private void Create() { int chance = (int)(Random.value * 100); int specie = 1; //**** We dont use this part. //**** But i decide to put this code here to auxiliate you if you like to use. //**** random percentage to know what 'personality' our food will have. //COIN if (chance <= probabCoin) { foodType = EnumFoodType.Coin; foodEffect = EnumFoodEffect.Coin; specie = 0; //appearance of our food. } //FOOD else { foodType = EnumFoodType.Bug; foodEffect = EnumFoodEffect.Feed; specie = Random.Range (1,9); //((Random.value + 0.2f) * 10)-1; //rands between 1-10. } //use that array of prefabs to get renderer by position of 'specie'. this.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>().sprite = foodKinds[specie]; _qtd++; //just to know how many food has been created. }
public static DailyReportFood Create(string food, EnumFoodType foodType, Guid mealId, string userId) { return(new DailyReportFood() { CreatedById = userId, FoodType = foodType, DailyReportMealId = mealId, Food = food, }); }