public void EquilateralTest(int sideLength, double area, double perimeter) { Equilateral equilateral = new Equilateral(sideLength); Assert.AreEqual(area, Math.Round(equilateral.GetArea(), 2)); Assert.AreEqual(perimeter, Math.Round(equilateral.GetPerimeter(), 2)); }
public void iShapeCalc_test_Equilateral(double side1, double areaExpected, double perExpected) { var equil = new Equilateral("red", side1); var equilArea = equil.GetArea(side1); var equilPer = equil.GetPerimeter(side1); Assert.AreEqual(areaExpected, equilArea); Assert.AreEqual(perExpected, equilPer); }
static void Main(string[] args) { bool running = true; while (running) { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Make a Shape!"); Console.WriteLine("1. Square"); Console.WriteLine("2. Rectangle"); Console.WriteLine("3. Equilateral Triangle"); Console.WriteLine("4. Right Angle Triangle"); Console.WriteLine("5. Circle"); Console.WriteLine("e. Exit"); switch (Console.ReadLine()) { case "1": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You are making a square"); Console.WriteLine("What colour is it?"); string colour = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You are making a {colour} square"); Console.WriteLine("What is its side length?"); double side = GetNum(); Square square = new Square(side); square.Colour = colour; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You created a {colour} square with side length: {side}, an area of {square.GetArea()} and a perimeter of {square.GetPerimeter()}"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "2": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You are making a rectangle"); Console.WriteLine("What colour is it?"); string colour = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You are making a {colour} rectangle"); Console.WriteLine("How wide is it?"); double width = GetNum(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You are making a {colour} rectangle with width: {width}"); Console.WriteLine("How tall is it?"); double height = GetNum(); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(width, height); rectangle.Colour = colour; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You created a {colour} rectangle with width: {width}, height: {height}, an area of {rectangle.GetArea()} and a perimeter of {rectangle.GetPerimeter()}"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "3": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You are making an equilateral triangle"); Console.WriteLine("What colour is it?"); string colour = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You are making a {colour} equilateral triangle"); Console.WriteLine("What is its side length?"); double side = GetNum(); Equilateral equilateralTriangle = new Equilateral(side); equilateralTriangle.Colour = colour; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You created a {colour} equilateral triangle with side length: {side}, an area of {equilateralTriangle.GetArea()} and a perimeter of {equilateralTriangle.GetPerimeter()}"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "4": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You are making a right angle triangle"); Console.WriteLine("What colour is it?"); string colour = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You are making a {colour} right angle triangle"); Console.WriteLine("How wide is it?"); double width = GetNum(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You are making a {colour} right angle triangle with base: {width}"); Console.WriteLine("How tall is it?"); double height = GetNum(); RightAngle rightAngleTriangle = new RightAngle(width, height); rightAngleTriangle.Colour = colour; rightAngleTriangle.SetHypotenuse(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You created a {colour} right angle triangle with base: {width}, height: {height}, hypotenuse: {rightAngleTriangle.Side3Length}, an area of {rightAngleTriangle.GetArea()} and a perimeter of {rightAngleTriangle.GetPerimeter()}"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "5": { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("You are making a circle"); Console.WriteLine("What colour is it?"); string colour = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You are making a {colour} circle"); Console.WriteLine("What is its radius?"); double radius = GetNum(); Circle circle = new Circle(); circle.Radius = radius; circle.Colour = colour; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"You created a {colour} circle with radius: {radius}, an area of {circle.GetArea()} and a perimeter of {circle.GetPerimeter()}"); Console.ReadKey(); } break; case "e": { running = false; } break; default: continue; } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { WL("1 - Quadrilateral"); WL("2 - Triangle"); WL("3 - Circle"); space(); ConsoleKeyInfo Menu1; Menu1 = Console.ReadKey(); ////////////////// Quadrilateral ////////////////// if (Menu1.Key == ConsoleKey.D1) { space(); WL("Input Color"); space(); string UColor = Console.ReadLine(); space(); WL("1 - Square"); WL("2 - Rectangle"); space(); ConsoleKeyInfo Menu2; Menu2 = Console.ReadKey(); ////////////////// Square ////////////////// if (Menu2.Key == ConsoleKey.D1) { try { space(); WL("Input side length 1"); double Uside1 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string Uside1Str = Uside1.ToString(); space(); int d; if (Uside1 < 1) { throw (new InvalidIntException("")); } if (!int.TryParse(Uside1Str, out d)) { throw (new InvalidDecException("")); } Square newSq = new Square(UColor, Uside1); space(); WL("Color: " + UColor); WL("Area: " + newSq.GetArea(Uside1)); WL("Perimeter: " + newSq.GetPerimeter(Uside1)); } catch (InvalidIntException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } catch (InvalidDecException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } finally { WL("Thanks for using the app!"); } } ////////////////// Rectangle ////////////////// if (Menu2.Key == ConsoleKey.D2) { try { space(); WL("Input side length 1"); double Uside1 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string Uside1Str = Uside1.ToString(); space(); int d; if (Uside1 < 1) { throw (new InvalidIntException("")); } if (!int.TryParse(Uside1Str, out d)) { throw (new InvalidDecException("")); } WL("Input side length 2"); double Uside2 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string Uside2Str = Uside2.ToString(); space(); if (Uside2 < 1) { throw (new InvalidIntException("")); } if (!int.TryParse(Uside2Str, out d)) { throw (new InvalidDecException("")); } Rectangle newRec = new Rectangle(UColor, Uside1, Uside2); space(); WL("Color: " + UColor); WL("Area: " + newRec.GetArea(Uside1)); WL("Perimeter: " + newRec.GetPerimeter(Uside1)); } catch (InvalidIntException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } catch (InvalidDecException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } finally { WL("Thanks for using the app!"); } } Console.ReadKey(); } ////////////////// Triangle ////////////////// if (Menu1.Key == ConsoleKey.D2) { space(); WL("Input Color"); space(); string UColor = Console.ReadLine(); space(); WL("1 - Equilateral"); WL("2 - Right-Angled"); space(); ConsoleKeyInfo Menu2; Menu2 = Console.ReadKey(); ////////////////// Equilateral ////////////////// if (Menu2.Key == ConsoleKey.D1) { try { space(); WL("Input side length 1"); double Uside1 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string Uside1Str = Uside1.ToString(); space(); int d; if (Uside1 < 1) { throw (new InvalidIntException("")); } if (!int.TryParse(Uside1Str, out d)) { throw (new InvalidDecException("")); } Equilateral newEq = new Equilateral(UColor, Uside1); space(); WL("Color: " + UColor); WL("Area: " + newEq.GetArea(Uside1)); WL("Perimeter: " + newEq.GetPerimeter(Uside1)); } catch (InvalidIntException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } catch (InvalidDecException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } finally { WL("Thanks for using the app!"); } } ////////////////// Right-Angled ////////////////// if (Menu2.Key == ConsoleKey.D2) { try { space(); WL("Input side length 1"); double Uside1 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string Uside1Str = Uside1.ToString(); space(); int d; if (Uside1 < 1) { throw (new InvalidIntException("")); } if (!int.TryParse(Uside1Str, out d)) { throw (new InvalidDecException("")); } WL("Input side length 2"); double Uside2 = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string Uside2Str = Uside2.ToString(); space(); if (Uside2 < 1) { throw (new InvalidIntException("")); } if (!int.TryParse(Uside2Str, out d)) { throw (new InvalidDecException("")); } RightAngled newRA = new RightAngled(UColor, Uside1, Uside2); newRA.SetHypotenuse(Uside1, Uside2); space(); WL("Color: " + UColor); WL("Area: " + newRA.GetArea(Uside1)); WL("Perimeter: " + newRA.GetPerimeter(Uside1)); } catch (InvalidIntException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } catch (InvalidDecException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } finally { WL("Thanks for using the app!"); } } Console.ReadKey(); } ////////////////// Circle ////////////////// if (Menu1.Key == ConsoleKey.D3) { try { space(); WL("Input Color"); space(); string UColor = Console.ReadLine(); space(); WL("Input radius"); double URad = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine()); string URadStr = URad.ToString(); int d; if (URad < 1) { throw (new InvalidIntException("")); } if (!int.TryParse(URadStr, out d)) { throw (new InvalidDecException("")); } space(); Circle newCirc = new Circle(UColor, URad); space(); WL("Color: " + UColor); WL("Area: " + newCirc.GetArea(URad)); WL("Circumference: " + newCirc.GetPerimeter(URad)); } catch (InvalidIntException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } catch (InvalidDecException e) { space(); WL(e.Message); } finally { WL("Thanks for using the app!"); } } Console.ReadKey(); }
public void EquilateralTest(double side, double area, double peri) { equil = new Equilateral("Blue", side); Assert.AreEqual(area, equil.GetArea()); Assert.AreEqual(peri, equil.GetPerimeter()); }
public void GetAreaTest(double input, double expected) { eq = new Equilateral(colour, input); Assert.AreEqual(expected, eq.GetArea()); }