예제 #1
        public IUndoRedoAction Execute(Workspace sender)
            EquationModel item = m_ws.Equations[m_index];

            return(new InsertEquation(m_ws, item, m_index));
예제 #2
        public decimal Calculate(EquationModel equation)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(equation.Operator))

            switch (equation.Operator.ToLower())
            case "+":
                return(equation.Argument1 + equation.Argument2);

            case "-":
                return(equation.Argument1 - equation.Argument2);

            case "x":
                return(equation.Argument1 * equation.Argument2);

            case "/":
                return(decimal.Divide(equation.Argument1, equation.Argument2));

                throw new ArgumentException("Invalid operator");
        public async Task <double> Calculate(EquationModel equationModel)
            if (equationModel == null)

            switch (equationModel.Operation)
            case "+":
                return(await Task.Run(() => Add(equationModel.Param1, equationModel.Param2)).ConfigureAwait(false));

            case "-":
                return(await Task.Run(() => Subtract(equationModel.Param1, equationModel.Param2)).ConfigureAwait(false));

            case "*":
                return(await Task.Run(() => Multiply(equationModel.Param1, equationModel.Param2)).ConfigureAwait(false));

            case "/":
                if (equationModel.Param2 == 0)
                    throw new DivideByZeroException();
                return(await Task.Run(() => Divide(equationModel.Param1, equationModel.Param2)).ConfigureAwait(false));

                throw new ArgumentException($"Operation {equationModel.Operation} is not supported.");
예제 #4
 private void Equations_EquationModelPropertyChanged(EquationModel sender, string propertyName)
     // We only care about comment visibility
     if (propertyName.Equals("CommentsVisible"))
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Called whenever the user makes a change to one of the equations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void EquationModelPropertyChanged(object sender, System.ComponentModel.PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            EquationModel model = sender as EquationModel;

            //if the scope changed, then update the property units that are visible to the particular view model
            if (e.PropertyName == "Scope")
예제 #6
        public IUndoRedoAction Execute(Workspace sender)
            EquationModel moveMeUp = sender.Equations[m_index];

            sender.Equations.Insert(m_index - 1, moveMeUp);

            // Return move down action
            return(new MoveEquationDown(m_index - 1));
 private void Start()
     instance = this;
     if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name.Contains("4"))
예제 #8
        private void AddEqCommentButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            EquationModel model = (sender as Button).Tag as EquationModel;

            model.Comments.Add(new BasicComment(string.Empty, null));

            // Create and undo that will delete the comment we just added
            m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection(
                                    "Undo addition of new equation comment",
                                    new Logic.Undos.RemoveBasicComment(model.Comments, model.Comments.Count - 1)));

예제 #9
        private void UpdateEquationModelElements(EquationModel equation)
            List <object> relevantUnits = new List <object>();

            //supply different PFD elements to the model depending on its scope
            switch (equation.Scope.Classification)
            //With a single unit, all we care about is that unit and its related streams
            case EquationScopeClassification.SingleUnit:
                AbstractProcessUnit selectedUnit = (from element in m_workspace.ProcessUnits
                                                    where (element as AbstractProcessUnit).Label == equation.Scope.Name
                                                    select element).FirstOrDefault() as AbstractProcessUnit;
                if (selectedUnit != null)
                    relevantUnits = GetElementAndStreams(selectedUnit);

            //ChemProV doesn't currently support sub processes, but this is where
            //that logic would go
            case EquationScopeClassification.SubProcess:

            //AC: Not sure what should happen here
            case EquationScopeClassification.Unknown:

            //Pull all source and sink units as well as their streams
            case EquationScopeClassification.Overall:
                // TODO: Fix or remove

                //List<GenericProcessUnit> units = (from element in PfdElements
                //                            where element is GenericProcessUnit
                //                            &&
                //                            (
                //                             (element as GenericProcessUnit).Description == ProcessUnitDescriptions.Sink
                //                             ||
                //                             (element as GenericProcessUnit).Description == ProcessUnitDescriptions.Source
                //                            )
                //                            select element as GenericProcessUnit).ToList();
                //foreach (GenericProcessUnit unit in units)
                //    relevantUnits = relevantUnits.Union(GetElementAndStreams(unit)).ToList();

            //assign the updated list to the equation
            equation.RelatedElements = relevantUnits;
예제 #10
        public EquationRowControl(Workspace workspace, EquationEditor parent, EquationModel equationModel)

            m_workspace = workspace;

            // Use the SetModel function to set the current model. This will update the UI and subscribe
            // to relevant events.
            m_model = null;

            // We want to make sure we have a right-click menu for the equation text box
예제 #11
        public EquationModel BuildEquation(EquationModel equation, string input)
            if (equation == null)
                equation = new EquationModel();

            if (input == "ce")
                return(new EquationModel());

            if (input == "c")
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(equation.Operator))
                    equation.Source1 = "";
                    equation.Source2 = "";


            var operators = new[] { "+", "-", "x", "/" };

            if (operators.Contains(input))
                equation.Operator = input;
                // the first argument
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(equation.Operator))
                    equation.Source1 = AddInput(equation.Source1, input);
                    equation.Source2 = AddInput(equation.Source2, input);

예제 #12
        public IUndoRedoAction Execute(Workspace sender)
            // Make sure it's not the last item in the collection (nor is the index beyond the
            // last item in the collection).
            if (m_index >= sender.Equations.Count - 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(
                                                        "Cannot move equation at index {0} down within a collection of {1} items.",
                                                        m_index, sender.Equations.Count));

            EquationModel moveMeDown = sender.Equations[m_index];

            sender.Equations.Insert(m_index + 1, moveMeDown);

            // Return move up action
            return(new MoveEquationUp(m_index + 1));
예제 #13
        private void MoveUpButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            EquationRowControl row = null;

            // Start by finding the row index in the stack panel
            int indexOfThis = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < EquationsStackPanel.Children.Count; i++)
                // Will throw an exception if it the object is not an EquationControl, but that's
                // what we want since the design contract is that all objects in the stack panel
                // must be EquationControl objects.
                EquationRowControl ec = (EquationRowControl)EquationsStackPanel.Children[i];

                if (object.ReferenceEquals(sender, ec.MoveUpButton))
                    indexOfThis = i;
                    row         = ec;

            // If it's the first row then disable the button to move up and return
            if (0 == indexOfThis)
                row.MoveUpButton.IsEnabled = false;

            // Move the row up by removing it and then inserting it at a lower index. Event
            // handlers are subscribed to changes in the equation collection, so the UI will
            // be updated automatically.
            EquationModel toMoveUp = m_workspace.Equations[indexOfThis];

            m_workspace.Equations.Insert(indexOfThis - 1, toMoveUp);

            // Add an undo that will move it back down
            m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection("Undo moving equation up",
                                                       new Logic.Undos.MoveEquationDown(indexOfThis - 1)));
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the model for this equation control. The UI elements will be updated will data from the
        /// model and then the model will be updated as the user changes values by using the control. The
        /// model reference can be null if desired, but that should only be used in cases where this
        /// control is about to be disposed and is no longer needed.
        /// </summary>
        public void SetModel(EquationModel model)
            // IMPORTANT: Unsubscribe from the old model
            if (null != m_model)
                m_model.PropertyChanged -= this.Model_PropertyChanged;

            m_model = model;

            // Calling this method with a null reference for the model is considered valid, so
            // only update the UI if the model is non-null.
            if (null != model)
                // Setup the type combo box
                foreach (object typeObj in TypeComboBox.Items)
                    if (m_model.Type.Equals(typeObj))
                        TypeComboBox.SelectedItem = typeObj;

                // Setup the scope combo box
                foreach (EquationScope item in ScopeComboBox.Items)
                    if (item.Equals(m_model.Scope))
                        if (ScopeComboBox.SelectedItem != item)
                            ScopeComboBox.SelectedItem = item;

                EquationTextBox.Text = model.Equation;

                // Watch for property changes
                m_model.PropertyChanged += this.Model_PropertyChanged;
예제 #15
        public ActionResult Index(EquationModel equationModel)
            string solveStatus;

                List <double> calculationResult = QuadraticEquation.SolveQuadrEq(Convert.ToDouble(equationModel.Coef_A), Convert.ToDouble(equationModel.Coef_B), Convert.ToDouble(equationModel.Coef_C), out solveStatus);
                equationModel.solveStatus = solveStatus;
                if (calculationResult != null)
                    equationModel.RootX1 = calculationResult[0].ToString();
                    equationModel.RootX2 = calculationResult[1].ToString();

            catch (Exception)
                equationModel.solveStatus = "Input data can't converted to double";

예제 #16
        private void UpdateComments()
            // Clear first

            // Start with equation comments
            for (int i = 0; i < m_workspace.Equations.Count; i++)
                EquationModel model = m_workspace.Equations[i];

                if (!model.CommentsVisible)

                Border brdr = new Border();
                brdr.Margin          = new Thickness(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0);
                brdr.CornerRadius    = new CornerRadius(3.0);
                brdr.BorderThickness = new Thickness(2.0);
                brdr.BorderBrush     = s_eqBorderBrush;
                StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
                sp.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                brdr.Child     = sp;

                // Add an equation number label at the top
                Label numLabel = new Label();
                numLabel.Content             = "Equation " + (i + 1).ToString();
                numLabel.Foreground          = s_eqBorderBrush;
                numLabel.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                // Add each comment
                foreach (BasicComment bc in model.Comments)
                    PaneCommentControl cc = new PaneCommentControl();
                    cc.Margin = new Thickness(3.0);
                    cc.XLabel.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
                        // Create and undo that adds the comment back
                        BasicComment toRemove = cc.CommentObject as BasicComment;
                        m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection(
                                                "Undo deletion of equation comment",
                                                new Logic.Undos.InsertBasicComment(toRemove, model.Comments, model.Comments.IndexOf(toRemove))));

                        model.Comments.Remove(cc.CommentObject as BasicComment);

                // Add a button to allow addition of more comments
                Button btn = new Button();
                btn.Margin = new Thickness(3.0);
                Image btnIcon = Core.App.CreateImageFromSource("plus_16x16.png");
                btnIcon.Width = btnIcon.Height = 16;
                btn.Content   = btnIcon;
                btn.Tag       = model;
                btn.Click    += new RoutedEventHandler(AddEqCommentButtonClick);


            // Next do comments for the degrees of freedom analysis
            if (m_workspace.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.CommentsVisible)
                Border brdr = new Border();
                brdr.Margin          = new Thickness(3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 0.0);
                brdr.CornerRadius    = new CornerRadius(3.0);
                brdr.BorderThickness = new Thickness(2.0);
                brdr.BorderBrush     = s_dfBorderBrush;
                StackPanel sp = new StackPanel();
                sp.Orientation = Orientation.Vertical;
                brdr.Child     = sp;

                // Add a label at the top
                Label numLabel = new Label();
                numLabel.Content             = "DF Analysis";
                numLabel.Foreground          = s_dfBorderBrush;
                numLabel.HorizontalAlignment = System.Windows.HorizontalAlignment.Center;

                DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis dfa = m_workspace.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis;
                foreach (BasicComment bc in dfa.Comments)
                    PaneCommentControl pcc = new PaneCommentControl();
                    pcc.Margin = new Thickness(3.0);
                    pcc.XLabel.MouseLeftButtonDown += delegate(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
                        BasicComment toRemove = pcc.CommentObject as BasicComment;
                        int          index    = dfa.Comments.IndexOf(toRemove);

                        // Add an undo that will re-insert the comment that we're about to delete
                        m_workspace.AddUndo(new UndoRedoCollection(
                                                "Undo deletion of comment for degrees of freedom analysis",
                                                new Logic.Undos.InsertBasicComment(toRemove, dfa.Comments, index)));

                        // Now delete the comment
                        m_workspace.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.Comments.Remove(pcc.CommentObject as BasicComment);

                // Add a button to allow addition of more comments
                Button btn = new Button();
                btn.Margin = new Thickness(3.0);
                Image btnIcon = Core.App.CreateImageFromSource("plus_16x16.png");
                btnIcon.Width = btnIcon.Height = 16;
                btn.Content   = btnIcon;
                btn.Click    += new RoutedEventHandler(AddDFCommentButtonClick);

예제 #17
 public InsertEquation(Workspace workspace, EquationModel item, int index)
     m_ws    = workspace;
     m_item  = item;
     m_index = index;
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Merges comments from two Xml document streams into a new output Xml document stream. Comment
        /// merging is not commutative. One document must be considered to be the parent and another a
        /// child. ALL content from the parent will appear in the output. Comments from the child
        /// document will only be written to the output if they exist for shared entities. That is, if
        /// there is a comment in the child document that is tied to a process unit with Id=GPU_30, then
        /// it will only be written the output document if the parent also contained a process unit with
        /// the same Id.
        /// </summary>
        public static void Merge(Stream parent, string parentUserNameIfNotInXml, Stream child,
                                 string childUserNameIfNotInXml, Stream output)
            // We need all streams to be non-null
            if (null == parent)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(
                          "Parent stream for comment merging cannot be null");
            if (null == child)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(
                          "Child stream for comment merging cannot be null");
            if (null == output)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(
                          "Output stream for comment merging cannot be null");

            // Load the workspaces from the streams
            Workspace wsParent = new Workspace();

            Workspace wsChild = new Workspace();


            // What we will do in this method is alter wsParent to contain relevant content from the
            // child workspace and then save it to the output stream.

            // Start by setting user names for comments in both workspaces. We leave the user names
            // alone if they are not null or empty but otherwise we set them to the values specified
            // by the caller.
            SetUserNameIfAbsent(wsParent, parentUserNameIfNotInXml);
            SetUserNameIfAbsent(wsChild, childUserNameIfNotInXml);

            // Start with the free-floating sticky note comments. We want to take the ones from the
            // child and add them into the parent. But we want to avoid duplicates in the process.
            foreach (StickyNote sn in wsChild.StickyNotes)
                // If they have the same text and location then we'll skip
                if (WorkspaceUtility.ContainsFFSNWithValues(wsParent, sn.Text,
                                                            new MathCore.Vector(sn.LocationX, sn.LocationY)))

                // Add it to the parent

            // Next do process units in the child
            foreach (AbstractProcessUnit apuChild in wsChild.ProcessUnits)
                AbstractProcessUnit apuParent = wsParent.GetProcessUnit(apuChild.Id);

                // If the parent workspace doesn't contain a process unit with the same ID then we
                // skip it
                if (null == apuParent)

                foreach (StickyNote comment in apuChild.Comments)
                    if (WorkspaceUtility.CollectionContainsItemWithText(apuParent.Comments, comment.Text))
                        // Skip it if there's already a comment with the same text

                    // Add it to the parent process unit

            // Now do streams in the child
            foreach (AbstractStream sChild in wsChild.Streams)
                AbstractStream sParent = wsParent.GetStream(sChild.Id);

                // If the parent workspace doesn't contain a stream with the same ID then we
                // skip it
                if (null == sParent)

                foreach (StickyNote comment in sChild.Comments)
                    if (WorkspaceUtility.CollectionContainsItemWithText(sParent.Comments, comment.Text))
                        // Skip it if there's already a comment with the same text

                    // Add the comment to the parent stream

            // Equation comments need to be merged as well
            foreach (EquationModel emChild in wsChild.Equations)
                // Get the equation object in the parent with the same ID
                EquationModel emParent = wsParent.Equations.GetById(emChild.Id);

                // If we can't find it then move on to the next
                if (null == emParent)

                // Now add each comment in the child that isn't already in the parent
                foreach (BasicComment bcChild in emChild.Comments)
                    if (!emParent.ContainsComment(bcChild.CommentText))

            // Lastly we deal with the comments for the degrees of freedom analysis. We only
            // merge in comments from the child if the analysis text is the same in both.
            if (wsParent.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.Text == wsChild.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.Text)
                foreach (BasicComment bcChild in wsChild.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.Comments)
                    if (!wsParent.DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis.ContainsComment(bcChild.CommentText))

            // Now that we have everything merged into the parent workspace, we just save it to the
            // output stream
예제 #19
        public void Load(XDocument doc)
            // Start by clearing

            string setting = doc.Element("ProcessFlowDiagram").Attribute("DifficultySetting").Value;

            TrySetDifficulty((OptionDifficultySetting)Enum.Parse(typeof(OptionDifficultySetting), setting, true));

            // Load process units. We have to do this before the streams because the stream loading
            // does the attaching to the process units.
            XElement processUnits = doc.Descendants("ProcessUnits").ElementAt(0);

            foreach (XElement xmPU in processUnits.Elements())

            // Load streams (constructors attach process units)
            XElement streamList = doc.Descendants("Streams").ElementAt(0);

            foreach (XElement streamElement in streamList.Elements())
                // Check the type so we know what to create
                string unitType = (string)streamElement.Attribute("StreamType");

                if ("Chemical" == unitType)
                    m_streams.Add(new ChemicalStream(streamElement, m_procUnits));
                    m_streams.Add(new HeatStream(streamElement, m_procUnits));

                // Remember that the properties tables are not stored within the
                // stream element and get loaded later

            // Now that the streams are loaded, we can load the properties windows
            XElement tablesList = doc.Descendants("PropertiesWindows").ElementAt(0);

            foreach (XElement table in tablesList.Elements())
                // Get the table's target
                string parentName = (string)table.Element("ParentStream");

                // Create the properties table
                AbstractStream parentStream = GetStream(Convert.ToInt32(parentName.Split('_')[1]));
                parentStream.PropertiesTable = new StreamPropertiesTable(table, parentStream);

            // Load equations
            XElement equations = doc.Descendants("Equations").ElementAt(0);

            foreach (XElement xmlEquation in equations.Elements())
                EquationModel rowModel = EquationModel.FromXml(xmlEquation);

            // Load the sticky notes
            XElement stickyNoteList = doc.Descendants("StickyNotes").ElementAt(0);

            foreach (XElement note in stickyNoteList.Elements())
                m_stickyNotes.Add(new Logic.StickyNote(note, null));

            // Check for degrees of freedom analysis
            XElement df = doc.Element("ProcessFlowDiagram").Element("DegreesOfFreedomAnalysis");

            if (null != df)
                m_dfAnalysis.Text = df.Element("Text").Value;

                foreach (XElement el in df.Elements("Comment"))
                    string     userName = string.Empty;
                    XAttribute userAttr = el.Attribute("UserName");
                    if (null != userAttr)
                        userName = userAttr.Value;
                    m_dfAnalysis.Comments.Add(new BasicComment(el.Value, userName));
                m_dfAnalysis.Text = string.Empty;

            // Fire events
            StreamsCollectionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
            ProcessUnitsCollectionChanged(this, EventArgs.Empty);
예제 #20
 public SetEquationText(EquationModel model, string textToSetOnExecution)
     m_equation = model;
     m_text     = textToSetOnExecution;