예제 #1
            private static void ProjectSync(EnvDTE.ProjectItem templateProjectItem, IEnumerable <String> keepFileNames)
                var keepFileNameSet    = new HashSet <String>(keepFileNames);
                var projectFiles       = new Dictionary <String, EnvDTE.ProjectItem>();
                var originalFilePrefix = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(templateProjectItem.get_FileNames(0)) + ".";

                foreach (EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem in templateProjectItem.ProjectItems)
                    projectFiles.Add(projectItem.get_FileNames(0), projectItem);

                // Remove unused items from the project
                foreach (var pair in projectFiles)
                    if (!keepFileNames.Contains(pair.Key) && !(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pair.Key) + ".").StartsWith(originalFilePrefix))

                // Add missing files to the project
                foreach (String fileName in keepFileNameSet)
                    if (!projectFiles.ContainsKey(fileName))
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// See <see cref="IWizard"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectItem">See Visual Studio SDK documentation.</param>
        public void ProjectItemFinishedGenerating(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem)
            if (projectItem == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("projectItem");

예제 #3
        private static Configuration GetDesignTimeConfig()
            ExeConfigurationFileMap configMap = null;
            Configuration           config    = null;
            String path = null;

            // Get an instance of the currently running Visual Studio IDE.
            EnvDTE80.DTE2 dte = (EnvDTE80.DTE2)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.GetActiveObject("VisualStudio.DTE.9.0");

            if (dte != null)
                dte.SuppressUI = true;

                EnvDTE.ProjectItem item = dte.Solution.FindProjectItem("web.config");
                if (item != null)
                    if (!item.ContainingProject.FullName.ToLower().StartsWith("http:"))
                        System.IO.FileInfo info = new System.IO.FileInfo(item.ContainingProject.FullName);
                        path      = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", info.Directory.FullName, item.Name);
                        configMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
                        configMap.ExeConfigFilename = path;
                        configMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
                        configMap.ExeConfigFilename = item.get_FileNames(0);

                 * Array projects = (Array) dte2.ActiveSolutionProjects;
                 * EnvDTE.Project project = (EnvDTE.Project) projects.GetValue(0);
                 * System.IO.FileInfo info;
                 * foreach ( EnvDTE.ProjectItem item in project.ProjectItems )
                 * {
                 *      if ( String.Compare(item.Name, "web.config", true) == 0 )
                 *      {
                 *              info = new System.IO.FileInfo(project.FullName);
                 *              path = String.Format("{0}\\{1}", info.Directory.FullName, item.Name);
                 *              configMap = new ExeConfigurationFileMap();
                 *              configMap.ExeConfigFilename = path;
                 *              break;
                 *      }
                 * }

            config = ConfigurationManager.OpenMappedExeConfiguration(configMap, ConfigurationUserLevel.None);
        /// <summary>
        /// Retrieves the connection strings section from the given project.
        /// </summary>
        public static ConnectionStringsSection GetSection(EnvDTE.Project project)
            if (project == null)

            EnvDTE.ProjectItem configItem = null;

            //string configName;

            //if (DteHelper.IsWebProject(project))
            //    configName = "Web.config";
            //    configName = "App.config";
            //configItem = DteHelper.FindItemByName(project.ProjectItems, configName, false);
            //if (configItem == null)
            //    configItem = DteHelper.FindItemByName(project.ProjectItems, configName.ToLowerInvariant(), false);

            if (DteHelper.IsWebProject(project))
                    configItem = FindItemByName(project.ProjectItems, "web.config", true);
                    //With Web projects without any subfolder this method throws an exception
                    configItem = FindItemByName(project.ProjectItems, "web.config", false);
                configItem = FindItemByName(project.ProjectItems, "app.config", true);

            if (configItem == null)

            string configFile = configItem.get_FileNames(1);

        private void ProjectItemRemoved(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem)
                CodeIssues.RemoveAll(new CodeIssueMatch(projectItem.get_FileNames(0)).FilePathMatch);
            catch (Exception err)
                Debug.Assert(false, "Error removing code issues", err.Message);

        private bool GetProjectItemId(IVsHierarchy projectHierarchy, EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem, out uint projectItemId)
            projectItemId = 0;

            string projectItemName = null;

            try { projectItemName = projectItem.get_FileNames(0); } catch { }
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projectItemName))

            if (projectHierarchy.ParseCanonicalName(projectItemName, out projectItemId) != 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Provides the list of valid values to choose from for the connection string.
        /// </summary>
        public override StandardValuesCollection GetStandardValues(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
            ConnectionStringsSection section = null;

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationArgument))
                EnvDTE.DTE vs = (EnvDTE.DTE)context.GetService(typeof(EnvDTE.DTE));
                if (vs == null)
                    return(new StandardValuesCollection(null));
                EnvDTE.Project project = DteHelper.GetSelectedProject(vs);
                if (project == null)
                    return(new StandardValuesCollection(null));
                section = ConnectionSettingsInfo.GetSection(vs);
                IDictionaryService dictionary        = (IDictionaryService)context.GetService(typeof(IDictionaryService));
                EnvDTE.ProjectItem configurationItem = dictionary.GetValue(configurationArgument) as EnvDTE.ProjectItem;
                if (configurationItem != null)
                    section = ConnectionSettingsInfo.GetSection(configurationItem.get_FileNames(1));

            if (section == null)
                return(new StandardValuesCollection(null));

            List <ConnectionStringSettings> connectionslist = new List <ConnectionStringSettings>(section.ConnectionStrings.Count);

            foreach (ConnectionStringSettings setting in section.ConnectionStrings)
            return(new StandardValuesCollection(connectionslist));
        private void ProjectItemRenamed(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem, string oldName)
                string originalPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectItem.get_FileNames(0)) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar + oldName;
                foreach (CodeIssueFile codeIssue in CodeIssues)
                    if (codeIssue.file.Name == originalPath)
                        codeIssue.file = GetSourceFile(projectItem);
            catch (Exception err)
                Debug.Assert(false, "Error renaming code issues", err.Message);

 private void OnItemRenamed(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projItem, string oldName)
     this.Output(string.Format("[Event] Renamed {0} to {1} in project {2}\n", oldName, Path.GetFileName(projItem.get_FileNames(1)), projItem.ContainingProject.Name));
        /// <summary>
        /// ValidProjectItems recursively travels down the tree of items provided by
        /// the projectitems, checking for validity. This check is here to ensure that
        /// users to not attempt to copy projects that contain file types that would
        /// require hard path references or for us to otherwise have to perform
        /// complex transformations on the project structure on-disk to copy it.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Items"> The ProjectItems to recursively check.</param>
        /// <param name="strProjectRootPath"> The upper-case version of the root of the project path.</param>
        private bool ValidProjectItems(EnvDTE.ProjectItems Items, string strProjectRootPath)
            EnvDTE.ProjectItem Item = null;
            int    i, j, nItemCount, nFileCount;
            string strFilePath, strFileKind;

            nItemCount = Items.Count;
            for (i = 1; i <= nItemCount; i++)
                Item       = Items.Item(i);
                nFileCount = Item.FileCount;

                for (j = 1; j <= nFileCount; j++)
                    strFilePath = Item.get_FileNames((short)j);
                    strFilePath = strFilePath.ToUpper();
                    strFileKind = Item.Kind;

                    if ((strFileKind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFile) ||
                        (strFileKind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindPhysicalFolder))
                        if (!strFilePath.StartsWith(strProjectRootPath))
                    else if ((strFileKind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindSubProject) ||
                             (strFileKind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindVirtualFolder) ||
                             (strFileKind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindMisc) ||
                             (strFileKind == EnvDTE.Constants.vsProjectItemKindSolutionItems))
                        // Do nothing. We leave these kinds of items alone.
                    else if ((new System.IO.FileInfo(strFilePath)).Exists)
                        // If we fall down to this branch or further, it means that the package-provider
                        // did not follow the specifications for exposing items through the object model.
                        // However, since we cannot guarantee compliance, we must support this behavior.
                        if (!strFilePath.StartsWith(strProjectRootPath))
                    else if ((new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(strFilePath).Exists))
                            if (!ValidProjectItems(Item.ProjectItems, strProjectRootPath))
                        catch (Exception /*e*/)
                            // Falling into here means that though the directory exists
                            // on disk, it isn't necessarily holding any files. Some
                            // project types also enumerate all of the files + all of
                            // the directories as ProjectItems, rather than nesting
                            // them in the more intuitive way. We must support both.
                    // Otherwise, it's some kind of 'virtual object' and will be ignored
                    // during the copying process, since it's probably built into the
                    // settings in the project file anyway.

        /// <summary>
        /// Loops through each of the items in the project, attempting to extract any sections of code
        /// marked.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dte"> Pointer to Object Model in which all actions should be performed </param>
        private bool ExtractItems(EnvDTE.ProjectItems projSourceItems, EnvDTE._DTE dte, EnvDTE.ProjectItems projDestItems)
            EnvDTE.ProjectItem  projItem            = null;
            EnvDTE.TextDocument textDoc             = null;
            EnvDTE.Properties   extractorProperties = null;
            Extensions          extensions          = null;
            CommentPair         comments            = null;

            EnvDTE.Window w = null;

            bool   fSuccess = true;
            int    i, nItems, nLastIndex;
            string strExtension;

            extractorProperties = m_application.get_Properties("Assignment Manager", "Code Extractor");
            if (extractorProperties == null)
                throw new Exception("The Academic Code Extractor is not properly installed and configured.");
            extensions = extractorProperties.Item("Extensions").Object as Extensions;
            if (extensions == null)
                throw new Exception("The Academic Code Extractor is not properly installed and configured.");

            nItems = projDestItems.Count;
            for (i = 1; i <= nItems; i++)
                projItem = projDestItems.Item(i);
                    if (projItem.ProjectItems.Count > 0)
                        ExtractItems(projSourceItems.Item(i).ProjectItems, dte, projItem.ProjectItems);
                    // Note that this will *actually* be happening in an invisible
                    // out-of-process instance of VS, so the user will not be
                    // subjected to appearing / disappearing windows.
                    w       = projItem.Open(EnvDTE.Constants.vsViewKindTextView);
                    textDoc = w.Document.Object("TextDocument") as EnvDTE.TextDocument;

                    strExtension = projItem.get_FileNames(1);

                    nLastIndex = strExtension.LastIndexOf('.');
                    if (nLastIndex == -1)
                        continue;                                          // We have no capacity for files with no extension.
                    strExtension = strExtension.Remove(0, nLastIndex + 1); // Trim off the 'name.' part of 'name.ext'

                    comments = extensions[strExtension];
                    if (comments == null)
                        continue;                         // This file has no associated extension type. Ignore it.

                    fSuccess &= ExtractText(textDoc, comments.BeginComment, comments.EndComment, projSourceItems);

                catch (Exception /*e*/)
                    // If we end up here, that simply means that the file
                    // has no text. Since we obviously don't want to remove the
                    // textual tags from a file with no comments...
                    if (w != null)

예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// This handles the low-level copying of files from a project into a destination path, flattening
        /// the file structure.
        /// </summary>
        private static bool CopyProjectFiles(EnvDTE.Project proj, string destPath, string listingFile)
            System.IO.StreamWriter writer = null;
            EnvDTE.ProjectItems    Items = proj.ProjectItems;
            EnvDTE.ProjectItem     Item = null;
            int    i, j, nItemCount, nFileCount;
            string strFileName = null;
            string strFilePath = null;
            bool   fSucceeded  = true;

                // Open for append
                writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(listingFile, true);

                nItemCount = Items.Count;
                for (i = 1; i <= nItemCount; i++)
                    Item       = Items.Item(i);
                    nFileCount = Item.FileCount;

                    for (j = 1; j <= nFileCount; j++)
                        strFilePath = Item.get_FileNames((short)j);

                        // NOTE: The item kind can be one of physical file, misc item,
                        // or solution item. However, since we're explicitly *in* the
                        // misc or solution items folders if we're here, it makes more
                        // sense just to copy any & all files that we find in the folder
                        // and are able to locate on disk.
                        // The only exception is HTTP-based URLs, which we explicitly
                        // pick out and add to the listing file, which is deployed
                        // with all submitted assignments.
                        if ((new System.IO.FileInfo(strFilePath)).Exists)
                            strFileName = strFilePath.Substring(System.Math.Max(strFilePath.LastIndexOf('/'), strFilePath.LastIndexOf('\\')));
                            System.IO.File.Copy(strFilePath, destPath + strFileName);
                            if (strFilePath.ToUpper().StartsWith("HTTP://"))
            catch (System.Exception)
                fSucceeded = false;
                if (writer != null)

예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Return a sorted array of loaded extensions
        /// </summary>
        public string[] GetLoadedExtensions(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
            string[] retVal = myLoadedExtensions;
            if (retVal == null)
                if (myDocument == null && myProjectItem != null)
                    myDocument = myProjectItem.Document;

                object     documentExtensionManager;
                MethodInfo methodInfo;
                string     itemPath = null;
                if (null != myDocument &&
                    null != (documentExtensionManager = ORMCustomToolUtility.GetDocumentExtension <object>(myDocument, "ORMExtensionManager", itemPath = myProjectItem.get_FileNames(0), serviceProvider)) &&
                    null != (methodInfo = documentExtensionManager.GetType().GetMethod("GetLoadedExtensions", Type.EmptyTypes)))
                    retVal     = methodInfo.Invoke(documentExtensionManager, null) as string[];
                    myDocument = null;                     // No longer needed
                Stream stream = null;
                if (null == retVal)
                    // First used the passed in stream
                    stream = myStream;

                    // Next use an open text document. Note that this will already have provided
                    // an extension manager if this is an open ORM designer
                    if (stream == null && myDocument != null)
                        EnvDTE.TextDocument textDoc = ORMCustomToolUtility.GetDocumentExtension <EnvDTE.TextDocument>(myDocument, "TextDocument", itemPath ?? (itemPath = myProjectItem.get_FileNames(0)), serviceProvider);
                        if (textDoc != null)
                            // Note that the stream will be closed with the default reader settings of the XmlReader below
                            stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(textDoc.StartPoint.CreateEditPoint().GetText(textDoc.EndPoint)), false);

                    // Try the file directly from the project item
                    if (stream == null && myProjectItem != null)
                        // Note that the stream will be closed with the default reader settings of the XmlReader below
                        stream = new FileStream(myProjectItem.get_FileNames(0), FileMode.Open);
                if (stream != null)
                    // Attempt to open the stream as an Xml file to
                    // get the required extensions from the Xml
                    string[] namespaces     = null;
                    int      namespaceCount = 0;
                        XmlReaderSettings readerSettings = new XmlReaderSettings();
                        readerSettings.CloseInput = true;
                        using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(stream, readerSettings))
                            if (reader.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element)
                                int attributeCount = reader.AttributeCount;
                                if (attributeCount != 0)
                                    namespaces = new string[attributeCount];
                                    if (reader.MoveToFirstAttribute())
                                            if (reader.Prefix == "xmlns" || reader.Name == "xmlns")
                                                // Note that some of these are standard, not extensions, but it
                                                // isn't worth the trouble to add extra ORM knowledge here to figure it out
                                                string value = reader.Value;
                                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
                                                    namespaces[namespaceCount] = reader.Value;
                                        } while (reader.MoveToNextAttribute());
                    catch (XmlException)
                        // Nothing to do
                        if (myStream != null)
                            myStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                            myStream = null;
                    if (namespaceCount != 0)
                        if (namespaceCount != namespaces.Length)
                            Array.Resize(ref namespaces, namespaceCount);
                        retVal = namespaces;
                if (retVal == null)
                    retVal = new string[0];
                    Array.Sort <string>(retVal);
                myLoadedExtensions = retVal;
예제 #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensure that the current project item has the required extensions loaded.
        /// This is only called after verifying that the current project item does
        /// not satisfy the requirements.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectItem">The <see cref="EnvDTE.ProjectItem"/> to modify</param>
        /// <param name="serviceProvider">The <see cref="IServiceProvider"/> for document tracking.</param>
        /// <param name="extensions">An <see cref="T:ICollection{System.String}"/> of additional required extensions</param>
        public static bool EnsureExtensions(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem, IServiceProvider serviceProvider, ICollection <string> extensions)
            ServiceProvider provider = new ServiceProvider((Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IServiceProvider)projectItem.DTE);

            // UNDONE: Localize message strings in here
            if ((int)DialogResult.No == VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(
                    "Additional extensions are required to support the chosen generators. Would you like to load the required extensions now?",
                    "ORM Generator Selection",
            EnvDTE.Document document    = projectItem.Document;
            bool            secondPass  = false;
            bool            tryDocument = true;
            string          itemPath    = null;

            while (tryDocument)
                object     documentExtensionManager;
                MethodInfo methodInfo;
                if (null != document &&
                    null != (documentExtensionManager = ORMCustomToolUtility.GetDocumentExtension <object>(document, "ORMExtensionManager", itemPath ?? (itemPath = projectItem.get_FileNames(0)), serviceProvider)) &&
                    null != (methodInfo = documentExtensionManager.GetType().GetMethod("EnsureExtensions", new Type[] { typeof(string[]) })))
                    string[] extensionsArray = new string[extensions.Count];
                    extensions.CopyTo(extensionsArray, 0);
                    methodInfo.Invoke(documentExtensionManager, new object[] { extensionsArray });

                if (secondPass)
                tryDocument = false;
                secondPass  = true;

                // UNDONE: Localize message strings in here
                if ((int)DialogResult.No == VsShellUtilities.ShowMessageBox(
                        "The .ORM file must be open in the default designer to add extensions. Would you like to open or reopen the document now?",
                        "ORM Generator Selection",

                if (document != null)
                    document = projectItem.Document;
                if (document == null)
                    projectItem.Open(Guid.Empty.ToString("B")).Visible = true;
                    document    = projectItem.Document;
                    tryDocument = true;
 private static SourceFile GetSourceFile(EnvDTE.ProjectItem projectItem)