public ActionResult ApproveEvents(int?Id) { if (Id != 0) { var location = _LocationService.GetLocations().Where(l => l.LocationId == Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (location != null) { location.IsApproved = true; location.Status = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.LocationStatus.Approved); _LocationService.UpdateLocation(location); CommonCls.SendMailToUser("", "", ""); } TempData["ShowMessage"] = "success"; TempData["MessageBody"] = " Location approved successfully."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = " Location not found. "; return(RedirectToAction("Details", new { Id = Id })); } }
private IList <PropertyModell> GetData(string Type, string dbName = "", string userid = "") { List <PropertyModel> PropertList = new List <PropertyModel>(); if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Residential)) { PropertList = _ResidentialService.GetResidentials(dbName, userid); } else if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Commercial)) { PropertList = _CommercialService.GetCommercials(dbName, userid); } else if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Condo)) { PropertList = _CondoService.GetCondos(dbName, userid); } else { PropertList = _ResidentialService.GetResidentials(dbName, userid); } var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <PropertyModel, PropertyModell>(); }); IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper(); foreach (var item in PropertList) { var dest = mapper.Map <PropertyModel, PropertyModell>(item); allEmployee.Add(dest); } return(allEmployee); }
// GET: /Account/ReverifyAccountMail public JsonResult ReverifyAccountMail(RegisterModel registerModel) { int result = -1; try { var userInfo = base._userService.GetUserByName(registerModel.Email); if (userInfo != null) { if (userInfo.IsActive) { result = 2; } else { //Start : Add Job for Send Welcome Email JobScheduler.WelcomeEmailJob(userInfo.UserId.ToString(), EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.ReverifyAccount)); result = 1; //End : Add Job for Send Welcome Email } return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("success", result), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "This email id does not exist. Please try again."), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); ErrorLog errorlog = new ErrorLog(); errorlog.LogError(ex); return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "Something went wrong.Please try later."), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult RejectRequest(int jobRequestId) { if (Session["UserId"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } JobRequest jobRequest = _RequestService.GetRequest(jobRequestId); if (jobRequest != null) { jobRequest.RequestStatus = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.RequestStatus.Declined); _RequestService.UpdateRequest(jobRequest); AgencyJob agencyjob = _AgencyJobService.GetAgencyJobByJobRequest(jobRequestId); if (agencyjob != null) { _AgencyJobService.DeleteAgencyJob(agencyjob); } return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { return(Json(false, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public JsonReturnModel getAttendence(StudentAttendence StudentAttendence) { List <AttendenceModel> attendenceList = new List <AttendenceModel>(); var Customer = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(StudentAttendence.CustomerId).CustomerType; if (Customer != null) { if (Customer == StudentAttendence.CustomerType) { if (Customer == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.CustomerType.Student) || Customer == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.CustomerType.Parent)) { var attendences = _AttendenceService.GetAttendences().Where(a => (a.AttendenceDate >= StudentAttendence.StartDate && a.AttendenceDate <= StudentAttendence.EndDate) && a.CustomerId == StudentAttendence.CustomerId).ToList(); if (attendences.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in attendences) { if (item.Status == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.AttendenceStatus.Present)) { Mapper.CreateMap <Onlo.Entity.Attendence, Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel>(); Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel Attendence = Mapper.Map <Onlo.Entity.Attendence, Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel>(item); attendenceList.Add(Attendence); } } } } else { var CustomerList = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(c => c.ParentId == StudentAttendence.CustomerId).ToList(); if (CustomerList.Count() > 0) { var CustomerIds = CustomerList.Select(s => s.CustomerId).ToList(); foreach (var CustomerId in CustomerIds) { var studentAttendence = _AttendenceService.GetAttendences().Where(a => a.CustomerId == CustomerId && a.AttendenceDate == StudentAttendence.StartDate).FirstOrDefault(); if (studentAttendence != null) { Mapper.CreateMap <Onlo.Entity.Attendence, Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel>(); Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel Attendence = Mapper.Map <Onlo.Entity.Attendence, Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel>(studentAttendence); var studentDetail = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(studentAttendence.CustomerId); Attendence.StudentName = studentDetail.Name; Attendence.StudentCode = studentDetail.StudentCode; Attendence.ProfilePath = studentDetail.PhotoPath; Attendence.EmailId = studentDetail.EmailId; attendenceList.Add(Attendence); } } } } return(CommonCls.CreateMessage("success", attendenceList)); } else { return(CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "This Customer doesnot exist in this customer type.")); } } else { return(CommonCls.CreateMessage("success", "No attendence found.")); } }
public ActionResult SaveAppointment(string FirstName, string LastName, string Email, string PhoneNumber, string AppointmentDate, string AppointmentTime, string Notes, string UserType) { try { using (IDbConnection db = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DataBase"].ConnectionString)) { string sqlQuery = @"Insert Into tbl_ScheduleAppointment (FirstName,LastName,[Email],[PhoneNumber],AppointmentDate,AppointmentTime,Notes,UserType) Values (@FirstName,@LastName,@Email,@PhoneNumber,@AppointmentDate,@AppointmentTime,@Notes,@UserType);SELECT CAST(SCOPE_IDENTITY() as int)"; int rowsAffected = db.Query <int>(sqlQuery, new { FirstName, LastName, Email, PhoneNumber, AppointmentDate, AppointmentTime, Notes, UserType }).SingleOrDefault(); } CommonClass.SendMailToAdmin(EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.Appointment), FirstName + " " + LastName, Email, PhoneNumber, AppointmentDate, AppointmentTime, Notes, UserType); CommonClass.SendMailToUser(EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.Appointment), FirstName + " " + LastName, Email, AppointmentDate, AppointmentTime); return(Json("Success", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json("Error", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
private IList <PropertyModell> GetAllFavourite(int ID) { List <PropertyModel> PropertList = new List <PropertyModel>(); var query = "Select MLSID,Type from [tbl_Favourite] where ID=@ID group by Type,MLSID"; var result = db.Query <tbl_Favourite>(query, new { ID = ID }).ToList(); List <string> Residentials = new List <string>(); List <string> Commercials = new List <string>(); List <string> Condos = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in result) { if (item.Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Residential)) { Residentials.Add(item.MLSID); } else if (item.Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Commercial)) { Commercials.Add(item.MLSID); } else if (item.Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Condo)) { Condos.Add(item.MLSID); } } PropertList = _ResidentialService.GetResidentials().Where(c => Residentials.Contains(c.MLS)).ToList(); var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <PropertyModel, PropertyModell>(); }); IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper(); foreach (var item in PropertList) { var dest = mapper.Map <PropertyModel, PropertyModell>(item); allFav.Add(dest); } PropertList = _CommercialService.GetCommercials().Where(c => Commercials.Contains(c.MLS)).ToList(); foreach (var item in PropertList) { var dest = mapper.Map <PropertyModel, PropertyModell>(item); allFav.Add(dest); } PropertList = _CondoService.GetCondos().Where(c => Condos.Contains(c.MLS)).ToList(); foreach (var item in PropertList) { var dest = mapper.Map <PropertyModel, PropertyModell>(item); allFav.Add(dest); } return(allFav); }
public HttpResponseMessage GetAllProperty(string PropertyTypeStatus) { int PropertyStatusId = 0; try { if (PropertyTypeStatus == "" || PropertyTypeStatus == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Common.CreateMessage("error", "Property Type Status cannot be blank."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } if (PropertyTypeStatus == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertySatus.ExclusiveCommercial)) { PropertyStatusId = (int)EnumValue.PropertySatus.ExclusiveCommercial; } else if (PropertyTypeStatus == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertySatus.ExclusiveResidential)) { PropertyStatusId = (int)EnumValue.PropertySatus.ExclusiveResidential; } else if (PropertyTypeStatus == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertySatus.NewHotListingCommercial)) { PropertyStatusId = (int)EnumValue.PropertySatus.NewHotListingCommercial; } else if (PropertyTypeStatus == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertySatus.NewHotListingResidential)) { PropertyStatusId = (int)EnumValue.PropertySatus.NewHotListingResidential; } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Common.CreateMessage("error", "Property Type Status is incorrect."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } //int? PropertyTypeStatusValue = CheckPropertyStatus(PropertyTypeStatus); if (PropertyStatusId != 0) { var Properties = _PropertyService.GetPropertys().Where(c => c.PropertyStatusId == PropertyStatusId).OrderByDescending(c => c.PropertyId); var models = new List <PropertyModel>(); Mapper.CreateMap <CommunicationApp.Entity.Property, CommunicationApp.Web.Models.PropertyModel>(); foreach (var Property in Properties) { PropertyModel PropertyModel = new Web.Models.PropertyModel(); } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Common.CreateMessage("success", models), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Common.CreateMessage("error", "No record found"), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } } catch { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, Common.CreateMessage("error", "Please try later."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } }
public JsonResult UpdateAgent(string PropertyId, string IsCheked) { try { var Status = ""; var Agent = _AgentService.GetAgent(Convert.ToInt32(PropertyId)); if (Agent != null) { if (IsCheked == "Yes") { if (Agent.IsActive == false) { Agent.IsActive = true; Status = "Yes"; PropertyModel PropertyModel = new Web.Models.PropertyModel(); if (Agent.AgentStatusId == (int)EnumValue.AgentSatus.AgentAvailable) { PropertyModel.PropertyType = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.AgentSatus.AgentAvailable); } else if (Agent.AgentStatusId == (int)EnumValue.AgentSatus.AgentRequired) { PropertyModel.PropertyType = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.AgentSatus.AgentRequired); } PropertyModel.MLS = Agent.MLS; PropertyModel.PropertyTypeStatus = "Open House property"; var Customer = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(Convert.ToInt32(Agent.CustomerId)); var FirstName = Customer.FirstName + " " + Customer.MiddleName + " " + Customer.LastName; if (Customer != null) { SendMailToUser(FirstName, Customer.EmailId, PropertyModel); } } } else if (IsCheked == "No") { Agent.IsActive = false; Status = "No"; } _AgentService.UpdateAgent(Agent); } return(Json(Status)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); return(Json("error")); } }
public JsonResult IsLinkExpire(string requestId, string page) { try { var emailVerification = _emailVerificationService.GetEmailVerification(requestId); //Here requestid is emailVerificationId if (emailVerification == null) { return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "RecordNoFound"))); } if (page == "resetpassword") { if (emailVerification != null && emailVerification.EmailType != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.ResetPassword)) { return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "RecordNoFound"))); } } else if (page == "verifyaccount") { if (emailVerification != null && emailVerification.EmailType != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.WelcomeEmail) && emailVerification.EmailType != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.ReverifyAccount)) { return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "RecordNoFound"))); } } if (emailVerification.IsActive == false || emailVerification.IsOperationDone == true) //Expire { return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "Expired"))); } var expireDateTime = emailVerification.CreatedOn.AddMinutes(emailVerification.ActiveForMinute); var serverDateTime = _userService.GetServerDateTime(); if (expireDateTime <= serverDateTime) { emailVerification.IsActive = false; //Deactivate it _emailVerificationService.UpdateEmailVerification(emailVerification); return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "Expired"))); } return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("success", emailVerification.UserId))); } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); ErrorLog errorlog = new ErrorLog(); errorlog.LogError(ex); return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "RecordNoFound"))); } }
public HttpResponseMessage ForgotPassword([FromBody] ForgetPasswordsModel usermodel) { try { if (usermodel.CustomerType == "" || usermodel.CustomerType == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Customer Type is blank."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } if (usermodel.CustomerType != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.CustomerType.Customer) && usermodel.CustomerType != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.CustomerType.ServiceProvider)) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Wrong Customer Type."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } if (usermodel.EmailId == "" || usermodel.CustomerType == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Customer Type is blank."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } var customer = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(x => x.EmailId == usermodel.EmailId && x.CustomerType == usermodel.CustomerType).FirstOrDefault(); if (customer != null) { var user = _UserService.GetUserById(Convert.ToInt32(customer.UserId)); if (user != null) { if (!customer.IsActive) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "User is deactivated."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } //Send Email to User string Password = SecurityFunction.DecryptString(user.Password); SendMailToUser(customer.FirstName + " " + customer.LastName, usermodel.EmailId, Password); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("success", "Password has been sent to your email. Please check your email."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "User is not found."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Incorrect email id."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Please try later."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } }
public JsonResult Register(RegisterModel registerModel) { try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { Mapper.CreateMap <RegisterModel, User>(); User user = Mapper.Map <RegisterModel, User>(registerModel); user.UserName = registerModel.Email; user.EmailId = registerModel.Email; //Check Email already exist User isEmailFound = _userService.GetUserByName(user.EmailId); if (isEmailFound != null) { return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "Email already in use."))); } //Insert User user.Password = SecurityFunction.EncryptString(user.Password); user.IsActive = false; var userResult = _userService.InsertUser(user); //End : Insert User if (userResult != null) { //Start : Add Job for Send Welcome Email JobScheduler.WelcomeEmailJob(user.UserId.ToString(), EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.WelcomeEmail)); //End : Add Job for Send Welcome Email //return Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("success", "Successfully registered. Please check your email for account verification.")); return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("success", "Successfully registered. Please check your email."))); } else { return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "There is problem while saving data."))); } } return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "Please fill all the fields"))); } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); ErrorLog errorlog = new ErrorLog(); errorlog.LogError(ex); return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "Please try again."))); //var errors = ModelState.Where(x => x.Value.s.SelectMany(key => this.ModelState[key].Errors); } }
public ActionResult BlockCustomer(Guid id) { //UserPermissionAction("Account", RoleAction.detail.ToString()); //CheckPermission(); if (Session["UserId"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } Customer objCustomer = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(id); try { if (objCustomer != null) { objCustomer.IsActive = false; _CustomerService.UpdateCustomer(objCustomer); TempData["ShowMessage"] = "success"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "Account successfully deactivated."; CommonCls.SendMailOfAccountIsActive(objCustomer.FirstName, objCustomer.EmailId, "deactivated"); string UserMessage = "Your account has been deactivated by admin."; string Message = "{\"flag\":\"" + "Deactivate" + "\",\"UserMessage\":\"" + UserMessage + "\"}"; var customerTo = objCustomer; if (customerTo.ApplicationId != null && customerTo.ApplicationId != "") { if (customerTo.DeviceType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.DeviceType.Android)) { //Send Notification another Andriod CommonCls.SendFCM_Notifications(customerTo.ApplicationId, Message, true); } else { string Msg = UserMessage; CommonCls.TestSendFCM_Notifications(customerTo.ApplicationId, Message, Msg, true); } } return(RedirectToAction("Individuals")); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); RedirectToAction("Individuals"); } return(RedirectToAction("Individuals")); }
//public ActionResult Details(int? UserId) //{ // var userid = UserId == null ? 0 : UserId; // UserPermissionAction("User", RoleAction.view.ToString()); // CheckPermission(); // var Customer = _CustomerServices.GetCustomers().Where(c => c.UserId == Convert.ToInt32(userid)).FirstOrDefault(); // var model = new CustomerModel(); // if (Customer != null) // { // CompanyModel companymodel = new CompanyModel(); // var BranchModelList = new List<BranchModel>(); // var ServiceItemModelList = new List<ServiceItemModel>(); // var ProductModelList = new List<ProductModel>(); // Mapper.CreateMap<HomeHelp.Entity.Customer, HomeHelp.Models.CustomerModel>(); // model = Mapper.Map<HomeHelp.Entity.Customer, HomeHelp.Models.CustomerModel>(Customer); // model.CompanyID = model.CompanyID == null ? 0 : model.CompanyID; // //Get company detail. // var CompanyDetail = _CompanyService.GetCompany(model.CompanyID); // if (CompanyDetail != null) // { // companymodel.CompanyName = CompanyDetail.CompanyName; // companymodel.CompanyAddress = CompanyDetail.CompanyAddress; // companymodel.HeadOffice = CompanyDetail.HeadOffice; // companymodel.PhoneNo = CompanyDetail.PhoneNo; // companymodel.WebSite = CompanyDetail.WebSite; // companymodel.EmailID = CompanyDetail.EmailID; // companymodel.LogoPath = CompanyDetail.LogoPath; // //Get branches detail. // var Branches = _BranchService.GetBranchs().Where(c => c.CompanyID == CompanyDetail.CompanyID).ToList(); // foreach (var Branche in Branches) // { // BranchModel branchmodel = new BranchModel(); // branchmodel.BranchName = Branche.BranchName; // branchmodel.CellNumber = Branche.CellNumber; // branchmodel.PhoneNumber = Branche.PhoneNumber; // branchmodel.Location = Branche.Location; // branchmodel.Longitude = Branche.Longitude; // branchmodel.Latitude = Branche.Latitude; // BranchModelList.Add(branchmodel); // } // //Get Customer services detail. // var CustomerServices = _CustomerServicesService.GetCustomerServices().Where(c => c.CustomerId == Customer.CustomerId).ToList(); // foreach (var CustomerService in CustomerServices) // { // var ServiceItem = _ServiceItemService.GetServiceItem(Convert.ToInt32(CustomerService.ServiceItemId)); // if (ServiceItem != null) // { // ServiceItemModel ServiceItemModel = new Models.ServiceItemModel(); // ServiceItemModel.ServiceItemName = ServiceItem.ServiceItemName; // ServiceItemModelList.Add(ServiceItemModel); // } // } // //Get customer intrested product. // var Products = _ProductService.GetProducts().Where(c => c.CustomerId == Customer.CustomerId).ToList(); // foreach (var product in Products) // { // ProductModel ProductModel = new ProductModel(); // ProductModel.ProductName = product.ProductName; // //Get intrested categories of product. // var Categories = _CategoryService.GetCategories().Where(c => c.ParentId == product.CategoryId).ToList(); // var CategoryModelList = new List<CategoryModel>(); // foreach (var category in Categories) // { // CategoryModel CategoryModel = new CategoryModel(); // CategoryModel.Name = category.Name; // CategoryModelList.Add(CategoryModel); // } // ProductModel.CategoryModelList = CategoryModelList; // ProductModelList.Add(ProductModel); // } // } // //Assign all model list. // model.BranchList = BranchModelList; // model.Company = companymodel; // model.ServiceItemModelList = ServiceItemModelList; // model.ProductModelList = ProductModelList; // } // return View(model); //} //public ActionResult UpdateUser(int id) //{ // User user = _UserService.GetUserById(id); // Customer customer = _CustomerServices.GetCustomers().Where(c => c.UserId == user.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); // if (customer != null) // { // if (customer.IsActive == true) // { // customer.IsActive = false; // } // else // { // customer.IsActive = true; // } // _CustomerServices.UpdateCustomer(customer); // } // if (user != null) // { // if (user.IsActive == true) // { // user.IsActive = false; // } // else // { // user.IsActive = true; // } // _UserService.UpdateUser(user); // } // return RedirectToAction("Index"); //} public ActionResult Details(Guid Id, string CurrentPageNo) { UserPermissionAction("User", RoleAction.view.ToString()); CheckPermission(); var customer = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(Id); var jobs = new List <JobRequest>(); if (customer.CustomerType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.CustomerType.Customer)) { jobs = _RequestService.GetRequests().Where(j => j.CustomerIdBy == Id).ToList(); } else { jobs = _RequestService.GetRequests().Where(j => j.CustomerIdTo == Id).ToList(); } var jobList = new List <JObRequestResponseModel>(); if (jobs.Count() > 0) { foreach (var job in jobs) { Mapper.CreateMap <HomeHelp.Entity.JobRequest, HomeHelp.Models.JObRequestResponseModel>(); JObRequestResponseModel JObRequestResponseModel = Mapper.Map <HomeHelp.Entity.JobRequest, HomeHelp.Models.JObRequestResponseModel>(job); JObRequestResponseModel.CustomerToName = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(JObRequestResponseModel.CustomerIdTo).FirstName + " " + _CustomerService.GetCustomer(JObRequestResponseModel.CustomerIdBy).LastName; JObRequestResponseModel.CustomerToImage = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(JObRequestResponseModel.CustomerIdTo).PhotoPath; JObRequestResponseModel.CategoryName = _CategoryService.GetCategory(Convert.ToInt32(_CustomerService.GetCustomer(JObRequestResponseModel.CustomerIdTo).CategoryId)).Name; jobList.Add(JObRequestResponseModel); } return(View(jobList)); } else { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = " Location has no details."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } }
public ActionResult DisapproveEvents(int?Id, string ReasonToDisapprove) { try { if (Id != 0) { var location = _LocationService.GetLocations().Where(l => l.LocationId == Id).FirstOrDefault(); if (location != null) { location.IsApproved = false; location.Status = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.LocationStatus.Disapproved); _LocationService.UpdateLocation(location); } var customer = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(l => l.CustomerId == location.CustomerId).FirstOrDefault(); SendMailToUser(customer.FirstName, location.Title, location.EmailId, ReasonToDisapprove); TempData["ShowMessage"] = "success"; TempData["MessageBody"] = " Location disapproved successfully."; return(Json(new { success = true, responseText = "Location disapproved successfully." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = " Location not found. "; return(Json(new { success = false, responseText = "error." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); return(Json(new { success = false, responseText = "error." }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult GetPropertyTypes(string Type) { if (Type == "") { Type = Request.QueryString["Type"] == null ? "Residential" : Request.QueryString["Type"].ToString(); } var PropertyType = new List <PropertyType>(); if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Residential)) { PropertyType = _ResidentialService.GetPropertyTypes(); } else if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Commercial)) { PropertyType = _CommercialService.GetPropertyTypes_Comm(); } else if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Condo)) { PropertyType = _CondoService.GetPropertyTypes_Condo(); } else { PropertyType = _ResidentialService.GetPropertyTypes(); } List <SelectListItem> PropertyTypes = new List <SelectListItem>(); foreach (var item in PropertyType) { PropertyTypes.Add(new SelectListItem { Value = item.typeown1out, Text = item.typeown1out }); } return(Json(PropertyTypes, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public void Execute(IJobExecutionContext context) { JobDataMap dataMap = context.JobDetail.JobDataMap; string userId = dataMap.GetString("UserId"); string emailType = dataMap.GetString("EmailType"); var user = _userService.GetUser(userId); if (user != null) { //Start : Insert Email Verification EmailVerification emailverification = new EmailVerification(); emailverification.UserId = user.UserId; emailverification.EmailType = emailType; emailverification.ActiveForMinute = ConstantModel.ProjectSettings.EmailExpireLimit; //Valid upto 24-Hours emailverification.IsActive = true; emailverification.IsOperationDone = false; var emailVerificationResult = _emailVerificationService.InsertEmailVerification(emailverification); //End : Insert Email Verification //Start : Sending welcome mail after registeration or Reverify account email EmailManager emailManager = new EmailManager(); EMailEntity emailEntity = new EMailEntity(); emailEntity.ToMail = user.EmailId; emailEntity.RequestId = emailVerificationResult.EmailVerificationId.ToString(); //Here RequestId is EmailVerificationId emailEntity.FirstName = user.FirstName; if (emailType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.WelcomeEmail)) { emailManager.SendMailOfWelcome(emailEntity); } else if (emailType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.ReverifyAccount)) { emailManager.SendMailForReverifyAccount(emailEntity); } //End : Sending welcome mail after registeration or Reverify account email } }
// GET: /Account/ForgotPasswordMail public JsonResult ForgotPasswordMail(RegisterModel registerModel) { int result = -1; try { var userInfo = base._userService.GetUserByName(registerModel.Email); if (userInfo != null) { EmailVerification emailverification = new EmailVerification(); emailverification.UserId = userInfo.UserId; emailverification.EmailType = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.ResetPassword); emailverification.ActiveForMinute = ConstantModel.ProjectSettings.EmailExpireLimit; //Valid upto 24-Hours emailverification.IsActive = true; emailverification.IsOperationDone = false; var emailVerificationResult = _emailVerificationService.InsertEmailVerification(emailverification); EmailManager emailManager = new EmailManager(); EMailEntity emailEntity = new EMailEntity(); emailEntity.ToMail = userInfo.EmailId; emailEntity.RequestId = emailVerificationResult.EmailVerificationId.ToString(); emailEntity.FirstName = userInfo.FirstName; result = emailManager.SendMailForResetPassword(emailEntity); return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("success", result), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "This email id does not exist. Please try again."), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); ErrorLog errorlog = new ErrorLog(); errorlog.LogError(ex); return(Json(Infrastructure.CommonClass.CreateMessage("error", "Something went wrong.Please try later."), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Index(int?key) { //UserPermissionAction("Category", RoleAction.view.ToString(), operation, ShowMessage, MessageBody); //CheckPermission(); if (Session["UserId"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } if (key == 1) { Session["CurrentPageNumber"] = null; } if (Session["CurrentPageNumber"] == null) { ViewBag.currentPageNumber = 0; } else { ViewBag.currentPageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CurrentPageNumber"]); } List <AgencyIndividualModel> AgencyIndividualModels = new List <AgencyIndividualModel>(); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()); if (id > 0) { var Users = _AgencyIndividualService.GetAgencyIndividualByUserId(id); var myIndividuals = _AgencyIndividualService.GetAgencyIndividualByParentId(Users.AgencyIndividualId); Mapper.CreateMap <AgencyIndividual, AgencyIndividualModel>(); foreach (var User in myIndividuals) { var cc = _CustomerService.GetCustomerByUserId(User.UserId); var inProgressJob = _RequestService.GetProgressRequest(cc.CustomerId, EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.JobStatus.InProgress)); var _User = Mapper.Map <AgencyIndividual, AgencyIndividualModel>(User); if (inProgressJob.Count > 0) { foreach (var item in inProgressJob) { if (cc.CustomerId == item.CustomerIdTo) { _User.inProgress = true; //Mapper.CreateMap<JobRequest, RequestModel>(); //var _requestData = Mapper.Map<JobRequest, RequestModel>(item); _User.jobRequestId = item.CustomerIdTo; } else { _User.inProgress = false; } } } AgencyIndividualModels.Add(_User); } return(View(AgencyIndividualModels)); } else { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } }
public ActionResult AssignRequest(Guid assignedId, int jobRequestId) { string UserMessage = ""; string Flag = ""; if (Session["UserId"] == null) { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } if (assignedId == null || jobRequestId == 0) { return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } else { RequestModel requestModel = new RequestModel(); Mapper.CreateMap <JobRequest, RequestModel>(); var jobRequestDetail = _RequestService.GetRequest(jobRequestId); var customerToData = _AgencyIndividualService.GetAgencyIndividual(assignedId); var data = _CustomerService.GetCustomerByUserId(customerToData.UserId); int id = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"].ToString()); if (id > 0) { var assignedBy = _AgencyIndividualService.GetAgencyIndividualByUserId(id); UserMessage = "You have new job request by " + assignedBy.FullName; Flag = "NewRequest"; Notification notification = new Notification(); notification.CustomerIdBy = assignedBy.AgencyIndividualId; //notification.CustomerIdTo = data.CustomerId; notification.CustomerIdTo = data.CustomerId; notification.SourceId = jobRequestDetail.JobRequestId; notification.UserMessage = UserMessage; //notification.NotificationType = Convert.ToString(EnumValue.NotificationType.Request); notification.Flag = Flag; notification.DeviceType = data.DeviceType; notification.NotificationStatus = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.RequestStatus.New); _NotificationService.InsertNotification(notification); string Message = "{\"flag\":\"" + Flag + "\",\"JobRequestId\":\"" + jobRequestDetail.JobRequestId + "\",\"UserMessage\":\"" + UserMessage + "\"}"; if (data.ApplicationId != null && data.ApplicationId != "") { if (data.DeviceType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.DeviceType.Android)) { //Send Notification another Andriod CommonCls.SendFCM_Notifications(data.ApplicationId, Message, true); } else { string Msg = UserMessage; CommonCls.TestSendFCM_Notifications(data.ApplicationId, Message, Msg, true); } } } else { return(RedirectToAction("LogOn", "Account")); } jobRequestDetail.CustomerIdTo = data.CustomerId; var assignedJob = _AgencyJobService.GetAgencyJobByJobRequest(jobRequestDetail.JobRequestId); assignedJob.AgencyIndividualId = data.CustomerId; if (jobRequestDetail.JobStatus == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.RequestStatus.Declined)) { jobRequestDetail.RequestStatus = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.RequestStatus.New); jobRequestDetail.JobStatus = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.JobStatus.Pending); assignedJob.Status = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.JobStatus.Pending); } _RequestService.UpdateRequest(jobRequestDetail); _AgencyJobService.UpdateAgencyJob(assignedJob); return(Json(true, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "CustomerId,TrebId,WebsiteUrl,ApplicationID,Password,CompanyID,UserId,PhotoPath,FirstName,LastName,MiddleName,EmailID,DOB,MobileNo,CountryID,StateID,CityID,ZipCode,Latitude,Longitude,CreatedOn,LastUpdatedOn,MobileVerifyCode,EmailVerifyCode,IsMobileVerified,IsEmailVerified,IsActive,RecoNumber,RecoExpireDate")] CustomerModel Customermodel, HttpPostedFileBase file) { UserPermissionAction("property", RoleAction.view.ToString()); CheckPermission(); TempData["ShowMessage"] = ""; TempData["MessageBody"] = ""; try { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "Please fill the required field with valid data"; if (ModelState.IsValid) { var CustomerFound = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(c => ((c.EmailId.Trim() == Customermodel.EmailID.Trim() || c.MobileNo.Trim() == Customermodel.MobileNo.Trim()) && c.CustomerId != Customermodel.CustomerId)).FirstOrDefault(); if (CustomerFound == null) { var PhotoPath = ""; var CustomerUpdate = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(Customermodel.CustomerId);//.Where(c => c.CustomerId == Customermodel.CustomerId).FirstOrDefault(); if (CustomerUpdate != null) { PhotoPath = CustomerUpdate.PhotoPath; if (file != null) { if (CustomerUpdate.PhotoPath != "") { //Delete Old Image string pathDel = Server.MapPath("~/CustomerPhoto"); FileInfo objfile = new FileInfo(pathDel); if (objfile.Exists) //check file exsit or not { objfile.Delete(); } //End :Delete Old Image } //Save the photo in Folder var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); string fileName = Guid.NewGuid() + fileExt; var subPath = Server.MapPath("~/CustomerPhoto"); //Check SubPath Exist or Not if (!Directory.Exists(subPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(subPath); } //End : Check SubPath Exist or Not var path = Path.Combine(subPath, fileName); file.SaveAs(path); PhotoPath = CommonCls.GetURL() + "/CustomerPhoto/" + fileName; } CommonClass CommonClass = new CommonClass(); string QStr = ""; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); QStr = "update Customer set PhotoPath='" + PhotoPath + "' ,MobileNo='" + Customermodel.MobileNo + "' ,Address='" + Customermodel.Address + "' ,FirstName='" + Customermodel.FirstName + "' "; QStr += " ,LastName='" + Customermodel.LastName + "',MiddleName='" + Customermodel.MiddleName + "' ,EmailId='" + Customermodel.EmailID + "' ,CityID='" + Convert.ToInt32(Customermodel.CityID) + "' ,StateID='" + Convert.ToInt32(Customermodel.StateID) + "' , "; QStr += "IsActive='" + Convert.ToBoolean(Customermodel.IsActive) + "' ,WebsiteUrl='" + Customermodel.WebsiteUrl + "' ,UpdateStatus='" + true + "' Where CustomerId='" + Convert.ToInt32(Customermodel.CustomerId) + "' "; CommonClass.ExecuteNonQuery(QStr); // dt = CommonClass.GetDataSet(QStr).Tables[0]; CustomerUpdate.LastUpdatedOn = DateTime.Now; _CustomerService.UpdateCustomer(CustomerUpdate); if (Customermodel.IsActive == false) { string Flag = "14"; var NotificationStatus = false; string Message = "Your account is deactivated"; string JsonMessage = "{\"Flag\":\"" + Flag + "\",\"Message\":\"" + Message + "\"}"; //Save Notification Notification Notification = new Notification(); Notification.NotificationSendBy = 1; Notification.NotificationSendTo = Convert.ToInt32(CustomerUpdate.CustomerId); Notification.IsRead = false; Notification.Flag = Convert.ToInt32(Flag); Notification.RequestMessage = Message; _Notification.InsertNotification(Notification); if (CustomerUpdate.DeviceType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.DeviceType.Android)) { CommonCls.SendGCM_Notifications(CustomerUpdate.ApplicationId, JsonMessage, true); } else { //Dictionary<string, object> Dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(); //Dictionary.Add("Flag", Flag); //Dictionary.Add("Message", Message); //NotificationStatus = PushNotificatinAlert.SendPushNotification(CustomerUpdate.ApplicationId, Message, Flag.ToString(), JsonMessage, Dictionary, 1); int count = _Notification.GetNotifications().Where(c => c.NotificationSendTo == Convert.ToInt32(CustomerUpdate.CustomerId) && c.IsRead == false).ToList().Count(); CommonCls.TestSendFCM_Notifications(CustomerUpdate.ApplicationId, JsonMessage, Message, count, true); } } string FirstName = CustomerUpdate.FirstName + " " + CustomerUpdate.MiddleName + " " + CustomerUpdate.LastName; if (CustomerUpdate.IsUpdated == true) { SendMailToUpdatedUser(FirstName, CustomerUpdate.EmailId, CustomerUpdate.TrebId); } else { SendMailToUser(FirstName, CustomerUpdate.EmailId, CustomerUpdate.TrebId); } TempData["ShowMessage"] = "success"; TempData["MessageBody"] = CustomerUpdate.FirstName + " is update successfully."; } else { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "Customer not found."; } return(RedirectToAction("customerlist", "Property")); } else { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; if (CustomerFound.EmailId.Trim() == Customermodel.EmailID.Trim()) { TempData["MessageBody"] = Customermodel.EmailID + " is already exists."; } if (CustomerFound.TrebId.Trim() == Customermodel.TrebId.Trim()) { TempData["MessageBody"] = Customermodel.TrebId + " is already exists."; } if (CustomerFound.MobileNo.Trim() == Customermodel.MobileNo.Trim()) { TempData["MessageBody"] = "This" + " " + Customermodel.MobileNo + " is already exists."; } else { TempData["MessageBody"] = "Please fill the required field with valid data"; } } } } catch (RetryLimitExceededException) { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "Some unknown problem occured while proccessing save operation on " + Customermodel.FirstName + " client"; } var errors = ModelState.Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0).Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value.Errors }).ToArray(); var modelStateErrors = this.ModelState.Keys.SelectMany(key => this.ModelState[key].Errors); //ViewBag.CityID = new SelectList(_CityService.GetCities(), "CityID", "CityName", Carriermodel.CityID); // ViewBag.CompanyID = new SelectList(_CompanyService.GetCompanies(), "CompanyID", "CompanyName", Customermodel.CompanyID); //ViewBag.CountryID = new SelectList(_CountryService.GetCountries(), "CountryID", "CountryName", Carriermodel.CountryID); //ViewBag.StateID = new SelectList(_StateService.GetStates(), "StateID", "StateName", Carriermodel.StateID); ViewBag.UserId = new SelectList(_UserService.GetUsers(), "UserId", "FirstName", Customermodel.UserId); ViewBag.CityID = (Customermodel.CityID <= 0 ? "" : Customermodel.CityID.ToString()); ViewBag.StateID = (Customermodel.StateID <= 0 ? "" : Customermodel.StateID.ToString()); ViewBag.Countrylist = new SelectList(_CountryService.GetCountries(), "CountryID", "CountryName", Customermodel.CountryID); ViewBag.Statelist = new SelectList(_StateService.GetStates(), "StateID", "StateName", Customermodel.StateID); ViewBag.Citylist = new SelectList(_CityService.GetCities(), "CityID", "CityName", Customermodel.CityID); return(View(Customermodel)); }
public ActionResult Index(string Type = "Residential", string MLS = "W4194008") { var result = new PropertyModel(); if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Residential)) { result = _ResidentialService.GetSingleProperty(MLS); } else if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Commercial)) { result = _CommercialService.GetSingleProperty(MLS); } else { result = _CondoService.GetSingleProperty(MLS); } var config = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => { cfg.CreateMap <PropertyModel, PropertyModell>(); }); IMapper mapper = config.CreateMapper(); var dest = mapper.Map <PropertyModel, PropertyModell>(result); if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Residential)) { dest.images = _ResidentialService.GetImageByMLSID(MLS); } else if (Type == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.PropertyType.Commercial)) { dest.images = _CommercialService.GetImageByMLSID(MLS); } else { dest.images = _CondoService.GetImageByMLSID(MLS); } int NoOfRoom = Convert.ToInt32(result.Rooms); List <RoomLevels> list = new List <RoomLevels>(); int i = 0; if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj = new RoomLevels(); obj.Level = result.Level1; obj.Room = result.Room1; obj.RoomDesc = result.Room1Desc1 + result.Room1Desc2; obj.RoomDim = result.Room1Length + "x" + result.Room1Width; list.Add(obj); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj1 = new RoomLevels(); obj1.Level = result.Level2; obj1.Room = result.Room2; obj1.RoomDesc = result.Room2Desc1 + result.Room2Desc2; obj1.RoomDim = result.Room2Length + "x" + result.Room2Width; list.Add(obj1); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj2 = new RoomLevels(); obj2.Level = result.Level3; obj2.Room = result.Room3; obj2.RoomDesc = result.Room3Desc1 + result.Room3Desc2; obj2.RoomDim = result.Room3Length + "x" + result.Room3Width; list.Add(obj2); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj3 = new RoomLevels(); obj3.Level = result.Level4; obj3.Room = result.Room4; obj3.RoomDesc = result.Room4Desc1 + result.Room4Desc2; obj3.RoomDim = result.Room4Length + "x" + result.Room4Width; list.Add(obj3); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj4 = new RoomLevels(); obj4.Level = result.Level5; obj4.Room = result.Room5; obj4.RoomDesc = result.Room5Desc1 + result.Room5Desc2; obj4.RoomDim = result.Room5Length + "x" + result.Room5Width; list.Add(obj4); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj5 = new RoomLevels(); obj5.Level = result.Level6; obj5.Room = result.Room6; obj5.RoomDesc = result.Room6Desc1 + result.Room6Desc2; obj5.RoomDim = result.Room6Length + "x" + result.Room6Width; list.Add(obj5); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj6 = new RoomLevels(); obj6.Level = result.Level7; obj6.Room = result.Room7; obj6.RoomDesc = result.Room7Desc1 + result.Room7Desc2; obj6.RoomDim = result.Room7Length + "x" + result.Room7Width; list.Add(obj6); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj7 = new RoomLevels(); obj7.Level = result.Level8; obj7.Room = result.Room8; obj7.RoomDesc = result.Room8Desc1 + result.Room8Desc2; obj7.RoomDim = result.Room8Length + "x" + result.Room8Width; list.Add(obj7); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj8 = new RoomLevels(); obj8.Level = result.Level9; obj8.Room = result.Room9; obj8.RoomDesc = result.Room9Desc1 + result.Room9Desc2; obj8.RoomDim = result.Room9Length + "m x " + result.Room9Width + "m"; list.Add(obj8); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj9 = new RoomLevels(); obj9.Level = result.Level10; obj9.Room = result.Room10; obj9.RoomDesc = result.Room10Desc1 + result.Room10Desc2; obj9.RoomDim = result.Room10Length + "m x " + result.Room10Width + "m"; list.Add(obj9); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj10 = new RoomLevels(); obj10.Level = result.Level11; obj10.Room = result.Room11; obj10.RoomDesc = result.Room11Desc1 + result.Room11Desc2; obj10.RoomDim = result.Room11Length + "m x " + result.Room11Width + "m"; list.Add(obj10); i = i + 1; } if (NoOfRoom != i) { RoomLevels obj11 = new RoomLevels(); obj11.Level = result.Level12; obj11.Room = result.Room12; obj11.RoomDesc = result.Room12Desc1 + result.Room12Desc2; obj11.RoomDim = result.Room12Length + "m x " + result.Room12Width + "m"; list.Add(obj11); i = i + 1; } dest.roomlevels = list.GroupBy(c => c.Level) .Select(group => new RoomLevelList { Level = group.Key, roomlevel = group.ToList() }) .ToList(); return(View(dest)); }
public HttpResponseMessage SaveChat([FromBody] ChatModel chatModel) { string ChatID = "-1"; try { if (chatModel.CustomerIdBy == new Guid()) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "CustomerId By is blank."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } if (chatModel.CustomerIdTo == new Guid()) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "CustomerId To is blank."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } var customerTo = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(chatModel.CustomerIdTo); if (customerTo == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Customer To not found."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } var customerBy = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(chatModel.CustomerIdBy); if (customerBy == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Customer By not found."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } if (chatModel.ChatContent != null && chatModel.ChatContent != "") { List <Guid?> ListCustomerIDs = new List <Guid?>(); ListCustomerIDs.Add(chatModel.CustomerIdBy); ListCustomerIDs.Add(chatModel.CustomerIdTo); var isFriend = _RequestService.GetRequests().Where(x => ListCustomerIDs.Contains(x.CustomerIdBy) && ListCustomerIDs.Contains(x.CustomerIdTo)).FirstOrDefault(); if (isFriend != null) { Mapper.CreateMap <HomeHelp.Models.ChatModel, HomeHelp.Entity.Chat>(); HomeHelp.Entity.Chat chat = Mapper.Map <HomeHelp.Models.ChatModel, HomeHelp.Entity.Chat>(chatModel); if (chatModel.ChatId <= 0) { TimeZoneInfo tz = TimeZoneInfo.Local; chat.DateTimeCreated = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeToUtc(DateTime.Now, tz); _ChatService.Insert(chat); //Save Operation ChatID = chat.ChatId.ToString(); } // Code For GCM & Iphone //var Customer = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(Convert.ToInt32(chatModel.CustomerIdTo)); //if (Customer != null) //{ // var Chats = _ChatService.GetAll().ToList(); // var Results = (from m in Chats // where m.CustomerIdTo == chatModel.CustomerIdTo && m.IsRead == false // group m by new { m.CustomerIdTo } into g // select new // { // CustomerIdBy = g.Key.CustomerIdTo, // ChatContent = (from c in Chats // where c.CustomerIdTo == chatModel.CustomerIdTo && c.IsRead == false // orderby c.DateTimeCreated descending // select c.ChatContent).FirstOrDefault(), // Count = g.Count() // }).ToList(); // var models = new List<ChatModel>(); // var UserMessage = ""; // bool NotificationStatus = true; // if (Results.Count() >= 0) // { // int MessageCount = Convert.ToInt32(Results.Sum(x => x.Count).ToString()) + 1; string UserMessage = "You have new message."; string NotificationType = "chat"; string Flag = "NewChatMessage"; //Save notification in Table Notification Notification = new Notification(); Notification.NotificationId = 0; //New Case //Notification.ClientId = _Event.ClientID; Save it as NULL Notification.CustomerIdBy = customerBy.CustomerId; Notification.CustomerIdTo = customerTo.CustomerId; //Notification.EventID = _Event.EventID; Save it as NULL Notification.UserMessage = UserMessage; Notification.NotificationType = NotificationType; Notification.Flag = Flag; Notification.DeviceType = customerBy.DeviceType; _NotificationService.InsertNotification(Notification); // //End : Save notification in Table // string Message = "{\"flag\":\"" + Flag + "\",\"message\":\"" + UserMessage + "\",\"ChatContent\":\"" + chatModel.ChatContent + "\"}"; string Message = "{ \"ChatId\": \"" + ChatID + "\", \"CustomerIdBy\": \"" + customerBy.CustomerId + "\", \"CustomerIdTo\": \"" + customerTo.CustomerId + "\", \"ChatContent\": \"" + chatModel.ChatContent + "\", \"flag\": \"" + Flag + "\", \"IsRead\": \"" + chat.IsRead + "\", \"IsDeletedCustomerBy\":\"" + chat.IsDeletedCustomerBy + "\", \"IsDeletedCustomerTo\": \"" + chat.IsDeletedCustomerTo + "\", \"DateTimeCreated\": \"" + chat.DateTimeCreated + "\", \"CustomersBy\": { \"CustomerId\": \"" + customerBy.CustomerId + "\", \"FirstName\": \"" + customerBy.FirstName + "\", \"LastName\": \"" + customerBy.LastName + "\", \"PhotoPath\": \"" + customerBy.PhotoPath + "\" }, \"CustomersTo\": { \"CustomerId\": \"" + customerTo.CustomerId + "\", \"FirstName\": \"" + customerTo.FirstName + "\", \"LastName\": \"" + customerTo.LastName + "\", \"PhotoPath\": \"" + customerTo.PhotoPath + "\" } }"; if (customerTo.ApplicationId != null && customerTo.ApplicationId != "") { if (customerTo.DeviceType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.DeviceType.Android)) { //Send Notification another Andriod CommonCls.SendFCM_Notifications(customerTo.ApplicationId, Message, true); } else { string Msg = customerTo.FirstName + " " + customerTo.LastName + " : " + chat.ChatContent; CommonCls.TestSendFCM_Notifications(customerTo.ApplicationId, Message, Msg, true); //CommonCls.TestSendFCM_Notifications(customerTo.ApplicationId, Message, true); } } Mapper.CreateMap <HomeHelp.Entity.Chat, HomeHelp.Models.ChatResponseModel>(); HomeHelp.Models.ChatResponseModel ChatModel = Mapper.Map <HomeHelp.Entity.Chat, HomeHelp.Models.ChatResponseModel>(chat); string sqlFormattedDate = chat.DateTimeCreated.HasValue ? chat.DateTimeCreated.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff") : ""; ChatModel.DateTimeCreated = sqlFormattedDate; return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("success", ChatModel), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "they are not associated."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Chat content is blank."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Please try later"), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> UploadCustomerProfile() { // Check if the request contains multipart/form-data. if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent()) { throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType); } string root = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/CustomerPhoto/temp"); CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider1 provider = new CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider1(root); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); // Holds the response body Type type = typeof(CustomerModel); // Get type pointer CustomerModel locationImagesModel = new CustomerModel(); // Read the form data and return an async task. CustomMultipartFormDataStreamProvider1 x = await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync(provider); int CustomerId = 0; string Bio = ""; string Privacy = ""; int Age = 0; string Gender = ""; string Music = ""; string Photography = ""; string Camping = ""; string Hiking = ""; // This illustrates how to get the form data. foreach (var key in provider.FormData.AllKeys) { if (key == "CustomerId") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyValue != null) { CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue); if (CustomerId == 0) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Customer Id is blank.")); } } } if (key == "Age") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyValue != null) { Age = Convert.ToInt32(propertyValue); if (Age == 0) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Age is blank.")); } } } if (key == "Bio") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyValue != null) { Bio = propertyValue; if (Bio == "" || Bio == null) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Bio is blank.")); } } } if (key == "Privacy") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyValue != null) { Privacy = propertyValue; if (Privacy != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.Privacy.Public) && Privacy != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.Privacy.Private)) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Privacy is wrong.")); } if (Privacy == "" || Privacy == null) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Privacy is blank.")); } } } if (key == "Gender") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyValue != null) { Gender = propertyValue; if (Gender != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.Gender.Female) && Gender != EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.Gender.Male)) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Gender is wrong.")); } if (Gender == "" || Gender == null) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Gender is blank.")); } } } if (key == "Music") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyValue != null) { Music = propertyValue; if (Music == "" || Music == null) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Music is blank.")); } } } if (key == "Photography") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (Photography != null) { Photography = propertyValue; if (Photography == "" || Photography == null) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Photography is blank.")); } } } if (key == "Camping") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyValue != null) { Camping = propertyValue; if (Camping == "" || Camping == null) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Camping is blank.")); } } } if (key == "Hiking") { string propertyValue = provider.FormData.GetValues(key).FirstOrDefault(); if (propertyValue != null) { Hiking = propertyValue; if (Hiking == "" || Hiking == null) { return(ErrorMessage("error", "Hiking is blank.")); } } } if (CustomerId != 0 && Bio != "" && Privacy != "" && Age != 0 && Gender != "" && Music != "" && Photography != "" && Camping != "" && Hiking != "") { break; } } //Delete all already exist files HomeHelp.Entity.Customer Customer = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(c => c.CustomerId == CustomerId && c.IsActive == true).FirstOrDefault(); if (Customer != null) { if (Customer.PhotoPath != "" && Customer.PhotoPath != null) { DeleteImage(Customer.BackgroundImage); } } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "No user found."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } // Process the list of files found in the directory. string[] fileEntries = Directory.GetFiles(root); foreach (string fileName in fileEntries) { var fileFound = provider.FileData.Where(c => c.Headers.ContentDisposition.FileName.Replace("\"", string.Empty) == Path.GetFileName(fileName)).FirstOrDefault(); if (fileFound != null) { //string NewFileName = Guid.NewGuid() + "_Event" + EventId.ToString() + Path.GetExtension(fileName); string NewFileName = Guid.NewGuid() + Path.GetExtension(fileName); string NewRoot = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/CustomerPhoto") + "\\" + NewFileName; System.IO.File.Move(fileName, NewRoot); string URL = CommonCls.GetURL() + "/CustomerPhoto/" + NewFileName; Customer.PhotoPath = URL; sb.Append(URL); } } Customer.Bio = Bio; Customer.Privacy = Privacy; Customer.Age = Age; Customer.Gender = Gender; _CustomerService.UpdateCustomer(Customer); HobbiesAndInterests hobbies = _HobbiesAndInterestsService.GetHobbiesAndInterestss().Where(c => c.CustomerId == CustomerId).FirstOrDefault(); if (hobbies != null) { hobbies.Music = Convert.ToInt32(Music); hobbies.Hiking = Convert.ToInt32(Hiking); hobbies.Camping = Convert.ToInt32(Camping); hobbies.Photography = Convert.ToInt32(Photography); hobbies.CustomerId = CustomerId; _HobbiesAndInterestsService.UpdateHobbiesAndInterests(hobbies); } else { HobbiesAndInterests objHobbies = new HobbiesAndInterests(); objHobbies.Music = Convert.ToInt32(Music); objHobbies.Hiking = Convert.ToInt32(Hiking); objHobbies.Camping = Convert.ToInt32(Camping); objHobbies.Photography = Convert.ToInt32(Photography); objHobbies.CustomerId = CustomerId; _HobbiesAndInterestsService.InsertHobbiesAndInterests(objHobbies); } Mapper.CreateMap <Customer, UserCustomerModel>(); UserCustomerModel userCustomerModel = Mapper.Map <Customer, UserCustomerModel>(Customer); userCustomerModel.Music = Music; userCustomerModel.Hiking = Hiking; userCustomerModel.Camping = Camping; userCustomerModel.Photography = Photography; return(ErrorMessage("success", userCustomerModel)); } catch (System.Exception e) { return(Request.CreateErrorResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, e)); } }
public ActionResult Create(EventModel EventModel, HttpPostedFileBase file) { UserPermissionAction("event", RoleAction.view.ToString()); CheckPermission(); TempData["ShowMessage"] = ""; TempData["MessageBody"] = ""; try { if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EventModel.EventDate.ToString())) { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "Please select a valid Event Date."; return(View("Create", EventModel)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EventModel.EventName)) { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "Please Fill Event Name."; return(View("Create", EventModel)); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(EventModel.EventDescription)) { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "Please Fill EventDescription."; return(View("Create", EventModel)); } //CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US"); //DateTime TodayDate = Convert.ToDateTime(DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), culture); //if (Convert.ToDateTime(EventModel.EventDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"), culture) < TodayDate) //{ // TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; // TempData["MessageBody"] = "You cannot add old date event."; // return View("Create", EventModel); //} Mapper.CreateMap <CommunicationApp.Models.EventModel, CommunicationApp.Entity.Event>(); CommunicationApp.Entity.Event Event = Mapper.Map <CommunicationApp.Models.EventModel, CommunicationApp.Entity.Event>(EventModel); string EventImage = ""; if (file != null) { if (Event.EventImage != "") { //Delete Old Image string pathDel = Server.MapPath("~/EventPhoto"); FileInfo objfile = new FileInfo(pathDel); if (objfile.Exists) //check file exsit or not { objfile.Delete(); } //End :Delete Old Image } //Save the photo in Folder var fileExt = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName); string fileName = Guid.NewGuid() + fileExt; var subPath = Server.MapPath("~/EventPhoto"); //Check SubPath Exist or Not if (!Directory.Exists(subPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(subPath); } //End : Check SubPath Exist or Not var path = Path.Combine(subPath, fileName); file.SaveAs(path); EventImage = CommonCls.GetURL() + "/EventPhoto/" + fileName; } Event.CustomerId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["CustomerId"]);//CutomerId Event.IsActive = true; Event.CreatedOn = DateTime.Now; Event.EventImage = EventImage; _EventService.InsertEvent(Event); List <int> CustomerIds = new List <int>(); var Customers = new List <Customer>(); try { if (EventModel.All == true) { EventModel.SelectedCustomer = null; Customers = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().ToList(); foreach (var Customer in Customers) { CustomerIds.Add(Convert.ToInt32(Customer.CustomerId)); EventCustomer EventCustomer = new Entity.EventCustomer(); EventCustomer.EventId = Event.EventId; EventCustomer.CustomerId = Customer.CustomerId; _EventCustomerService.InsertEventCustomer(EventCustomer); } } else if (EventModel.SelectedCustomer != null) { foreach (var Customer in EventModel.SelectedCustomer) { CustomerIds.Add(Convert.ToInt32(Customer)); EventCustomer EventCustomer = new Entity.EventCustomer(); EventCustomer.EventId = Event.EventId; EventCustomer.CustomerId = Event.CustomerId; _EventCustomerService.InsertEventCustomer(EventCustomer); } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); throw; } string Flag = "12";//status for Event; var Message = "New event saved."; //send notification try { var CustomerList = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(c => CustomerIds.Contains(c.CustomerId) && c.CustomerId != EventModel.CustomerId && c.IsActive == true).ToList(); foreach (var Customer in CustomerList) { if (Customer != null) { if (Customer.ApplicationId != null && Customer.ApplicationId != "") { bool NotificationStatus = true; string JsonMessage = "{\"Flag\":\"" + Flag + "\",\"Message\":\"" + Message + "\"}"; try { //Save Notification Notification Notification = new Notification(); Notification.NotificationSendBy = 1; Notification.NotificationSendTo = Convert.ToInt32(Customer.CustomerId); Notification.IsRead = false; Notification.Flag = Convert.ToInt32(Flag); Notification.RequestMessage = Message; _Notification.InsertNotification(Notification); if (Customer.DeviceType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.DeviceType.Android)) { CommonCls.SendGCM_Notifications(Customer.ApplicationId, JsonMessage, true); } else { int count = _Notification.GetNotifications().Where(c => c.NotificationSendTo == Convert.ToInt32(Customer.CustomerId) && c.IsRead == false).ToList().Count(); //Dictionary<string, object> Dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(); //Dictionary.Add("Flag", Flag); //Dictionary.Add("Message", Message); //NotificationStatus = PushNotificatinAlert.SendPushNotification(Customer.ApplicationId, Message, Flag, JsonMessage, Dictionary, 1, Convert.ToBoolean(Customer.IsNotificationSoundOn)); CommonCls.TestSendFCM_Notifications(Customer.ApplicationId, JsonMessage, Message, count, true); ////Save Notification //Notification Notification = new Notification(); //Notification.NotificationSendBy = 1; //Notification.NotificationSendTo = Customer.CustomerId; //Notification.IsRead = false; //Notification.RequestMessage = Message; //_Notification.InsertNotification(Notification); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonCls.ErrorLog(ex.ToString()); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); throw; } TempData["ShowMessage"] = "success"; TempData["MessageBody"] = "Event successfully saved."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } var errors = ModelState.Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0).Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value.Errors }).ToArray(); var modelStateErrors = this.ModelState.Keys.SelectMany(key => this.ModelState[key].Errors); var CustomerList1 = _CustomerService.GetCustomers(); EventModel.CustomersList = CustomerList1.Select(x => new SelectListItem { Value = x.CustomerId.ToString(), Text = x.FirstName }).ToList(); EventModel.CustomerId = 1; return(View(EventModel)); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); return(View(EventModel)); } }
public ActionResult Create([Bind(Include = "ProductId,ProductName,Price,Size")] ProductsModel ProductModel, HttpPostedFileBase file) { UserPermissionAction("Category", RoleAction.view.ToString()); CheckPermission(); try { string URL = ""; if (TempData["ImageUrl"] != null) { URL = ViewBag.ImageUrl = (TempData["ImageUrl"]).ToString(); } if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { try { if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/ProductImage"), Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); file.SaveAs(path); URL = CommonCls.GetURL() + "/ProductImage/" + file.FileName; ViewBag.ImageUrl = URL; } } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Message = "ERROR:" + ex.Message.ToString(); } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProductModel.ProductName)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ProductName", "Please enter product name."); } if (ProductModel.Price == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("Price", "Please enter price."); } if (ProductModel.Size.Count() == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("Size", "Please enter size."); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { //var IsProductDuplicate = _ProductService.GetProducts().Where(c => c.ProductName == ProductModel.ProductName.Trim()).FirstOrDefault(); //if (IsProductDuplicate != null) //{ // TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; // TempData["MessageBody"] = " Product name is already exist."; // return RedirectToAction("Create"); //} Mapper.CreateMap <ProductsModel, Product>(); var Product = Mapper.Map <ProductsModel, Product>(ProductModel); string Size = ""; string FinalSize = ""; foreach (var item in ProductModel.Size) { if (item == 1) { Size = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.ProductSizes.M); } else if (item == 2) { Size = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.ProductSizes.L); } else if (item == 3) { Size = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.ProductSizes.XL); } else { Size = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.ProductSizes.XXL); } FinalSize = FinalSize + "," + Size; } Product.Size = FinalSize.TrimEnd(',').TrimStart(','); Product.productImage = URL; _ProductService.InsertProduct(Product); //new ProductModel //{ // ProductId = Convert.ToInt32(ProductModel.ProductId), // Name = ProductModel.Name, // Description=ProductModel.Description// ProductModel.ParentId == -1?null:Convert.ToInt32(ProductModel.ParentId) //}.InsertUpdate(); TempData["ShowMessage"] = "success"; TempData["MessageBody"] = " Product save successfully."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } else { ViewBag.ProductList = Size.ToList(); return(View(ProductModel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString();// ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); } var errors = ModelState.Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0).Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value.Errors }).ToArray(); var modelStateErrors = this.ModelState.Keys.SelectMany(key => this.ModelState[key].Errors); return(View(ProductModel)); }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "ProductId,ProductName,Price,Size")] ProductsModel ProductModel, HttpPostedFileBase file) { UserPermissionAction("Category", RoleAction.view.ToString()); CheckPermission(); try { string URL = ""; var existingProduct = _ProductService.GetProducts().Where(c => c.ProductId == ProductModel.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); Mapper.CreateMap <HomeHelp.Models.ProductsModel, HomeHelp.Entity.Product>(); HomeHelp.Entity.Product Products = Mapper.Map <HomeHelp.Models.ProductsModel, HomeHelp.Entity.Product>(ProductModel); if (existingProduct != null) { if (file != null && file.ContentLength > 0) { try { if (existingProduct.productImage != "") { DeleteImage(existingProduct.productImage); } string path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/ProductImage"), Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); file.SaveAs(path); URL = CommonCls.GetURL() + "/ProductImage/" + file.FileName; Products.productImage = URL; _ProductService.UpdateProduct(Products); ProductModel.productImage = URL; } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.Message = "ERROR:" + ex.Message.ToString(); } } else { ProductModel.productImage = Products.productImage = existingProduct.productImage; _ProductService.UpdateProduct(Products); Products.productImage = existingProduct.productImage; } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ProductModel.ProductName)) { ModelState.AddModelError("ProductName", "Please enter product name."); } if (ProductModel.Price == null) { ModelState.AddModelError("Price", "Please enter price."); } if (ProductModel.Size.Count() == 0) { ModelState.AddModelError("Size", "Please enter size."); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { //var IsParentAllReadyContainProductName = _ProductService.GetProducts().Where(c => c.ProductId != ProductModel.ProductId).Select(c => c.Name); //if (IsParentAllReadyContainProductName.Contains(ProductModel.Name.Trim())) //{ // TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; // TempData["MessageBody"] = " Product name is already exist."; // return RedirectToAction("Edit"); //} //Product ProductFound = _ProductService.GetProducts().Where(x => x.Name == ProductModel.Name && x.ProductId != ProductModel.ProductId).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingProduct != null) { string Size = ""; string FinalSize = ""; foreach (var item in ProductModel.Size) { if (item == 1) { Size = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.ProductSizes.M); } else if (item == 2) { Size = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.ProductSizes.L); } else if (item == 3) { Size = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.ProductSizes.XL); } else { Size = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.ProductSizes.XXL); } FinalSize = FinalSize + "," + Size; } Products.Size = FinalSize.TrimEnd(',').TrimStart(','); _ProductService.UpdateProduct(Products); TempData["ShowMessage"] = "success"; TempData["MessageBody"] = " Product update successfully."; return(RedirectToAction("Index")); // end Update CompanyEquipments } else { TempData["ShowMessage"] = "error"; //if (ProductFound.Name.Trim().ToLower() == ProductModel.Name.Trim().ToLower()) //Check User Name //{ // TempData["MessageBody"] = ProductFound.Name + " already exist."; //} //else //{ TempData["MessageBody"] = "Some unknown problem occured while proccessing save operation on "; //} } } else { ViewBag.ProductList = Size.ToList(); return(View(ProductModel)); } } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString();// ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); } ViewBag.Product = new SelectList(_ProductService.GetProducts(), "ProductId", "Name", ProductModel.ProductId); var errors = ModelState.Where(x => x.Value.Errors.Count > 0).Select(x => new { x.Key, x.Value.Errors }).ToArray(); var modelStateErrors = this.ModelState.Keys.SelectMany(key => this.ModelState[key].Errors); return(View(ProductModel)); }
public HttpResponseMessage SaveAttendence([FromBody] AttendenceModel AttendenceModel) { try { List <Attendence> model = new List <Attendence>(); if (AttendenceModel.AbsentCustomerIds == null && AttendenceModel.AbsentCustomerIds == "" || AttendenceModel.PresentCustomerIds == null && AttendenceModel.PresentCustomerIds == "") { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Absent or PresentCustomer Ids is blank."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } if (AttendenceModel.AttendenceDate == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Attendence Date is blank."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } var customerTeacher = _CustomerService.GetCustomer(AttendenceModel.TeacherId); if (customerTeacher == null) { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "No teacher found."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } var CustomerList = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(c => c.ParentId == AttendenceModel.TeacherId).ToList(); if (CustomerList.Count() > 0) { var CustomerIds = CustomerList.Select(s => s.CustomerId).ToList(); if (AttendenceModel.PresentCustomerIds != null && AttendenceModel.PresentCustomerIds != "") { var PresentCustomerIds = AttendenceModel.PresentCustomerIds.Split(','); var PresentIds = PresentCustomerIds.Select(int.Parse).ToList(); foreach (var item in PresentIds) { var attendenceFound = _AttendenceService.GetAttendences().Where(t => t.AttendenceDate == AttendenceModel.AttendenceDate && t.CustomerId == item && t.TeacherId == AttendenceModel.TeacherId).FirstOrDefault(); if (attendenceFound == null) { Mapper.CreateMap <Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel, Onlo.Entity.Attendence>(); Onlo.Entity.Attendence Attendence = Mapper.Map <Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel, Onlo.Entity.Attendence>(AttendenceModel); Attendence.Status = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.AttendenceStatus.Present); Attendence.CustomerId = item; _AttendenceService.InsertAttendence(Attendence); model.Add(Attendence); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Attendence already marked."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } } } if (AttendenceModel.AbsentCustomerIds != null && AttendenceModel.AbsentCustomerIds != "") { var AbsentCustomerIds = AttendenceModel.AbsentCustomerIds.Split(','); var AbsentIds = AbsentCustomerIds.Select(int.Parse).ToList(); if (AbsentIds.Count() > 0) { foreach (var item in AbsentIds) { var attendenceFound = _AttendenceService.GetAttendences().Where(t => t.AttendenceDate == AttendenceModel.AttendenceDate && t.CustomerId == item && t.TeacherId == AttendenceModel.TeacherId).FirstOrDefault(); if (attendenceFound == null) { Mapper.CreateMap <Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel, Onlo.Entity.Attendence>(); Onlo.Entity.Attendence Attendence = Mapper.Map <Onlo.Models.AttendenceModel, Onlo.Entity.Attendence>(AttendenceModel); Attendence.Status = EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.AttendenceStatus.Absent); Attendence.CustomerId = item; _AttendenceService.InsertAttendence(Attendence); model.Add(Attendence); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "Attendence already marked."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } } } } return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("success", model), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } else { return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "No teacher found."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } } catch (Exception ex) { string ErrorMsg = ex.Message.ToString(); ErrorLogging.LogError(ex); return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, CommonCls.CreateMessage("error", "please try again."), Configuration.Formatters.JsonFormatter)); } }
public void SendNotificationsToUsers(int CustomerId, string Heading, string Message, string ImageUrl, string IsWithImage, int count) { string Flag = "15"; //send notification // var Customers = _CustomerService.GetCustomers().Where(c => c.CustomerId != CustomerId && c.IsActive == true).ToList(); CommonClass CommonClass = new Services.CommonClass(); string QStr = ""; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); QStr = "Select * From Customer where CustomerId = " + CustomerId + " and IsActive=1"; dt = CommonClass.GetDataSet(QStr).Tables[0]; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { var ApplicationId = dr["ApplicationId"].ToString(); var DeviceType = dr["DeviceType"].ToString(); //var IsNotificationSoundOn = Convert.ToBoolean(dr["IsNotificationSoundOn"]); var IsNotificationSoundOn = true; string sql = "insert into [notification](RequestMessage,NotificationSendTo,NotificationSendBy,Flag,IsRead) values(@RequestMessage,@NotificationSendTo,@NotificationSendBy,@Flag,@IsRead)"; try { string constring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DataContext"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring)) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sql, con)) { cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@RequestMessage", Message); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NotificationSendTo", dr["CustomerId"].ToString()); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NotificationSendBy", CustomerId); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Flag", Flag); cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@IsRead", false); con.Open(); int rowsAffected = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); cmd.Dispose(); con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } if (ApplicationId != null && ApplicationId != "") { bool NotificationStatus = true; string JsonMessage = "{\"Flag\":\"" + Flag + "\",\"Message\":\"" + Message + "\",\"Heading\":\"" + Heading + "\",\"ImageUrl\":\"" + ImageUrl + "\",\"IsWithImage\":\"" + IsWithImage + "\"}"; if (DeviceType == EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.DeviceType.Android)) { CommonCls.SendGCM_Notifications(ApplicationId, JsonMessage, true); } else { string constring = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DataContext"].ConnectionString; using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constring)) { con.Open(); using (SqlCommand thisCommand = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Notification where NotificationSendTo=@NotificationSendTo and isread=0 ", con)) { thisCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@NotificationSendTo", Convert.ToInt32(dr["CustomerId"].ToString())); count = (int)(thisCommand.ExecuteScalar()); } con.Close(); con.Dispose(); } //Dictionary<string, object> Dictionary = new Dictionary<string, object>(); //Dictionary.Add("Flag", Flag); //Dictionary.Add("Message", Message); //NotificationStatus = PushNotificatinAlert.SendPushNotification(ApplicationId, Message, Flag.ToString(), JsonMessage, Dictionary, 1, Convert.ToBoolean(IsNotificationSoundOn)); CommonCls.TestSendFCM_Notifications(ApplicationId, JsonMessage, Message, count, true); } } } } }
public ActionResult Contact(string username, string lastname, string Email, string phn, string message, string UserType) { bool isSent = CommonClass.SendMailToAdmin(EnumValue.GetEnumDescription(EnumValue.EmailType.ContactUs), username + " " + lastname, Email, phn, "", "", message, UserType); return(Json("Success", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }