "Node List", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            //evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Rotation Sequence", "Seq", UtilLibrary.DescriptionRFTypes(typeof(RotationSequence)), GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Point(), "Rotation Angles", "Rot", "Euler Angles [rad]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "Nodal Support", "NodSup", "Support object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced";
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Modify";
            for (int i = 3; i < 3 + 3; i++)
예제 #6
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Material", "RF Mat", "Input RFMaterial.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            // unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Description", "Desc", "Name or Description of Cross Section.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Material Number", "No", "Index number of the RFEM object.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Elasticity Modulus [kN/cm²]", "E", "Elasticity Modulus [kN/cm²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Poisson Ratio", "Mu", "Poisson Ratio");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Shear Modulus [kN/cm²]", "G", "Shear Modulus [kN/cm²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Specific Weight [N/m³]", "W", "Specific Weight [N/m³]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Thermal Expansion [1/°]", "Alpha", "Thermal Expansion [1/°]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Partial Safety Factor", "Gamma", "Partial Safety Factor");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Material Model Type", "Type", "Material Model Type.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "TextID", "TextID", "TextID.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "User Defined", "User", "User Defined.");

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "ortho_elastic");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Ortho Elastic";
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "ElasticityModulusX [kN/cm²]", "Ex", "ElasticityModulusX [kN/cm²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "ElasticityModulusY [kN/cm²]", "Ey", "ElasticityModulusY [kN/cm²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "ElasticityModulusZ [kN/cm²]", "Ez", "ElasticityModulusZ [kN/cm²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Poisson Ratio XY", "Vxy", "Poisson Ratio XY");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Poisson Ratio XZ", "Vxz", "Poisson Ratio XZ");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Poisson Ratio YZ", "Vyz", "Poisson Ratio YZ");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Shear Modulus XY [kN/cm²]", "Gxy", "Shear Modulus XY [kN/cm²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Shear Modulus XZ [kN/cm²]", "Gxz", "Shear Modulus XZ [kN/cm²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Shear Modulus YZ [kN/cm²]", "Gyz", "Shear Modulus YZ [kN/cm²]");
예제 #7
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Curve(), "Line", "Line", "Line or Curve to assemble the RFLine from.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Line Number", "No", "Optional index number to assign to the RFEM object.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "NodeList", "NodeList", "Node List", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "NodeList", "NodeList", "Node List", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Angle [°]", "β", "Rotation Angle [°]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Modify";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line", "RF Line", "Line object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify object?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete object?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[8].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line", "RF Line", "Output RFNode.");
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "menu_settings");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced Options";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Definition", "Definition", "Definition of Result Combo.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Description", "Description", "Description of Result Combo.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Design Situation", "Design", "Design Situation Type.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "To Solve", "Solve", "Solve Result Combo?", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
예제 #9
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line Support", "RF LineSup", "Input RFLineSupport.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            // unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Curve(), "Lines", "Lines", "Lines or Curves the RFSupportL is attached to.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Support Number", "No", "Index number of the RFEM object.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir X", "Tx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir Y", "Ty", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir Z", "Tz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir X", "Rx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir Y", "Ry", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir Z", "Rz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "SupportNonlinearityX", "NTx", "Nonlinearity Tpye Displacement Dir X");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "SupportNonlinearityY", "NTy", "Nonlinearity Tpye Displacement Dir Y");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "SupportNonlinearityZ", "NTz", "Nonlinearity Tpye Displacement Dir Z");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Line List", "LineList", "List of lines the support is attached to");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Reference System Type", "RSType", "Reference System Type");
예제 #10
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "menu_settings");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced Options";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "X [m]", "X", "X Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Y [m]", "Y", "Y Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Z [m]", "Z", "Z Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Lines No", "Lines", "Lines No", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Displacement Dir X", "Tx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Displacement Dir Y", "Ty", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Displacement Dir Z", "Tz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Rotation Dir X", "Rx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Rotation Dir Y", "Ry", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[8].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Rotation Dir Z", "Rz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[9].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Reference System Type", "RefSys", "Reference System Type", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[10].Parameter.Optional = true;
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Load Case Number", "No", "Optional index number to assign to the RFEM object.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Description", "Description", "Description of Load Case.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Action Category", "Action", UtilLibrary.DescriptionRFTypes(typeof(ActionCategoryType)), GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[2].EnumInput          = UtilLibrary.ListRFTypes(typeof(ActionCategoryType));
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Vector(), "Self Weight Factor", "Self Weight", "Self Weight Factor", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "To Solve", "Solve", "Solve Load Case?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Modify";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Load Case", "RF LoadCase", "Load object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify object?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete object?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[8].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Load Case", "RF LoadCase", "Output RFLoadCase.");
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "menu_settings");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced Options";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Load Cases", "LC", "Load Cases", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Surfaces No", "Surfaces", "Surfaces No", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "F1 [kN/m²]", "F1", "F1 [kN/m²]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "F2 [kN/m²]", "F2", "F2 [kN/m²]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "F3 [kN/m²]", "F3", "F3 [kN/m²]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Projection Type", "Projection", "Projection Type", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Load Direction Type", "Dir", "Load Direction Type", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Load Distribution Type", "Dist", "Load Distribution Type", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "X [m]", "X", "X Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[8].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Y [m]", "Y", "Y Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[9].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Z [m]", "Z", "Z Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[10].Parameter.Optional = true;
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Member", "RF Member", "Input RFMember.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            // unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Curve(), "Line", "Line", "Line or Curve to assemble the RFLine from.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Member Number", "No", "Index number of the RFEM object.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Line Number", "LineNo", "Line Number");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Member Type", "Type", "Member Type");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Angle [°]", "β", "Rotation Angle [°]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Rotation Type", "Rot Type", "Rotation Type");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Start Cross-Section", "SCroSec", "Number of End Cross-Section");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "End Cross-Section", "ECroSec", "Number of End Cross-Section");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Start Hinge", "SHinge", "Number of Start Hinge");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "End Hinge", "EHinge", "Number of End Hinge");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Eccentricity", "Ecc", "Number of Eccentricity");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Division", "Div", "Number of Division");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Taper Shape", "Taper", "Taper Shape");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Weight [kg]", "W", "Member Weight");
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new GUI.Param_RFEM(), "RF Cross Section", "RF CroSec", "Input RFCroSec.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            // unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Description", "Desc", "Name or Description of Cross Section.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Cross Section Number", "No", "Optional index number to assign to the RFEM object.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Material Number", "MatNo", "Number of Material assigned to the Cross-Section");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "AxialArea [m²]", "A", "AxialArea [m²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "ShearAreaY [m²]", "Ay", "ShearAreaY [m²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "ShearAreaZ [m²]", "Az", "ShearAreaZ [m²]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "BendingMomentY [m⁴]", "Iy", "BendingMomentY [m⁴]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "BendingMomentZ [m⁴]", "Iz", "BendingMomentZ [m⁴]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "TorsionMoment [m⁴]", "Jt", "TorsionMoment [m⁴]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Angle [°]", "β", "Rotation Angle [°]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "TemperatureLoadWidth [m]", "TempW", "TemperatureLoadWidth [m]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "TemperatureLoadDepth [m]", "TempD", "TemperatureLoadDepth [m]");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "TextID", "TextID", "TextID.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "User Defined", "User", "User Defined.");
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Surface(), "Surface", "Sfc", "Surface to assemble the RFOpening from.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Opening Number", "No", "Optional index number to assign to the RFEM object.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "In Surface No", "InSrfcNo", "Index number assigned to the surface this opening belongs to.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Boundary Line List", "Bound", "Boundary Line List", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            //unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Interpolated Points", "n", "Number of interpolated points for NURBS", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            //unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Modify";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Opening", "RF Opening", "Opening object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify object?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete object?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Opening", "RF Opening", "Output RFOpening.");
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Assemble Opening", "Opening", "Creates a RFOpening object to define new data or modify existing data " +
                                                               "in the RFEM model.");


            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Boundary Line List", "Bound", "Boundary Line List", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Interpolated Points", "n", "Number of interpolated points for NURBS", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "Opening", "Op", "Opening object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced";
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Modify";
            for (int i = 2; i < 2 + 3; i++)
예제 #17
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Assemble Line Hinge", "LineHinge", "Creates a RFLineHinge object to define new data or modify existing data " +
                                                               "in the RFEM model.");


            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "LineNo", "LineNo", "Line Index related to the Line Hinge", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "LineNo", "LineNo", "Line Index related to the Line Hinge", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            //evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Side", "Side", UtilLibrary.DescriptionRFTypes(typeof(HingeSideType)), GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "Line Hinge", "LineHinge", "Line Hinge object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced";
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Modify";
            for (int i = 2; i < 2 + 3; i++)
예제 #18
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Optimize Cross Sections", "Optimize CroSec", "Performs a Cross Section Optimization with the EC3 Module.", Properties.Resources.icon_OptimizeCS);


            // Advanced

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "Trigger", "Trigger", "Input to trigger the optimization", GH_ParamAccess.tree);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Model Name", "Model Name", "Segment of the name of the RFEM Model", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "Advanced Items");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced";
예제 #19
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Surface Load", "RF SLoad", "Intput RFSurfaceLoad.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            // unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Surface List", "Srfc", "Surface List.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Load Number", "No", "Index number of the RFEM object.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Load Case", "LC", "Load Case to which the load object belongs.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 1 [kN/m²]", "F1", "Load Value [kN/m²].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 2 [kN/m²]", "F2", "Load Value [kN/m²].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 3 [kN/m²]", "F3", "Load Value [kN/m²].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 4 [°C]", "T4", "Load Value [°C].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 5 [°C]", "T5", "Load Value [°C].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 6 [°C]", "T6", "Load Value [°C].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Node1No", "Node1", "Node Index (useful for surface loads with linear distribution)");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Node2No", "Node2", "Node Index (useful for surface loads with linear distribution)");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Node2No", "Node2", "Node Index (useful for surface loads with linear distribution)");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "LoadType", "Type", "LoadType.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "LoadDirectionType", "Dir", "LoadDirectionType.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "LoadDistributionType", "Dist", "LoadDistributionType.");
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "menu_settings");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced Options";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "X [m]", "X", "X Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Y [m]", "Y", "Y Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Z [m]", "Z", "Z Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Surfaces No", "Surfaces", "Sfcs No", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Displacement Dir X", "Tx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Displacement Dir Y", "Ty", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Displacement Dir Z", "Tz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Shear Constant Dir XZ", "Vxz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m³]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Shear Constant Dir YZ", "Vyz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m³]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[8].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "SupportNonlinearityZ", "NTz", "Nonlinearity Tpye Displacement Dir Z", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[9].Parameter.Optional = true;
예제 #21
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Assemble Node", "Node", "Creates a RFNode object to define new data or modify existing data " +
                                                               "in the RFEM model.");

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "Node Coordinates [m]", "Node", "Node object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete node?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Modify";
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
예제 #22
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "menu_settings");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced Options";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "X [m]", "X", "X Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Y [m]", "Y", "Y Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Z [m]", "Z", "Z Coordinate", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Coordinate System", "CSys", "Coordinate System", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Reference Node", "Ref Node", "Reference Node", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
예제 #23
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Hinge Number", "No", "Optional index number to assign to the RFEM object.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir X", "Tx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir Y", "Ty", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Displacement Dir Z", "Tz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kN/m]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir X", "Rx", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir Y", "Ry", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Rotation Dir Z", "Rz", "(-1): Fixed; (0): Free; Other: Stiffness in [kNm/rad]", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "modify");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Modify";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Member Hinge", "RF MemberHinge", "Member Hinge object from the RFEM model to modify", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[8].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Modify", "Modify", "Modify object?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[9].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "Delete", "Delete", "Delete object?", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            unit.Inputs[10].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Member Hinge", "RF MemberHinge", "Output RFMemberHinge.");
        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "menu_settings");

            gH_ExtendableMenu.Name = "Advanced Options";
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Description", "Desc", "Name or Description of Material.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Elasticity Modulus [N/m²]", "E", "Elasticity Modulus [N/m²]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Poisson Ratio", "Mu", "Poisson Ratio", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Shear Modulus [N/m²]", "G", "Shear Modulus [N/m²]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Specific Weight [N/m³]", "W", "Specific Weight [N/m³]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Thermal Expansion [1/°]", "Alpha", "Thermal Expansion [1/°]", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Interval(), "Partial Safety Factor", "Gamma", "Partial Safety Factor", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Material Model Type", "Type", "Material Model Type.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "User Defined", "User", "User Defined", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            unit.Inputs[8].Parameter.Optional = true;

        protected void Setup(EvaluationUnit unit)
            unit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line Load", "RF LLoad", "Intput RFLineLoad.", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            // unit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;

            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Curve(), "Base Line", "Line", "Load Application Line.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Load Number", "No", "Index number of the RFEM object.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Integer(), "Load Case", "LC", "Load Case to which the load object belongs.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Comment", "Comment", "Comment.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 1 [kN/m]", "F1", "Load Value [kN/m].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 2 [kN/m]", "F2", "Load Value [kN/m].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Magnitude 3 [kN/m]", "F3", "Load Value [kN/m].");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "Line List", "LineList", "Line List.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Distance A", "t1", "Distance A.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Distance B", "t2", "Distance B.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Forces [kN/m]", "F", "Array of Loads.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Number(), "Relative Distances", "L", "Array of Loads.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "LoadType", "Type", "LoadType.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "LoadDirectionType", "Dir", "LoadDirectionType.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "LoadDistributionType", "Dist", "LoadDistributionType.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_String(), "LineLoadReferenceType", "RefType", "LineLoadReferenceType.");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "OverTotalLength", "Total", "Over Total Length");
            unit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Boolean(), "RelativeDistances", "Rel", "Relative Distances");
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Get Results", "Get Results", "Gets Results from the RFEM Model.", Properties.Resources.icon_GetResults);


            // Deformation

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_Number(), "Scale Factor", "Scale Factor", "Scale Factor applied to the deformed shape.", GH_ParamAccess.item, new GH_Number(1));
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;

            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Curve(), "Crv", "Curves", "Deformed shape of the linear elemnents of the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_Mesh(), "Msh", "Meshes", "Deformed shape of the surface elemnents of the RFEM Model.");

            //modelDataCount = evaluationUnit.Inputs.Count;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu0 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "Deformation");

            gH_ExtendableMenu0.Name = "Deformation";
            //for (int i = 0; i < modelDataCount; i++)
            //    gH_ExtendableMenu0.RegisterInputPlug(evaluationUnit.Inputs[i]);
            //    gH_ExtendableMenu0.RegisterOutputPlug(evaluationUnit.Outputs[i]);

            // Load Cases and Combos

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu1 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "Load Cases and Combos");

            gH_ExtendableMenu1.Name = "Load Cases and Combos";
            MenuPanel menuPanel = new MenuPanel(1, "panel_load");

            menuPanel.Header = "Set here the load case for display.\n";
            _loadDrop = new MenuDropDown(1, "dropdown_loads_1", "loading type");
            //_loadDrop.VisibleItemCount = 3;
            _loadDrop.ValueChanged += _loadDrop__valueChanged;
            _loadDrop.Header        = "Set here the loading type for display.\n";

            // Advanced

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "Trigger", "Trigger", "Input to trigger the optimization", GH_ParamAccess.tree);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Model Name", "Model Name", "Segment of the name of the RFEM Model to get information from", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu3 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(3, "Advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu3.Name = "Advanced";
            for (int i = 1; i < 1 + 2; i++)
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA, EvaluationUnit unit)

            // Input counter
            //modelDataCount1 = 1 + modelDataCount2;

            // RFEM variables
            var modelName = "";
            //IModel model = null;
            //IModelData data = null;
            //ILoads loads = null;

            // Output message
            var msg = new List <string>();

            // Assign GH Input
            bool run   = false;
            var  scale = 0.0;

            DA.GetData(0, ref run);
            DA.GetData(1, ref scale);

            //// Do stuff
            //if (run)
            //    if (!DA.GetData(3, ref modelName))
            //    {
            //        Component_GetData.ConnectRFEM(ref model, ref data);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Component_GetData.ConnectRFEM(modelName, ref model, ref data);
            //    }
            //    _saveddata = data;
            //    try
            //    {
            //        // Get deformtions
            //        _resetLC = true;
            //        // Get loads
            //        Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
            //        // Get calculation results
            //        _results = model.GetCalculation();
            //        var errors = _results.CalculateAll();
            //        if (errors != null)
            //        {
            //            msg.AddRange(errors.Select(x => x.Description));
            //        }
            //        // Update load cases and combos to display in dropdown menu
            //        loads.GetLoadCasesAndCombos(ref _lCasesAndCombos, ref _countCases, ref _countCombos, ref _countRcombos);
            //        updateDropDownMenu(_lCasesAndCombos);
            //        // Get Fe Meshes from RFEM
            //        _rfemMesh = _results.GetFeMesh();
            //        _feMeshes = CreateFEMeshes(ref msg);
            //        // _controlPoints = CreateControlPoints(ref msg); -> Obtained with displacements
            //    }
            //    catch (Exception ex)
            //    {
            //        // Clear output!!!
            //        _saveddata = null;
            //        _rfemMesh = null;
            //        _results = null;
            //        _lcresults = null;
            //        _feMeshes.Clear();
            //        _meshdisplacements.Clear();
            //        _deformedMeshes.Clear();
            //        _controlPoints.Clear();
            //        _memberdisplacements.Clear();
            //        _deformedMembers.Clear();
            //        throw ex;
            //    }
            //    Component_GetData.DisconnectRFEM(ref model, ref data);
            //// Get results to display
            //if (_loadDrop.Items.Count > 0 && _resetLC && msg.Count==0)
            //    int no = Int16.Parse(_loadDrop.Items[_loadDrop.Value].name.Split(' ')[1]);
            //    if (_loadDrop.Value < _countCases)
            //    {
            //        _lcresults = _results.GetResultsInFeNodes(LoadingType.LoadCaseType, no);
            //    }
            //    else if (_loadDrop.Value < _countCases + _countCombos)
            //    {
            //        _lcresults = _results.GetResultsInFeNodes(LoadingType.LoadCombinationType, no);
            //    }
            //    else if (_loadDrop.Value < _countCases + _countCombos + _countRcombos)
            //    {
            //        _lcresults = _results.GetResultsInFeNodes(LoadingType.ResultCombinationType, no);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        msg.Add("Load case or combo not found");
            //    }
            //    // Get deformations
            //    _meshdisplacements = GetMeshDisplacements(ref msg);
            //    _memberdisplacements = GetMemberDisplacements(ref msg);
            //    // Set _resetLC to false again
            //    _resetLC = false;

            //// Get output
            //_deformedMeshes = GetDeformedMeshes(scale, ref msg);
            //_deformedMembers = GetDeformedMembers(scale, ref msg);

            //// Assign GH Output
            //DA.SetDataTree(0, _deformedMembers);
            //DA.SetDataTree(1, _deformedMeshes);

            if (msg.Count != 0)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, String.Join(System.Environment.NewLine, msg.ToArray()));
예제 #28
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA, EvaluationUnit unit)
            var run = false;

            var ghNodes   = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghLines   = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghMembers = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghSfcs    = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghOps     = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghSupsP   = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghSupsL   = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghSupsS   = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghMHs     = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghLHs     = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghCSs     = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghMats    = new List <GH_RFEM>();

            var ghNodalLoads   = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghLineLoads    = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghMemberLoads  = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghSurfaceLoads = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghPolyLoads    = new List <GH_RFEM>();

            var ghLoadCases    = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghLoadCombos   = new List <GH_RFEM>();
            var ghResultCombos = new List <GH_RFEM>();

            var        modelName = "";
            IModel     model     = null;
            IModelData data      = null;
            ILoads     loads     = null;

            var errorMsg = new List <string>();

            DA.GetData(0, ref run);
            if (run)
                Component_SetData.ClearOutput(ref nodesNo, ref linesNo, ref membersNo, ref srfcNo, ref opNo, ref nodSupNo, ref lineSupNo, ref sfcSupNo,
                                              ref memberHingeNo, ref lineHingeNo, ref croSecNo, ref matNo, ref nodalLoadNo, ref lineLoadNo, ref memberLoadNo, ref surfaceLoadNo,
                                              ref polyLoadNo, ref loadcaseNo, ref loadcomboNo, ref resultcomboNo);
                if (!DA.GetData(modelDataCount3 + 1, ref modelName))
                    Component_GetData.ConnectRFEM(ref model, ref data);
                    Component_GetData.ConnectRFEM(modelName, ref model, ref data);
                    // Set data
                    if (DA.GetDataList(12, ghMats))
                        data.SetRFMaterials(ghMats, ref matNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(11, ghCSs))
                        data.SetRFCroSecs(ghCSs, ref croSecNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(9, ghMHs))
                        data.SetRFMemberHinges(ghMHs, ref memberHingeNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(1, ghNodes))
                        data.SetRFNodes(ghNodes, ref nodesNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(2, ghLines))
                        data.SetRFLines(ghLines, ref linesNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(3, ghMembers))
                        data.SetRFMembers(ghMembers, ref membersNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(4, ghSfcs))
                        data.SetRFSurfaces(ghSfcs, ref srfcNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(5, ghOps))
                        data.SetRFOpenings(ghOps, ref opNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(6, ghSupsP))
                        data.SetRFSupportsP(ghSupsP, ref nodSupNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(7, ghSupsL))
                        data.SetRFSupportsL(ghSupsL, ref lineSupNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(8, ghSupsS))
                        data.SetRFSupportsS(ghSupsS, ref sfcSupNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(10, ghLHs))
                        data.SetRFLineHinges(ghLHs, ref lineHingeNo, ref errorMsg);
                    // Set Load Cases and Combos
                    if (DA.GetDataList(modelDataCount2 + 1, ghLoadCases))
                        if (loads == null)
                            Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                        data.SetRFLoadCases(loads, ghLoadCases, ref loadcaseNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(modelDataCount2 + 2, ghLoadCombos))
                        if (loads == null)
                            Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                        data.SetRFLoadCombos(loads, ghLoadCombos, ref loadcomboNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(modelDataCount2 + 3, ghResultCombos))
                        if (loads == null)
                            Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                        data.SetRFResultCombos(loads, ghResultCombos, ref resultcomboNo, ref errorMsg);
                    // Set Loads
                    if (DA.GetDataList(modelDataCount + 1, ghNodalLoads))
                        if (loads == null)
                            Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                        data.SetRFNodalLoads(loads, ghNodalLoads, ref nodalLoadNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(modelDataCount + 2, ghLineLoads))
                        if (loads == null)
                            Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                        data.SetRFLineLoads(loads, ghLineLoads, ref lineLoadNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(modelDataCount + 3, ghMemberLoads))
                        if (loads == null)
                            Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                        data.SetRFMemberLoads(loads, ghMemberLoads, ref memberLoadNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(modelDataCount + 4, ghSurfaceLoads))
                        if (loads == null)
                            Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                        data.SetRFSurfaceLoads(loads, ghSurfaceLoads, ref surfaceLoadNo, ref errorMsg);
                    if (DA.GetDataList(modelDataCount + 5, ghPolyLoads))
                        if (loads == null)
                            Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                        data.SetRFFreePolygonLoads(loads, ghPolyLoads, ref polyLoadNo, ref errorMsg);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Component_SetData.ClearOutput(ref nodesNo, ref linesNo, ref membersNo, ref srfcNo, ref opNo, ref nodSupNo, ref lineSupNo, ref sfcSupNo,
                                                  ref memberHingeNo, ref lineHingeNo, ref croSecNo, ref matNo, ref nodalLoadNo, ref lineLoadNo, ref memberLoadNo, ref surfaceLoadNo,
                                                  ref polyLoadNo, ref loadcaseNo, ref loadcomboNo, ref resultcomboNo);
                    Component_GetData.DisconnectRFEM(ref model, ref data);
                    throw ex;
                Component_GetData.DisconnectRFEM(ref model, ref data);
            // Assign Output
            DA.SetDataList(0, nodesNo);
            DA.SetDataList(1, linesNo);
            DA.SetDataList(2, membersNo);
            DA.SetDataList(3, srfcNo);
            DA.SetDataList(4, opNo);
            DA.SetDataList(5, nodSupNo);
            DA.SetDataList(6, lineSupNo);
            DA.SetDataList(7, sfcSupNo);
            DA.SetDataList(8, memberHingeNo);
            DA.SetDataList(9, lineHingeNo);
            DA.SetDataList(10, croSecNo);
            DA.SetDataList(11, matNo);
            DA.SetDataList(12, nodalLoadNo);
            DA.SetDataList(13, lineLoadNo);
            DA.SetDataList(14, memberLoadNo);
            DA.SetDataList(15, surfaceLoadNo);
            DA.SetDataList(16, polyLoadNo);
            DA.SetDataList(17, loadcaseNo);
            DA.SetDataList(18, loadcomboNo);
            DA.SetDataList(19, resultcomboNo);

            if (errorMsg.Count != 0)
                //errorMsg.Add("List item index may be one unit lower than object number");
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, String.Join(System.Environment.NewLine, errorMsg.ToArray()));
예제 #29
        protected override void RegisterEvaluationUnits(EvaluationUnitManager mngr)
            EvaluationUnit evaluationUnit = new EvaluationUnit("Set Data", "Set Data", "Sets Data from the RFEM Model.", Properties.Resources.icon_SetData);


            // Model Data

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Nodes", "RF Nodes", "Nodes to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Lines", "RF Lines", "Lines to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Members", "RF Members", "Members to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Surfaces", "RF Surfaces", "Surfaces to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Openings", "RF Openings", "Openings to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[4].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Nodal Supports", "RF NodSup", "Nodal Supports to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[5].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line Supports", "RF LineSup", "Line Supports to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[6].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Surface Supports", "RF SfcSup", "Surface Supports to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[7].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Member Hinges", "RF MemberHinges", "Member Hinges from  the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[8].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line Hinges", "RF LineHinges", "Line Hinges from  the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[9].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Cross Sections", "RF CroSecs", "Cross Sections from in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[10].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Materials", "RF Mat", "Materials to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[11].Parameter.Optional = true;

            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Nodes", "RF Nodes", "Nodes from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Lines", "RF Lines", "Lines from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Members", "RF Members", "Members from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Surfaces", "RF Surfaces", "Surfaces from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Openings", "RF Openings", "Openings from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Nodal Supports", "RF NodSup", "Nodal Supports from in the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line Supports", "RF LineSup", "Line Supports from in the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Surface Supports", "RF SrfcSup", "Surface Supports from in the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Member Hinges", "RF MemberHinges", "Member Hinges from in the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line Hinges", "RF LineHinges", "Line Hinges from in the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Cross Sections", "RF CroSecs", "Cross Sections from in the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Materials", "RF Mat", "Materials from the RFEM Model.");

            modelDataCount = evaluationUnit.Inputs.Count;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu0 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(0, "Model Data");

            gH_ExtendableMenu0.Name = "Model Data";
            for (int i = 0; i < modelDataCount; i++)

            // Load Data
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Nodal Loads", "RF NLoads", "Nodal Loads to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount + 0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line Loads", "RF LLoads", "Line Loads to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount + 1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Member Loads", "RF MLoads", "Member Loads to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount + 2].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Surface Loads", "RF SLoads", "Surface Loads to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount + 3].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Free Polygon Loads", "RF PolyLoads", "Free Polygon Loads to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount + 4].Parameter.Optional = true;

            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Nodal Loads", "RF NLoads", "Nodal Loads from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Line Loads", "RF LLoads", "Line Loads from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Member Loads", "RF MLoads", "Member Loads from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Surface Loads", "RF SLoads", "Surface Loads from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Free Polygon Loads", "RF PolyLoads", "Free Polygon Loads to set in the RFEM Model.");

            modelDataCount2 = evaluationUnit.Inputs.Count;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu1 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(1, "Load Data");

            gH_ExtendableMenu1.Name = "Load Data";
            for (int i = modelDataCount; i < modelDataCount2; i++)

            // Load Cases and Combos

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Load Cases", "RF LCases", "Load Cases to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount2 + 0].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Load Combos", "RF LCombos", "Load Combinations to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount2 + 1].Parameter.Optional = true;
            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Result Combos", "RF RCombos", "Result Combinations to set in the RFEM Model.", GH_ParamAccess.list);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount2 + 2].Parameter.Optional = true;

            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Load Cases", "RF LCases", "Load Cases from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Load Combos", "RF LCombos", "Load Combinations from the RFEM Model.");
            evaluationUnit.RegisterOutputParam(new Param_RFEM(), "RF Result Combos", "RF RCombos", "Result Combinations from the RFEM Model.");

            modelDataCount3 = evaluationUnit.Inputs.Count;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu2 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(2, "Load Cases and Combos");

            gH_ExtendableMenu2.Name = "Load Cases and Combos";
            for (int i = modelDataCount2; i < modelDataCount3; i++)

            // Advanced

            evaluationUnit.RegisterInputParam(new Param_String(), "Model Name", "Model Name", "Segment of the name of the RFEM Model to set data in", GH_ParamAccess.item);
            evaluationUnit.Inputs[modelDataCount3].Parameter.Optional = true;

            GH_ExtendableMenu gH_ExtendableMenu3 = new GH_ExtendableMenu(3, "Advanced");

            gH_ExtendableMenu3.Name = "Advanced";
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object can be used to retrieve data from input parameters and
        /// to store data in output parameters.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA, EvaluationUnit unit)
            // RFEM variables
            var        modelName = "";
            IModel     model     = null;
            IModelData data      = null;
            ILoads     loads     = null;

            // Assign GH Input
            bool   run       = false;
            var    scale     = 0.0;
            string iLoadCase = "";

            DA.GetData(0, ref run);
            DA.GetData(1, ref scale);

            // Do stuff
            if (run)
                msg = new List <string>();

                if (!DA.GetData(5, ref modelName))
                    Component_GetData.ConnectRFEM(ref model, ref data);
                    Component_GetData.ConnectRFEM(modelName, ref model, ref data);
                _saveddata = data;
                    // Get deformtions
                    _resetLC = true;
                    // Get loads
                    Component_GetData.GetLoadsFromRFEM(model, ref loads);
                    // Update load cases and combos to display in dropdown menu
                    _results = model.GetCalculation();

                    // Get load cases and combos to
                    var newLoadCasesAndCombos = new List <string>();
                    newLoadCasesAndCombos = loads.GetLoadCasesAndCombos(ref _countCases, ref _countCombos, ref _countRcombos);
                    if (_lCasesAndCombos == null || _lCasesAndCombos.Count == 0 || !_lCasesAndCombos.Equals(newLoadCasesAndCombos))
                        _lCasesAndCombos     = newLoadCasesAndCombos;
                        _loadDropLastValue   = 0; // reset dropdown menus if run
                        _resultDropLastValue = 0;
                        _lastLoadCase        = "";
                        _lastType            = 0;
                        _restoreDropDown     = true;
                    // Get deformed shape?
                    if (_deformationsCheck.Active)
                        _deformation_results = true;
                        // Get members
                        _rfMembers = Component_GetData.GetRFMembers(data.GetMembers().ToList(), data);
                        // Get Fe Meshes from RFEM
                        _rfemMesh = _results.GetFeMesh();
                        _feMeshes = CreateFEMeshes(ref msg);
                        _deformation_results = false;

                    // Disconnect RFEM
                    Component_GetData.DisconnectRFEM(ref model, ref data);

                    // Results are displayed just when the button is set to 0 - if no LC is provided
                    var dummyLC = "";
                    if (!DA.GetData(2, ref dummyLC))
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Set run to false to display results");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Component_GetData.DisconnectRFEM(ref model, ref data);
                    // Clear output!!!
                    _saveddata = null;
                    _rfemMesh  = null;
                    _results   = null;
                    _lcresults = null;
                    outResults = null;
                    _deformation_results = false;
                    throw ex;

            // do stuff
            if (msg.Count == 0) // if there are no calculation errors
                // Get Load Case Number and result type
                int    result_type      = 0;
                string result_type_name = "";
                if (DA.GetData(2, ref iLoadCase))
                    if (DA.GetData(3, ref result_type))
                        if (result_type <= 0 || result_type > Enum.GetNames(typeof(ResultsValueType)).Length - 1)
                            _restoreDropDown = true; // for next time
                            AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Provide Valid Result Type.");
                        result_type_name = Enum.GetName(typeof(ResultsValueType), result_type);
                        if (_lastLoadCase != iLoadCase || _lastType != result_type) // otherwise execution comes from change in scale and no need to reset load case
                            _resetLC = true;
                        _restoreDropDown = true; // for next time
                        _restoreDropDown = true; // for next time
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Provide Result Type.");
                else if (DA.GetData(3, ref result_type))
                    _restoreDropDown = true; // for next time
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Provide Load Case or Combo.");
                else // get values from dropdown menus
                    if (_lCasesAndCombos.Count == 0)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "No results to display");
                    if (_restoreDropDown) // from previous execution when it was overwritten
                        _resetLC         = true;
                        _restoreDropDown = false; // for next time
                    iLoadCase = _loadDrop.Items[_loadDrop.Value].name;

                // Get results to display
                // 1) Results from load case or combo for all types 2) Results for selected result type 3) Apply scale
                if (_resetLC)
                    int no    = Int16.Parse(iLoadCase.Split(' ')[1]);
                    var value = _lCasesAndCombos.IndexOf(iLoadCase);
                    _loadDropLastValue = value;
                    _lastLoadCase      = iLoadCase;
                    if (value == -1)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, $"{iLoadCase} has no results. Provide valid load case.");
                    if (value < _countCases)
                        _lcresults = _results.GetResultsInFeNodes(LoadingType.LoadCaseType, no);
                    else if (value < _countCases + _countCombos)
                        _lcresults = _results.GetResultsInFeNodes(LoadingType.LoadCombinationType, no);
                    else if (value < _countCases + _countCombos + _countRcombos)
                        _lcresults = _results.GetResultsInFeNodes(LoadingType.ResultCombinationType, no);
                        msg.Add("Load case or combo not found");
                    // Get analysis results
                    _resultTypes = new HashSet <ResultsValueType>();
                    outResults   = new RFResults(_lcresults, _saveddata, buttonLocal.Active, ref _resultTypes, iLoadCase,
                                                 _memberForcesCheck.Active, _surfaceForcesCheck.Active, _nodalReactionsCheck.Active,
                    // Get deformations
                    if (_deformationsCheck.Active)
                        if (!_deformation_results)
                            AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Run component again to get deformation results.");
                            _meshdisplacements         = GetMeshDisplacements(ref _sfcNo, ref msg);
                            _memberdisplacements       = GetMemberDisplacements(ref _memberNo, ref msg);
                            _meshdisplacementsByType   = GetMeshDisplacementsByType(result_type);
                            _memberdisplacementsByType = GetMemberDisplacementsByType(result_type);
                    // Update drop down menu of result types
                    if (result_type == 0) // if no value obtaines through overwrite
                        _resultDropLastValue = 0;
                        updateDropDownMenu2(_resultTypes.ToList(), ref result_type);
                    // Set _resetLC to false again
                    _resetLC         = false;
                    _resetResultType = true;
                if (_resetResultType)     // when there are changes in drop down menu
                    if (result_type == 0) // if no value obtaines through overwrite
                        result_type = Int32.Parse(_resulttypeDrop.Items[_resulttypeDrop.Value].name);
                    if (_deformationsCheck.Active)
                        _meshdisplacementsByType   = GetMeshDisplacementsByType(result_type);
                        _memberdisplacementsByType = GetMemberDisplacementsByType(result_type);
                    // Get analysis results
                    if (result_type > 0)
                        outResults.ResultType = ((ResultsValueType)result_type).ToString();
                    // Set _resetType to false again
                    _resetResultType = false;
                _lastType = result_type;
                // Check results
                if (_meshdisplacements.DataCount > 0 && _meshdisplacementsByType.DataCount == 0)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, $"No surface results found for result type {((ResultsValueType)result_type).ToString()}");
                if (_memberdisplacements.DataCount > 0 && _memberdisplacementsByType.DataCount == 0)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, $"No member results found for result type {((ResultsValueType)result_type).ToString()}");
                // Get output
                _deformedMeshes  = GetDeformedMeshes(scale, ref msg);
                _deformedMembers = GetDeformedMembers(scale, ref msg);

                // Output calculation results
                DA.SetData(0, outResults);

                // Assign GH Output
                DA.SetDataList(1, _deformedMembers);
                DA.SetDataList(2, _memberNo);
                DA.SetDataList(3, _deformedMeshes);
                DA.SetDataList(4, _sfcNo);
            if (msg.Count > 0)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, String.Join(System.Environment.NewLine, msg.ToArray()));