public string ExportCode(string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
            string        sqlstr = "select c.parentnodeid,c.nodename,c.nodevalue from t_code_content c join t_code_menu m on c.parentnodeid=m.nodeid where m.nodeoperpage='app' order by c.nodeid";
            DataSet       ds1    = new DataSet();
            DataSet       ds2    = new DataSet();
            DataTable     dt1    = new DataTable();
            DataTable     dt2    = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(@"<?xml version=#1.0# encoding=#UTF-8#?>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC #-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN# #>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "<plist version=#1.0#>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "<dict>" + System.Environment.NewLine);

                ds1 = _iAccessData.Query(sqlstr);
                ds2 = _iAccessData.Query("select distinct(parentnodeid) from t_code_content order by parentnodeid");
                dt1 = ds1.Tables[0];
                dt2 = ds2.Tables[0];
                for (int i = 0; i < dt2.Rows.Count; i++)
                    DataRow[] drs = dt1.Select("parentnodeid ='" + dt2.Rows[i][0].ToString() + "'");
                    for (int j = 0; j < drs.Length; j++)
                        if (j == 0)
                            result.Append("<key>" + drs[j][0].ToString() + "</key>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "<string>[{#id#:#" + drs[j][2].ToString() + "#,#text#:#" + drs[j][1].ToString() + "#},");
                            result.Append("{#id#:#" + drs[j][2].ToString() + "#,#text#:#" + drs[j][1].ToString() + "#},");
                        if (j == drs.Length - 1)
                            result.Remove(result.ToString().LastIndexOf(','), 1);
                            result.Append("]</string>" + System.Environment.NewLine);

                result.Append("</dict>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "</plist>");
                result.Replace('#', '"');

                string downloadPath = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.GetMapPath((Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppResourceRootPath"] + "code/code.plist"), HttpContext.Current.Server);
                sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.FileOperation.writeFile(downloadPath, result.ToString());

                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppResourceRootPath"] + "code/code.plist";
                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="whereString"></param>
        /// <param name="orderByString">sys_creatdate desc,sys_id desc</param>
        /// <param name="columnsString">where、orderby条件可以在columns之外</param>
        /// <param name="pageSizeString">如果为null则获取全部数据</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndexString">如果为null则获取全部数据</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ld_cben> GetList(string whereString, string orderByString, string columnsString, string pageSizeString, string pageIndexString, Eva.Library.Data.AccessDataTrans.IAccessDataTrans t)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append(" select " + columnsString + " from (");
            strSql.Append(" select rownum rn,a.* from (");
            strSql.Append(" select * from tbl_ld_cben t where");
            if (whereString.Trim() == "")
                strSql.Append(" 1=1 ");
                strSql.Append(" " + whereString);
            if (orderByString.Trim() == "")
                strSql.Append(" order by sys_creatdate desc ");
                strSql.Append(" order by " + orderByString);

            strSql.Append(" ) a ");
            strSql.Append(" ) b ");

            if (pageSizeString != "" && pageSizeString != null && pageIndexString != "" && pageIndexString != null)
                int fromInt = int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString) - 1) + 1;
                int toInt   = (int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString)));

                strSql.Append(" where b.rn>='" + fromInt.ToString() + "'  and b.rn <='" + toInt.ToString() + "' ");

            DataTable resultDataTable = null;

            if (t == null)
                resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(strSql.ToString()).Tables[0];
                resultDataTable = t.Query(strSql.ToString()).Tables[0];

            List <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ld_cben> modelList = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToModelList <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ld_cben>(resultDataTable);

            if (Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlEditMode"].ToString() == "parameter")
            else //如果是sql形式的话,则进行textReturn
                modelList = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ModelListReturn(modelList);
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// 删除附件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileID">附件ID</param>
        /// <param name="delmod">1:物理删除,2:逻辑删除</param>
        /// <param name="isfilelog">1:记录日志,2:不记录日志</param>
        /// <param name="clientInf">用户信息</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static void deleteByFileName(string fileIDs, Eva.Library.Data.AccessDataTrans.IAccessDataTrans t)
            string  fileuploadname = "";
            string  query_sql      = "select * from tbl_file_content where menuid in ('" + fileIDs.Replace(",", "','") + "')";
            DataSet ds             = null;

            if (t == null)
                ds = _iAccessData.Query(query_sql);
                ds = t.Query(query_sql);
            if (ds != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    fileuploadname += ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fileuploadname"].ToString() + "^";
            fileuploadname = fileuploadname.TrimEnd('^');
            if (fileuploadname != "")
                string   methordName = "deleteByFileUploadName";
                object[] args        = { _fileUpLoadRootPath, fileuploadname };
                string   rr          = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.webserviceadapter.DoWebService(_serviceFile_url, methordName, args).ToString();

                IDictionary <string, string> re = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatJsonToDic(rr);

                if (re["result"] == "true")
                    throw new Exception(re["message"]);
            string sql_tbl_file_content = " delete from tbl_file_content where menuid  in ('" + fileIDs.Replace(",", "','") + "')";
            string sql_tbl_file_menu    = " delete from tbl_file_menu where id  in ('" + fileIDs.Replace(",", "','") + "')";

            if (t == null)
예제 #4
        protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
                HttpContext HttpCurrent = HttpContext.Current;
                if (HttpCurrent != null)
                    Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath = HttpCurrent.Server.MapPath("~");
                    Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory;
                    if (Regex.Match(Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath, @"\\$", RegexOptions.Compiled).Success)
                        Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath = Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath.Substring(0, Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath.Length - 1);
                Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath = Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath + "\\";

                Eva.Library.Global.ConfigFileName = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConfigFileName"].ToString();


                _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                _dt_token_function_istoken   = _iAccessData.Query("select f_function,f_service from t_token_function where sys_delflag='0' and f_istoken='false'").Tables[0];
                _dt_token_function_isencrypt = _iAccessData.Query("select f_function,f_service from t_token_function where sys_delflag='0' and f_isencrypt='false'").Tables[0];
                _dt_token_function_islock    = _iAccessData.Query("select f_function,f_service,f_value10 from t_token_function where sys_delflag='0' and f_value10 is not null").Tables[0];

                ConfigAppName           = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["EasyFrameConfigName"].ToString();
                ConfigAppCode           = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCode"].ToString();
                ConfigDefaultTokenId    = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DefaultTokenId"].ToString();
                ConfigWebServiceCollect = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebServiceCollect"].ToString();
                ConfigWebServiceEncrypt = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebServiceEncrypt"].ToString();
                ConfigWebServiceLock    = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebServiceLock"].ToString();

                ConfigWebServiceToken = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["WebServiceToken"].ToString();

                if (_ilog == null)
                    _ilog = Eva.Library.Log.LogFactory.CreateLogBySchemaName(Eva.Library.Global.AppRootPath + Eva.Library.Global.ConfigFileName, "54");
        public string GetQueryCopyResult(string whereString, string orderByString, string columnsString, string pageSizeString, string pageIndexString, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
                columnsString = FormatColumns(columnsString).Replace("^", ",");
                string  sqlTemp = "";
                DataSet ds      = new DataSet();
                DataSet dsTemp  = new DataSet();

                Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                string sql = "";
                sql = "select " + columnsString + " from (select rownum rn,a.* from (select * from tbl_maintable where  ";
                if (whereString.Trim() == "")
                    sql += " 1=1 ";
                    sql += whereString;
                sql    += " order by " + orderByString;
                sql    += ") a  ) b";
                sqlTemp = sql;
                if (pageSizeString != "" && pageSizeString != null && pageIndexString != "" && pageIndexString != null)
                    int fromInt = int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString) - 1) + 1;
                    int toInt   = (int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString)));
                    sql += " where b.rn>='" + fromInt.ToString() + "'  and b.rn <='" + toInt.ToString() + "' ";
                ds     = _ia.Query(sql);
                dsTemp = _ia.Query(sqlTemp);
                string rows    = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]);
                string message = "{\"total\":\"" + dsTemp.Tables[0].Rows.Count + "\",\"rows\":" + rows + "}";
                resultDic["message"] = message;
                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                NewLog("数据查询成功,查询的数据条件为:whereString:" + whereString + ",orderByString:" + orderByString + ",columnsString:" + columnsString + ",pageSizeString:" + pageSizeString + ",pageIndexString:" + pageIndexString + "", "sql_select", clientInf);
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
                NewLog("数据查询失败,查询的数据条件为:whereString:" + whereString + ",orderByString:" + orderByString + ",columnsString:" + columnsString + ",pageSizeString:" + pageSizeString + ",pageIndexString:" + pageIndexString + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_select", clientInf);
예제 #6
        public string CreatExcelBySqlAppcode(string sqlStr, string appcodeStr)
            _iAccessData = Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.AccessDataFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataBaseType.oracledal, Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBaseConnectString_" + appcodeStr].ToString());
            DataSet ds = _iAccessData.Query((sqlStr));

예제 #7
        public string CheckFileSize(string menuids, string fileMaxSize)
            _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();

            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";

                DataSet dsFile = _iAccessData.Query("select * from tbl_file_content where menuid in ('" + menuids.Replace("^", "','") + "')");

                string message = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < dsFile.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dsFile.Tables[0].Rows[i]["filesize"].ToString()) > Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(fileMaxSize))
                        message += "【" + dsFile.Tables[0].Rows[i]["filerealname"].ToString() + "】文件大于" + fileMaxSize + ",请注意修改<br/>";

                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                resultDic["message"] = message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #8
        public string AddListByTitleResource(string json, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
                sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_app_news_content model = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatJsonToModel <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_app_news_content>(json);

                Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData iAccessData = Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.AccessDataFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataBaseType.oracledal, Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBaseConnectionString"].ToString());

                DataSet ds = iAccessData.Query("select * from tbl_file_content where menuid in (select f_contentresource from tbl_app_news where sys_id='" + model.fk_tbl_app_news_sys_id + "')");

                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    model.sys_id     = 0;
                    model.f_mediaurl = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["FILEUPLOADNAME"].ToString();
                    _idal_tbl_app_news_content.Add(model, null);

                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                resultDic["message"] = "";

                NewLog("数据创建成功,创建的数据为:" + json, "sql_insert", clientInf);
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
                NewLog("数据创建失败,创建的数据为:" + json + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_insert", clientInf);
        public string Export(string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
            Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
            string        sqlstr = "select f_htmlname,f_htmlversion from tbl_app_version_html  order by f_htmlname";
            DataTable     dt     = new DataTable();
            StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(@"<?xml version=#1.0# encoding=#UTF-8#?>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC #-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN# #>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "<plist version=#1.0#>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "<dict>" + System.Environment.NewLine);

                dt = _iAccessData.Query(sqlstr).Tables[0];

                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    result.Append("<key>" + dt.Rows[i]["f_htmlname"].ToString() + "</key>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "<string>" + dt.Rows[i]["f_htmlversion"].ToString() + "</string>" + System.Environment.NewLine);
                result.Append("</dict>" + System.Environment.NewLine + "</plist>");
                result.Replace('#', '"');

                string downloadPath = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.GetMapPath((Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppResourceRootPath"] + "html/html.plist"), HttpContext.Current.Server);
                sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.FileOperation.writeFile(downloadPath, result.ToString());

                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppResourceRootPath"] + "html/html.plist";
                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
        public string getLogListByMaintableSysId(string maintable_sys_id, string orderByString, string pageSizeString, string pageIndexString, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                resultDic["result"] = "true";

                Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                string sql = "select sys_projectclassid from tbl_maintable where sys_id='" + maintable_sys_id + "'";

                string sys_projclassid = _ia.GetSingle(sql).ToString();

                string selectStr = "select sys_creatdate,sys_id,sys_flag,value1,value2,value3,value4,value5,businessname,businessid,processsinsid,processdefid,workflowid,";
                selectStr += " sys_creatusername,";
                selectStr += " sys_creatuserid,";
                selectStr += " (select value1 from t_projclass_dtl1 where projclassid='" + sys_projclassid + "' and projstate =fromstate )as fromstate,";
                selectStr += " (select value1 from t_projclass_dtl1 where projclassid='" + sys_projclassid + "' and projstate =tostate )as tostate ,";
                selectStr += " remark";
                selectStr += " from t_projstate_log t where businessid='" + maintable_sys_id + "'";
                string countSql = "select count(*) from t_projstate_log where businessid='" + maintable_sys_id + "'";
                string count    = _ia.GetSingle(countSql).ToString();
                if (orderByString != "")
                    selectStr += " order by " + orderByString;
                    selectStr += " order by sys_creatdate asc";
                if (pageSizeString != "" && pageIndexString != "")
                    int startindex = (int.Parse(pageIndexString) - 1) * int.Parse(pageSizeString);
                    int endindex   = int.Parse(pageIndexString) * int.Parse(pageSizeString);
                    selectStr = "select * from (select rownum rn,tt.* from(" + selectStr + ") tt) where rn<=" + endindex + " and rn>" + startindex + "";
                DataSet ds   = _ia.Query(selectStr);
                string  rows = "";
                if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                    rows = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]);
                    rows = "[]";

                string message = "{\"total\":\"" + count + "\",\"rows\":" + rows + "}";
                message = message.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");
                resultDic["message"] = message;
            catch (Exception e)
                resultDic["result"]   = "false";
                resultDic["messaget"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(e.Message);
예제 #11
        public string Delete(string whereString, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
                _iAccessData = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();


                string    sql  = "select f_yslxid,f_dyid,sys_id from tbl_ldbm_jtsj where " + whereString + "";
                DataTable dt   = _iAccessData.Query(sql).Tables[0];
                ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    string yslxid   = dt.Rows[i]["f_yslxid"].ToString();
                    string dyid     = dt.Rows[i]["f_dyid"].ToString();
                    string sys_id   = dt.Rows[i]["sys_id"].ToString();
                    string arraySql = "select count(*) as count from tbl_ld_khb where f_yslxid =(select f_yslxid from tbl_ldbm_jtsj where sys_id =" + sys_id + ") and f_dyid =(select f_dyid from tbl_ldbm_jtsj where sys_id =" + sys_id + ") and f_ztid = '0' and sys_delflag = '0'";
                    string count    = _iAccessData.GetSingle(arraySql).ToString();
                    if (count != "0")
                        resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                        resultDic["message"] = _idal_tbl_ldbm_jtsj.Delete(whereString, null);
                        NewLog("数据删除成功,删除的数据条件为:" + whereString, "sql_delete", clientInf);
                if (list.Count != 0)
                    string str = string.Join(",", list.ToArray());
                    resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                    resultDic["message"] = "有用户正在使用该阶梯水价,不可以删除sys_id为" + str + "的阶梯水价";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                NewLog("数据删除失败,删除的数据条件为:" + whereString + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_delete", clientInf);
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="whereString"></param>
        /// <param name="orderByString">sys_creatdate desc,sys_id desc</param>
        /// <param name="columnsString">where、orderby条件可以在columns之外</param>
        /// <param name="pageSizeString">如果为null则获取全部数据</param>
        /// <param name="pageIndexString">如果为null则获取全部数据</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public List <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_clob> GetList(string whereString, string orderByString, string columnsString, string pageSizeString, string pageIndexString, Eva.Library.Data.AccessDataTrans.IAccessDataTrans t)
            StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

            strSql.Append(" select " + columnsString + " from (");
            strSql.Append(" select rownum rn,a.* from (");
            strSql.Append(" select * from tbl_clob t where");
            if (whereString.Trim() == "")
                strSql.Append(" 1=1 ");
                strSql.Append(" " + whereString);
            if (orderByString.Trim() == "")
                strSql.Append(" order by sys_creatdate desc ");
                strSql.Append(" order by " + orderByString);

            strSql.Append(" ) a ");
            strSql.Append(" ) b ");

            if (pageSizeString != "" && pageSizeString != null && pageIndexString != "" && pageIndexString != null)
                int fromInt = int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString) - 1) + 1;
                int toInt   = (int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString)));

                strSql.Append(" where b.rn>='" + fromInt.ToString() + "'  and b.rn <='" + toInt.ToString() + "' ");

            DataTable resultDataTable = null;

            if (t == null)
                resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(strSql.ToString()).Tables[0];
                resultDataTable = t.Query(strSql.ToString()).Tables[0];

            List <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_clob> modelList = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToModelList <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_clob>(resultDataTable);

예제 #13
        public string GetBaseCode(string clientInf)
            Dictionary<string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary<string, string>();
            resultDic["result"] = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
            string sqlstr = "select distinct f_resourcename from tbl_app_version_color where f_resourcename is not null";
            DataTable dt = new DataTable();
            string result = "";
                dt = _iAccessData.Query(sqlstr).Tables[0];

                for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (i == dt.Rows.Count - 1)
                        result += dt.Rows[i][0].ToString();
                        result += dt.Rows[i][0].ToString() + "^";


                resultDic["message"] = result;
                resultDic["result"] = "true";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"] = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

            return Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(resultDic);
예제 #14
        public string GetHtmlResource(string appVersionString, string htmlVersionString, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
                IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf);
                if (userInfDic == null)
                    resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                    resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误";
                    string currentVersion = "1.0.0";

                    _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                    string  sqlString = "select f_htmlversion from tbl_app_version  where f_apptypeid = '" + userInfDic["devicetype"] + "'  and f_appversion = '" + appVersionString + "'";
                    DataSet ds        = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString);
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        currentVersion = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["f_htmlversion"].ToString();

                    if (currentVersion != htmlVersionString)
                        resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                        resultDic["message"] = currentVersion;//版本号不一致,需要客户端调用下边方法,验证是哪个文件不一致
                        resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                        resultDic["message"] = "true";//版本号一致
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "error";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #15
        public string QuerySqlsByAppcode(string sqlStringJson, string appcodeStr, string isShowAll)
            _iAccessData = Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.AccessDataFactory.CreateDataAccess(DataBaseType.oracledal, Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["DataBaseConnectString_" + appcodeStr].ToString());

            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";

            string message = "";

                IDictionary <string, string> sqlStringDic = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatJsonToDic(sqlStringJson);
                DataSet ds = null;
                foreach (string key in sqlStringDic.Keys)
                    string sql = sqlStringDic[key];
                    if (isShowAll != "true")
                        sql = "select * from (" + (sql) + ") where rownum<1001";
                    ds = _iAccessData.Query(Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.FormatSqlStrWidthIn1000(sql));

                    if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        message += "\"" + key + "\":" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]) + ",";
                        message += "\"" + key + "\":" + "[]" + ",";

                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                resultDic["message"] = "{" + message.TrimEnd(',') + "}";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #16
        public string AddList(string json, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
            _iAccessData         = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                List <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_app_pushnotification> modellist = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatJsonToModelList <sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_app_pushnotification>(json);

                string useridString = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < modellist.Count; i++)
                    useridString += modellist[i].f_recive_userid + ",";
                string    sqlString = "select u_id,u_name,f_value6,f_value7,f_value8 from t_user where u_state = '1' and u_id in ('" + useridString.TrimEnd(',').Replace(",", "','") + "')";
                DataTable dt        = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];
                DataRow[] dr        = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < modellist.Count; i++)
                    dr = dt.Select("u_id = '" + modellist[i].f_recive_userid + "'");
                    if (dr.Length > 0)
                        modellist[i].f_recive_devicetype   = dr[0]["f_value6"].ToString();
                        modellist[i].f_recive_devicetypeid = dr[0]["f_value6"].ToString();
                        modellist[i].f_recive_deviceid     = dr[0]["f_value8"].ToString();
                        //modellist[i].f_recive_certificate = dr[0]["f_value7"].ToString();
                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                resultDic["message"] = _idal_tbl_app_pushnotification.AddList(modellist, null);

                NewLog("数据创建成功,创建的数据为:" + json, "sql_insert", clientInf);
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

                NewLog("数据创建失败,创建的数据为:" + json + ",异常信息:" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace), "sql_insert", clientInf);
예제 #17
        public string QuerySqls(string sqlStringJson)
            _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();

            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";

            string message = "";

                IDictionary <string, string> sqlStringDic = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatJsonToDic(sqlStringJson);
                DataSet ds = null;
                foreach (string key in sqlStringDic.Keys)
                    ds = _iAccessData.Query((sqlStringDic[key].ToString()));

                    if (ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        message += "\"" + key + "\":" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]) + ",";
                        message += "\"" + key + "\":" + "[]" + ",";

                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                resultDic["message"] = "{" + message.TrimEnd(',') + "}";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #18
        public static string GetFilesJsonArrayByFileId(string fileID)
            Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _iAccessData = commonclass.CreateIAccessData();

            string sqlString = "select * from tbl_file_content where menuid = '" + fileID + "'";

            string ShpFileUpLoadRootPath = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ShpFileUpLoadRootPath"].ToString().Replace("http://", "");

            DataSet ds = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString);

            IList <IDictionary <string, string> > resultDicList = new List <IDictionary <string, string> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                Dictionary <string, string> a = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                a["filerealname"]   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["filerealname"].ToString();
                a["fileuploadname"] = ShpFileUpLoadRootPath + ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fileuploadname"].ToString();

예제 #19
        public string GetIdText(string dataNameStr, string whereStr, string columsStr)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            string[] columns = (columsStr).Split('^');
                string sql = "select distinct " + string.Join(",", columns) + " from " + (dataNameStr) + ((whereStr) == "" ? "" : (" where " + (whereStr)));
                Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                DataSet ds = _ia.Query(sql);
                if (ds != null && ds.Tables.Count > 0 && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                        ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["id"]   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][columns[0]];
                        ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["text"] = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i][columns[1]];
                    resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                    resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]);
                    resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                    resultDic["message"] = "[]";
            catch (Exception e)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(e.Message);
        public string getLogByMaintableSysId(string maintable_sys_id)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                resultDic["result"] = "true";

                Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData _ia = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                string sql = "select sys_projectclassid from tbl_maintable where sys_id='" + maintable_sys_id + "'";

                string sys_projclassid = _ia.GetSingle(sql).ToString();

                string selectStr = "select sys_creatdate,";
                selectStr += " sys_creatusername,";
                selectStr += " sys_creatuserid,";
                selectStr += " (select value1 from t_projclass_dtl1 where projclassid='" + sys_projclassid + "' and projstate =fromstate )as fromstate,";
                selectStr += " (select value1 from t_projclass_dtl1 where projclassid='" + sys_projclassid + "' and projstate =tostate )as tostate ,";
                selectStr += " remark";
                selectStr += " from t_projstate_log t where businessid='" + maintable_sys_id + "' order by sys_creatdate asc";
                DataSet ds = _ia.Query(selectStr);
                if (ds.Tables.Count > 0)
                    resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]);
                    resultDic["message"] = "[]";
            catch (Exception e)
                resultDic["result"]   = "false";
                resultDic["messaget"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(e.Message);
예제 #21
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                Stream s = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream;
                byte[] b = new byte[s.Length];
                s.Read(b, 0, (int)s.Length);
                //string xmlstr = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b);
                string xmlstr = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk").GetString(b);
                if (xmlstr != null && xmlstr != "")
                    xmlstr = xmlstr.TrimEnd('0');
                    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();
                    string FTranCode = "";
                    string InstID = "";
                    string TranDateTime = "";
                    string BankNum = "";
                    string payDate = "";
                    string bankBillNo = "";
                    string billKey = "";

                    string customerName = "";
                    string payAmount = "";

                    //string beginNum = "";
                    //string queryNum = "";

                    FTranCode    = document.GetElementsByTagName("FTranCode")[0].InnerText;
                    InstID       = document.GetElementsByTagName("InstID")[0].InnerText;
                    TranDateTime = document.GetElementsByTagName("TranDateTime")[0].InnerText;
                    BankNum      = document.GetElementsByTagName("BankNum")[0].InnerText;
                    payDate      = document.GetElementsByTagName("payDate")[0].InnerText;
                    bankBillNo   = document.GetElementsByTagName("bankBillNo")[0].InnerText;
                    billKey      = document.GetElementsByTagName("billKey")[0].InnerText;
                    customerName = document.GetElementsByTagName("customerName")[0].InnerText;
                    payAmount    = document.GetElementsByTagName("payAmount")[0].InnerText;
                    //beginNum = document.GetElementsByTagName("beginNum")[0].InnerText;
                    //queryNum = document.GetElementsByTagName("queryNum")[0].InnerText;

                    _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();

                    if (billKey.Length == 10)
                        string    add_sqlStr = "sum(f_dyjtsl) as f_dyjtsl ,sum(f_dyjtsf) as f_dyjtsf ,sum(f_dejtsl) as f_dejtsl ,sum(f_dejtsf) as f_dejtsf ,sum(f_dsjtsl) as f_dsjtsl ,sum(f_dsjtsf) as f_dsjtsf ";
                        DataTable dt         = _iAccessData.Query("select wm_concat(sys_id) as sys_id,wm_concat(f_cb_cbbh) as f_cbbh,sum(f_bqje) as f_bqje,sum(f_bqsl) as f_bqsl,sum(f_sf) as f_sf,sum(f_pwf) as f_pwf,f_yhm,REPLACE(wm_concat(f_sfjl),',','|') as f_sfjl , " + add_sqlStr + " from TBL_LD_CBIAO where f_khbh='" + billKey + "' and f_ztid='2' and f_cbbh not like 'PZ%' and f_cbbh not like 'YC%' group by f_yhm").Tables[0];

                        DataTable ye_dt    = _iAccessData.Query("select NVL(f_ye,0) as f_ye from TBL_LD_KHB where f_khbh='" + billKey + "'").Tables[0];
                        double    ye       = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(ye_dt.Rows[0]["f_ye"].ToString());
                        double    bqje     = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_bqje"].ToString());
                        double    bqsl     = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_bqsl"].ToString());
                        double    sf       = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_sf"].ToString());
                        double    pwf      = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_pwf"].ToString());
                        double    f_dyjtsl = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_dyjtsl"].ToString());
                        double    f_dyjtsf = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_dyjtsf"].ToString());
                        double    f_dejtsl = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_dejtsl"].ToString());
                        double    f_dejtsf = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_dejtsf"].ToString());
                        double    f_dsjtsl = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_dsjtsl"].ToString());
                        double    f_dsjtsf = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_dsjtsf"].ToString());

                        if (customerName.Trim() == dt.Rows[0]["f_yhm"].ToString() && (Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_bqje"].ToString()) - ye) == Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(payAmount))
                            sara.dd.ldsw.idal.Itbl_ld_khb idal_tbl_ld_khb  = new sara.dd.ldsw.dal.tbl_ld_khb();
                            sara.dd.ldsw.idal.Itbl_ld_jfb idal_tbl_ld_jfb  = new sara.dd.ldsw.dal.tbl_ld_jfb();
                            sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ld_khb model_tbl_ld_khb = idal_tbl_ld_khb.GetList("f_khbh='" + billKey + "'", "", "*", "", "", null)[0];
                            #region 创建缴费记录
                            sara.dd.ldsw.model.tbl_ld_jfb jfmodel = new model.tbl_ld_jfb();
                            DateTime currentTime = System.DateTime.Now;

                            jfmodel.sys_creatuserid      = "1565";
                            jfmodel.sys_creatusername    = "******";
                            jfmodel.sys_creatdate        = currentTime;
                            jfmodel.sys_lastedituserid   = "1565";
                            jfmodel.sys_lasteditusername = "******";
                            jfmodel.sys_lasteditdate     = currentTime;
                            jfmodel.sys_deldate          = DateTime.Parse("1900-01-01");
                            jfmodel.sys_delflag          = "0";
                            jfmodel.f_jfbh       = commonclass.commonclass.getBusinessNum("JF", "", null);
                            jfmodel.f_jfrq       = currentTime;
                            jfmodel.f_jffs       = "光大银行网上缴费";
                            jfmodel.f_jffsid     = "05740010";
                            jfmodel.f_jcfs       = "全额找零";
                            jfmodel.f_jcfsid     = "05750001";
                            jfmodel.f_yyy        = "光大";
                            jfmodel.f_yyyid      = "1565";
                            jfmodel.f_czsj       = currentTime;
                            jfmodel.f_sfykfp     = "false";
                            jfmodel.f_zt         = "已提交";
                            jfmodel.f_ztid       = "2";
                            jfmodel.f_khbh       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_khbh;
                            jfmodel.f_khbhid     = model_tbl_ld_khb.sys_id.ToString();
                            jfmodel.f_yhbh       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_yhbh;
                            jfmodel.f_yhbhid     = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_yhbhid;
                            jfmodel.f_yhm        = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_yhm;
                            jfmodel.f_jfm        = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_jfm;
                            jfmodel.f_dh         = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_dh;
                            jfmodel.f_dz         = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_dz;
                            jfmodel.f_dy         = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_dy;
                            jfmodel.f_dyid       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_dyid;
                            jfmodel.f_sc         = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_sc;
                            jfmodel.f_scid       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_scid;
                            jfmodel.f_qy         = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_qy;
                            jfmodel.f_qyid       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_qyid;
                            jfmodel.f_pq         = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_pq;
                            jfmodel.f_pqid       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_pqid;
                            jfmodel.f_sbbh       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_sbbh;
                            jfmodel.f_sbbhid     = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_sbbhid;
                            jfmodel.f_sblx       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_sblx;
                            jfmodel.f_sblxid     = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_sblxid;
                            jfmodel.f_yslx       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_yslx;
                            jfmodel.f_yslxid     = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_yslxid;
                            jfmodel.f_lxtkhh     = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_lxth;
                            jfmodel.f_rs         = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_rs;
                            jfmodel.f_cbbh       = dt.Rows[0]["f_cbbh"].ToString();
                            jfmodel.f_cbbhid     = dt.Rows[0]["sys_id"].ToString();
                            jfmodel.f_cbyslj     = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(bqje, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_sllj       = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(bqsl, 0);
                            jfmodel.f_sflj       = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(sf, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_pwflj      = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(pwf, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_dj         = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(jfmodel.f_cbyslj) / Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(jfmodel.f_sllj), 2);
                            jfmodel.f_jmhyslj    = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(bqje, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_khytjjzsf  = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_tjjzsf;
                            jfmodel.f_khytjjzpwf = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_tjjzpwf;
                            jfmodel.f_sfsytjjz   = "false";
                            jfmodel.f_sytjjzsf   = "0";
                            jfmodel.f_sytjjzpwf  = "0";
                            jfmodel.f_syhtjjzsf  = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_tjjzsf;
                            jfmodel.f_syhtjjzpwf = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_tjjzpwf;
                            jfmodel.f_khyye      = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ycje;
                            jfmodel.f_sfsyye     = "false";
                            jfmodel.f_syye       = "0";
                            jfmodel.f_yhye       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ycje;
                            jfmodel.f_shys       = payAmount;
                            jfmodel.f_shss       = payAmount;
                            jfmodel.f_hszl       = "0";
                            jfmodel.f_shssdx     = sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.num2String((Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(payAmount)));
                            jfmodel.f_khfz       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_khfz;
                            jfmodel.f_khfzid     = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_khfzid;
                            jfmodel.f_cbenbh     = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_cbbh;
                            jfmodel.f_cbenbhid   = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_cbbhid;
                            jfmodel.f_ljqf       = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ljqf;
                            jfmodel.f_jmjelj     = "0";
                            jfmodel.f_ly         = "光大自助缴费";
                            jfmodel.f_lyid       = "08080006";
                            jfmodel.f_bz         = xmlstr;

                            jfmodel.f_sfjl = dt.Rows[0]["f_sfjl"].ToString();

                            jfmodel.f_dyjtsl  = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(f_dyjtsl, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_dyjtsf  = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(f_dyjtsf, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_dejtsl  = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(f_dejtsl, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_dejtsf  = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(f_dejtsf, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_dsjtsl  = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(f_dsjtsl, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_dsjtsf  = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNumberByLength(f_dsjtsf, 2);
                            jfmodel.f_khyycje = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ye;
                            if (ye > 0)
                                jfmodel.f_sfsyycje = "true";
                                jfmodel.f_syycje   = model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ye;
                                jfmodel.f_sfsyycje = "false";
                                jfmodel.f_syycje   = "0";
                            jfmodel.f_yhycje  = "0";
                            jfmodel.f_dszycje = "0";
                            string jfbhid = idal_tbl_ld_jfb.Add(jfmodel, null);

                            string updatecb = "update TBL_LD_CBIAO set F_ZT='已缴费',F_ZTID='3',F_JFBH='" + jfmodel.f_jfbh + "',F_JFBHID='" + jfbhid + "',F_JFSJ=to_date('" + jfmodel.f_jfrq + "','yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss') where SYS_ID in (" + dt.Rows[0]["sys_id"].ToString() + ")";
                            string updatekh = "update TBL_LD_KHB set F_YCJE='" + jfmodel.f_yhye + "',F_TJJZSF='" + jfmodel.f_syhtjjzsf + "',F_TJJZPWF='" + jfmodel.f_syhtjjzpwf + "',F_LJQF= '0' ,f_ye = '" + jfmodel.f_yhycje + "' where sys_id='" + jfmodel.f_khbhid + "'";

                            int flag_cb = _iAccessData.ExecuteSql(updatecb);
                            int flag_kh = _iAccessData.ExecuteSql(updatekh);

                            #region 写入日志
                            List <IDictionary <string, string> > array = new List <IDictionary <string, string> >();
                            IDictionary <string, string>         temp  = null;
                            #region 对比各个业务子段,将不同的写入array
                            if (jfmodel.f_yhye != jfmodel.f_khyye)
                                temp = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                temp.Add("key", "f_ycje");
                                temp.Add("oldvalue", jfmodel.f_khyye);
                                temp.Add("newvalue", jfmodel.f_yhye);
                                temp.Add("name", "绿化表押金");

                            if (jfmodel.f_yhycje != jfmodel.f_khyycje)
                                temp = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                temp.Add("key", "f_ye");
                                temp.Add("oldvalue", jfmodel.f_khyycje);
                                temp.Add("newvalue", jfmodel.f_yhycje);
                                temp.Add("name", "余额");
                            if (jfmodel.f_syhtjjzsf != jfmodel.f_khytjjzsf)
                                temp = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                temp.Add("key", "f_tjjzsf");
                                temp.Add("oldvalue", jfmodel.f_khytjjzsf);
                                temp.Add("newvalue", jfmodel.f_syhtjjzsf);
                                temp.Add("name", "调价结转水费");

                            if (jfmodel.f_syhtjjzpwf != jfmodel.f_khytjjzpwf)
                                temp = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                temp.Add("key", "f_tjjzpwf");
                                temp.Add("oldvalue", jfmodel.f_khytjjzpwf);
                                temp.Add("newvalue", jfmodel.f_syhtjjzpwf);
                                temp.Add("name", "调价结转污水处理费");
                            if (jfmodel.f_cbyslj == null || jfmodel.f_cbyslj == "")
                                jfmodel.f_cbyslj = "0";
                            if (model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ljqf == null || model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ljqf == "")
                                model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ljqf = "0";

                            if (double.Parse(jfmodel.f_cbyslj) > 0)
                                temp = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                                temp.Add("key", "f_ljqf");
                                temp.Add("oldvalue", model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ljqf);
                                temp.Add("newvalue", (double.Parse(model_tbl_ld_khb.f_ljqf) - double.Parse(jfmodel.f_cbyslj)).ToString());
                                temp.Add("name", "累计欠费");

                            sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.addUpdateLog("tbl_ld_khb", jfmodel.f_khbhid.ToString(), "tbl_ld_jfb_detail", "缴费表", array, "", null);

                            #region 应答报文
                            string resultxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                            resultxml += "<Out>";
                            resultxml += "<Head>";
                            resultxml += "<FTranCode>" + FTranCode + "</FTranCode>";
                            resultxml += "<InstID>" + InstID + "</InstID>";
                            resultxml += "<TranDateTime>" + TranDateTime + "</TranDateTime>";
                            resultxml += "<BankNum>" + BankNum + "</BankNum>";
                            resultxml += "<AnsCode>AAAAAAA</AnsCode>";
                            resultxml += "</Head>";
                            resultxml += "<Body>";
                            resultxml += "<companyNo>" + jfmodel.f_jfbh + "</companyNo>";
                            resultxml += "<billKey>" + billKey + "</billKey>";
                            resultxml += "<payAmount>" + payAmount + "</payAmount>";
                            resultxml += "<receiptNo></receiptNo>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve1></reserve1>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve2></reserve2>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve3></reserve3>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve4></reserve4>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve5></reserve5>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve6></reserve6>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve7></reserve7>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve8></reserve8>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve9></reserve9>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve10></reserve10>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve11></reserve11>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve12></reserve12>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve13></reserve13>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve14></reserve14>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve15></reserve15>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve16></reserve16>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve17></reserve17>";
                            resultxml += "<reserve18></reserve18>";
                            resultxml += "</Body>";
                            resultxml += "</Out>";

                            context.Response.ContentType     = "text/plain";
                            context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                            context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
                            string errxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                            errxml += "<Out>";
                            errxml += "<Head>";
                            errxml += "<FTranCode>" + FTranCode + "</FTranCode>";
                            errxml += "<InstID>" + InstID + "</InstID>";
                            errxml += "<TranDateTime>" + TranDateTime + "</TranDateTime>";
                            errxml += "<BankNum>" + BankNum + "</BankNum>";
                            errxml += "<AnsCode>ERR000</AnsCode>";
                            errxml += "</Head>";
                            errxml += "<Body>";
                            errxml += "<ErrorCode>DEF0013</ErrorCode>";
                            errxml += "<ErrorInfo>错误的缴费信息</ErrorInfo>";
                            errxml += "</Body>";
                            errxml += "</Out>";

                            context.Response.ContentType     = "text/plain";
                            context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                            context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
                        //错误报文 错误的客户编号
                        string errxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                        errxml += "<Out>";
                        errxml += "<Head>";
                        errxml += "<FTranCode>" + FTranCode + "</FTranCode>";
                        errxml += "<InstID>" + InstID + "</InstID>";
                        errxml += "<TranDateTime>" + TranDateTime + "</TranDateTime>";
                        errxml += "<BankNum>" + BankNum + "</BankNum>";
                        errxml += "<AnsCode>ERR000</AnsCode>";
                        errxml += "</Head>";
                        errxml += "<Body>";
                        errxml += "<ErrorCode>DEF0013</ErrorCode>";
                        errxml += "<ErrorInfo>错误的客户编号</ErrorInfo>";
                        errxml += "</Body>";
                        errxml += "</Out>";

                        context.Response.ContentType     = "text/plain";
                        context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                        context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                //错误报文 错误的客户编号
                string errxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                errxml += "<Out>";
                errxml += "<Head>";
                errxml += "<FTranCode></FTranCode>";
                errxml += "<InstID></InstID>";
                errxml += "<TranDateTime></TranDateTime>";
                errxml += "<BankNum></BankNum>";
                errxml += "<AnsCode>ERR000</AnsCode>";
                errxml += "</Head>";
                errxml += "<Body>";
                errxml += "<ErrorCode>DEF0006</ErrorCode>";
                errxml += "<ErrorInfo>" + ex.ToString() + "</ErrorInfo>";
                errxml += "</Body>";
                errxml += "</Out>";

                context.Response.ContentType     = "text/plain";
                context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
예제 #22
        public string GetCommonData(string dataNameString, string whereString, string columnsString, string orderByString, string pageSizeString, string pageIndexString, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";

            string message = "";

            Eva.Library.Data.AccessData.IAccessData ia = null;
                IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf);
                if (userInfDic == null)
                    resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                    resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误";
                    whereString   = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.TextReturn(whereString);
                    ia            = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                    columnsString = columnsString.Replace("^", ",");
                    StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder(100);
                    strSql.Append(" select " + columnsString + " from (");
                    strSql.Append(" select rownum rn,a.* from (");
                    strSql.Append(" select * from " + dataNameString + " t where");
                    if (whereString.Trim() == "")
                        strSql.Append(" 1=1 ");
                        strSql.Append(" " + whereString);
                    if (orderByString.Trim() == "")
                        //strSql.Append(" order by sys_creatdate desc ");
                        strSql.Append(" order by " + Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.TextReturn(orderByString));

                    strSql.Append(" ) a ");
                    strSql.Append(" ) b ");

                    if (pageSizeString != "" && pageSizeString != null && pageIndexString != "" && pageIndexString != null)
                        int fromInt = int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString) - 1) + 1;
                        int toInt   = (int.Parse(pageSizeString) * (int.Parse(pageIndexString)));

                        strSql.Append(" where b.rn>='" + fromInt.ToString() + "'  and b.rn <='" + toInt.ToString() + "' ");

                    DataSet ds = ia.Query(strSql.ToString());
                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                        string count    = "0";
                        string countSql = "select count(1) from " + dataNameString;
                        if (whereString.Trim() != "")
                            countSql += " where " + whereString;
                        count   = ia.GetSingle(countSql).ToString();
                        message = "{\"total\":\"" + count + "\",\"rows\":" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]) + "}";
                        message = "{\"total\":\"0\",\"rows\":[]}";

                    resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                    resultDic["message"] = message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);

예제 #23
        public string GetCommonData(string dataNameString, string whereString, string columnsString, string orderByString, string countString, string stepString)
            _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();

            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";

            string message = "";

                columnsString = columnsString.TrimStart('^').TrimEnd('^').Replace("^", ",");
                //whereString = (whereString);
                //orderByString = (orderByString);

                StringBuilder strSqlCount = new StringBuilder();

                strSqlCount.Append(" select count(*) from " + dataNameString + " t where");
                if (whereString.Trim() == "")
                    strSqlCount.Append(" 1=1 ");
                    strSqlCount.Append(" " + whereString);
                string count = _iAccessData.GetSingle(strSqlCount.ToString()).ToString();

                if (count == "0" || count == "")
                    message = "{\"total\":\"0\",\"rows\":[]}";
                    StringBuilder strSql = new StringBuilder();

                    strSql.Append(" select " + columnsString + " from (");
                    strSql.Append(" select rownum rn,a.* from (");
                    strSql.Append(" select * from " + dataNameString + " t where");
                    if (whereString.Trim() == "")
                        strSql.Append(" 1=1 ");
                        strSql.Append(" " + whereString);
                    if (orderByString.Trim() == "")
                        strSql.Append(" order by " + orderByString);

                    strSql.Append(" ) a ");
                    strSql.Append(" ) b ");

                    if (countString != "" && countString != null && stepString != "" && stepString != null)
                        strSql.Append(" where b.rn>'" + countString + "'  and b.rn <='" + (int.Parse(countString) + int.Parse(stepString)).ToString() + "' ");
                    DataTable resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(strSql.ToString()).Tables[0];
                    message = "{\"total\":\"" + count + "\",\"rows\":" + Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(resultDataTable) + "}";

                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                resultDic["message"] = message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
        public string GetUserNames(string queryParameter, string whereClause, string queryType, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";

            string    sqlString       = "";
            DataTable resultDataTable = null;

                _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();

                Dictionary <string, string> messageDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                switch (queryType)
                case "role":

                    sqlString = "select wm_concat(u.u_id) as userid, wm_concat(u.u_name) as username,wm_concat(u.u_phototurl) as phototurl from t_userrole_relation r, t_user u where r.r_id in ('" + queryParameter.Replace("^", "','") + "') and r.u_id = u.u_id and u.u_state = '1'";

                    if (whereClause != "")
                        sqlString += " and u.u_id in (" + whereClause + ") ";
                    resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];

                    if (resultDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        messageDic["userids"]    = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["userid"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["usernames"]  = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["username"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["phototurls"] = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["phototurl"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");

                case "organ":
                    sqlString = "select wm_concat(u.u_id) as userid,wm_concat(u.u_name) as username,wm_concat(u.u_phototurl) as phototurl  from t_user u where u.u_organid in ('" + queryParameter.Replace("^", "','") + "') and u.u_state = '1'";

                    if (whereClause != "")
                        sqlString += " and u.u_id in (" + whereClause + ") ";
                    resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];

                    if (resultDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        messageDic["userids"]    = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["userid"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["usernames"]  = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["username"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["phototurls"] = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["phototurl"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");

                case "usergroup":
                    sqlString = " select wm_concat(u.u_id) as userid, wm_concat(u.u_name) as username,wm_concat(u.u_phototurl) as phototurl  from t_usergroup_relation r, t_user u where r.g_id in ('" + queryParameter.Replace("^", "','") + "') and r.u_id = u.u_id and u.u_state = '1'";

                    if (whereClause != "")
                        sqlString += " and u.u_id in (" + whereClause + ") ";
                    resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];

                    if (resultDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        messageDic["userids"]    = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["userid"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["usernames"]  = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["username"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["phototurls"] = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["phototurl"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");

                case "username":
                    sqlString = "select wm_concat(u.u_id) as userid,wm_concat(u.u_name) as username,wm_concat(u.u_phototurl) as phototurl  from t_user u where u.u_name like '%" + queryParameter + "%' and u.u_state = '1'";
                    if (whereClause != "")
                        sqlString += " and u.u_id in (" + whereClause + ") ";
                    //sqlString += " and u.u_id in (select r.u_id from t_userrole_relation r where r.r_id='2019') ";
                    resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];

                    if (resultDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        messageDic["userids"]    = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["userid"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["usernames"]  = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["username"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["phototurls"] = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["phototurl"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");

                case "position":
                    sqlString = "select wm_concat(u.u_id) as userid, wm_concat(u.u_name) as username,wm_concat(u.u_phototurl) as phototurl  from t_userposition_relation r, t_user u where r.p_id in ('" + queryParameter.Replace("^", "','") + "') and r.u_id = u.u_id and u.u_state = '1'";
                    if (whereClause != "")
                        sqlString += " and u.u_id in (" + whereClause + ") ";
                    resultDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];

                    if (resultDataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                        messageDic["userids"]    = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["userid"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["usernames"]  = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["username"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");
                        messageDic["phototurls"] = resultDataTable.Rows[0]["phototurl"].ToString().Replace(",", "^");

                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(messageDic);
                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
        public string GetBaseCode(string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";

                _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                Dictionary <string, string> messageDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                string appcode   = Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCode"].ToString();
                string sqlString = "";

                #region organ
                sqlString = "  select o_fullname as text,o_id as id,o_nodeid as nodeid from t_organ where o_state = '1' order by o_nodeid";
                DataTable organDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];
                string    tempText       = "";
                string    nodeid         = "";
                DataRow[] drs            = null;
                foreach (DataRow dr in organDataTable.Rows)
                    tempText = dr["text"].ToString();
                    nodeid   = dr["nodeid"].ToString();

                    while (nodeid.Length > 4)
                        nodeid   = nodeid.Substring(0, nodeid.Length - 4);
                        drs      = organDataTable.Select("nodeid='" + nodeid + "'");
                        tempText = drs[0]["text"].ToString() + "-" + tempText;
                    dr["text"] = tempText;
                messageDic["organ"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(organDataTable);

                #region role
                sqlString = "select r_name as text ,r_id as id from t_role where ( r_sys_appcode is null or r_sys_appcode = '" + appcode + "') and r_state = '1'";
                DataTable roleDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];
                messageDic["role"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(roleDataTable);

                #region usergroup
                sqlString = "select g_name as text ,g_id as id from t_usergroup where ( g_sys_appcode is null or g_sys_appcode = '" + appcode + "') and g_state = '1'";
                DataTable usergroupDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];
                messageDic["usergroup"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(usergroupDataTable);

                #region position
                sqlString = "select p_fullname as text ,p_id as id from t_position where ( p_sys_appcode is null or p_sys_appcode = '" + appcode + "') and p_state = '1'";
                DataTable positionDataTable = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];
                messageDic["position"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(positionDataTable);

                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDicToJson(messageDic);
                resultDic["result"]  = "true";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #26
        public string GetMeList(string value2String, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
                IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf);
                if (userInfDic == null)
                    resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                    resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误";
                    string userIdString = userInfDic["userid"].ToString();
                    _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                    string        sqlString       = "";
                    List <String> sectionCodeList = new List <string>();
                    string        sectionNames    = "";
                    string        sectionValues   = "";
                    Dictionary <String, String> sectionContentDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

                    DataSet userFieldDataSet = sara.platform.service.auth.Service.GetUserFieldByUserid(userIdString);
                    string whereString8 = " ','+sys_appcode+',' like '%," + Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCode"] + ",%' ";
                    whereString8 += " and len(F_NODEID) = 8 ";
                    whereString8 += " and f_value2 = '" + value2String + "'";
                    DataRow[] userFieldDataRow8 = userFieldDataSet.Tables[0].Select(whereString8);//应该只有一行数据
                    int       hh = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < userFieldDataRow8.Length; i++)
                        string whereString12 = " ','+sys_appcode+',' like '%," + Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCode"] + ",%' ";
                        whereString12 += " and len(F_NODEID) = 12 ";
                        whereString12 += "and F_NODEID like '" + userFieldDataRow8[i]["F_NODEID"].ToString() + "%'";
                        DataRow[] userFieldDataRow12 = userFieldDataSet.Tables[0].Select(whereString12);

                        for (int j = 0; j < userFieldDataRow12.Length; j++)
                            string sectionCode = userFieldDataRow12[j]["f_value1"].ToString() + "_" + i.ToString() + j.ToString();

                            sectionNames += userFieldDataRow12[j]["f_name"].ToString() + "^";
                            if (userFieldDataRow12[j]["f_value2"].ToString() == "")
                                sectionValues += "0^";
                                sectionValues += userFieldDataRow12[j]["f_value2"].ToString() + "^";

                            string whereString16 = " ','+sys_appcode+',' like '%," + Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCode"] + ",%' ";
                            whereString16 += " and len(F_NODEID) = 16 ";
                            whereString16 += "and F_NODEID like '" + userFieldDataRow12[j]["F_NODEID"].ToString() + "%'";
                            DataRow[] userFieldDataRow16 = userFieldDataSet.Tables[0].Select(whereString16);

                            switch (userFieldDataRow12[j]["f_value1"].ToString())
                            case "iconbutton0":
                            case "iconbutton1":
                            case "iconbuttontable":
                                string iconButtonString = "[";
                                for (int k = 0; k < userFieldDataRow16.Length; k++)
                                    iconButtonString += "{";
                                    iconButtonString += "\"title\":\"" + userFieldDataRow16[k]["f_name"].ToString() + "\",";
                                    iconButtonString += "\"icon\":\"" + userFieldDataRow16[k]["f_value10"].ToString() + "\",";
                                    iconButtonString += "\"value1\":\"" + userFieldDataRow16[k]["f_value1"].ToString() + "\",";
                                    iconButtonString += "\"value2\":\"" + userFieldDataRow16[k]["f_value2"].ToString() + "\",";
                                    iconButtonString += "\"badge\":\"\"";
                                    iconButtonString += "},";
                                iconButtonString  = iconButtonString.TrimEnd(',');
                                iconButtonString += "]";
                                sectionContentDic[sectionCode] = iconButtonString;

                            case "imgscroll0":
                            case "imgscroll1":
                            case "imgbutton0":
                            case "imgbutton1":
                            case "imgtext":
                                string        sys_ids     = "";
                                List <String> value1Array = new List <string>();
                                List <String> value2Array = new List <string>();
                                for (int k = 0; k < userFieldDataRow16.Length; k++)
                                    sys_ids += userFieldDataRow16[k]["f_value10"].ToString() + "^";
                                sys_ids = sys_ids.TrimEnd('^');

                                sqlString  = "";
                                sqlString += " select ";
                                sqlString += GetColumnString();
                                sqlString += " from tbl_app_me n";
                                sqlString += " where 1 = 1";
                                sqlString += " and sys_id in ('" + sys_ids.Replace("^", "','") + "')";

                                DataTable dt = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];

                                DataTable dtsort = dt.Copy();
                                string[] sys_idsArray = sys_ids.Split('^');
                                for (int m = 0; m < sys_idsArray.Length; m++)
                                    for (int n = 0; n < dt.Rows.Count; n++)
                                        hh += 1;
                                        if (dt.Rows[n]["indexid"].ToString() == sys_idsArray[m])
                                            dt.Rows[n]["value1"] = value1Array[m];
                                            dt.Rows[n]["value2"] = value2Array[m];
                                string sectionContentString = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(dtsort);
                                sectionContentDic[sectionCode] = sectionContentString;

                    string sectionCodes = "";
                    for (int i = 0; i < sectionCodeList.Count; i++)
                        sectionCodes += sectionCodeList[i].ToString() + "^";
                    string sectionCount = sectionCodeList.Count.ToString();
                    string message      = "{";
                    message += "\"sectionNames\":\"" + sectionNames.Substring(0, sectionNames.Length - 1) + "\",";//解决名字全部为空的问题,所以不能用TrimEnd
                    message += "\"sectionCodes\":\"" + sectionCodes.TrimEnd('^') + "\",";
                    message += "\"sectionValues\":\"" + sectionValues.TrimEnd('^') + "\",";
                    message += "\"sectionCount\":\"" + sectionCount + "\",";

                    for (int i = 0; i < sectionCodeList.Count; i++)
                        message += "\"" + sectionCodeList[i].ToString() + "\":" + sectionContentDic[sectionCodeList[i].ToString()].ToString() + ",";

                    message  = message.TrimEnd(',');
                    message += "}";

                    resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                    resultDic["message"] = message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "error";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #27
        public string GetNewsList(string whereString, string orderByString, string columnsString, string countString, string stepString, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";

                IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf);
                if (userInfDic == null)
                    resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                    resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误";
                    string userIdString = userInfDic["userid"].ToString();
                    _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                    string sqlString = "";
                    #region rows
                    sqlString  = "";
                    sqlString += " select * ";
                    sqlString += " from(select a.*, rownum as rn";
                    sqlString += " from(";
                    sqlString += " select ";
                    sqlString += GetColumnString(userIdString);
                    sqlString += " from tbl_app_news n";

                    sqlString += " where ";
                    sqlString += GetWhereString(userIdString, whereString);

                    sqlString += " order by ";
                    if (orderByString == "")//默认按照序号倒叙
                        sqlString += " to_number(sys_orderid) desc ";
                    sqlString += " ) a) b";

                    if (countString != "" && stepString != "")
                        sqlString += " where b.rn > '" + countString + "'";
                        sqlString += " and b.rn <= '" + (int.Parse(countString) + int.Parse(stepString)).ToString() + "'";

                    DataSet ds   = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString);
                    string  rows = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(ds.Tables[0]);

                    #region count
                    sqlString  = "";
                    sqlString += " select count(*)";
                    sqlString += " from tbl_app_news n";
                    sqlString += " where ";
                    sqlString += GetWhereString(userIdString, whereString);
                    string total = _iAccessData.GetSingle(sqlString).ToString();

                    string message = "{\"total\":\"" + total + "\",\"rows\":" + rows + "}";
                    resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                    resultDic["message"] = message;
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "error";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #28
        ///// <summary>
        ///// 启动流程方法
        ///// </summary>
        ///// <param name="sys_id"></param>
        ///// <param name="sys_processinsid"></param>
        ///// <param name="selectusernames"></param>
        ///// <param name="_ds_facter"></param>
        ///// <param name="str_shyj"></param>
        ///// <param name="processdefid"></param>
        ///// <param name="facterid"></param>
        ///// <param name="clientInf"></param>
        ///// <param name="t"></param>
        ///// <returns></returns>
        //public string set_startworkflow(string sys_id, string sys_processinsid, string selectusernames, DataSet _ds_facter, string str_shyj, string processdefid, string facterid, string clientInf, Eva.Library.Data.AccessDataTrans.IAccessDataTrans t)
        //    string result = "";
        //    NameValueCollection nvc_maintableparameters = new NameValueCollection();
        //    nvc_maintableparameters.Add("sys_processnextuser", selectusernames);
        //    nvc_maintableparameters.Add("sys_processinsid", sys_processinsid);
        //    nvc_maintableparameters.Add("processdefid", processdefid);
        //    nvc_maintableparameters.Add("fk_tbl_maintable_sys_id", "^null");
        //    result = _hic.NextStateItemNew(sys_id, nvc_maintableparameters, facterid, _ds_facter, str_shyj, sys_processinsid, "", clientInf, t);
        //    return result;
        //    //if (result == "")
        //    //{
        //    //    #region  businesscode
        //    //    //根据WorkFlowUserControl1.WF_ProcessDefid可以识别业务程序进行业务代码编写
        //    //    #endregion
        //    //}


        #region 工作流转件
        /// <summary>
        /// 验证是不是能转件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="workitemid"></param>
        /// <param name="str_resultmessage"></param>
        /// <param name="clientInf"></param>
        /// <returns>//[sys_id]$[fk_workflow_sys_id]$[selectusernames]$[ds_facter]$[str_shyj]$[processinsid]$[businessparm]$[processdefid]$[facterid]$[trans]</returns>
        public string get_sendworkflow(string workitemid, ref string str_resultmessage, string clientInf)
            string result = "";

                IDictionary <string, string> clientInfoDic = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatJsonToDic(clientInf);
                string userid   = clientInfoDic["userid"];
                string username = clientInfoDic["username"];

                Eva.Library.ServiceAdapter.IAdapter.IWorkFlow w = Eva.Library.ServiceAdapter.AdapterFactory.WorkFlowFactory.CreateService(Eva.Library.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AppCode"]);
                DataSet useroperation = null;
                string  shyj          = "";
                if (sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.GetPlatformServiceModel() == "dll")
                    shyj = sara.platform.service.workflow.Service.GetUserOperationSHYJ(workitemid);
                    shyj = w.GetUserOperationSHYJ(workitemid);

                if (shyj == "-1")
                    if (sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.GetPlatformServiceModel() == "dll")
                        useroperation = sara.platform.service.workflow.Service.GetUserOperation(workitemid, userid, username, DateTime.Now);
                        useroperation = w.GetUserOperation(workitemid, userid, username, DateTime.Now);
                    DataSet ds_old;

                    if (sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.GetPlatformServiceModel() == "dll")
                        ds_old = sara.platform.service.workflow.Service.GetUserOperationCZNR(workitemid);
                        ds_old = w.GetUserOperationCZNR(workitemid);
                    if (ds_old == null || ds_old.Tables.Count == 0)
                        if (sara.dd.ldsw.commonclass.commonclass.GetPlatformServiceModel() == "dll")
                            useroperation = sara.platform.service.workflow.Service.GetUserOperation(workitemid, userid, username, DateTime.Now);
                            useroperation = w.GetUserOperation(workitemid, userid, username, DateTime.Now);
                        useroperation = ds_old;
                #region  businesscode
                //datarow["userids"] = "1,2";datarow["usernames"] = "张三,李四"
                //datarow["userids"] = "-1,2";datarow["usernames"] = "-张三,李四"


                for (int i = 0; i < useroperation.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    if (useroperation.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fk_dy_jd_sys_id_to"].ToString() == "540004020")
                        string  lcslid = useroperation.Tables[0].Rows[i]["fk_sl_lc_sys_id"].ToString();
                        string  sql    = "select czrid,czrname from t_workitem where fk_sl_lc_sys_id = '" + lcslid + "' and fk_dy_jd_sys_id = '540004000'";
                        DataSet dsczr  = _iAccessData.Query(sql);
                        if (dsczr.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            string czrid   = dsczr.Tables[0].Rows[0]["czrid"].ToString();
                            string czrname = dsczr.Tables[0].Rows[0]["czrname"].ToString();

                            string[] oldUserIdArray   = useroperation.Tables[0].Rows[i]["userids"].ToString().Split(',');
                            string[] oldUserNameArray = useroperation.Tables[0].Rows[i]["usernames"].ToString().Split(',');

                            string newUserIds   = "";
                            string newUserNames = "";

                            for (int ii = 0; ii < oldUserIdArray.Length; ii++)
                                if (oldUserIdArray[ii] == czrid)
                                    newUserIds   += oldUserIdArray[ii] + ",";
                                    newUserNames += oldUserNameArray[ii] + ",";
                                    newUserIds   += "-" + oldUserIdArray[ii] + ",";
                                    newUserNames += "-" + oldUserNameArray[ii] + ",";
                            useroperation.Tables[0].Rows[i]["userids"]   = newUserIds.TrimEnd(',');
                            useroperation.Tables[0].Rows[i]["usernames"] = newUserNames.TrimEnd(',');

                str_resultmessage = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(useroperation.Tables[0]);
            catch (Exception ex)
                result = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #29
        public string GetNewsContentType1(string newsIdString, string clientInf)
            Dictionary <string, string> resultDic = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            resultDic["result"]  = "";
            resultDic["message"] = "";
            //string newsIdString = "11";
            //string clientInf = "{\"userid\":\"1280\",\"devicetype\":\"ios\"}";
                IDictionary <String, String> userInfDic = commonclass.commonclass.CheckClientInf(clientInf);
                if (userInfDic == null)
                    resultDic["result"]  = "false";
                    resultDic["message"] = "客户端信息错误";
                    _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();
                    string userIdString = userInfDic["userid"].ToString();
                    string sqlString    = "";
                    sqlString += " select ";

                    sqlString += " f_value1 as creatuserimg,";
                    sqlString += " sys_lasteditusername as creatusername,";
                    sqlString += " f_title as title,";
                    sqlString += " f_resume as resume,";
                    sqlString += " f_newstype as newstype,";
                    sqlString += " (select count(*) from tbl_app_news_discuss where fk_tbl_app_news_sys_id = n.sys_id ) as discusscount,";
                    sqlString += " (select count(*) from tbl_app_news_like where fk_tbl_app_news_sys_id = n.sys_id and f_liketypeid = '1' ) as likecount,";
                    sqlString += " (select count(*) from tbl_app_news_like where fk_tbl_app_news_sys_id = n.sys_id and f_liketypeid = '2' ) as unlikecount,";

                    if (userIdString == "")
                        sqlString += " 'false' as isliked,";

                        sqlString += " 'false' as isunliked,";
                        sqlString += " (select decode( count(*),0,'false','true') from tbl_app_news_like where fk_tbl_app_news_sys_id = n.sys_id and fk_t_user_id = '" + userIdString + "' and f_liketypeid = '1' ) as isliked,";
                        sqlString += " (select decode( count(*),0,'false','true') from tbl_app_news_like where fk_tbl_app_news_sys_id = n.sys_id and fk_t_user_id = '" + userIdString + "' and f_liketypeid = '2' ) as isunliked,";
                    if (userIdString == "")
                        sqlString += " 'false' as iscandiscuss,";
                        //sqlString += " (select decode(decode(count(*), 0, 'false', 'true') || '_' || f_isdiscuss, 'true_true', 'true', 'false') from t_usergroup_relation ugr where ugr.u_id = '" + userIdString + "' and ','||n.f_discussrangeid||',' like '%,'||ugr.g_id||',%'  and  ugr.g_id = '" + _usergroup107 + "' ) as iscandiscuss,";
                        sqlString += " decode( f_checknewsdiscuss('" + userIdString + "',f_discussrangeid)||f_isdiscuss,'truetrue','true','false') as iscandiscuss, ";
                    sqlString += " f_releasedate as releasedate,";
                    sqlString += " f_timedifferent(f_releasedate)  as timedifferent, ";
                    sqlString += " f_content as content, ";
                    sqlString += " f_tag  as tag";
                    sqlString += " from tbl_app_news n ";
                    sqlString += " where sys_id = '" + newsIdString + "' ";
                    DataTable dt           = _iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0];
                    string    content1rows = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(dt);

                    sqlString  = "";
                    sqlString += " select newsid, title, contenttypeid from( ";
                    if (dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                        string[] tagArray = dt.Rows[0]["tag"].ToString().Split(' ');
                        for (int i = 0; i < tagArray.Length; i++)
                            sqlString += " ( ";
                            sqlString += " select newsid, title, contenttypeid from ";
                            sqlString += " ( ";
                            sqlString += " select  sys_id as newsid, f_title as title,";

                            sqlString += " f_contenttypeid as contenttypeid ";

                            sqlString += " from tbl_app_news where sys_id !='" + newsIdString + "' and f_tag like '%" + tagArray[i].ToString() + "%' and f_contenttypeid in ('1','2') order by  to_number(sys_orderid) desc ";
                            sqlString += " ) ";
                            sqlString += " where rownum = 1 ";
                            sqlString += " ) ";

                            if (i != tagArray.Length - 1)
                                sqlString += " union all ";
                    sqlString += " )  ";

                    string tagrows = Eva.Library.Format.FormatEntityTool.FormatDataTableToJson(_iAccessData.Query(sqlString).Tables[0]);
                    resultDic["result"]  = "true";
                    resultDic["message"] = "{\"content1rows\":" + content1rows + ",\"tagrows\":" + tagrows + "}";
            catch (Exception ex)
                resultDic["result"]  = "error";
                resultDic["message"] = Eva.Library.Format.FormatTextTool.ErrorMessageFormat(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
예제 #30
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
                //string method = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod;
                //string type = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.RequestType;

                //NameValueCollection nvc =  System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.Params;
                //string[] paramss = nvc.AllKeys;
                Stream s = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream;
                byte[] b = new byte[s.Length];
                s.Read(b, 0, (int)s.Length);
                //string xmlstr = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString(b);
                string xmlstr = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk").GetString(b);
                if (xmlstr != null && xmlstr != "")
                    xmlstr = xmlstr.TrimEnd('0');
                    XmlDocument document = new XmlDocument();

                    string FTranCode = "";
                    string InstID = "";
                    string TranDateTime = "";
                    string BankNum = "";
                    string billKey = "";
                    //string beginNum = "";
                    //string queryNum = "";

                    FTranCode    = document.GetElementsByTagName("FTranCode")[0].InnerText;
                    InstID       = document.GetElementsByTagName("InstID")[0].InnerText;
                    TranDateTime = document.GetElementsByTagName("TranDateTime")[0].InnerText;
                    BankNum      = document.GetElementsByTagName("BankNum")[0].InnerText;
                    billKey      = document.GetElementsByTagName("billKey")[0].InnerText;
                    //beginNum = document.GetElementsByTagName("beginNum")[0].InnerText;
                    //queryNum = document.GetElementsByTagName("queryNum")[0].InnerText;

                    _iAccessData = commonclass.commonclass.CreateIAccessData();

                    //DataTable khdt = _iAccessData.Query("SELECT * FROM TBL_LD_KHB WHERE F_KHBH='" + billKey + "' and f_cbbh not like 'PZ%' and f_cbbh not like 'YC%'").Tables[0];
                    DataTable khdt = _iAccessData.Query("SELECT * FROM TBL_LD_KHB WHERE F_KHBH='" + billKey + "'").Tables[0];
                    if (billKey.Length == 10 && khdt.Rows.Count == 1)
                        DataRow khdr = khdt.Rows[0];
                        if ((khdr["f_value5"] != null && khdr["f_value5"].ToString() != "") || (khdr["f_yqjmsf"] != null && khdr["f_yqjmsf"].ToString() != "" && khdr["f_yqjmsf"].ToString() != "0") || (khdr["f_yqjmpwf"] != null && khdr["f_yqjmpwf"].ToString() != "" && khdr["f_yqjmpwf"].ToString() != "0"))

                            string errxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                            errxml += "<Out>";
                            errxml += "<Head>";
                            errxml += "<FTranCode>" + FTranCode + "</FTranCode>";
                            errxml += "<InstID>" + InstID + "</InstID>";
                            errxml += "<TranDateTime>" + TranDateTime + "</TranDateTime>";
                            errxml += "<BankNum>" + BankNum + "</BankNum>";
                            errxml += "<AnsCode>ERR0000</AnsCode>";
                            errxml += "</Head>";
                            errxml += "<Body>";
                            errxml += "<ErrorCode>DEF0018</ErrorCode>";
                            errxml += "<ErrorInfo></ErrorInfo>";
                            errxml += "</Body>";
                            errxml += "</Out>";

                            context.Response.ContentType     = "text/xml";
                            context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                            context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
                            bool flag = true;
                            if (khdr["f_khfz"].ToString().Contains("大用户"))
                                DataTable cbdt = _iAccessData.Query("SELECT * FROM TBL_LD_CBIAO WHERE F_KHBH='" + billKey + "' AND F_ZTID='2' and f_cbsj < ADD_MONTHS(sysdate,-2)").Tables[0];

                                if (cbdt.Rows.Count > 0)

                                    string errxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                                    errxml += "<Out>";
                                    errxml += "<Head>";
                                    errxml += "<FTranCode>" + FTranCode + "</FTranCode>";
                                    errxml += "<InstID>" + InstID + "</InstID>";
                                    errxml += "<TranDateTime>" + TranDateTime + "</TranDateTime>";
                                    errxml += "<BankNum>" + BankNum + "</BankNum>";
                                    errxml += "<AnsCode>ERR0000</AnsCode>";
                                    errxml += "</Head>";
                                    errxml += "<Body>";
                                    errxml += "<ErrorCode>DEF0021</ErrorCode>";
                                    errxml += "<ErrorInfo></ErrorInfo>";
                                    errxml += "</Body>";
                                    errxml += "</Out>";

                                    context.Response.ContentType     = "text/xml";
                                    context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                                    context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
                                    flag = false;

                            if (flag)
                                DataTable dt   = _iAccessData.Query("SELECT NVL(F_LJQF,0) as f_ljqf,f_yhm,f_hth ,f_ye,f_dz FROM TBL_LD_KHB WHERE F_KHBH='" + billKey + "'").Tables[0];
                                double    ljqf = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_ljqf"].ToString());
                                double    ye   = Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.Parse(dt.Rows[0]["f_ye"].ToString());
                                ljqf = ljqf - ye;
                                if (ljqf <= 0)
                                    //错误报文 用户未欠费
                                    string errxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                                    errxml += "<Out>";
                                    errxml += "<Head>";
                                    errxml += "<FTranCode>" + FTranCode + "</FTranCode>";
                                    errxml += "<InstID>" + InstID + "</InstID>";
                                    errxml += "<TranDateTime>" + TranDateTime + "</TranDateTime>";
                                    errxml += "<BankNum>" + BankNum + "</BankNum>";
                                    errxml += "<AnsCode>ERR0000</AnsCode>";
                                    errxml += "</Head>";
                                    errxml += "<Body>";
                                    errxml += "<ErrorCode>DEF0002</ErrorCode>";
                                    errxml += "<ErrorInfo></ErrorInfo>";
                                    errxml += "</Body>";
                                    errxml += "</Out>";

                                    context.Response.ContentType     = "text/xml";
                                    context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                                    context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
                                    string resultxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                                    resultxml += "<Out>";
                                    resultxml += "<Head>";
                                    resultxml += "<FTranCode>" + FTranCode + "</FTranCode>";
                                    resultxml += "<InstID>" + InstID + "</InstID>";
                                    resultxml += "<TranDateTime>" + TranDateTime + "</TranDateTime>";
                                    resultxml += "<BankNum>" + BankNum + "</BankNum>";
                                    resultxml += "<AnsCode>AAAAAAA</AnsCode>";
                                    resultxml += "</Head>";
                                    resultxml += "<Body>";
                                    resultxml += "<companyNo>" + Eva.Library.Text.NumberTool.GetNoRepeatNumber() + "</companyNo>";
                                    resultxml += "<billKey>" + billKey + "</billKey>";
                                    resultxml += "<item1></item1>";
                                    resultxml += "<item2></item2>";
                                    resultxml += "<item3></item3>";
                                    resultxml += "<item4></item4>";
                                    resultxml += "<item5></item5>";
                                    resultxml += "<item6></item6>";
                                    resultxml += "<item7>" + dt.Rows[0]["f_dz"] + "</item7>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve1></reserve1>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve2></reserve2>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve3></reserve3>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve4></reserve4>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve5></reserve5>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve6></reserve6>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve7></reserve7>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve8></reserve8>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve9></reserve9>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve10></reserve10>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve11></reserve11>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve12></reserve12>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve13></reserve13>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve14></reserve14>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve15></reserve15>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve16></reserve16>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve17></reserve17>";
                                    resultxml += "<reserve18></reserve18>";
                                    resultxml += "<totalNum>1</totalNum>";
                                    resultxml += "<Frame>";
                                    resultxml += "<contractNo>" + dt.Rows[0]["f_hth"] + "</contractNo>";
                                    resultxml += "<customerName>" + dt.Rows[0]["f_yhm"] + "</customerName>";
                                    resultxml += "<balance>0</balance>";
                                    resultxml += "<payAmount>" + ljqf + "</payAmount>";
                                    resultxml += "<beginDate></beginDate>";
                                    resultxml += "<endDate></endDate>";
                                    resultxml += "<detailFiled1></detailFiled1>";
                                    resultxml += "<detailFiled2></detailFiled2>";
                                    resultxml += "<detailFiled3></detailFiled3>";
                                    resultxml += "<detailFiled4></detailFiled4>";
                                    resultxml += "<detailFiled5>" + dt.Rows[0]["f_dz"] + "</detailFiled5>";
                                    resultxml += "</Frame>";
                                    resultxml += "</Body>";
                                    resultxml += "</Out>";
                                    //context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
                                    context.Response.ContentType     = "text/xml";
                                    context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
                                    context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                        //错误报文 错误的客户编号
                        string errxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                        errxml += "<Out>";
                        errxml += "<Head>";
                        errxml += "<FTranCode>" + FTranCode + "</FTranCode>";
                        errxml += "<InstID>" + InstID + "</InstID>";
                        errxml += "<TranDateTime>" + TranDateTime + "</TranDateTime>";
                        errxml += "<BankNum>" + BankNum + "</BankNum>";
                        errxml += "<AnsCode>ERR0000</AnsCode>";
                        errxml += "</Head>";
                        errxml += "<Body>";
                        errxml += "<ErrorCode>DEF0010</ErrorCode>";
                        errxml += "<ErrorInfo>错误的客户编号</ErrorInfo>";
                        errxml += "</Body>";
                        errxml += "</Out>";

                        context.Response.ContentType     = "text/xml";
                        context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                        context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                //错误报文 错误的客户编号
                string errxml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>";
                errxml += "<Out>";
                errxml += "<Head>";
                errxml += "<FTranCode></FTranCode>";
                errxml += "<InstID></InstID>";
                errxml += "<TranDateTime></TranDateTime>";
                errxml += "<BankNum></BankNum>";
                errxml += "<AnsCode>ERR0000</AnsCode>";
                errxml += "</Head>";
                errxml += "<Body>";
                errxml += "<ErrorCode>DEF0001</ErrorCode>";
                errxml += "<ErrorInfo>" + ex.ToString() + "</ErrorInfo>";
                errxml += "</Body>";
                errxml += "</Out>";

                context.Response.ContentType     = "text/xml";
                context.Response.Charset         = "gbk";
                context.Response.ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gbk");