// Send transform to all other users
		public void DoSend() {
            EsObject data = new EsObject();
            data.setString(PluginTags.ACTION, PluginTags.POSITION_UPDATE_REQUEST);

            // set the X, Y coords that AS3 clients will see, which are integers and just vert, horiz.
            // only needed if there are AS3 clients in the same room
            //data.setInteger(PluginTags.TARGET_X, getAS3positionX());  // uncomment if AS3 clients will be in the room
            //data.setInteger(PluginTags.TARGET_Y, getAS3positionY());  // uncomment if AS3 clients will be in the room

            // set the position and rotation coords that Unity clients will use
            data.setFloat(PluginTags.POSITION_X, this.position.x);
            data.setFloat(PluginTags.POSITION_Y, this.position.y);
            data.setFloat(PluginTags.POSITION_Z, this.position.z);
            data.setFloat(PluginTags.ROTATION_X, this.rotation.x);
            data.setFloat(PluginTags.ROTATION_Y, this.rotation.y);
            data.setFloat(PluginTags.ROTATION_Z, this.rotation.z);
            data.setFloat(PluginTags.ROTATION_W, this.rotation.w);


            NetworkController nc = getNetworkController();
            if (nc != null)
                Debug.Log("DoSend can't send because controller is null");
