public override ICollection <Property> Properties() { return(Property.JoinProperties(base.Properties(), new Property[] { new Property("loc", "To", () => target, v => target = (EntityReference)v, PropertyGUIs.EntityReference), new Property("rel", "Relative to", () => origin, v => origin = (EntityReference)v, (Property property) => { var reference = (EntityReference)property.value; if (reference.entity == null) { if (targetEntity.entity != null) { property.value = targetEntity; } else if (!targetEntityIsActivator) { // TODO: this is not a good solution property.value = new EntityReference( EntityReferencePropertyManager.CurrentEntity()); } } PropertyGUIs._EntityReferenceCustom(property, targetEntityIsActivator, targetEntityIsActivator ? "Activator" : "None"); }) })); }
public static void BehaviorTarget(Property property) { var value = (EntityBehavior.BehaviorTargetProperty)(property.value); Entity behaviorTarget = value.targetEntity.entity; string text; if (value.targetEntityIsActivator) { text = "Activators"; } else if (behaviorTarget != null) { // only temporarily, so the name won't be "Target": EntityReferencePropertyManager.SetBehaviorTarget(null); EntityReferencePropertyManager.Next(behaviorTarget); text = EntityReferencePropertyManager.GetName(); EntityReferencePropertyManager.SetBehaviorTarget(behaviorTarget); // put it back } else { return; } GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Label(, alignedLabelStyle.Value, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); if (GUILayout.Button("<i>" + text + "</i>", GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false))) { BehaviorTargetPicker(GUIPanel.guiGameObject, VoxelArrayEditor.instance, EntityReferencePropertyManager.CurrentEntity(), newValue => { property.value = newValue; }); } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); }
public override IEnumerable <Property> Properties() { return(Property.JoinProperties(base.Properties(), new Property[] { new Property("loc", "To", () => dest, v => dest = (EntityReference)v, PropertyGUIs.EntityReference), new Property("rel", "Relative to", () => origin, v => origin = (EntityReference)v, (Property property) => { var reference = (EntityReference)property.value; // TODO: this is not a good solution Entity targetEntity = target.GetEntity( EntityReferencePropertyManager.CurrentEntity()); if (reference.entity == null && targetEntity != null) { property.value = new EntityReference(targetEntity); } PropertyGUIs._EntityReferenceCustom(property, targetEntity == null, targetEntity == null ? "Activator" : "None"); }) })); }
public virtual ICollection <Property> Properties() { return(new Property[] { new Property("tar", "Target", () => new BehaviorTargetProperty(targetEntity, targetEntityIsActivator), v => { var prop = (BehaviorTargetProperty)v; // selfEntity will be null if multiple entities are selected Entity selfEntity = EntityReferencePropertyManager.CurrentEntity(); var oldTargetEntity = targetEntity.entity; var newTargetEntity = prop.targetEntity.entity; if (oldTargetEntity == null && !targetEntityIsActivator) { oldTargetEntity = selfEntity; } if (newTargetEntity == null && !prop.targetEntityIsActivator) { newTargetEntity = selfEntity; } if (oldTargetEntity != null) { // replace all property values referencing the old target with the new target // the new target could be null foreach (Property _selfProp in this.Properties()) { var selfProp = _selfProp; selfProp.value = PropertiesObjectType.PropertyValueReplaceEntity( selfProp.value, oldTargetEntity, newTargetEntity); } } targetEntity = prop.targetEntity; targetEntityIsActivator = prop.targetEntityIsActivator; }, PropertyGUIs.BehaviorTarget), new Property("con", "Condition", () => condition, v => condition = (Condition)v, (Property property) => { if (targetEntityIsActivator) { PropertyGUIs.ActivatorBehaviorCondition(property); } else { PropertyGUIs.BehaviorCondition(property); } }) }); }
public override IEnumerable <Property> Properties() { return(new Property[] { new Property("tar", "Target", () => target, v => { var prop = (BehaviorTargetProperty)v; // selfEntity will be null if multiple entities are selected Entity selfEntity = EntityReferencePropertyManager.CurrentEntity(); var oldTargetEntity = target.GetEntity(selfEntity); var newTargetEntity = prop.GetEntity(selfEntity); if (oldTargetEntity != null) { // replace all property values referencing the old target with the new target // the new target could be null foreach (Property _selfProp in this.Properties()) { var selfProp = _selfProp; selfProp.value = PropertiesObject.PropertyValueReplaceEntity( selfProp.value, oldTargetEntity, newTargetEntity); } } target = prop; }, PropertyGUIs.BehaviorTarget), new Property("con", "Condition", () => condition, v => condition = (Condition)v, (Property property) => { if (target.targetEntityIsActivator) { PropertyGUIs.ActivatorBehaviorCondition(property); } else { PropertyGUIs.BehaviorCondition(property); } }) }); }