예제 #1
        internal ObjectResult <TElement> GetNextResult <TElement>(DbDataReader storeReader)
            bool isNextResult = false;

                isNextResult = storeReader.NextResult();
            catch (Exception e)
                if (EntityUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
                    throw EntityUtil.CommandExecution(System.Data.Entity.Strings.EntityClient_StoreReaderFailed, e);

            if (isNextResult)
                EdmType edmType = _edmTypes[_resultSetIndex];
                MetadataHelper.CheckFunctionImportReturnType <TElement>(edmType, _context.MetadataWorkspace);
                return(_context.MaterializedDataRecord <TElement>(_entityCommand, storeReader, _resultSetIndex, _entitySets, _edmTypes, _mergeOption));
 ColumnMap IColumnMapGenerator.CreateColumnMap(DbDataReader reader)
     if (null != reader && reader.FieldCount < _fieldsRequired)
         throw EntityUtil.CommandExecution(System.Data.Entity.Strings.EntityClient_TooFewColumns);
예제 #3
 private object GetConditionValue(Type columnValueType)
                handleTypeNotComparable: () =>
         throw EntityUtil.CommandExecution(Strings.Mapping_FunctionImport_UnsupportedType(this.ColumnName, columnValueType.FullName));
                handleInvalidConditionValue: () =>
         throw EntityUtil.CommandExecution(Strings.Mapping_FunctionImport_ConditionValueTypeMismatch(StorageMslConstructs.FunctionImportMappingElement, this.ColumnName, columnValueType.FullName));
예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Move the reader to the next result set when reading a batch of statements
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>true if there are more result sets</returns>
 public override bool NextResult()
     catch (Exception e)
         if (EntityUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
             throw EntityUtil.CommandExecution(System.Data.Entity.Strings.EntityClient_StoreReaderFailed, e);
        /// <summary>
        /// Given discriminator values (ordinally aligned with DiscriminatorColumns), determines
        /// the entity type to return. Throws a CommandExecutionException if the type is ambiguous.
        /// </summary>
        internal EntityType Discriminate(object[] discriminatorValues, int resultSetIndex)
            FunctionImportStructuralTypeMappingKB resultMapping = this.GetResultMapping(resultSetIndex);

            Debug.Assert(resultMapping != null);

            // initialize matching types bit map
            BitArray typeCandidates = new BitArray(resultMapping.MappedEntityTypes.Count, true);

            foreach (var typeMapping in resultMapping.NormalizedEntityTypeMappings)
                // check if this type mapping is matched
                bool matches          = true;
                var  columnConditions = typeMapping.ColumnConditions;
                for (int i = 0; i < columnConditions.Count; i++)
                    if (null != columnConditions[i] && // this discriminator doesn't matter for the given condition
                        matches = false;

                if (matches)
                    // if the type condition is met, narrow the set of type candidates
                    typeCandidates = typeCandidates.And(typeMapping.ImpliedEntityTypes);
                    // if the type condition fails, all implied types are eliminated
                    // (the type mapping fragment is a co-implication, so a type is no longer
                    // a candidate if any condition referring to it is false)
                    typeCandidates = typeCandidates.And(typeMapping.ComplementImpliedEntityTypes);

            // find matching type condition
            EntityType entityType = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < typeCandidates.Length; i++)
                if (typeCandidates[i])
                    if (null != entityType)
                        throw EntityUtil.CommandExecution(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ADP_InvalidDataReaderUnableToDetermineType);
                    entityType = resultMapping.MappedEntityTypes[i];

            // if there is no match, raise an exception
            if (null == entityType)
                throw EntityUtil.CommandExecution(System.Data.Entity.Strings.ADP_InvalidDataReaderUnableToDetermineType);

        /// <summary>
        /// Execute the store commands, and return IteratorSources for each one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityCommand"></param>
        /// <param name="behavior"></param>
        internal DbDataReader ExecuteStoreCommands(EntityCommand entityCommand, CommandBehavior behavior)
            // SQLPT #120007433 is the work item to implement MARS support, which we
            //                  need to do here, but since the PlanCompiler doesn't
            //                  have it yet, neither do we...
            if (1 != _mappedCommandDefinitions.Count)
                throw EntityUtil.NotSupported("MARS");

            EntityTransaction entityTransaction = CommandHelper.GetEntityTransaction(entityCommand);

            DbCommandDefinition definition           = _mappedCommandDefinitions[0];
            DbCommand           storeProviderCommand = definition.CreateCommand();

            CommandHelper.SetStoreProviderCommandState(entityCommand, entityTransaction, storeProviderCommand);

            // Copy over the values from the map command to the store command; we
            // assume that they were not renamed by either the plan compiler or SQL
            // Generation.
            // Note that this pretty much presumes that named parameters are supported
            // by the store provider, but it might work if we don't reorder/reuse
            // parameters.
            // Note also that the store provider may choose to add parameters to thier
            // command object for some things; we'll only copy over the values for
            // parameters that we find in the EntityCommands parameters collection, so
            // we won't damage anything the store provider did.

            bool hasOutputParameters = false;

            if (storeProviderCommand.Parameters != null)    // SQLBUDT 519066
                DbProviderServices storeProviderServices = DbProviderServices.GetProviderServices(entityCommand.Connection.StoreProviderFactory);

                foreach (DbParameter storeParameter in storeProviderCommand.Parameters)
                    // I could just use the string indexer, but then if I didn't find it the
                    // consumer would get some ParameterNotFound exeception message and that
                    // wouldn't be very meaningful.  Instead, I use the IndexOf method and
                    // if I don't find it, it's not a big deal (The store provider must
                    // have added it).
                    int parameterOrdinal = entityCommand.Parameters.IndexOf(storeParameter.ParameterName);
                    if (-1 != parameterOrdinal)
                        EntityParameter entityParameter = entityCommand.Parameters[parameterOrdinal];

                        SyncParameterProperties(entityParameter, storeParameter, storeProviderServices);

                        if (storeParameter.Direction != ParameterDirection.Input)
                            hasOutputParameters = true;

            // If the EntityCommand has output parameters, we must synchronize parameter values when
            // the reader is closed. Tell the EntityCommand about the store command so that it knows
            // where to pull those values from.
            if (hasOutputParameters)

            DbDataReader reader = null;

            try {
                reader = storeProviderCommand.ExecuteReader(behavior & ~CommandBehavior.SequentialAccess);
            catch (Exception e) {
                // we should not be wrapping all exceptions
                if (EntityUtil.IsCatchableExceptionType(e))
                    // we don't wan't folks to have to know all the various types of exceptions that can
                    // occur, so we just rethrow a CommandDefinitionException and make whatever we caught
                    // the inner exception of it.
                    throw EntityUtil.CommandExecution(System.Data.Entity.Strings.EntityClient_CommandDefinitionExecutionFailed, e);