예제 #1
        public static void MergePreVerToPostVer(string dataPath, string dataSuffix, string searchPath)
            DataStore.Initialise(dataPath, dataSuffix);
            var pm = new PathManager(searchPath);

            foreach (var f in pm.GetFiles())
                Match match;
                if ((match = Regex.Match(f.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-match-id-nonexistent\.losmid$")).Success)
                    var region = EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(match.Groups["region"].Value);
                    DataStore.LosMatchIdsNonExistent[region].AppendItems(new MatchIdContainer(f.FullName, region).ReadItems(), LosChunkFormat.LZ4HC);
                else if ((match = Regex.Match(f.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-match-id-existing\.losmid$")).Success)
                    var region = EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(match.Groups["region"].Value);
                    DataStore.LosMatchIdsExisting[region].AppendItems(new MatchIdContainer(f.FullName, region).ReadItems(), LosChunkFormat.LZ4HC);
                else if ((match = Regex.Match(f.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-matches-(?<queueId>\d+)\.losjs$")).Success)
                    var region  = EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(match.Groups["region"].Value);
                    var queueId = int.Parse(match.Groups["queueId"].Value);
                    foreach (var json in new JsonContainer(f.FullName).ReadItems())
                        var info = new BasicMatchInfo(json);
                        Ut.Assert(info.QueueId == queueId);
                        DataStore.LosMatchJsons[region][info.GameVersion][info.QueueId].AppendItems(new[] { json }, LosChunkFormat.LZ4);
예제 #2
        private static void MergePreVer(string outputPath, string searchPath, bool mergeJsons)
            var mergers = new AutoDictionary <Region, RegionMergerPreVer>(region => new RegionMergerPreVer {
                Region = region

            foreach (var f in new PathManager(searchPath).GetFiles())
                var match       = Regex.Match(f.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-matches-(?<queueId>\d+)\.losjs$");
                var existing    = Regex.Match(f.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-match-id-existing\.losmid$");
                var nonexistent = Regex.Match(f.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-match-id-nonexistent\.losmid$");

                if (match.Success && mergeJsons)
                    mergers[EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(match.Groups["region"].Value)].MatchFiles.Add((int.Parse(match.Groups["queueId"].Value), f));
                else if (existing.Success)
                    mergers[EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(existing.Groups["region"].Value)].ExistingIdsFiles.Add(f);
                else if (nonexistent.Success)
                    mergers[EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(nonexistent.Groups["region"].Value)].NonexistentIdsFiles.Add(f);

            foreach (var merger in mergers.Values)
                Console.WriteLine($"===== MERGING {merger.Region} ========");
                if (mergeJsons)
                    File.WriteAllLines(Path.Combine(outputPath, $"{merger.Region}-redownload.txt"), merger.RedownloadIds.Select(id => id.ToString()));

            Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL non-existent: {mergers.Values.Sum(m => m.NonexistentCount):#,0}");
            if (mergeJsons)
                Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL re-download: {mergers.Values.Sum(m => m.RedownloadIds.Count):#,0}");
                Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL have: {mergers.Values.Sum(m => m.HaveCounts.Values.Sum()):#,0}");
                Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL have one-for-all: {mergers.Values.Sum(m => m.HaveCounts[1020]):#,0}");
                Console.WriteLine($"TOTAL existing: {mergers.Values.Sum(m => m.RedownloadIds.Count):#,0}");
예제 #3
        private void MergeIds(string region, string outputFile, string[] inputFiles)
            var output = new MatchIdContainer(outputFile, EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(region));
            var files = new[] { outputFile }.Concat(inputFiles).Select(file => new { file, count = new CountResult() }).ToList();
            var ids = files.SelectMany(f => new MatchIdContainer(f.file).ReadItems().PassthroughCount(f.count)).ToHashSet();

            foreach (var f in files)
                Console.WriteLine($"Read input {f.file}: {f.count.Count:#,0} items");
            output.AppendItems(ids.Order(), LosChunkFormat.LZ4HC);
예제 #4
        private HttpResponse generateProfileZip(HttpRequest req)
            var moduleInfoCache = _moduleInfoCache;

            byte[] generateProfile(int operation, Func <KtaneModuleInfo, bool> filter)
                var jsonList = moduleInfoCache.Modules.Where(k => k.ModuleID != null && (k.Type == KtaneModuleType.Regular || k.Type == KtaneModuleType.Needy) && filter(k)).Select(k => k.ModuleID).ToJsonList();

                return(new JsonDict {
                    { operation == 0 ? "EnabledList" : "DisabledList", jsonList }, { "Operation", operation }

            return(new UrlResolver(
                       new UrlMapping(path: "/zip", handler: rq =>
                using (var mem = new MemoryStream())
                    var zipFile = ZipFile.Create(mem);
                    zipFile.BeginUpdate(new MemoryArchiveStorage(FileUpdateMode.Direct));
                    foreach (var difficulty in EnumStrong.GetValues <KtaneModuleDifficulty>())
                        zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.DefuserDifficulty == difficulty)), @"Veto defuser {0}.json".Fmt(difficulty.ToReadable()), CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                        zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(0, k => k.ExpertDifficulty == difficulty)), @"Expert {0}.json".Fmt(difficulty.ToReadable()), CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.IsFullBoss)), @"Veto full boss modules.json", CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.IsSemiBoss)), @"Veto semi-boss modules.json", CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.IsPseudoNeedy)), @"Veto pseudo-needy modules.json", CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.IsTimeSensitive)), @"Veto heavily time-dependent modules.json", CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.IsSolveOrderSensitive)), @"Veto solve-order-sensitive modules.json", CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.RuleSeedSupport != KtaneSupport.Supported)), @"Only rule-seeded.json", CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.Souvenir == null || k.Souvenir.Status != KtaneModuleSouvenir.Supported)), @"Only Souvenir supported.json", CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    zipFile.Add(new InMemoryDataSource(generateProfile(1, k => k.Compatibility != KtaneModuleCompatibility.Compatible)), @"Veto incompatible.json", CompressionMethod.Deflated, true);
                    return HttpResponse.Create(mem.ToArray(), "application/octet-stream",
                                               headers: new HttpResponseHeaders {
                        ContentDisposition = new HttpContentDisposition {
                            Mode = HttpContentDispositionMode.Attachment, Filename = @"""Difficulty-based profiles.zip"""
예제 #5
        public static void Initialise(string dataPath, string suffix, bool autoRewrites = true)
            DataPath = dataPath;
            Suffix   = suffix;

            var losDir = new DirectoryInfo(LosPath);

            if (!losDir.Exists)
            foreach (var file in losDir.GetFiles())
                Match match;
                if ((match = Regex.Match(file.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-match-id-existing\.losmid$")).Success)
                    var region = EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(match.Groups["region"].Value);
                    LosMatchIdsExisting[region].EnableAutoRewrite = autoRewrites;
                else if ((match = Regex.Match(file.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-match-id-nonexistent\.losmid$")).Success)
                    var region = EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(match.Groups["region"].Value);
                    LosMatchIdsNonExistent[region].EnableAutoRewrite = autoRewrites;
                else if ((match = Regex.Match(file.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-matches-(?<version>\d+\.\d+)-(?<queueId>\d+)\.losjs$")).Success)
                    var region  = EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(match.Groups["region"].Value);
                    var queueId = int.Parse(match.Groups["queueId"].Value);
                    var version = match.Groups["version"].Value;
                    LosMatchJsons[region][version][queueId].EnableAutoRewrite = autoRewrites;
                else if ((match = Regex.Match(file.Name, @"^(?<region>[A-Z]+)-match-infos\.losbi$")).Success)
                    var region = EnumStrong.Parse <Region>(match.Groups["region"].Value);
                    LosMatchInfos[region].EnableAutoRewrite = autoRewrites;
예제 #6
        public override ToolStripMenuItem[] CreateMenus(IIde ide)
            var inputModes     = EnumStrong.GetValues <InputMode>();
            var inputModeItems = new ToolStripMenuItem[inputModes.Length];

            var setInputMode = Ut.Lambda((InputMode mode) =>
                _settings.InputMode = mode;
                for (int i = 0; i < inputModes.Length; i++)
                    inputModeItems[i].Checked = (mode == inputModes[i]);

            var ret = Ut.NewArray(
                new ToolStripMenuItem("&Input semantics", null, Ut.NewArray(
                                          (inputModeItems[0] = new ToolStripMenuItem("Encode input as UTF-&8", null, (_, __) => setInputMode(InputMode.Utf8))),
                                          (inputModeItems[1] = new ToolStripMenuItem("Encode input as UTF-1&6 (little endian)", null, (_, __) => setInputMode(InputMode.Utf16))),
                                          (inputModeItems[2] = new ToolStripMenuItem("Input string is a list of &bytes", null, (_, __) => setInputMode(InputMode.Numbers))))));

예제 #7
 public static IList <SvgConstraint> Generate(int[] sudoku) => Enumerable.Range(0, 81)
 .Where(c => sudoku[c] != 9)
 .SelectMany(c => EnumStrong.GetValues <CellDirection>()
             .Where(dir => inRange(c % 9 + dx(dir) * sudoku[c]) && inRange(c / 9 + dy(dir) * sudoku[c]) && sudoku[c + dx(dir) * sudoku[c] + dy(dir) * 9 * sudoku[c]] == 9)
             .Select(dir => new FindThe9(c, dir)))
예제 #8
        public override ToolStripMenuItem[] CreateMenus(IIde ide)
            var inputModes     = EnumStrong.GetValues <InputMode>();
            var inputModeItems = new ToolStripMenuItem[inputModes.Length];

            var setInputMode = Ut.Lambda((InputMode mode) =>
                _settings.InputMode = mode;
                for (int i = 0; i < inputModes.Length; i++)
                    inputModeItems[i].Checked = (mode == inputModes[i]);

            var ret = Ut.NewArray(
                new ToolStripMenuItem("&Memory visualization", null, Ut.NewArray(

                                          // Unused mnemonics: cdefhijkmqruwxy

                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("&Background color...", null, delegate { color(ide.GetEnvironment(), _settings.MemoryBackgroundColor, c => { _settings.MemoryBackgroundColor = c; }); }),
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("Grid color (&zeros)...", null, delegate { color(ide.GetEnvironment(), _settings.MemoryGridZeroColor, c => { _settings.MemoryGridZeroColor = c; }); }),
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("&Grid color (non-zeros)...", null, delegate { color(ide.GetEnvironment(), _settings.MemoryGridNonZeroColor, c => { _settings.MemoryGridNonZeroColor = c; }); }),
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("&Pointer color...", null, delegate { color(ide.GetEnvironment(), _settings.MemoryPointerColor, c => { _settings.MemoryPointerColor = c; }); }),
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("&Value font...", null, delegate { font(ide.GetEnvironment(), _settings.MemoryValueFont, Color.CornflowerBlue, f => { _settings.MemoryValueFont = f; _valueColorItem.Enabled = true; }); }),
                                          (_valueColorItem = new ToolStripMenuItem("Va&lue color...", null, delegate { color(ide.GetEnvironment(), _settings.MemoryValueFont.Color, c => { _settings.MemoryValueFont = _settings.MemoryValueFont.SetColor(c); }); })
                Enabled = _settings.MemoryValueFont != null
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("Ann&otation font...", null, delegate { font(ide.GetEnvironment(), _settings.MemoryAnnotationFont, Color.ForestGreen, f => { _settings.MemoryAnnotationFont = f; _annotationColorItem.Enabled = true; }); }),
                                          (_annotationColorItem = new ToolStripMenuItem("Anno&tation color...", null, delegate { color(ide.GetEnvironment(), _settings.MemoryAnnotationFont.Color, c => { _settings.MemoryAnnotationFont = _settings.MemoryAnnotationFont.SetColor(c); }); })
                Enabled = _settings.MemoryAnnotationFont != null
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("&Annotate current edge...", null, checkDebugging(ide, env =>
                var newAnnotation = InputBox.GetLine("Enter annotation:", env.GetCurrentAnnotation(), "Annotate edge", "&OK", "&Cancel");
                if (newAnnotation != null)
                                          (_annotationSets = new ToolStripMenuItem("A&nnotation sets")),
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("&Save memory as PNG...", null, checkDebugging(ide, env =>
                using (var dlg = new SaveFileDialog {
                    DefaultExt = "png", Filter = "PNG files (*.png)|*.png", OverwritePrompt = true, Title = "Save memory visualization to file"
                    if (dlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

                new ToolStripMenuItem("&Source", null, Ut.NewArray(
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("Generate &blank source...", null, delegate
                string inputStr = "10";
                while (true)
                    inputStr = InputBox.GetLine("Enter size of hexagon:", inputStr, "Generate blank source", "&OK", "&Cancel");
                    if (inputStr == null)
                    int input;
                    if (int.TryParse(inputStr, out input))
                        ide.ReplaceSource(Grid.Parse(new string('.', 3 * input * (input - 1) + 1)).ToString());
                    DlgMessage.Show("Please enter an integer value.", "Error", DlgType.Error);
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("&Layout source", null, delegate { ide.ReplaceSource(Grid.Parse(ide.GetSource()).ToString()); }),
                                          new ToolStripMenuItem("&Minify source", null, delegate { ide.ReplaceSource(Regex.Replace(ide.GetSource(), @"[\s`]", "").TrimEnd('.')); }))),

                new ToolStripMenuItem("&Input semantics", null, Ut.NewArray(
                                          (inputModeItems[0] = new ToolStripMenuItem("Encode input as UTF-&8", null, (_, __) => setInputMode(InputMode.Utf8))),
                                          (inputModeItems[1] = new ToolStripMenuItem("Encode input as UTF-1&6 (little endian)", null, (_, __) => setInputMode(InputMode.Utf16))),
                                          (inputModeItems[2] = new ToolStripMenuItem("Input string is a list of &bytes", null, (_, __) => setInputMode(InputMode.Numbers))))));

예제 #9
        public HttpResponse PuzzlePublish(HttpRequest req)
            if (req.Method != HttpMethod.Post)

            var jsonRaw = req.Post["puzzle"].Value;

            if (jsonRaw == null || !JsonDict.TryParse(jsonRaw, out var json))
                return(HttpResponse.PlainText("The data transmitted is not valid JSON.", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest));

                var puzzle = new Puzzle();

                puzzle.Title   = json["title"].GetString();
                puzzle.Author  = json["author"].GetString();
                puzzle.Rules   = json["rules"].GetString();
                puzzle.UrlName = MD5.ComputeUrlName(jsonRaw);

                var givens = json["givens"].GetList().Select((v, ix) => (v, ix)).Where(tup => tup.v != null).Select(tup => (cell: tup.ix, value: tup.v.GetInt())).ToArray();
                if (givens.Any(given => given.cell < 0 || given.cell >= 81))
                    return(HttpResponse.PlainText($"At least one given is out of range (cell {puzzle.Givens.First(given => given.cell < 0 || given.cell >= 81).cell}).", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest));
                puzzle.Givens = givens.Length > 0 ? givens : null;

                var constraints           = json["constraints"].GetList();
                var customConstraintTypes = json["customConstraintTypes"].GetList();

                using var tr = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = System.Transactions.IsolationLevel.Serializable });
                using var db = new Db();

                if (db.Puzzles.Any(p => p.UrlName == puzzle.UrlName))

                var dbConstraintTypes = constraints.Select(c => c["type"].GetInt()).Where(c => c >= 0).Distinct().ToArray()
                                        .Apply(cIds => db.Constraints.Where(c => cIds.Contains(c.ConstraintID))).AsEnumerable().ToDictionary(c => c.ConstraintID);
                var faultyId = constraints.Select(c => c["type"].GetInt()).Where(c => c >= 0).FirstOrNull(c => !dbConstraintTypes.ContainsKey(c));
                if (faultyId != null)
                    return(HttpResponse.PlainText($"Unknown constraint type ID: {faultyId.Value}.", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest));

                // Add the custom constraint types into the database
                foreach (var constraint in constraints)
                    if (constraint["type"].GetInt() is int typeId && typeId < 0 && !dbConstraintTypes.ContainsKey(typeId))
                        if (~typeId >= customConstraintTypes.Count || customConstraintTypes[~typeId] == null)
                            return(HttpResponse.PlainText($"Undefined custom constraint type: {typeId}. List has {customConstraintTypes.Count} entries.", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest));
                        var cType = customConstraintTypes[~typeId];
                        var kind  = EnumStrong.Parse <ConstraintKind>(cType["kind"].GetString());

                        // Some verifications:
                        // Make sure the variable types parse as valid Suco types
                        var env = new SucoTypeEnvironment();
                        foreach (var(varName, varType) in cType["variables"].GetDict())
                            if (!SucoType.TryParse(varType.GetString(), out var type))
                                return(HttpResponse.PlainText($"Unrecognized Suco type: {varType.GetString()}.", HttpStatusCode._400_BadRequest));
                            env = env.DeclareVariable(varName, type);
예제 #10
        public static Node[] Parse(string source, int?throwAtIndex = null)
            var index = 0;

            while (index < source.Length && !" \t\n".Contains(source[index]))

            var nodes = new List <Node>();

            var instrs = EnumStrong.GetValues <Instruction>().Select(instr => instr.GetCustomAttribute <InstructionAttribute>().Apply(attr => new
                Instruction = instr,
                Str         = attr.Instr,
                Arg         = attr.Arg

            while (index < source.Length)
                var startIndex = index;
                var match      = instrs
                                 .Select(inf =>
                    var newIndex   = index;
                    var instrIndex = 0;
                    while (newIndex < source.Length && instrIndex < inf.Str.Length)
                        if (" \t\n".Contains(source[newIndex]))
                            if (source[newIndex] == inf.Str[instrIndex])
                    if (instrIndex == inf.Str.Length)
                        return new
                            Instruction = inf.Instruction,
                            NewIndex    = newIndex,
                            Arg         = inf.Arg
                                 .Where(inf => inf != null)

                if (match == null)
                    throw new CompileException($@"Instruction at index {index} not recognized.", index);

                index = match.NewIndex;
                string      labelArg  = null;
                BigInteger? numberArg = null;
                List <bool> argBits   = null;

                if (match.Arg != null)
                    while (index < source.Length && !" \t\n".Contains(source[index]))
                    var origIndex = index;

                    argBits = new List <bool>();
                    while (index < source.Length && source[index] != '\n')
                        if (source[index] == ' ')
                        else if (source[index] == '\t')
                    if (index == source.Length)
                        throw new CompileException("Unterminated number literal or label name.", origIndex);
                    if (match.Arg == ArgKind.Label)
                        if (argBits.Count >= 8)
                            var argIndex = 0;
                            var bytes    = new List <byte>();
                            while (argIndex < argBits.Count - 8)
                                bytes.Add((byte)argBits.Skip(argIndex).Take(8).Aggregate(0, (prev, next) => (prev << 1) | (next ? 1 : 0)));
                                argIndex += 8;
                            bytes.Add((byte)argBits.Skip(argIndex).Aggregate(0, (prev, next) => (prev << 1) | (next ? 1 : 0)));
                            labelArg = bytes.ToArray().FromUtf8();
                            labelArg = argBits.Select(b => b ? '1' : '0').JoinString();
                        if (argBits.Count == 0)
                            throw new CompileException("Expected a number (need at least one space or tab before the terminating linefeed).", origIndex);
                        var bi = BigInteger.Zero;
                        for (int i = 1; i < argBits.Count; i++)
                            bi = (bi << 1) | (argBits[i] ? 1 : 0);
                        numberArg = argBits[0] ? -bi : bi;

                if (throwAtIndex != null && startIndex <= throwAtIndex.Value && index > throwAtIndex.Value)
                    throw new ParseInfoException(match.Instruction, argBits, numberArg, labelArg);
                nodes.Add(new Node(new Position(startIndex, index - startIndex), match.Instruction, numberArg, labelArg));

                while (index < source.Length && !" \t\n".Contains(source[index]))

            nodes.Add(new Node(new Position(source.Length, 0), Instruction.Exit));
예제 #11
        public static void RunSimulation()
            const int iterations    = 100000;
            var       portTypes     = EnumStrong.GetValues <PortType>();
            var       portTypeToDir = new int[6];

            portTypeToDir[(int)PortType.Parallel]  = 0;
            portTypeToDir[(int)PortType.DVI]       = 1;
            portTypeToDir[(int)PortType.StereoRCA] = 2;
            portTypeToDir[(int)PortType.Serial]    = 3;
            portTypeToDir[(int)PortType.PS2]       = 4;
            portTypeToDir[(int)PortType.RJ45]      = 5;

            var countConds = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                var edgework = Edgework.Generate(5, 7);
                var counts   = Ut.NewArray(edgework.GetNumPortPlates() + 1, j => j == 0 ? portTypes.ToHashSet() : new HashSet <PortType>());
                foreach (var port in edgework.Widgets.Where(w => w.PortTypes != null).SelectMany(w => w.PortTypes))
                    var ix = counts.IndexOf(c => c.Contains(port));
                    counts[ix + 1].Add(port);

                var hexes = Hex.LargeHexagon(5).Select(hex =>
                    // Check the port types in order of most common to least common.
                    for (int c = counts.Length - 1; c >= 0; c--)
                        // Check which of these port types can form a line of 5
                        var eligiblePortTypes = counts[c].Where(pt => Enumerable.Range(0, 5).All(dist => (hex + dist * Hex.GetDirection(portTypeToDir[(int)pt])).Distance < 5)).Take(2).ToArray();
                        if (eligiblePortTypes.Length != 1)

                        // We found an eligible port type; return the line
                        return(new { Hex = hex, PortType = (PortType?)eligiblePortTypes[0], Line = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(dist => hex + dist * Hex.GetDirection(portTypeToDir[(int)eligiblePortTypes[0]])).ToArray() });

                    // Check if the two-step rule works for this hex
                    for (int dir = 0; dir < 6; dir++)
                        if (Enumerable.Range(0, 5).All(dist => (hex + 2 * dist * Hex.GetDirection(dir)).Distance < 5))
                            return new { Hex = hex, PortType = (PortType?)null, Line = Enumerable.Range(0, 5).Select(dist => hex + 2 * dist * Hex.GetDirection(dir)).ToArray() }

            foreach (var kvp in countConds)
                Console.WriteLine($"{kvp.Key} = {kvp.Value / (double) iterations * 100:0.00}%");