예제 #1
    //creat prefab
    public GameObject InstanceOfPrefab(string prefabUrl, GameObject container = null, EnumPositioning positioning = EnumPositioning.withOut, Vector3 pos = default(Vector3))
        //try to load prefab from resources folder
        if (!_loadedGameObjectsPool.ContainsKey(prefabUrl))
            //save loaded prefab in pool
            _loadedGameObjectsPool[prefabUrl] = Resources.Load(prefabUrl, typeof(GameObject)) as GameObject;

        GameObject go = _loadedGameObjectsPool[prefabUrl];

        if (go == null)
            LoggingManager.AddErrorToLog("Didnt found prefab " + prefabUrl);
        //try get RecycleGameObjectController, if it, so get it frome pool
        var        recycledScript = go.GetComponent <RecycleGameObjectManager>();
        GameObject instance       = null;

        if (recycledScript != null)
            var pool = GetObjectPool(recycledScript);
            instance = pool.NextObject().gameObject;
            //creat brefab instance
            instance = Instantiate(go) as GameObject;

        if (container != null)
            //add prefab to container
        if (positioning != EnumPositioning.withOut)
            if (positioning == EnumPositioning.local)
                instance.transform.localPosition = pos;
            if (positioning == EnumPositioning.global)
                instance.transform.position = pos;
예제 #2
    //return component from created prefab
    public CMP InstanceComponent <CMP>(string prefabUrl, GameObject container = null, EnumPositioning positioning = EnumPositioning.withOut, Vector3 pos = default(Vector3)) where CMP : class
        CMP returnClass = InstanceOfPrefab(prefabUrl, container, positioning, pos).GetComponent(typeof(CMP)) as CMP;

        if (returnClass == null)
            LoggingManager.AddErrorToLog("Didnt found component " + typeof(CMP) + " in prefab " + prefabUrl);