예제 #1
        private void Initialize()
            // Define the route stop locations (points)
            MapPoint fromPoint = new MapPoint(-117.15494348793044, 32.706506537686927, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
            MapPoint toPoint   = new MapPoint(-117.14905088669816, 32.735308180609138, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);

            // Create Stop objects with the points and add them to a list of stops
            Stop stop1 = new Stop(fromPoint);
            Stop stop2 = new Stop(toPoint);

            _routeStops = new List <Stop> {
                stop1, stop2

            // Picture marker symbols: from = car, to = checkered flag
            PictureMarkerSymbol carSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(_carIconUri)
                Height = 40,
                Width  = 40
            PictureMarkerSymbol flagSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(_checkedFlagIconUri)
                Height = 40,
                Width  = 40,
                // Offset the icon so that it is anchored at the bottom of the flagpole
                OffsetX = 20,
                OffsetY = 20

            // Create graphics for the stops
            Graphic fromGraphic = new Graphic(fromPoint, carSymbol)
                // Make sure the icons are shown over the route line
                ZIndex = 1
            Graphic toGraphic = new Graphic(toPoint, flagSymbol)
                ZIndex = 1

            // Create the graphics overlay and add the stop graphics
            _routeGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();

            // Get an Envelope that covers the area of the stops (and a little more)
            Envelope        routeStopsExtent = new Envelope(fromPoint, toPoint);
            EnvelopeBuilder envBuilder       = new EnvelopeBuilder(routeStopsExtent);


            // Create a new viewpoint apply it to the map view when the spatial reference changes
            Viewpoint sanDiegoViewpoint = new Viewpoint(envBuilder.ToGeometry());

            _myMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += (s, e) => _myMapView.SetViewpoint(sanDiegoViewpoint);

            // Add a new Map and the graphics overlay to the map view
            _myMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateStreets());
예제 #2
        private void Initialize()
            // Create a spatial reference that's suitable for creating planar buffers in north central Texas (State Plane).
            SpatialReference statePlaneNorthCentralTexas = new SpatialReference(32038);

            // Define a polygon that represents the valid area of use for the spatial reference.
            // This information is available at https://developers.arcgis.com/net/latest/wpf/guide/pdf/projected_coordinate_systems_rt100_3_0.pdf
            List <MapPoint> spatialReferenceExtentCoords = new List <MapPoint>
                new MapPoint(-103.070, 31.720, SpatialReferences.Wgs84),
                new MapPoint(-103.070, 34.580, SpatialReferences.Wgs84),
                new MapPoint(-94.000, 34.580, SpatialReferences.Wgs84),
                new MapPoint(-94.00, 31.720, SpatialReferences.Wgs84)

            _spatialReferenceArea = new Polygon(spatialReferenceExtentCoords);
            _spatialReferenceArea = GeometryEngine.Project(_spatialReferenceArea, statePlaneNorthCentralTexas) as Polygon;

            // Create a map that uses the North Central Texas state plane spatial reference.
            Map bufferMap = new Map(statePlaneNorthCentralTexas);

            // Add some base layers (counties, cities, and highways).
            Uri usaLayerSource           = new Uri("https://sampleserver6.arcgisonline.com/arcgis/rest/services/USA/MapServer");
            ArcGISMapImageLayer usaLayer = new ArcGISMapImageLayer(usaLayerSource);


            // Use a new EnvelopeBuilder to expand the spatial reference extent 120%.
            EnvelopeBuilder envBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(_spatialReferenceArea.Extent);


            // Set the map's initial extent to the expanded envelope.
            Envelope startingEnvelope = envBuilder.ToGeometry();

            bufferMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(startingEnvelope);

            // Assign the map to the MapView.
            _myMapView.Map = bufferMap;

            // Create a graphics overlay to show the buffer polygon graphics.
            GraphicsOverlay bufferGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay
                // Give the overlay an ID so it can be found later.
                Id = "buffers"

            // Create a graphic to show the spatial reference's valid extent (envelope) with a dashed red line.
            SimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbolStyle.Dash, Color.Red, 5);
            Graphic          spatialReferenceExtentGraphic = new Graphic(_spatialReferenceArea, lineSymbol);

            // Add the graphic to a new overlay.
            GraphicsOverlay spatialReferenceGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();


            // Add the graphics overlays to the MapView.
        private void Initialize()
            // Define the route stop locations (points)
            MapPoint fromPoint = new MapPoint(-117.15494348793044, 32.706506537686927, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
            MapPoint toPoint   = new MapPoint(-117.14905088669816, 32.735308180609138, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);

            // Create Stop objects with the points and add them to a list of stops
            Stop stop1 = new Stop(fromPoint);
            Stop stop2 = new Stop(toPoint);

            _routeStops = new List <Stop> {
                stop1, stop2

            // Picture marker symbols: from = car, to = checkered flag
            PictureMarkerSymbol carSymbol  = new PictureMarkerSymbol(_carIconUri);
            PictureMarkerSymbol flagSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(_checkedFlagIconUri);

            // Add a slight offset (pixels) to the picture symbols.
            carSymbol.OffsetX  = -carSymbol.Width / 2;
            carSymbol.OffsetY  = -carSymbol.Height / 2;
            flagSymbol.OffsetX = -flagSymbol.Width / 2;
            flagSymbol.OffsetY = -flagSymbol.Height / 2;

            // Set the height and width.
            flagSymbol.Height = 60;
            flagSymbol.Width  = 60;
            carSymbol.Height  = 60;
            carSymbol.Width   = 60;

            // Create graphics for the stops
            Graphic fromGraphic = new Graphic(fromPoint, carSymbol)
                ZIndex = 1
            Graphic toGraphic = new Graphic(toPoint, flagSymbol)
                ZIndex = 1

            // Create the graphics overlay and add the stop graphics
            _routeGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();

            // Get an Envelope that covers the area of the stops (and a little more)
            Envelope        routeStopsExtent = new Envelope(fromPoint, toPoint);
            EnvelopeBuilder envBuilder       = new EnvelopeBuilder(routeStopsExtent);


            // Create a new viewpoint apply it to the map view when the spatial reference changes
            Viewpoint sanDiegoViewpoint = new Viewpoint(envBuilder.ToGeometry());

            MyMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += (s, e) => MyMapView.SetViewpoint(sanDiegoViewpoint);

            // Add a new Map and the graphics overlay to the map view
            MyMapView.Map = new Map(BasemapStyle.ArcGISStreets);
예제 #4
        private async void Initialize()
            // Get all the ColorRamp names from the PresetColorRampType Enumeration and put them
            // in an array of strings, then set the ComboBox.ItemSource to the array, and finally
            // select the first item in the ComboBox
            string[] myPresetColorRampTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(PresetColorRampType));
            ColorRamps.ItemsSource   = myPresetColorRampTypes;
            ColorRamps.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Get all the SlopeType names from the SlopeType Enumeration and put them
            // in an array of strings, then set the ComboBox.ItemSource to the array, and finally
            // select the first item in the ComboBox
            string[] mySlopeTypes = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SlopeType));
            SlopeTypes.ItemsSource   = mySlopeTypes;
            SlopeTypes.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Set the altitude slider min/max and initial value
            Altitude_Slider.Minimum = 0;
            Altitude_Slider.Maximum = 90;
            Altitude_Slider.Value   = 45;

            // Set the azimuth slider min/max and initial value
            Azimuth_Slider.Minimum = 0;
            Azimuth_Slider.Maximum = 360;
            Azimuth_Slider.Value   = 180;

            // Load the raster file using a path on disk
            Raster myRasterImagery = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Imagery());

            // Create the raster layer from the raster
            RasterLayer myRasterLayerImagery = new RasterLayer(myRasterImagery);

            // Create a new map using the raster layer as the base map
            Map myMap = new Map(new Basemap(myRasterLayerImagery));

            // Wait for the layer to load - this enabled being able to obtain the extent information
            // of the raster layer
            await myRasterLayerImagery.LoadAsync();

            // Create a new EnvelopeBuilder from the full extent of the raster layer
            EnvelopeBuilder myEnvelopBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(myRasterLayerImagery.FullExtent);

            // Zoom in the extent just a bit so that raster layer encompasses the entire viewable area of the map

            // Set the viewpoint of the map to the EnvelopeBuilder's extent
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(myEnvelopBuilder.ToGeometry().Extent);

            // Add map to the map view
            MyMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Wait for the map to load
            await myMap.LoadAsync();

            // Enable the 'Update Renderer' button now that the map has loaded
            UpdateRenderer.IsEnabled = true;
        private void UpdateMapExtent()
            // Return if mapview is null.
            if (myMapView == null)

            // Get the new viewpoint.
            Viewpoint myViewPoint = myMapView.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry);

            // Return if viewpoint is null.
            if (myViewPoint == null)

            // Get the updated extent for the new viewpoint.
            Envelope extent = myViewPoint.TargetGeometry as Envelope;

            // Return if extent is null.
            if (extent == null)

            // Create an envelope that is a bit smaller than the extent.
            EnvelopeBuilder envelopeBldr = new EnvelopeBuilder(extent);


            // Get the (only) graphics overlay in the map view.
            GraphicsOverlay extentOverlay = myMapView.GraphicsOverlays.FirstOrDefault();

            // Return if the extent overlay is null.
            if (extentOverlay == null)

            // Get the extent graphic.
            Graphic extentGraphic = extentOverlay.Graphics.FirstOrDefault();

            // Create the extent graphic and add it to the overlay if it doesn't exist.
            if (extentGraphic == null)
                extentGraphic = new Graphic(envelopeBldr.ToGeometry());
                // Otherwise, update the graphic's geometry.
                extentGraphic.Geometry = envelopeBldr.ToGeometry();
예제 #6
        private async void Initialize()
                // Set the altitude slider min/max and initial value (minimum is always 0 - do
                // not set _Altitude_Slider.Min = 0)
                _Slider_Altitude.Max      = 90;
                _Slider_Altitude.Progress = 45;

                // Set the azimuth slider min/max and initial value (minimum is always 0 - do
                // not set _AZimuth_Slider.Min = 0)
                _Slider_Azimuth.Max      = 360;
                _Slider_Azimuth.Progress = 180;

                // Load the raster file using a path on disk
                Raster myRasterImagery = new Raster(await GetRasterPath_Imagery());

                // Create the raster layer from the raster
                RasterLayer myRasterLayerImagery = new RasterLayer(myRasterImagery);

                // Create a new map using the raster layer as the base map
                Map myMap = new Map(new Basemap(myRasterLayerImagery));

                // Wait for the layer to load - this enabled being able to obtain the extent information
                // of the raster layer
                await myRasterLayerImagery.LoadAsync();

                // Create a new EnvelopeBuilder from the full extent of the raster layer
                EnvelopeBuilder myEnvelopBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(myRasterLayerImagery.FullExtent);

                // Zoom in the extent just a bit so that raster layer encompasses the entire viewable
                // area of the map

                // Set the viewpoint of the map to the EnvelopeBuilder's extent
                myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(myEnvelopBuilder.ToGeometry().Extent);

                // Add map to the map view
                _myMapView.Map = myMap;

                // Wait for the map to load
                await myMap.LoadAsync();

                // Enable the 'Update Renderer' button now that the map has loaded
                _Button_UpdateRenderer.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception ex)
예제 #7
        private async void Initialize()
            // Set the altitude slider min/max and initial value.
            _altitudeSlider.MinValue = 0;
            _altitudeSlider.MaxValue = 90;
            _altitudeSlider.Value    = 45;

            // Set the azimuth slider min/max and initial value.
            _azimuthSlider.MinValue = 0;
            _azimuthSlider.MaxValue = 360;
            _azimuthSlider.Value    = 180;

            // Load the raster file using a path on disk.
            Raster rasterImagery = new Raster(DataManager.GetDataFolder("7c4c679ab06a4df19dc497f577f111bd", "raster-file", "Shasta.tif"));

            // Create the raster layer from the raster.
            RasterLayer rasterLayerImagery = new RasterLayer(rasterImagery);

            // Create a new map using the raster layer as the base map.
            Map map = new Map(new Basemap(rasterLayerImagery));

                // Wait for the layer to load - this enabled being able to obtain the raster layer's extent.
                await rasterLayerImagery.LoadAsync();

                // Create a new EnvelopeBuilder from the full extent of the raster layer.
                EnvelopeBuilder envelopeBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(rasterLayerImagery.FullExtent);

                // Zoom in the extent just a bit so that raster layer encompasses the entire viewable area of the map.

                // Set the viewpoint of the map to the EnvelopeBuilder's extent.
                map.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(envelopeBuilder.ToGeometry().Extent);

                // Add map to the map view.
                _myMapView.Map = map;

                // Wait for the map to load.
                await map.LoadAsync();

                // Enable the 'Update Renderer' button now that the map has loaded.
                _updateRendererButton.Enabled = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
        private async void Initialize()
            // Update the preset color ramp type options and select the first one.
            ColorRamps.ItemsSource   = Enum.GetNames(typeof(PresetColorRampType));
            ColorRamps.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Update the slope options and select the first one.
            SlopeTypes.ItemsSource   = Enum.GetNames(typeof(SlopeType));
            SlopeTypes.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // Load the raster file using a path on disk.
            Raster myRasterImagery = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Imagery());

            // Create the raster layer from the raster.
            RasterLayer myRasterLayerImagery = new RasterLayer(myRasterImagery);

            // Create a new map using the raster layer as the base map.
            Map myMap = new Map(new Basemap(myRasterLayerImagery));

                // Wait for the layer to load - this enabled being able to obtain the extent information
                // of the raster layer.
                await myRasterLayerImagery.LoadAsync();

                // Create a new EnvelopeBuilder from the full extent of the raster layer.
                EnvelopeBuilder myEnvelopBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(myRasterLayerImagery.FullExtent);

                // Zoom in the extent just a bit so that raster layer encompasses the entire viewable area of the map.

                // Set the viewpoint of the map to the EnvelopeBuilder's extent.
                myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(myEnvelopBuilder.ToGeometry().Extent);

                // Add map to the map view.
                MyMapView.Map = myMap;

                // Wait for the map to load.
                await myMap.LoadAsync();

                // Enable the 'Update Renderer' button now that the map has loaded.
                UpdateRenderer.IsEnabled = true;
            catch (Exception e)
                MessageBox.Show(e.ToString(), "Error");
예제 #9
 private void ViewpointChanged1(object sender, EventArgs e)
         Viewpoint       UIMapViewpoint    = HeatVulnerability1.HeatVuln.GetCurrentViewpoint(ViewpointType.BoundingGeometry);
         var             UIMapViewGeometry = UIMapViewpoint.TargetGeometry.Extent;
         EnvelopeBuilder newEnvelope       = new EnvelopeBuilder(UIMapViewGeometry);
         // The video walls map extent is 1.4x the UI's extent
         HeatVulnerability2.HeatVuln.SetViewpoint(new Viewpoint(newEnvelope.Extent));
     catch (Exception ex)
예제 #10
        private async void Initialize()
            // Set the altitude slider min/max and initial value
            _Altitude_Slider.MinValue = 0;
            _Altitude_Slider.MaxValue = 90;
            _Altitude_Slider.Value    = 45;

            // Set the azimuth slider min/max and initial value
            _Azimuth_Slider.MinValue = 0;
            _Azimuth_Slider.MaxValue = 360;
            _Azimuth_Slider.Value    = 180;

            // Load the raster file using a path on disk
            Raster myRasterImagery = new Raster(GetRasterPath_Imagery());

            // Create the raster layer from the raster
            RasterLayer myRasterLayerImagery = new RasterLayer(myRasterImagery);

            // Create a new map using the raster layer as the base map
            Map myMap = new Map(new Basemap(myRasterLayerImagery));

            // Wait for the layer to load - this enabled being able to obtain the extent information
            // of the raster layer
            await myRasterLayerImagery.LoadAsync();

            // Create a new EnvelopeBuilder from the full extent of the raster layer
            EnvelopeBuilder myEnvelopBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(myRasterLayerImagery.FullExtent);

            // Zoom in the extent just a bit so that raster layer encompasses the entire viewable area of the map

            // Set the viewpoint of the map to the EnvelopeBuilder's extent
            myMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(myEnvelopBuilder.ToGeometry().Extent);

            // Add map to the map view
            _myMapView.Map = myMap;

            // Wait for the map to load
            await myMap.LoadAsync();

            // Enable the 'Update Renderer' button now that the map has loaded
            _UpdateRenderer.Enabled = true;
예제 #11
        private Geometry GetExtentOfGraphicsOverlay(GraphicsOverlay inputGraphicsOverlay, double expansionFactor, SpatialReference spatialReferenceType)
            // Get all of the graphics contained in the graphics overlay.
            GraphicCollection inputGraphicCollection = inputGraphicsOverlay.Graphics;

            // Create a new envelope builder using the same spatial reference as the graphics.
            EnvelopeBuilder unionEnvelopeBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(spatialReferenceType);

            // Loop through each graphic in the graphic collection.
            foreach (Graphic oneGraphic in inputGraphicCollection)
                // Union the extent of each graphic in the envelope builder.

            // Expand the envelope builder by the expansion factor.

            // Return the unioned extent plus the expansion factor.
        private void SetExtent()
            // Get all of the graphics contained in the graphics overlay
            GraphicCollection myGraphicCollection = _overlay.Graphics;

            // Create a new envelope builder using the same spatial reference as the graphics
            EnvelopeBuilder myEnvelopeBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(SpatialReferences.Wgs84);

            // Loop through each graphic in the graphic collection
            foreach (Graphic oneGraphic in myGraphicCollection)
                // Union the extent of each graphic in the envelope builder

            // Expand the envelope builder by 30%

            // Adjust the viewable area of the map to encompass all of the graphics in the
            // graphics overlay plus an extra 30% margin for better viewing
            _myMapView.SetViewpointAsync(new Viewpoint(myEnvelopeBuilder.Extent));
        private async void Initialize()
            // Load the raster file using a path on disk.
            Raster rasterImagery = new Raster(DataManager.GetDataFolder("7c4c679ab06a4df19dc497f577f111bd", "raster-file", "Shasta.tif"));

            // Create the raster layer from the raster.
            RasterLayer rasterLayerImagery = new RasterLayer(rasterImagery);

            // Create a new map using the raster layer as the base map.
            Map map = new Map(new Basemap(rasterLayerImagery));

                // Wait for the layer to load - this enabled being able to obtain the raster layer's extent.
                await rasterLayerImagery.LoadAsync();

                // Create a new EnvelopeBuilder from the full extent of the raster layer.
                EnvelopeBuilder envelopeBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(rasterLayerImagery.FullExtent);

                // Configure the settings view.
                _settingsVC = new BlendSettingsController(map);

                // Zoom in the extent just a bit so that raster layer encompasses the entire viewable area of the map.

                // Set the viewpoint of the map to the EnvelopeBuilder's extent.
                map.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(envelopeBuilder.ToGeometry().Extent);

                // Add map to the map view.
                _myMapView.Map = map;

                // Wait for the map to load.
                await map.LoadAsync();
            catch (Exception e)
                new UIAlertView("Error", e.ToString(), (IUIAlertViewDelegate)null, "OK", null).Show();
예제 #14
        private void Initialize()
            // Define the route stop locations (points)
            MapPoint fromPoint = new MapPoint(-112.068962, 33.638390, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);
            MapPoint toPoint   = new MapPoint(-112.1028099, 33.7334937, SpatialReferences.Wgs84);

            // Create Stop objects with the points and add them to a list of stops
            Stop stop1 = new Stop(new MapPoint(-112.068962, 33.638390, SpatialReferences.Wgs84));
            Stop stop2 = new Stop(new MapPoint(-111.994930, 33.618900, SpatialReferences.Wgs84));
            Stop stop3 = new Stop(new MapPoint(-112.0021089, 33.6858299, SpatialReferences.Wgs84));
            Stop stop4 = new Stop(new MapPoint(-111.9734644, 33.6348065, SpatialReferences.Wgs84));
            Stop stop5 = new Stop(new MapPoint(-112.1028099, 33.7334937, SpatialReferences.Wgs84));

            _routeStops = new List <Stop> {
                stop1, stop2, stop3, stop4, stop5

            //// Create Stop objects with the points and add them to a list of stops
            //Stop stop1 = new Stop(fromPoint);
            //Stop stop2 = new Stop(toPoint);
            //_routeStops = new List<Stop> { stop1, stop2 };

            // Picture marker symbols: from = car, to = checkered flag
            PictureMarkerSymbol carSymbol  = new PictureMarkerSymbol(_carIconUri);
            PictureMarkerSymbol flagSymbol = new PictureMarkerSymbol(_checkedFlagIconUri);

            // Add a slight offset (pixels) to the picture symbols.
            carSymbol.OffsetX  = -carSymbol.Width / 2;
            carSymbol.OffsetY  = -carSymbol.Height / 2;
            flagSymbol.OffsetX = -flagSymbol.Width / 2;
            flagSymbol.OffsetY = -flagSymbol.Height / 2;

            // Set the height and width.
            flagSymbol.Height = 60;
            flagSymbol.Width  = 60;
            carSymbol.Height  = 60;
            carSymbol.Width   = 60;

            // Create graphics for the stops
            Graphic fromGraphic = new Graphic(fromPoint, carSymbol)
                ZIndex = 1
            Graphic toGraphic = new Graphic(toPoint, flagSymbol)
                ZIndex = 1

            // Create the graphics overlay and add the stop graphics
            _routeGraphicsOverlay = new GraphicsOverlay();

            // Get an Envelope that covers the area of the stops (and a little more)
            Envelope        routeStopsExtent = new Envelope(fromPoint, toPoint);
            EnvelopeBuilder envBuilder       = new EnvelopeBuilder(routeStopsExtent);


            // Create a new viewpoint apply it to the map view when the spatial reference changes
            Viewpoint sanDiegoViewpoint = new Viewpoint(envBuilder.ToGeometry());

            MyMapView.SpatialReferenceChanged += (s, e) => MyMapView.SetViewpoint(sanDiegoViewpoint);

            // Add a new Map and the graphics overlay to the map view
            MyMapView.Map = new Map(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabelsVector());
예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates route from the geocoded locations
        /// </summary>
        private async Task GetRouteAsync()
            if (FromPlace == null || ToPlace == null)

            IsBusy = true;

            if (Router == null)
                    await CreateRouteTask();
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ErrorMessage = "Unable to load routing service. The routing functionality may not work.";
                    StackTrace   = ex.ToString();

                    IsBusy = false;

            // set the route parameters
            var routeParams = await Router.CreateDefaultParametersAsync();

            routeParams.ReturnDirections = true;
            routeParams.ReturnRoutes     = true;

            // add route stops as parameters
                routeParams.SetStops(new List <Stop>()
                    new Stop(FromPlace.RouteLocation),
                    new Stop(ToPlace.RouteLocation)
                Route = await Router.SolveRouteAsync(routeParams);

                // Set the AOI to an area slightly larger than the route's extent
                var aoiBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(Route.Routes.FirstOrDefault()?.RouteGeometry.Extent);
                AreaOfInterest = new Viewpoint(aoiBuilder.ToGeometry());

                // Set turn by turn directions
                DirectionManeuvers = Route.Routes.FirstOrDefault()?.DirectionManeuvers;
            catch (ArcGISWebException e)
                // This is returned when user hits the Cancel button in iOS or the back arrow in Android
                // It does not get caught in the SignInRenderer and needs to be handled here
                if (e.Message.Contains("Token Required"))
                    FromPlace = null;
                    ToPlace   = null;
                    IsBusy    = false;

                ErrorMessage = "A web exception occured. Are you connected to the internet?";
                StackTrace   = e.ToString();
            catch (Exception ex)
                //TODO: Remove workaround when iOS bug is fixed
#if __IOS__
                if (ex.Message == "403 (Forbidden)" && exceptionCounter <= 3)
                    await GetRouteAsync();

                ErrorMessage = "Something went wrong and the routing operation failed.";
                StackTrace   = ex.ToString();

            exceptionCounter = 0;
            IsBusy           = false;
예제 #16
        private async void Initialize()
            // Set paths that are relative to execution path
            string currentDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            int    idx        = currentDir.IndexOf("bin") - 1;

            appRootDir = currentDir.Substring(0, idx);
            appDataDir = appRootDir + @"\Data";
            appTempDir = appRootDir + @"\temp";

            // Set up files
            testImage  = appDataDir + @"\sampleFile.tiff";
            gpPackage  = appDataDir + @"\CreateMapTilePackage.gpkx";
            mapPackage = appDataDir + @"\emptyMapPackage.mpkx";

            Debug.WriteLine(">> App Root Directory = " + appRootDir);
            Debug.WriteLine(">> App Data Directory = " + appDataDir);
            Debug.WriteLine(">> App Temp Directory = " + appTempDir);

            ////////////// start Q Basket set up //////////////////
            // Create raster layer from a raster file (Geotiff)
            Debug.WriteLine("Loading raster layer from " + testImage);
            RasterLayer inRasterLayer = new RasterLayer(testImage);

            // Load Raster into Raster Layer
                await inRasterLayer.LoadAsync();

                if (inRasterLayer.LoadStatus != Esri.ArcGISRuntime.LoadStatus.Loaded)
                    Debug.WriteLine("Error - Input Raster Layer not loaded ");
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = "Unable to load the raster\n";
                msg += "Raster file = " + testImage;
                msg += "Load status = " + inRasterLayer.LoadStatus.ToString();
                msg += "\n\nMessage: " + ex.Message;
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "inRasterLayer.LoadAsync failed");

            // Create a new EnvelopeBuilder from the full extent of the raster layer.
            // Add a small zoom to make sure entire map is viewable
            EnvelopeBuilder envelopeBuilder = new EnvelopeBuilder(inRasterLayer.FullExtent);


            // Create a basemap from the raster layer
            Basemap baseMap = new Basemap(inRasterLayer);

            // Create a new map using the new basemap
            Map newMap = new Map(baseMap);

            // Set the viewpoint of the map to the proper extent.
            newMap.InitialViewpoint = new Viewpoint(envelopeBuilder.ToGeometry().Extent);

            // Create a map and add it to the view
            MyMapView.Map = newMap;

            // Load new map to display basemap
                // Add map to the map view.
                MyMapView.Map = newMap;

                // Wait for the map to load.
                await newMap.LoadAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = "Unable to load the Map\n";
                msg += "\n\nMessage: " + ex.Message;
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "newMap.LoadAsync failed");

            // Wait for rendering to finish before taking the screenshot for the thumbnail
            await WaitForRenderCompleteAsync(MyMapView);

            ////////////// end Q Basket set up //////////////////

            // Start the Local Server
                // LocalServer must not be running when setting the data path.
                if (LocalServer.Instance.Status == LocalServerStatus.Started)
                    await LocalServer.Instance.StopAsync();

                // Set the local data path - must be done before starting.
                // Avoid Windows path length limitations (260).
                // CreateDirectory won't overwrite if it already exists.
                LocalServer.Instance.AppDataPath = appTempDir;

                // Start the local server instance
                await LocalServer.Instance.StartAsync();

                MessageBox.Show("Local Server started");
                Debug.WriteLine(">> Local Server started");

                // Get the URL for the localServer
                // localhost port is variable
                localServerURL = LocalServer.Instance.Url.AbsoluteUri;

                Debug.WriteLine("\n>> Local server url - " + localServerURL);
                Debug.WriteLine(">> Local server App Data Path - " +
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = "Please ensure the local server is installed \nand configured correctly";
                msg += String.Format("\nMessage: {0}", ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "Local Server failed to start");

            // Create and start the local map service
                _localMapService = new LocalMapService(mapPackage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = "Cannot create the local map service";
                msg += "Map Package = " + mapPackage;
                msg += String.Format("\nMessage: {0}", ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "Local Map Server failed to start");

            // Create the Raster workspace; this workspace name was chosen arbitrarily
            // Does workspace need to be the same directory as rasters?
            // setting to temp directory
            rasterWorkspace = new RasterWorkspace("raster_wkspc", appTempDir);
            Debug.WriteLine(">> raster workspace folder = " + rasterWorkspace.FolderPath);
            Debug.WriteLine(">> raster workspace id = " + rasterWorkspace.Id);

            // Create the layer source that represents the Raster on disk
            RasterSublayerSource source = new RasterSublayerSource(rasterWorkspace.Id, testImage);

            // Create a sublayer instance from the table source
            _rasterSublayer = new ArcGISMapImageSublayer(0, source);

            // Add the dynamic workspace to the map service
            _localMapService.SetDynamicWorkspaces(new List <DynamicWorkspace>()

            // Register map service status chagne event handle
            _localMapService.StatusChanged += _localMapService_StatusChanged;

            // Start the map service
                await _localMapService.StartAsync();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = "Cannot start the local map service";
                msg += "Map Package = " + mapPackage;
                msg += String.Format("\nMessage: {0}", ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "Local Map Server failed to start");

            // Get the url to the local map service
            localMapServiceURL = _localMapService.Url.AbsoluteUri;
            MessageBox.Show("Local Map Service URL = " + localMapServiceURL);
            Debug.WriteLine("Local Map Service URL = " + localMapServiceURL);

            // Create the geoprocessing service
            _localGPservice = new LocalGeoprocessingService(gpPackage, gpServiceType);

            // Ass GP service status chagned event handler
            _localGPservice.StatusChanged += GpServiceOnStatusChanged;

            // Try to start the service
                // Start the service
                await _localGPservice.StartAsync();

                if (_localGPservice.Status == LocalServerStatus.Failed)
                    string msg = ("Geoprocessing service failed to start.\n");
                    MessageBox.Show(msg, "gpService.StartAsync failed");
                else if (_localGPservice.Status == LocalServerStatus.Started)
                    localGPserviceUrl = _localGPservice.Url.AbsoluteUri + "/CreateMapTilePackage";

                    string msg = ("Geoprocessing service started.\n");
                    msg += "\n>> GP Service URL: " + localGPserviceUrl;
                    msg += ">> GP Service Max Records: " + _localGPservice.MaxRecords;
                    msg += ">> GP Service Package Path: " + _localGPservice.PackagePath;
                    msg += ">> GP Service Type: " + _localGPservice.ServiceType;
                    MessageBox.Show(msg, "gpService.StartAsync started");

                    Debug.WriteLine("\n>> GP Service URL: " + localGPserviceUrl);
                    Debug.WriteLine(">> GP Service Max Records: " + _localGPservice.MaxRecords);
                    Debug.WriteLine(">> GP Service Package Path: " + _localGPservice.PackagePath);
                    Debug.WriteLine(">> GP Service Type: " + _localGPservice.ServiceType);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ("Geoprocessing service failed to start.\n");
                msg += "\nGeoprocessing package - " + gpPackage + "\n";
                msg += String.Format("\nMessage: {0}", ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "gpService.StartAsync failed");

            // Create the geoprocessing task from the service
                string url = _localGPservice.Url + "/CreateMapTilePackage";
                _gpTask = await GeoprocessingTask.CreateAsync(new Uri(url));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ("Geoprocessing task failed to start.\n");
                msg += "\nlocalGPserviceUrl- " + localGPserviceUrl + "\n";
                msg += String.Format("\nMessage: {0}", ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "GeoprocessingTask.CreateAsync failed");
            MessageBox.Show("GeoprocessingTask.CreateAsync created");

            // GEOPROCESSING JOB
            // Create the geoprocessing parameters
            GeoprocessingParameters gpParams = new GeoprocessingParameters(gpExecutionType);

            // Add the interval parameter to the geoprocessing parameters
            //GeoprocessingString Input_Map = new GeoprocessingString("MyMapView.Map");
            GeoprocessingString Input_Map      = new GeoprocessingString("localMapServiceURL");
            GeoprocessingDouble Max_LOD        = new GeoprocessingDouble(10);
            GeoprocessingString Output_Package = new GeoprocessingString("C://Karen/Data/TilePackages/test.tpkx");

            gpParams.Inputs.Add("Input_Map", Input_Map);
            gpParams.Inputs.Add("Max_LOD", Max_LOD);
            gpParams.Inputs.Add("Output_Package", Output_Package);

            // Create the job
                _gpJob = _gpTask.CreateJob(gpParams);
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ("Geoprocessing job cannot be created.\n");
                msg += String.Format("\nMessage: {0}", ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "_gpTask.CreateJob failed");
            MessageBox.Show("GeoprocessingTask.CreateJob created");
            MyLoadingIndicator.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;

            // Update the UI when job progress changes
            _gpJob.ProgressChanged += (sender, args) =>
                Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { MyLoadingIndicator.Value = _gpJob.Progress; });

            // Be notified when the task completes (or other change happens)
            _gpJob.JobChanged += GpJobOnJobChanged;

            // Start the job
            catch (Exception ex)
                string msg = ("Geoprocessing start job failed to start.\n");
                msg += String.Format("\nMessage: {0}", ex.Message);
                MessageBox.Show(msg, "_gpjob.Start failed");
            MessageBox.Show("GeoprocessingTask job started");
예제 #17
        // Initialize creates the Map objects, assigns rasters, and creates bookmarks
        private async void Initialize()
            // add imagery basemap to both scenes
            Scene BeforeMap = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels());
            Scene AfterMap  = new Scene(Basemap.CreateImageryWithLabels());

            // wait for scenes to load
            await BeforeMap.LoadAsync();

            await AfterMap.LoadAsync();

            // Assigns Scene objects to View
            NaturalDisasterBefore.Scene = BeforeMap;
            NaturalDisasterAfter.Scene  = AfterMap;

            // List containing paths to each "before" raster
            string[] beforeimages;
            String   fpath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "BeforeImages\\");

            beforeimages = Directory.GetFiles(fpath, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(x => Path.GetFileName(x)).ToArray();

            // List containing paths to each "after" raster
            string[] afterimages;
            String   fpath2 = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "AfterImages\\");

            afterimages = Directory.GetFiles(fpath2, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Select(x => Path.GetFileName(x)).ToArray();

            // Iterate through "before" raster list and add each one to the BeforeMap
            foreach (var item in beforeimages)
                // specify filepath to raster location
                string filepath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "BeforeImages\\" + item);

                // Load the raster file
                Raster myRasterFile = new Raster(filepath);

                // Create the layer
                RasterLayer myRasterLayer = new RasterLayer(myRasterFile);

                // Add the layer and bookmark to the map

                // Wait for the layer to load
                await myRasterLayer.LoadAsync();

                //Creates an envelope for the current Raster
                var             rasterGeometry = myRasterLayer.FullExtent;
                EnvelopeBuilder newEnvelope    = new EnvelopeBuilder(rasterGeometry);

                // Creates an envelope for comparison to bookmark location
                EnvelopeBuilder textEnvelope = new EnvelopeBuilder(rasterGeometry);

                var xMax             = newEnvelope.XMax;
                var yMax             = newEnvelope.YMax;
                var xMin             = newEnvelope.XMin;
                var yMin             = newEnvelope.YMin;
                var spatialreference = newEnvelope.SpatialReference;

                // Converts newEnvelope to a geometry object that can be read as a Viewpoint
                Envelope rasterEnvelope = new Envelope(xMin, yMin, xMax, yMax, spatialreference);

                // Create Bookmark location and name for current raster
                // Raster needs spatial reference to load
                    if (rasterEnvelope.SpatialReference != null)
                        Viewpoint viewpoint = new Viewpoint(rasterEnvelope);
                        Bookmark  bookmark  = new Bookmark
                            Name      = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(item),
                            Viewpoint = viewpoint
                catch (Exception ex)

            // Iterate through "after" raster list and add each one to the AfterMap
            // Same as the one for the BeforeMap
            foreach (var item in afterimages)
                // specify filepath to raster location
                string filepath = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "AfterImages\\" + item);

                // Load the raster file
                Raster myRasterFile = new Raster(filepath);

                // Create the layer
                RasterLayer myRasterLayer = new RasterLayer(myRasterFile);

                // Add the layer and bookmark to the map

                // Wait for the layer to load
                await myRasterLayer.LoadAsync();