예제 #1
			public EntityShadowRenderable( Entity parent, HardwareIndexBuffer indexBuffer, VertexData vertexData,
			                               bool createSeparateLightCap, SubEntity subEntity, bool isLightCap )
				this.parent = parent;

				// Save link to vertex data
				this.currentVertexData = vertexData;

				// Initialize render op
				renderOperation.indexData = new IndexData();
				renderOperation.indexData.indexBuffer = indexBuffer;
				renderOperation.indexData.indexStart = 0;
				// index start and count are sorted out later

				// Create vertex data which just references position component (and 2 component)
				renderOperation.vertexData = new VertexData();
				renderOperation.vertexData.vertexDeclaration = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexDeclaration();
				renderOperation.vertexData.vertexBufferBinding = HardwareBufferManager.Instance.CreateVertexBufferBinding();

				// Map in position data
				renderOperation.vertexData.vertexDeclaration.AddElement( 0, 0, VertexElementType.Float3,
				                                                         VertexElementSemantic.Position );
				this.originalPosBufferBinding =
					vertexData.vertexDeclaration.FindElementBySemantic( VertexElementSemantic.Position ).Source;

				this.positionBuffer = vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.GetBuffer( this.originalPosBufferBinding );
				renderOperation.vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding( 0, this.positionBuffer );

				// Map in w-coord buffer (if present)
				if ( vertexData.hardwareShadowVolWBuffer != null )
					renderOperation.vertexData.vertexDeclaration.AddElement( 1, 0, VertexElementType.Float1,
					                                                         VertexElementSemantic.TexCoords, 0 );
					this.wBuffer = vertexData.hardwareShadowVolWBuffer;
					renderOperation.vertexData.vertexBufferBinding.SetBinding( 1, this.wBuffer );

				// Use same vertex start as input
				renderOperation.vertexData.vertexStart = vertexData.vertexStart;

				if ( isLightCap )
					// Use original vertex count, no extrusion
					renderOperation.vertexData.vertexCount = vertexData.vertexCount;
					// Vertex count must take into account the doubling of the buffer,
					// because second half of the buffer is the extruded copy
					renderOperation.vertexData.vertexCount = vertexData.vertexCount*2;

					if ( createSeparateLightCap )
						// Create child light cap
						lightCap = new EntityShadowRenderable( parent, indexBuffer, vertexData, false, subEntity, true );
예제 #2
		public override IEnumerator GetShadowVolumeRenderableEnumerator( ShadowTechnique technique, Light light,
		                                                                 HardwareIndexBuffer indexBuffer, bool extrudeVertices,
		                                                                 float extrusionDistance, int flags )
			Debug.Assert( indexBuffer != null, "Only external index buffers are supported right now" );
			Debug.Assert( indexBuffer.Type == IndexType.Size16, "Only 16-bit indexes supported for now" );

			// Potentially delegate to LOD entity
			if ( this.meshLodIndex > 0 && this.mesh.IsLodManual )
				Debug.Assert( this.meshLodIndex - 1 < this.lodEntityList.Count,
				              "No LOD EntityList - did you build the manual LODs after creating the entity?" );

				var lodEnt = this.lodEntityList[ this.meshLodIndex - 1 ];

				// index - 1 as we skip index 0 (original LOD)
				if ( HasSkeleton && lodEnt.HasSkeleton )
					// Copy the animation state set to lod entity, we assume the lod
					// entity only has a subset animation states
					CopyAnimationStateSubset( lodEnt.animationState, this.animationState );

				return lodEnt.GetShadowVolumeRenderableEnumerator( technique, light, indexBuffer, extrudeVertices, extrusionDistance,
				                                                   flags );

			// Prep mesh if required
			// NB This seems to result in memory corruptions, having problems
			// tracking them down. For now, ensure that shadows are enabled
			// before any entities are created
			if ( !this.mesh.IsPreparedForShadowVolumes )
				// reset frame last updated to force update of buffers
				this.frameAnimationLastUpdated = 0;
				// re-prepare buffers

			// Update any animation

			// Calculate the object space light details
			var lightPos = light.GetAs4DVector();

			// Only use object-space light if we're not doing transforms
			// Since when animating the positions are already transformed into
			// world space so we need world space light position
			var isAnimated = HasSkeleton || this.mesh.HasVertexAnimation;
			if ( !isAnimated )
				var world2Obj = parentNode.FullTransform.Inverse();

				lightPos = world2Obj*lightPos;

			// We need to search the edge list for silhouette edges
			var edgeList = GetEdgeList();

			// Init shadow renderable list if required
			var init = ( this.shadowRenderables.Count == 0 );

			if ( init )
				this.shadowRenderables.Capacity = edgeList.edgeGroups.Count;

			var updatedSharedGeomNormals = false;

			EntityShadowRenderable esr = null;
			EdgeData.EdgeGroup egi;

			// note: using capacity for the loop since no items are in the list yet.
			// capacity is set to how large the collection will be in the end
			for ( var i = 0; i < this.shadowRenderables.Capacity; i++ )
				egi = (EdgeData.EdgeGroup)edgeList.edgeGroups[ i ];
				var data = ( isAnimated ? FindBlendedVertexData( egi.vertexData ) : egi.vertexData );
				if ( init )
					// Try to find corresponding SubEntity; this allows the
					// linkage of visibility between ShadowRenderable and SubEntity
					var subEntity = FindSubEntityForVertexData( egi.vertexData );

					// Create a new renderable, create a separate light cap if
					// we're using hardware skinning since otherwise we get
					// depth-fighting on the light cap
					esr = new EntityShadowRenderable( this, indexBuffer, data, subEntity.VertexProgramInUse || !extrudeVertices,
					                                  subEntity );

					this.shadowRenderables.Add( esr );
					esr = (EntityShadowRenderable)this.shadowRenderables[ i ];

					if ( HasSkeleton )
						// If we have a skeleton, we have no guarantee that the position
						// buffer we used last frame is the same one we used last frame
						// since a temporary buffer is requested each frame
						// therefore, we need to update the EntityShadowRenderable
						// with the current position buffer
						esr.RebindPositionBuffer( data, isAnimated );

				// For animated entities we need to recalculate the face normals
				if ( isAnimated )
					if ( egi.vertexData != this.mesh.SharedVertexData || !updatedSharedGeomNormals )
						// recalculate face normals
						edgeList.UpdateFaceNormals( egi.vertexSet, esr.PositionBuffer );

						// If we're not extruding in software we still need to update
						// the latter part of the buffer (the hardware extruded part)
						// with the latest animated positions
						if ( !extrudeVertices )
							var srcPtr = esr.PositionBuffer.Lock( BufferLocking.Normal );
							var destPtr = srcPtr + ( egi.vertexData.vertexCount*12 );

							// 12 = sizeof(float) * 3
							Memory.Copy( srcPtr, destPtr, 12*egi.vertexData.vertexCount );


						if ( egi.vertexData == this.mesh.SharedVertexData )
							updatedSharedGeomNormals = true;
				// Extrude vertices in software if required
				if ( extrudeVertices )
					ExtrudeVertices( esr.PositionBuffer, egi.vertexData.vertexCount, lightPos, extrusionDistance );

				// Stop suppressing hardware update now, if we were
				esr.PositionBuffer.SuppressHardwareUpdate( false );

			// Calc triangle light facing
			UpdateEdgeListLightFacing( edgeList, lightPos );

			// Generate indexes and update renderables
			GenerateShadowVolume( edgeList, indexBuffer, light, this.shadowRenderables, flags );

			return this.shadowRenderables.GetEnumerator();