private bool method_10() { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.Read; if (this.JsonToken_0 != JsonToken.StartObject) { return(false); } if (!this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.()) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected end when reading bytes."); } if (this.Object_0.ToString() == "$type") { this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.(); if ((this.Object_0 != null) && this.Object_0.ToString().StartsWith("System.Byte[]")) { this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.(); if (this.Object_0.ToString() == "$value") { return(true); } } } throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Error reading bytes. Unexpected token: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, JsonToken.StartObject)); }
internal int?method_7() { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsInt32; while (this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.()) { JsonToken token = this.JsonToken_0; if (token != JsonToken.Comment) { switch (token) { case JsonToken.Integer: case JsonToken.Float: if (!(this.Object_0 is int)) { this.SetToken(JsonToken.Integer, Convert.ToInt32(this.Object_0, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } return(new int?((int)this.Object_0)); case JsonToken.Null: return(null); case JsonToken.String: { int num; string str = (string)this.Object_0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { this.SetToken(JsonToken.Null); return(null); } if (!int.TryParse(str, NumberStyles.Integer, this.Culture, out num)) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Could not convert string to integer: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, this.Object_0)); } this.SetToken(JsonToken.Integer, num); return(new int?(num)); } } if (token != JsonToken.EndArray) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Error reading integer. Unexpected token: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, this.JsonToken_0)); } return(null); } } this.SetToken(JsonToken.None); return(null); }
internal DateTimeOffset?method_4() { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsDateTimeOffset; while (this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.()) { JsonToken token = this.JsonToken_0; if (token != JsonToken.Comment) { switch (token) { case JsonToken.Date: if (this.Object_0 is DateTime) { this.SetToken(JsonToken.Date, new DateTimeOffset((DateTime)this.Object_0)); } return(new DateTimeOffset?((DateTimeOffset)this.Object_0)); case JsonToken.Null: return(null); case JsonToken.String: { DateTimeOffset offset; string str = (string)this.Object_0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { this.SetToken(JsonToken.Null); return(null); } if (!DateTimeOffset.TryParse(str, this.Culture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out offset)) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Could not convert string to DateTimeOffset: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, this.Object_0)); } this.SetToken(JsonToken.Date, offset); return(new DateTimeOffset?(offset)); } } if (token != JsonToken.EndArray) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Error reading date. Unexpected token: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, token)); } return(null); } } this.SetToken(JsonToken.None); return(null); }
internal DateTime?method_9() { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsDateTime; while (this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.()) { if (this.JsonToken_0 != JsonToken.Comment) { if (this.JsonToken_0 == JsonToken.Date) { return(new DateTime?((DateTime)this.Object_0)); } if (this.JsonToken_0 != JsonToken.Null) { if (this.JsonToken_0 == JsonToken.String) { DateTime time; string str = (string)this.Object_0; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) { this.SetToken(JsonToken.Null); return(null); } if (!DateTime.TryParse(str, this.Culture, DateTimeStyles.RoundtripKind, out time)) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Could not convert string to DateTime: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, this.Object_0)); } time = Class184.smethod_2(time, this.DateTimeZoneHandling); this.SetToken(JsonToken.Date, time); return(new DateTime?(time)); } if (this.JsonToken_0 != JsonToken.EndArray) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Error reading date. Unexpected token: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, this.JsonToken_0)); } } return(null); } } this.SetToken(JsonToken.None); return(null); }
internal string method_8() { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsString; while (this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.()) { JsonToken token = this.JsonToken_0; if (token != JsonToken.Comment) { switch (token) { case JsonToken.String: return((string)this.Object_0); case JsonToken.Null: return(null); } if (smethod_0(token) && (this.Object_0 != null)) { string str; if (this.Object_0 is IFormattable) { str = ((IFormattable)this.Object_0).ToString(null, this.Culture); } else { str = this.Object_0.ToString(); } this.SetToken(JsonToken.String, str); return(str); } if (token != JsonToken.EndArray) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Error reading string. Unexpected token: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, token)); } return(null); } } this.SetToken(JsonToken.None); return(null); }
internal JsonContract(Type underlyingType) { Class203.smethod_2(underlyingType, "underlyingType"); this.UnderlyingType = underlyingType; this.bool_2 = underlyingType.smethod_9(); this.bool_5 = !underlyingType.smethod_3() && !underlyingType.smethod_10(); this.bool_0 = Class194.smethod_9(underlyingType); this.type_0 = (!this.bool_0 || !Class194.smethod_10(underlyingType)) ? underlyingType : Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(underlyingType); this.CreatedType = this.type_0; this.bool_1 = Class181.smethod_3(this.type_0); this.bool_3 = this.type_0.smethod_7(); if (this.type_0 == typeof(byte[])) { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsBytes; } else if (this.type_0 == typeof(int)) { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsInt32; } else if (this.type_0 == typeof(decimal)) { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsDecimal; } else if (this.type_0 == typeof(string)) { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsString; } else if (this.type_0 == typeof(DateTime)) { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsDateTime; } else if (this.type_0 == typeof(DateTimeOffset)) { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsDateTimeOffset; } else { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.Read; } }
// Token: 0x06001123 RID: 4387 // RVA: 0x000106C7 File Offset: 0x0000E8C7 private Class138(int int_4, int int_5, int int_6, int int_7, Enum14 enum14_1) { this.int_0 = int_4; this.int_2 = int_5; this.int_3 = int_6; this.int_1 = int_7; this.enum14_0 = enum14_1; }
internal byte[] method_5() { this.enum14_0 = Enum14.ReadAsBytes; while (this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.()) { JsonToken token = this.JsonToken_0; if (token != JsonToken.Comment) { List <byte> list; if (this.method_10()) { byte[] buffer = this.ReadAsBytes(); this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.(); this.SetToken(JsonToken.Bytes, buffer); return(buffer); } switch (token) { case JsonToken.String: { string s = (string)this.Object_0; byte[] buffer2 = (s.Length == 0) ? new byte[0] : Convert.FromBase64String(s); this.SetToken(JsonToken.Bytes, buffer2); return(buffer2); } case JsonToken.Null: return(null); case JsonToken.Bytes: return((byte[])this.Object_0); default: if (token != JsonToken.StartArray) { if (token != JsonToken.EndArray) { throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Error reading bytes. Unexpected token: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, token)); } return(null); } list = new List <byte>(); break; } while (this.Newtonsoft.Json.JsonReader.()) { token = this.JsonToken_0; switch (token) { case JsonToken.Comment: { continue; } case JsonToken.Integer: { list.Add(Convert.ToByte(this.Object_0, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); continue; } case JsonToken.EndArray: { byte[] buffer3 = list.ToArray(); this.SetToken(JsonToken.Bytes, buffer3); return(buffer3); } } throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected token when reading bytes: {0}.".smethod_0(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, token)); } throw JsonReaderException.smethod_1(this, "Unexpected end when reading bytes."); } } this.SetToken(JsonToken.None); return(null); }
// Token: 0x06002B58 RID: 11096 RVA: 0x000A8164 File Offset: 0x000A6364 public static void smethod_0(Stream data_stream, Stream destination_stream, Bitmap destination_bitmap, Color?backGroundColor, bool convert_to_grayscale, Enum14 format) { using (Bitmap bitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromStream(data_stream)) { if (destination_bitmap != null && backGroundColor != null) { if (destination_bitmap.Width == bitmap.Width) { if (destination_bitmap.Height == bitmap.Height) { using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(destination_bitmap)) { using (SolidBrush solidBrush = new SolidBrush(backGroundColor.Value)) { graphics.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.HighQuality; graphics.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.High; graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.HighQuality; graphics.FillRectangle(solidBrush, 0, 0, destination_bitmap.Width, destination_bitmap.Height); graphics.DrawImage(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height); } goto IL_B2; } } } throw new ArgumentException("Destination dimensions do not match source image dimensions."); } IL_B2: if (convert_to_grayscale) { Class125.smethod_1(bitmap); } using (Stream3 stream = new Stream3(destination_stream)) { using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(stream)) { stream.smethod_37(Class486.short_0); stream.WriteByte(1); stream.WriteByte(1); short num; short value; switch (format) { case Enum14.const_0: num = 4; value = 3; break; case Enum14.const_1: num = 3; value = 3; break; case Enum14.const_2: num = 2; value = 3; break; case Enum14.const_3: num = 1; value = 2; break; default: throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format("The specified format: '{0}' is not supported.", format)); } stream.smethod_37(value); stream.smethod_37((short)bitmap.Width); stream.smethod_37((short)bitmap.Height); stream.smethod_37(num); stream.smethod_35(0); stream.smethod_35(255); binaryWriter.Write(new byte[4]); binaryWriter.Write(new byte[80]); stream.smethod_35(0); binaryWriter.Write(new byte[404]); for (int i = 0; i < (int)num; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < bitmap.Height; j++) { stream.smethod_35(0); } for (int k = 0; k < bitmap.Height; k++) { stream.smethod_35(0); } } Class486.Class487[] array = new Class486.Class487[bitmap.Height]; if (destination_bitmap == null) { array = new Class486.Class487[bitmap.Height * (int)num]; Struct33[,] array2 = new Struct33[bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height]; Class486.smethod_4(bitmap, array2); switch (format) { case Enum14.const_0: case Enum14.const_1: for (int l = (int)(num - 1); l >= 0; l--) { int num2 = ((int)(num - 1) - l) * bitmap.Height; for (int m = 0; m < bitmap.Height; m++) { Class486.Class487 @class = array[num2 + m] = new Class486.Class487(); @class.byte_0 = new byte[bitmap.Width]; for (int n = 0; n < bitmap.Width; n++) { switch (l) { case 0: @class.byte_0[n] = array2[n, m].R; break; case 1: @class.byte_0[n] = array2[n, m].G; break; case 2: @class.byte_0[n] = array2[n, m].B; break; case 3: @class.byte_0[n] = array2[n, m].A; break; } } } } break; case Enum14.const_2: for (int num3 = (int)(num - 1); num3 >= 0; num3--) { int num4 = ((int)(num - 1) - num3) * bitmap.Height; for (int num5 = 0; num5 < bitmap.Height; num5++) { Class486.Class487 class2 = array[num4 + num5] = new Class486.Class487(); class2.byte_0 = new byte[bitmap.Width]; for (int num6 = 0; num6 < bitmap.Width; num6++) { switch (num3) { case 0: class2.byte_0[num6] = array2[num6, num5].R; break; case 1: class2.byte_0[num6] = array2[num6, num5].A; break; } } } } break; case Enum14.const_3: for (int num7 = 0; num7 < bitmap.Height; num7++) { array[num7] = new Class486.Class487(); array[num7].byte_0 = new byte[bitmap.Width]; for (int num8 = 0; num8 < bitmap.Width; num8++) { array[num7].byte_0[num8] = array2[num8, num7].R; } } break; default: throw new NotSupportedException("Format not supported: " + format); } } else { array = new Class486.Class487[bitmap.Height]; Color[,] array3 = new Color[bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height]; Class486.smethod_5(bitmap, array3); for (int num9 = 0; num9 < bitmap.Height; num9++) { array[num9] = new Class486.Class487(); array[num9].byte_0 = new byte[bitmap.Width]; for (int num10 = 0; num10 < bitmap.Width; num10++) { array[num9].byte_0[num10] = array3[num10, num9].A; } } } foreach (Class486.Class487 tbl in array) { Class486.smethod_7(stream, tbl); } Array.Reverse(array); binaryWriter.Seek(512, SeekOrigin.Begin); foreach (Class486.Class487 class3 in array) { stream.smethod_35(class3.int_0); } foreach (Class486.Class487 class4 in array) { stream.smethod_35(class4.int_1); } } } } }