public static IEntry PortWeaponIntoPackage(IMEPackage targetPackage, GunInfo gunInfo)
            IMEPackage sourcePackage;

            if (gunInfo.IsCorrectedPackage)
                var sourceData = MERUtilities.GetEmbeddedStaticFilesBinaryFile("correctedloadouts.weapons." + gunInfo.PackageFileName);
                sourcePackage = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackageFromStream(new MemoryStream(sourceData));

                if (gunInfo.ImportOnly)
                    // We need to install this file
                    var outfname = Path.Combine(MERFileSystem.DLCModCookedPath, gunInfo.PackageFileName);
                    if (!File.Exists(outfname))
                        sourcePackage.Save(outfname, true);
                sourcePackage = NonSharedPackageCache.Cache.GetCachedPackage(gunInfo.PackageFileName);

            if (sourcePackage != null)
                var sourceExport = sourcePackage.GetUExport(gunInfo.SourceUIndex);

                if (!sourceExport.InheritsFrom("SFXWeapon") || sourceExport.IsDefaultObject)
                    throw new Exception("Wrong setup!");

                if (sourceExport.Parent != null && sourceExport.Parent.ClassName != "Package")
                    throw new Exception("Cannot port weapon - parent object is not Package!");

                // 1. Setup the link that will be used.
                //var newParent = EntryExporter.PortParents(sourceExport, targetPackage);
                var newParent = EntryExporter.PortParents(sourceExport, targetPackage, gunInfo.ImportOnly);

                void errorOccuredCB(string s)

                IEntry newEntry = null;
                if (gunInfo.ImportOnly)
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Gun ImportOnly in file {targetPackage.FilePath}");
                    if (gunInfo.RequiresStartupPackage)

                    newEntry = PackageTools.CreateImportForClass(sourceExport, targetPackage, newParent);
                    List <EntryStringPair> relinkResults = null;
                    if (gunInfo.IsCorrectedPackage || (PackageTools.IsPersistentPackage(gunInfo.PackageFileName) && MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile(gunInfo.PackageFileName.ToLocalizedFilename()) == null))
                        // Faster this way, without having to check imports
                        Dictionary <IEntry, IEntry> crossPCCObjectMap = new Dictionary <IEntry, IEntry>(); // Not sure what this is used for these days. SHould probably just be part of the method
                        relinkResults = EntryImporter.ImportAndRelinkEntries(EntryImporter.PortingOption.CloneAllDependencies, sourceExport, targetPackage,
                                                                             newParent, true, out newEntry, crossPCCObjectMap);
                        // MEMORY SAFE (resolve imports to exports)
                        MERPackageCache cache = new MERPackageCache();
                        relinkResults = EntryExporter.ExportExportToPackage(sourceExport, targetPackage, out newEntry, cache);

                    if (relinkResults.Any())

                Debug.WriteLine($"Package for gun porting not found: {gunInfo.PackageFileName}");
            return(null); // No package was found
        /// <summary>
        /// Ports a power into a package
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetPackage"></param>
        /// <param name="powerInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="additionalPowers">A list of additioanl powers that are referenced when this powerinfo is an import only power (prevent re-opening package)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IEntry PortPowerIntoPackage(IMEPackage targetPackage, PowerInfo powerInfo, out IMEPackage sourcePackage)
            if (powerInfo.IsCorrectedPackage)
                var sourceData = MERUtilities.GetEmbeddedStaticFilesBinaryFile("correctedloadouts.powers." + powerInfo.PackageFileName);
                sourcePackage = MEPackageHandler.OpenMEPackageFromStream(new MemoryStream(sourceData));
                sourcePackage = NonSharedPackageCache.Cache.GetCachedPackage(powerInfo.PackageFileName);

            if (sourcePackage != null)
                var sourceExport = sourcePackage.GetUExport(powerInfo.SourceUIndex);
                if (!sourceExport.InheritsFrom("SFXPower") || sourceExport.IsDefaultObject)
                    throw new Exception("Wrong setup!");
                if (sourceExport.Parent != null && sourceExport.Parent.ClassName != "Package")
                    throw new Exception("Cannot port power - parent object is not Package!");

                var    newParent = EntryExporter.PortParents(sourceExport, targetPackage);
                IEntry newEntry;
                if (powerInfo.ImportOnly)
                    //Debug.WriteLine($"ImportOnly in file {targetPackage.FilePath}");
                    if (powerInfo.RequiresStartupPackage)
                        if (powerInfo.IsCorrectedPackage)
                            // File must be added to MERFS DLC
                            var outP = Path.Combine(MERFileSystem.DLCModCookedPath, powerInfo.PackageFileName);
                            if (!File.Exists(outP))
                                sourcePackage.Save(outP, true);

                    newEntry = PackageTools.CreateImportForClass(sourceExport, targetPackage, newParent);

                    // Port in extra imports so the calling class can reference them as necessary.
                    foreach (var addlPow in powerInfo.AdditionalRequiredPowers)
                        var addlSourceExp = sourcePackage.FindExport(addlPow);
                        PackageTools.CreateImportForClass(addlSourceExp, targetPackage, EntryExporter.PortParents(addlSourceExp, targetPackage));
                    // DEBUG ONLY-----------------------------------
                    //var defaults = sourceExport.GetDefaults();
                    //var vfx = defaults.GetProperty<ObjectProperty>("VFX").ResolveToEntry(sourcePackage) as ExportEntry;

                    ////vfx = defaults.FileRef.GetUExport(6211); // Prefab
                    //MERPackageCache cached = new MERPackageCache();
                    //EntryExporter.ExportExportToPackage(vfx, targetPackage, out newEntry, cached);
                    //PackageTools.AddReferencesToWorld(targetPackage, new [] {newEntry as ExportEntry});

                    //return null;

                    // END DEBUG ONLY--------------------------------
                    List <EntryStringPair> relinkResults = null;
                    if ((powerInfo.IsCorrectedPackage || (PackageTools.IsPersistentPackage(powerInfo.PackageFileName) && MERFileSystem.GetPackageFile(powerInfo.PackageFileName.ToLocalizedFilename()) == null)))
                        // Faster this way, without having to check imports
                        Dictionary <IEntry, IEntry> crossPCCObjectMap = new Dictionary <IEntry, IEntry>(); // Not sure what this is used for these days. SHould probably just be part of the method
                        relinkResults = EntryImporter.ImportAndRelinkEntries(EntryImporter.PortingOption.CloneAllDependencies, sourceExport, targetPackage,
                                                                             newParent, true, out newEntry, crossPCCObjectMap);
                        // MEMORY SAFE (resolve imports to exports)
                        MERPackageCache cache = new MERPackageCache();
                        relinkResults = EntryExporter.ExportExportToPackage(sourceExport, targetPackage, out newEntry, cache);

                    if (relinkResults.Any())

            return(null); // No package was found
        /// <summary>
        /// Ports an export into a package. Checks if the export already exists, and if it does, returns that instead.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="targetPackage">The target package to port into.</param>
        /// <param name="sourceExport">The source export to port over, including all dependencies and references.</param>
        /// <param name="targetLink">The target link UIndex. Only used if createParentPackages is false.</param>
        /// <param name="createParentPackages">If the export should be ported in the same way as it was cooked into the package natively, e.g. create the parent package paths. The export must directly sit under a Package or an exception will be thrown.</param>
        /// <param name="ensureMemoryUniqueness">If this object is an instance, such as a sequence object, and should be made memory-unique so it is properly used</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ExportEntry PortExportIntoPackage(IMEPackage targetPackage, ExportEntry sourceExport, int targetLink = 0, bool createParentPackages = true, bool ensureMemoryUniqueness = false, bool useMemorySafeImport = false, PackageCache cache = null)
            // in preprocessor to prevent this from running in release mode
            if (sourceExport.FileRef.FilePath != null && targetPackage.FilePath != null)
                Debug.WriteLine($"Porting {sourceExport.InstancedFullPath} from {Path.GetFileName(sourceExport.FileRef.FilePath)} into {Path.GetFileName(targetPackage.FilePath)}");
            var existing = targetPackage.FindExport(sourceExport.InstancedFullPath);
            if (existing != null)

            // Create parent hierarchy
            IEntry newParent = null;
            if (createParentPackages)
                List <IEntry> parents = new List <IEntry>();
                var           parent  = sourceExport.Parent;
                while (parent != null)
                    if (parent.ClassName != "Package")
                        throw new Exception("Parent is not package!");
                    parent = parent.Parent;

                // Create the parents
                foreach (var p in parents)
                    var sourceFullPath = p.InstancedFullPath;
                    var matchingParent = targetPackage.FindEntry(sourceFullPath);

                    if (matchingParent != null)
                        newParent = matchingParent;

                    newParent = ExportCreator.CreatePackageExport(targetPackage, p.ObjectName, newParent);
                newParent = targetPackage.GetEntry(targetLink);

            IEntry newEntry;
            if (!useMemorySafeImport)
                Dictionary <IEntry, IEntry> crossPCCObjectMap = new Dictionary <IEntry, IEntry>(); // Not sure what this is used for these days. Should probably just be part of the method
                var relinkResults = EntryImporter.ImportAndRelinkEntries(EntryImporter.PortingOption.CloneAllDependencies, sourceExport, targetPackage,
                                                                         newParent, true, out newEntry, crossPCCObjectMap);
                if (relinkResults.Any())
                // Memory safe, fixes upstream
                var relinkedResults = EntryExporter.ExportExportToPackage(sourceExport, targetPackage, out newEntry, MERFileSystem.GetGlobalCache(), cache);
                if (relinkedResults.Any())
            //(sourceExport.FileRef as MEPackage).CompareToPackageDetailed(targetPackage);

            // Helps ensure we don't have memory duplicates
            if (ensureMemoryUniqueness)
                newEntry.ObjectName = targetPackage.GetNextIndexedName(newEntry.ObjectName);

            return(newEntry as ExportEntry);