예제 #1
        // PUT api/values/5
        public Object Put(int id, [FromBody] string escort)
            Escort u = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Escort>(escort);

            u.ID = id;
            return(new { success = EscortBLL.UpdateEscort(u) });
예제 #2
        public void ToWorkshop(WorkshopBuilder builder, List <LobbySetting> allSettings)

            if (All != null)
                All.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings);

            Assault?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "Assault");
            CaptureTheFlag?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "CaptureTheFlag");
            Control?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "Control");
            Deathmatch?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "Deathmatch");
            Elimination?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "Elimination");
            Escort?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "Escort");
            Hybrid?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "Hybrid");
            PracticeRange?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "PracticeRange");
            Skirmish?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "Skirmish");
            TeamDeathmatch?.ToWorkshop(builder, allSettings, "TeamDeathmatch");

예제 #3
        // POST api/values
        public int Post([FromBody] string escort)
            JsonSerializerSettings serializerSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings {
                Formatting = Formatting.Indented
            Escort u = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Escort>(escort, serializerSettings);

        public void Copy(MissionsObject _object)
            if (_object == null)


        //private ICollection<PictureViewModel> pictures;

        public GuestEscortDetailViewModel(Escort escort) : base(escort)
            this.Description = escort.Description == null ? "--" : escort.Description;
            this.Town        = escort.Town;
            this.Pictures    = escort.Pictures.Select(p => p.B64).ToArray();
            var prices = escort.Prices;

            if (prices == null)
                this.HourRate = "--";
                this.HourRate = prices.HourRate.ToString();
예제 #6
        public int InsertEscort(Escort escort)
            DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters();

            parameters.Add("@Name", escort.Name, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Address", escort.Address, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@City", escort.City, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@State", escort.State, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Addresscode", escort.Addresscode, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Country", escort.Country, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@DDI", escort.DDI, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@DDD", escort.DDD, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Phonenumber", escort.Phonenumber, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Nickname", escort.Nickname, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Password", escort.Password, DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength);
            parameters.Add("@Description", escort.Description, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Email", escort.Email, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Reg_Date", DateTime.Now, DbType.DateTime);
            return((int)SqlMapper.ExecuteScalar(connection, SQL_INSERIR, parameters));
예제 #7
        public bool UpdateEscort(Escort escort)
            DynamicParameters parameters = new DynamicParameters();

            parameters.Add("@Name", escort.Name, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Address", escort.Address, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@City", escort.City, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@State", escort.State, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Addresscode", escort.Addresscode, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Country", escort.Country, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@DDI", escort.DDI, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@DDD", escort.DDD, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Phonenumber", escort.Phonenumber, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Nickname", escort.Nickname, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Password", escort.Password, DbType.AnsiStringFixedLength);
            parameters.Add("@Description", escort.Description, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@Email", escort.Email, DbType.AnsiString);
            parameters.Add("@ID", escort.ID, DbType.Int32);

            return(SqlMapper.Execute(connection, SQL_UPDATE, parameters) > 0);
예제 #8
        public async Task <IHttpActionResult> RegisterEscort(RegisterEscortBindingModel model)
            if (!this.ModelState.IsValid)

            var user = new Escort()
                UserName         = model.Username,
                Email            = model.Email,
                PhoneNumber      = model.PhoneNumber,
                Gender           = (Gender)Enum.Parse(typeof(Gender), model.Gender, true),
                Town             = model.Town,
                Height           = model.Height,
                Weight           = model.Weight,
                BreastsType      = (BreastsType)Enum.Parse(typeof(BreastsType), model.BreastsType, true),
                Description      = model.Description,
                HairColour       = model.HairColour,
                IsDeleted        = false,
                AddressOfService = model.AddressOfService

            IdentityResult result = await this.UserManager.CreateAsync(user, model.Password);

            if (!result.Succeeded)
            var newUser = this.EscortServiceData.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserName == user.UserName);

            if (newUser != null)
                var roleUser = this.UserManager.AddToRole(newUser.Id, "escort");

                if (model.B64 != null)
                    var newPicture = new Picture()
                        EscortId  = newUser.Id,
                        B64       = model.B64,
                        IsProfile = true


                var priceList = this.EscortServiceData.PriceLists
                                .FirstOrDefault(p => p.EscortId == newUser.Id);

                if (priceList == null)
                    var newPriceList = new PriceList
                        EscortId         = newUser.Id,
                        ThirtyMinuteRate = null,
                        HourRate         = null,
                        ThreeHoursRate   = null,
                        SixHoursRate     = null,
                        OvernightRate    = null,
                        DailyRate        = null,
                        WeekendRate      = null,
                        WeeklyRate       = null



            //Auto login after registration (successful user registration should return access_token)
            //var loginResult = await this.LoginUser(new UserAccountInputModel()
            //    Username = model.Username,
            //    Password = model.Password

            //return loginResult;
예제 #9
 public Escort Create(Escort escort)
예제 #10
 public void Delete(Escort escort)
예제 #11
 public Escort Update(Escort escort)
예제 #12
        // Methods
        private static IEnumerable <string> GetResults(Role role)
            switch (role)
            case Vigilante _:
            case Veteran _:
            case Mafioso _:
            // case Pirate _:
            case Ambusher _:
                return(new[] { Vigilante.GetName(), Veteran.GetName(), Mafioso.GetName(), Ambusher.GetName() });

            case Medium _:
            case Janitor _:
            case Retributionist _:
            // case Necromancer _:
            case Trapper _:
                return(new[] { Medium.GetName(), Janitor.GetName(), Retributionist.GetName(), Trapper.GetName() });

            case Survivor _:
            case VampireHunter _:
            case Amnesiac _:
            // case Medusa _:
            case Psychic _:
                return(new[] { Survivor.GetName(), VampireHunter.GetName(), Amnesiac.GetName(), Psychic.GetName() });

            case Spy _:
            case Blackmailer _:
            case Jailor _:
            case GuardianAngel _:
                return(new[] { Spy.GetName(), Blackmailer.GetName(), Jailor.GetName(), GuardianAngel.GetName() });

            case Sheriff _:
            case Executioner _:
            case Werewolf _:
                // case Poisoner _:
                return(new[] { Sheriff.GetName(), Executioner.GetName(), Werewolf.GetName() });

            case Framer _:
            case Vampire _:
            case Jester _:
                // case HexMaster _:
                return(new[] { Framer.GetName(), Vampire.GetName(), Jester.GetName() });

            case Lookout _:
            case Forger _:
                // case Juggernaut _:
                // case CovenLeader _:
                return(new[] { Lookout.GetName(), Forger.GetName() });

            case Escort _:
            case Transporter _:
            case Consort _:
            case Hypnotist _:
                return(new[] { Escort.GetName(), Transporter.GetName(), Consort.GetName(), Hypnotist.GetName() });

            case Doctor _:
            case Disguiser _:
            case SerialKiller _:
                // case PotionMaster _:
                return(new[] { Doctor.GetName(), Disguiser.GetName(), SerialKiller.GetName() });

            case Investigator _:
            case Consigliere _:
            case Mayor _:
            case Tracker _:
                // case Plaguebearer _:
                return(new[] { Investigator.GetName(), Consigliere.GetName(), Mayor.GetName(), Tracker.GetName() });

            case Bodyguard _:
            case Godfather _:
            case Arsonist _:
            case Crusader _:
                return(new[] { Bodyguard.GetName(), Godfather.GetName(), Arsonist.GetName(), Crusader.GetName() });

            return(new string[] { });
예제 #13
        // Methods
        private static string GetResult(Role role)
            switch (role)
            case Investigator _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} gathers information about people. They must be an {Investigator.GetName()}.");

            case Lookout _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} watches who visits people at night. They must be a {Lookout.GetName()}.");

            case Psychic _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} has the sight. They must be a {Psychic.GetName()}.");

            case Sheriff _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is a protector of the {Faction.Crew.Name}. They must be a {Sheriff.GetName()}.");

            case Spy _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} secretly watches who someone visits. They must be a {Spy.GetName()}.");

            case Tracker _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is a skilled in the art of tracking. They must be a {Tracker.GetName()}.");

            case Jailor _:        return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} detains people at night. They must be a {Jailor.GetName()}.");

            case VampireHunter _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} tracks Vampires. They must be a {VampireHunter.GetName()}!");

            case Veteran _:       return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is a paranoid war hero. They must be a {Veteran.GetName()}.");

            case Vigilante _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} will bend the law to enact justice. They must be a {Vigilante.GetName()}.");

            case Bodyguard _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is a trained protector. They must be a {Bodyguard.GetName()}.");

            case Doctor _:    return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is a professional surgeon. They must be a {Doctor.GetName()}.");

            case Crusader _:  return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is a divine protector. They must be a {Crusader.GetName()}.");

            case Trapper _:   return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is waiting for a big catch. They must be a {Trapper.GetName()}.");

            case Escort _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is a beautiful person working for the {Faction.Crew.Name}. They must be an {Escort.GetName()}.");

            case Mayor _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is the leader of the {Faction.Crew.Name}. They must be the {Mayor.GetName()}.");

            case Medium _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} speaks with the dead. They must be a {Medium.GetName()}.");

            case Retributionist _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} wields mystical powers. They must be a {Retributionist.GetName()}.");

            case Transporter _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} specializes in transportation. They must be a {Transporter.GetName()}.");

            case Disguiser _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} makes other people appear to be someone they're not. They must be a {Disguiser.GetName()}");

            case Forger _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is good at forging documents. They must be a {Forger.GetName()}.");

            case Framer _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} has a desire to deceive. They must be a {Framer.GetName()}!");

            case Hypnotist _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is skilled at disrupting others. They must be a {Hypnotist.GetName()}.");

            case Janitor _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} cleans up dead bodies. They must be a {Janitor.GetName()}.");

            case Ambusher _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} lies in wait. They must be an {Ambusher.GetName()}.");

            case Godfather _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is the leader of the {Faction.Mafia.Name}. They must be the {Godfather.GetName()}.");

            case Mafioso _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} does the {Godfather.GetName()}'s dirty work. They must be a {Mafioso.GetName()}.");

            case Blackmailer _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} uses information to silence people. They must be a {Blackmailer.GetName()}.");

            case Consigliere _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} gathers information for the {Faction.Mafia.Name}. They must be a {Consigliere.GetName()}.");

            case Consort _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is a beautiful person working for the {Faction.Mafia.Name}. They must be a {Consort.GetName()}.");

            case Amnesiac _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} does not remember their role. They must be an {Amnesiac.GetName()}.");

            case GuardianAngel _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} is watching over someone. They must be a {GuardianAngel.GetName()}.");

            case Survivor _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} simply wants to live. They must be a {Survivor.GetName()}.");

            case Vampire _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} drinks blood. They must be a {Vampire.GetName()}!");

            case Executioner _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} wants someone to be lynched at any cost. They must be an {Executioner.GetName()}.");

            case Jester _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} wants to be lynched. They must be a {Jester.GetName()}.");

            case Witch _:  return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} casts spells on people. They must be a {Witch.GetName()}.");

            case Arsonist _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} likes to watch things burn. They must be an {Arsonist.GetName()}.");

            case SerialKiller _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} wants to kill everyone. They must be a {SerialKiller.GetName()}");

            case Werewolf _: return($"{role.Owner.Data.PlayerName} howls at the moon. They must be a {Werewolf.GetName()}.");

            default: return("No special role found.");
예제 #14
 public bool UpdateEscort(Escort escort)
예제 #15
 public int InsertEscort(Escort escort)
 public GuestEscortViewModel(Escort escort)
     this.UserName   = escort.UserName;
     this.Gender     = escort.Gender.ToString();
     this.B64Profile = escort.Pictures.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsProfile == true).B64;