static unsafe void WriteChunkData(YamlWriter writer, EntityManager entityManager, NativeArray <EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos, Chunk *initialChunk, Archetype *archetype, int archetypeIndex, bool dumpChunkRawData) { var tempChunkMem = stackalloc byte[Chunk.kChunkSize]; Chunk *tempChunk = (Chunk *)tempChunkMem; if (dumpChunkRawData) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempChunk, initialChunk, Chunk.kChunkSize); byte *tempChunkBuffer = tempChunk->Buffer; BufferHeader.PatchAfterCloningChunk(tempChunk); EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(archetype->ScalarEntityPatches, archetype->ScalarEntityPatchCount, archetype->BufferEntityPatches, archetype->BufferEntityPatchCount, tempChunkBuffer, tempChunk->Count, ref entityRemapInfos); ClearChunkHeaderComponents(tempChunk); ChunkDataUtility.MemsetUnusedChunkData(tempChunk, 0); tempChunk->Archetype = (Archetype *)archetypeIndex; } using (writer.WriteCollection(k_ChunkDataCollectionTag)) { using (writer.WriteCollection("Header")) { WriteEntity(writer, nameof(Chunk.metaChunkEntity), initialChunk->metaChunkEntity); writer.WriteKeyValue(nameof(Chunk.Capacity), initialChunk->Capacity); writer.WriteKeyValue(nameof(Chunk.Count), initialChunk->Count); if (dumpChunkRawData) { writer.WriteFormattedBinaryData("Header-RawData", tempChunk, Chunk.kBufferOffset); } } // First pass to sort by component type var entitiesByChunkIndex = new Dictionary <int, Entity>(); var componentDataList = new List <int>(); var chunkComponentDataList = new List <int>(); var chunkTypes = archetype->Types; for (int typeI = 0; typeI < archetype->TypesCount; typeI++) { var componentType = &chunkTypes[typeI]; var type = TypeManager.GetType(componentType->TypeIndex); ref readonly var typeInfo = ref TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(componentType->TypeIndex);
public static unsafe void SerializeWorld(EntityManager entityManager, BinaryWriter writer, out int[] sharedComponentsToSerialize, NativeArray <EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos) { Dictionary <EntityArchetype, int> dictionary; EntityArchetype[] archetypeArray; writer.Write(CurrentFileFormatVersion); GetAllArchetypes(entityManager.ArchetypeManager, out dictionary, out archetypeArray); HashSet <int> source = new HashSet <int>(); EntityArchetype[] archetypeArray2 = archetypeArray; int index = 0; while (index < archetypeArray2.Length) { EntityArchetype archetype = archetypeArray2[index]; int num4 = 0; while (true) { if (num4 >= archetype.Archetype.TypesCount) { index++; break; } source.Add(archetype.Archetype.Types[num4].TypeIndex); num4++; } } var typeArray = (from t in source.Select(delegate(int index) { Type type = TypeManager.GetType(index); string assemblyQualifiedName = TypeManager.GetType(index).AssemblyQualifiedName; return(new { index = index, type = type, name = assemblyQualifiedName, hash = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(index).FastEqualityTypeInfo.Hash, asciiName = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(assemblyQualifiedName) }); }) orderby select t).ToArray(); int num = typeArray.Sum(t => t.asciiName.Length + 1); writer.Write(typeArray.Length); foreach (var type in typeArray) { writer.Write(type.hash); } writer.Write(num); foreach (var type2 in typeArray) { writer.Write(type2.asciiName); writer.Write((byte)0); } Dictionary <int, int> typeIndexMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int num7 = 0; while (true) { if (num7 >= typeArray.Length) { WriteArchetypes(writer, archetypeArray, typeIndexMap); NativeList <BufferPatchRecord> data = new NativeList <BufferPatchRecord>(0x80, Allocator.Temp); int num2 = GenerateRemapInfo(entityManager, archetypeArray, entityRemapInfos); writer.Write(num2); Chunk *chunk = (Chunk *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(0x3f00L, 0x10, Allocator.Temp); Dictionary <int, int> dictionary3 = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int num8 = 0; while (true) { if (num8 >= archetypeArray.Length) { data.Dispose(); UnsafeUtility.Free((void *)chunk, Allocator.Temp); sharedComponentsToSerialize = new int[dictionary3.Count]; foreach (KeyValuePair <int, int> pair in dictionary3) { sharedComponentsToSerialize[pair.Value - 1] = pair.Key; } return; } Archetype *archetype = archetypeArray[num8].Archetype; Chunk * begin = (Chunk *)archetype->ChunkList.Begin; while (true) { if (begin == archetype->ChunkList.End) { num8++; break; } data.Clear(); UnsafeUtility.MemCpy((void *)chunk, (void *)begin, 0x3f00L); chunk->SharedComponentValueArray = (int *)(chunk + Chunk.GetSharedComponentOffset(archetype->NumSharedComponents)); byte *numPtr = &chunk->Buffer.FixedElementField; EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(archetype->ScalarEntityPatches, archetype->ScalarEntityPatchCount, archetype->BufferEntityPatches, archetype->BufferEntityPatchCount, numPtr, chunk->Count, ref entityRemapInfos); int num9 = 0; while (true) { if (num9 >= archetype->TypesCount) { ClearUnusedChunkData(chunk); chunk->ChunkListNode.Next = null; chunk->ChunkListNode.Prev = null; chunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.Next = null; chunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.Prev = null; chunk->Archetype = (Archetype *)num8; if (archetype->NumManagedArrays != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Serialization of GameObject components is not supported for pure entity scenes"); } int num15 = 0; while (true) { if (num15 == archetype->NumSharedComponents) { writer.WriteBytes((void *)chunk, 0x3f00); writer.Write(data.Length); if (data.Length > 0) { writer.WriteList <BufferPatchRecord>(data); int num18 = 0; while (true) { if (num18 >= data.Length) { break; } BufferPatchRecord record2 = data[num18]; BufferHeader * headerPtr2 = (BufferHeader *)ref OffsetFromPointer((void *)&begin->Buffer.FixedElementField, record2.ChunkOffset); writer.WriteBytes((void *)headerPtr2->Pointer, record2.AllocSizeBytes); num18++; } } begin = (Chunk *)begin->ChunkListNode.Next; break; } int key = chunk->SharedComponentValueArray[num15]; if (chunk->SharedComponentValueArray[num15] != 0) { int num17; if (dictionary3.TryGetValue(key, out num17)) { chunk->SharedComponentValueArray[num15] = num17; } else { num17 = dictionary3.Count + 1; dictionary3.set_Item(key, num17); chunk->SharedComponentValueArray[num15] = num17; } } num15++; } break; } int num10 = archetype->TypeMemoryOrder[num9]; if ((archetype->Types + num10).IsBuffer) { BufferHeader * headerPtr = (BufferHeader *)OffsetFromPointer((void *)numPtr, archetype->Offsets[num10]); int offset = archetype->SizeOfs[num10]; int count = begin->Count; TypeManager.TypeInfo typeInfo = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(archetype->Types[num10].TypeIndex); int num14 = 0; while (true) { if (num14 >= count) { break; } if (headerPtr->Pointer != null) { headerPtr->Pointer = null; BufferPatchRecord element = new BufferPatchRecord { ChunkOffset = (int)((long)((headerPtr - numPtr) / 1)), AllocSizeBytes = typeInfo.ElementSize * headerPtr->Capacity }; data.Add(element); } headerPtr = (BufferHeader *)OffsetFromPointer((void *)headerPtr, offset); num14++; } } num9++; } } } } typeIndexMap.set_Item(typeArray[num7].index, num7); num7++; } }
public static unsafe void SerializeWorld(EntityManager entityManager, BinaryWriter writer, out int[] sharedComponentsToSerialize, NativeArray <EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos) { writer.Write(CurrentFileFormatVersion); var archetypeManager = entityManager.ArchetypeManager; Dictionary <EntityArchetype, int> archetypeToIndex; EntityArchetype[] archetypeArray; GetAllArchetypes(archetypeManager, out archetypeToIndex, out archetypeArray); var typeindices = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (var archetype in archetypeArray) { for (int iType = 0; iType < archetype.Archetype->TypesCount; ++iType) { typeindices.Add(archetype.Archetype->Types[iType].TypeIndex & TypeManager.ClearFlagsMask); } } var typeArray = typeindices.Select(index => { var type = TypeManager.GetType(index); var name = TypeManager.GetType(index).AssemblyQualifiedName; var hash = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(index).StableTypeHash; return(new { index, type, name, hash, utf8Name = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(name) }); }).OrderBy(t =>; int typeNameBufferSize = typeArray.Sum(t => t.utf8Name.Length + 1); writer.Write(typeArray.Length); foreach (var n in typeArray) { writer.Write(n.hash); } writer.Write(typeNameBufferSize); foreach (var n in typeArray) { writer.Write(n.utf8Name); writer.Write((byte)0); } var typeIndexMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < typeArray.Length; ++i) { typeIndexMap[typeArray[i].index] = i; } WriteArchetypes(writer, archetypeArray, typeIndexMap); var sharedComponentMapping = GatherSharedComponents(archetypeArray, out var sharedComponentArraysTotalCount); var sharedComponentArrays = new NativeArray <int>(sharedComponentArraysTotalCount, Allocator.Temp); FillSharedComponentArrays(sharedComponentArrays, archetypeArray, sharedComponentMapping); writer.Write(sharedComponentArrays.Length); writer.WriteArray(sharedComponentArrays); sharedComponentArrays.Dispose(); //TODO: ensure chunks are defragged? var bufferPatches = new NativeList <BufferPatchRecord>(128, Allocator.Temp); var totalChunkCount = GenerateRemapInfo(entityManager, archetypeArray, entityRemapInfos); writer.Write(totalChunkCount); GatherAllUsedBlobAssets(archetypeArray, out var blobAssetRefs, out var blobAssets); var blobAssetOffsets = new NativeArray <int>(blobAssets.Length, Allocator.Temp); int totalBlobAssetSize = 0; int Align16(int x) => (x + 15) & ~15; for (int i = 0; i < blobAssets.Length; ++i) { totalBlobAssetSize += sizeof(BlobAssetHeader); blobAssetOffsets[i] = totalBlobAssetSize; totalBlobAssetSize += Align16(blobAssets[i].header->Length); } writer.Write(totalBlobAssetSize); var zeroBytes =; for (int i = 0; i < blobAssets.Length; ++i) { var blobAssetLength = blobAssets[i].header->Length; BlobAssetHeader header = new BlobAssetHeader { ValidationPtr = null, Allocator = Allocator.None, Length = Align16(blobAssetLength) }; writer.WriteBytes(&header, sizeof(BlobAssetHeader)); writer.WriteBytes(blobAssets[i].header + 1, blobAssetLength); writer.WriteBytes(&zeroBytes, header.Length - blobAssetLength); } var tempChunk = (Chunk *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(Chunk.kChunkSize, 16, Allocator.Temp); for (int archetypeIndex = 0; archetypeIndex < archetypeArray.Length; ++archetypeIndex) { var archetype = archetypeArray[archetypeIndex].Archetype; for (var ci = 0; ci < archetype->Chunks.Count; ++ci) { var chunk = archetype->Chunks.p[ci]; bufferPatches.Clear(); UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempChunk, chunk, Chunk.kChunkSize); tempChunk->metaChunkEntity = EntityRemapUtility.RemapEntity(ref entityRemapInfos, tempChunk->metaChunkEntity); // Prevent patching from touching buffers allocated memory BufferHeader.PatchAfterCloningChunk(tempChunk); byte *tempChunkBuffer = tempChunk->Buffer; EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(archetype->ScalarEntityPatches, archetype->ScalarEntityPatchCount, archetype->BufferEntityPatches, archetype->BufferEntityPatchCount, tempChunkBuffer, tempChunk->Count, ref entityRemapInfos); if (archetype->ContainsBlobAssetRefs) { PatchBlobAssetsInChunkBeforeSave(tempChunk, chunk, blobAssetOffsets, blobAssetRefs); } FillPatchRecordsForChunk(chunk, bufferPatches); ClearChunkHeaderComponents(tempChunk); ChunkDataUtility.MemsetUnusedChunkData(tempChunk, 0); tempChunk->Archetype = (Archetype *)archetypeIndex; if (archetype->NumManagedArrays != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Serialization of GameObject components is not supported for pure entity scenes"); } writer.WriteBytes(tempChunk, Chunk.kChunkSize); writer.Write(bufferPatches.Length); if (bufferPatches.Length > 0) { writer.WriteList(bufferPatches); // Write heap backed data for each required patch. // TODO: PERF: Investigate static-only deserialization could manage one block and mark in pointers somehow that they are not indiviual for (int i = 0; i < bufferPatches.Length; ++i) { var patch = bufferPatches[i]; var header = (BufferHeader *)OffsetFromPointer(tempChunk->Buffer, patch.ChunkOffset); writer.WriteBytes(header->Pointer, patch.AllocSizeBytes); BufferHeader.Destroy(header); } } } } blobAssetRefs.Dispose(); blobAssets.Dispose(); bufferPatches.Dispose(); UnsafeUtility.Free(tempChunk, Allocator.Temp); sharedComponentsToSerialize = new int[sharedComponentMapping.Count - 1]; foreach (var i in sharedComponentMapping) { if (i.Key != 0) { sharedComponentsToSerialize[i.Value - 1] = i.Key; } } }
public static unsafe void SerializeWorld(EntityManager entityManager, BinaryWriter writer, out int[] sharedComponentsToSerialize) { writer.Write(CurrentFileFormatVersion); var archetypeManager = entityManager.ArchetypeManager; Dictionary <EntityArchetype, int> archetypeToIndex; EntityArchetype[] archetypeArray; GetAllArchetypes(archetypeManager, out archetypeToIndex, out archetypeArray); var typeindices = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (var archetype in archetypeArray) { for (int iType = 0; iType < archetype.Archetype->TypesCount; ++iType) { typeindices.Add(archetype.Archetype->Types[iType].TypeIndex); } } var typeArray = typeindices.Select(index => { var type = TypeManager.GetType(index); var name = TypeManager.GetType(index).AssemblyQualifiedName; var hash = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(index).FastEqualityTypeInfo.Hash; return(new { index, type, name, hash, asciiName = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name) }); }).OrderBy(t =>; int typeNameBufferSize = typeArray.Sum(t => t.asciiName.Length + 1); writer.Write(typeArray.Length); foreach (var n in typeArray) { writer.Write(n.hash); } writer.Write(typeNameBufferSize); foreach (var n in typeArray) { writer.Write(n.asciiName); writer.Write((byte)0); } var typeIndexMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < typeArray.Length; ++i) { typeIndexMap[typeArray[i].index] = i; } WriteArchetypes(writer, archetypeArray, typeIndexMap); //TODO: ensure chunks are defragged? NativeArray <EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos; var bufferPatches = new NativeList <BufferPatchRecord>(128, Allocator.Temp); var totalChunkCount = GenerateRemapInfo(entityManager, archetypeArray, out entityRemapInfos); writer.Write(totalChunkCount); var tempChunk = (Chunk *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(Chunk.kChunkSize, 16, Allocator.Temp); var sharedIndexToSerialize = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int archetypeIndex = 0; archetypeIndex < archetypeArray.Length; ++archetypeIndex) { var archetype = archetypeArray[archetypeIndex].Archetype; for (var c = (Chunk *)archetype->ChunkList.Begin; c != archetype->ChunkList.End; c = (Chunk *)c->ChunkListNode.Next) { bufferPatches.Clear(); UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempChunk, c, Chunk.kChunkSize); tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray = (int *)((byte *)(tempChunk) + Chunk.GetSharedComponentOffset(archetype->NumSharedComponents)); byte *tempChunkBuffer = tempChunk->Buffer; EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(archetype->ScalarEntityPatches, archetype->ScalarEntityPatchCount, archetype->BufferEntityPatches, archetype->BufferEntityPatchCount, tempChunkBuffer, tempChunk->Count, ref entityRemapInfos); // Find all buffer pointer locations and work out how much memory the deserializer must allocate on load. for (int ti = 0; ti < archetype->TypesCount; ++ti) { int index = archetype->TypeMemoryOrder[ti]; if (!archetype->Types[index].IsBuffer) { continue; } int subArrayOffset = archetype->Offsets[index]; BufferHeader *header = (BufferHeader *)OffsetFromPointer(tempChunkBuffer, subArrayOffset); int stride = archetype->SizeOfs[index]; int count = c->Count; var ct = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(archetype->Types[index].TypeIndex); for (int bi = 0; bi < count; ++bi) { if (header->Pointer != null) { header->Pointer = null; bufferPatches.Add(new BufferPatchRecord { ChunkOffset = (int)(((byte *)header) - (byte *)tempChunkBuffer), AllocSizeBytes = ct.ElementSize * header->Capacity, }); } header = (BufferHeader *)OffsetFromPointer(header, stride); } } ClearUnusedChunkData(tempChunk); tempChunk->ChunkListNode.Next = null; tempChunk->ChunkListNode.Prev = null; tempChunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.Next = null; tempChunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.Prev = null; tempChunk->Archetype = (Archetype *)archetypeIndex; if (archetype->NumManagedArrays != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Serialization of GameObject components is not supported for pure entity scenes"); } for (int i = 0; i != archetype->NumSharedComponents; i++) { int sharedComponentIndex = tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i]; int newIndex; if (tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] != 0) { if (sharedIndexToSerialize.TryGetValue(sharedComponentIndex, out newIndex)) { tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] = newIndex; } else { // 0 is reserved for null types in shared components newIndex = sharedIndexToSerialize.Count + 1; sharedIndexToSerialize[sharedComponentIndex] = newIndex; tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] = newIndex; } } } writer.WriteBytes(tempChunk, Chunk.kChunkSize); writer.Write(bufferPatches.Length); if (bufferPatches.Length > 0) { writer.WriteList(bufferPatches); // Write heap backed data for each required patch. // TODO: PERF: Investigate static-only deserialization could manage one block and mark in pointers somehow that they are not indiviual for (int i = 0; i < bufferPatches.Length; ++i) { var patch = bufferPatches[i]; // NOTE that this reads the pointer from the original, unpatched chunk. // We have nulled out the pointer in the serialized data above. var header = (BufferHeader *)OffsetFromPointer(c->Buffer, patch.ChunkOffset); writer.WriteBytes(header->Pointer, patch.AllocSizeBytes); } } } } bufferPatches.Dispose(); entityRemapInfos.Dispose(); UnsafeUtility.Free(tempChunk, Allocator.Temp); sharedComponentsToSerialize = new int[sharedIndexToSerialize.Count]; foreach (var i in sharedIndexToSerialize) { sharedComponentsToSerialize[i.Value - 1] = i.Key; } }
public static unsafe void SerializeWorld(EntityManager entityManager, BinaryWriter writer, out int[] sharedComponentsToSerialize, NativeArray <EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos) { writer.Write(CurrentFileFormatVersion); var entityComponentStore = entityManager.EntityComponentStore; NativeHashMap <EntityArchetype, int> archetypeToIndex; EntityArchetype[] archetypeArray; GetAllArchetypes(entityComponentStore, out archetypeToIndex, out archetypeArray); var typeHashes = new NativeHashMap <ulong, int>(1024, Allocator.Temp); foreach (var archetype in archetypeArray) { for (int iType = 0; iType < archetype.Archetype->TypesCount; ++iType) { var typeIndex = archetype.Archetype->Types[iType].TypeIndex; var ti = TypeManager.GetTypeInfo(typeIndex); var hash = ti.StableTypeHash; typeHashes.TryAdd(hash, 0); } } var typeHashSet = typeHashes.GetKeyArray(Allocator.Temp); writer.Write(typeHashSet.Length); foreach (ulong hash in typeHashSet) { writer.Write(hash); } var typeHashToIndexMap = new NativeHashMap <ulong, int>(typeHashSet.Length, Allocator.Temp); for (int i = 0; i < typeHashes.Length; ++i) { typeHashToIndexMap.TryAdd(typeHashSet[i], i); } WriteArchetypes(writer, archetypeArray, typeHashToIndexMap); var sharedComponentMapping = GatherSharedComponents(archetypeArray, out var sharedComponentArraysTotalCount); var sharedComponentArrays = new NativeArray <int>(sharedComponentArraysTotalCount, Allocator.Temp); FillSharedComponentArrays(sharedComponentArrays, archetypeArray, sharedComponentMapping); writer.Write(sharedComponentArrays.Length); writer.WriteArray(sharedComponentArrays); sharedComponentArrays.Dispose(); //TODO: ensure chunks are defragged? var bufferPatches = new NativeList <BufferPatchRecord>(128, Allocator.Temp); var totalChunkCount = GenerateRemapInfo(entityManager, archetypeArray, entityRemapInfos); writer.Write(totalChunkCount); GatherAllUsedBlobAssets(archetypeArray, out var blobAssetRefs, out var blobAssets); var blobAssetOffsets = new NativeArray <int>(blobAssets.Length, Allocator.Temp); int totalBlobAssetSize = 0; int Align16(int x) => (x + 15) & ~15; for (int i = 0; i < blobAssets.Length; ++i) { totalBlobAssetSize += sizeof(BlobAssetHeader); blobAssetOffsets[i] = totalBlobAssetSize; totalBlobAssetSize += Align16(blobAssets[i].header->Length); } writer.Write(totalBlobAssetSize); var zeroBytes =; for (int i = 0; i < blobAssets.Length; ++i) { var blobAssetLength = blobAssets[i].header->Length; BlobAssetHeader header = new BlobAssetHeader { ValidationPtr = null, Allocator = Allocator.None, Length = Align16(blobAssetLength) }; writer.WriteBytes(&header, sizeof(BlobAssetHeader)); writer.WriteBytes(blobAssets[i].header + 1, blobAssetLength); writer.WriteBytes(&zeroBytes, header.Length - blobAssetLength); } var tempChunk = (Chunk *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(Chunk.kChunkSize, 16, Allocator.Temp); for (int archetypeIndex = 0; archetypeIndex < archetypeArray.Length; ++archetypeIndex) { var archetype = archetypeArray[archetypeIndex].Archetype; for (var ci = 0; ci < archetype->Chunks.Count; ++ci) { var chunk = archetype->Chunks.p[ci]; bufferPatches.Clear(); UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempChunk, chunk, Chunk.kChunkSize); tempChunk->metaChunkEntity = EntityRemapUtility.RemapEntity(ref entityRemapInfos, tempChunk->metaChunkEntity); // Prevent patching from touching buffers allocated memory BufferHeader.PatchAfterCloningChunk(tempChunk); byte *tempChunkBuffer = tempChunk->Buffer; EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(archetype->ScalarEntityPatches, archetype->ScalarEntityPatchCount, archetype->BufferEntityPatches, archetype->BufferEntityPatchCount, tempChunkBuffer, tempChunk->Count, ref entityRemapInfos); if (archetype->ContainsBlobAssetRefs) { PatchBlobAssetsInChunkBeforeSave(tempChunk, chunk, blobAssetOffsets, blobAssetRefs); } FillPatchRecordsForChunk(chunk, bufferPatches); ClearChunkHeaderComponents(tempChunk); ChunkDataUtility.MemsetUnusedChunkData(tempChunk, 0); tempChunk->Archetype = (Archetype *)archetypeIndex; if (archetype->NumManagedArrays != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Serialization of GameObject components is not supported for pure entity scenes"); } writer.WriteBytes(tempChunk, Chunk.kChunkSize); writer.Write(bufferPatches.Length); if (bufferPatches.Length > 0) { writer.WriteList(bufferPatches); // Write heap backed data for each required patch. // TODO: PERF: Investigate static-only deserialization could manage one block and mark in pointers somehow that they are not indiviual for (int i = 0; i < bufferPatches.Length; ++i) { var patch = bufferPatches[i]; var header = (BufferHeader *)OffsetFromPointer(tempChunk->Buffer, patch.ChunkOffset); writer.WriteBytes(header->Pointer, patch.AllocSizeBytes); BufferHeader.Destroy(header); } } } } blobAssetRefs.Dispose(); blobAssets.Dispose(); bufferPatches.Dispose(); UnsafeUtility.Free(tempChunk, Allocator.Temp); sharedComponentsToSerialize = new int[sharedComponentMapping.Length - 1]; using (var keyArray = sharedComponentMapping.GetKeyArray(Allocator.Temp)) foreach (var key in keyArray) { if (key == 0) { continue; } if (sharedComponentMapping.TryGetValue(key, out var val)) { sharedComponentsToSerialize[val - 1] = key; } } archetypeToIndex.Dispose(); typeHashes.Dispose(); typeHashSet.Dispose(); typeHashToIndexMap.Dispose(); }
public static unsafe void SerializeWorld(EntityManager entityManager, BinaryWriter writer, out int[] sharedComponentsToSerialize) { writer.Write(CurrentFileFormatVersion); var archetypeManager = entityManager.ArchetypeManager; GetAllArchetypes(archetypeManager, out var archetypeToIndex, out var archetypeArray); var typeindices = new HashSet <int>(); foreach (var archetype in archetypeArray) { for (int iType = 0; iType < archetype.Archetype->TypesCount; ++iType) { typeindices.Add(archetype.Archetype->Types[iType].TypeIndex); } } var typeArray = typeindices.Select(index => { var type = TypeManager.GetType(index); var name = TypeManager.GetType(index).AssemblyQualifiedName; return(new { index, type, name, asciiName = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name) }); }).OrderBy(t =>; int typeNameBufferSize = typeArray.Sum(t => t.asciiName.Length + 1); writer.Write(typeArray.Length); writer.Write(typeNameBufferSize); foreach (var n in typeArray) { writer.Write(n.asciiName); writer.Write((byte)0); } var typeIndexMap = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int i = 0; i < typeArray.Length; ++i) { typeIndexMap[typeArray[i].index] = i; } WriteArchetypes(writer, archetypeArray, typeIndexMap); //TODO: ensure chunks are defragged? NativeArray <EntityRemapUtility.EntityRemapInfo> entityRemapInfos; var totalChunkCount = GenerateRemapInfo(entityManager, archetypeArray, out entityRemapInfos); writer.Write(totalChunkCount); var entityPatchInfos = new NativeList <EntityRemapUtility.EntityPatchInfo>(128, Allocator.Temp); var tempChunk = (Chunk *)UnsafeUtility.Malloc(Chunk.kChunkSize, 16, Allocator.Temp); var sharedIndexToSerialize = new Dictionary <int, int>(); for (int archetypeIndex = 0; archetypeIndex < archetypeArray.Length; ++archetypeIndex) { var archetype = archetypeArray[archetypeIndex].Archetype; for (var c = (Chunk *)archetype->ChunkList.Begin; c != archetype->ChunkList.End; c = (Chunk *)c->ChunkListNode.Next) { UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(tempChunk, c, Chunk.kChunkSize); entityPatchInfos.Clear(); for (var i = 0; i != archetype->TypesCount; ++i) { EntityRemapUtility.AppendEntityPatches(ref entityPatchInfos, TypeManager.GetComponentType(archetype->Types[i].TypeIndex).EntityOffsets, archetype->Offsets[i], archetype->SizeOfs[i]); } EntityRemapUtility.PatchEntities(ref entityPatchInfos, tempChunk->Buffer, tempChunk->Count, ref entityRemapInfos); ClearUnusedChunkData(tempChunk); tempChunk->ChunkListNode.Next = null; tempChunk->ChunkListNode.Prev = null; tempChunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.Next = null; tempChunk->ChunkListWithEmptySlotsNode.Prev = null; tempChunk->Archetype = (Archetype *)archetypeIndex; if (archetype->NumManagedArrays != 0) { throw new ArgumentException("Serialization of GameObject components is not supported for pure entity scenes"); } for (int i = 0; i != archetype->NumSharedComponents; i++) { int sharedComponentIndex = tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i]; int newIndex; if (tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] != 0) { if (sharedIndexToSerialize.TryGetValue(sharedComponentIndex, out newIndex)) { tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] = newIndex; } else { // 0 is reserved for null types in shared components newIndex = sharedIndexToSerialize.Count + 1; sharedIndexToSerialize[sharedComponentIndex] = newIndex; tempChunk->SharedComponentValueArray[i] = newIndex; } } } writer.WriteBytes(tempChunk, Chunk.kChunkSize); } } entityRemapInfos.Dispose(); entityPatchInfos.Dispose(); UnsafeUtility.Free(tempChunk, Allocator.Temp); sharedComponentsToSerialize = new int[sharedIndexToSerialize.Count]; foreach (var i in sharedIndexToSerialize) { sharedComponentsToSerialize[i.Value - 1] = i.Key; } }